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Table of Content

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Vietnam,
September 12-14, 2023

Title Page

Title ii

Masthead iii

Welcome v

Committee vi
Table of Content

ID Title Page
Can Electric Motorcycles overtake Two-wheeled Gasoline-powered in
1 Southeast Asia? 1
Improving Supply Chain Resilience Against Price Volatility by Long-Term
Contracts and Price Adjustment Formulas – Case Study of Wood
2 Processing Industry in New Zealand 3
Integrating feature engineering with deep learning to conduct
6 equipment health management for semiconductor manufacturing 5
20 6
Analysis Of Consumer Purchase Patterns Using Frequent Pattern Growth
21 Algorithm (FP-Growth) 18
Electric Motorcycle Market Projection Based on Subsidy and Incentive
22 Policies in Indonesia 25
Agro-food Innovation in Thailand: An Investigation of The Current
26 Practices, Challenges and Opportunities 27
Standard Product Based Manufacturing: A Case Study of Engineering
30 Equipment Manufacturer 29
32 36
Integrated Scheduling of Operations and Maintenance for Power
35 Networks with Load Priority: A Matheuristic Approach 37
Implementation of ABC classification and Economic Order Quantity
(EOQ) to Reducing Ordering Cost: A case study on Small Medium
36 Enterprise (SME) 39
38 Pothole Detection and Reporting System Using Deep Learning 48

Customer Churn Analytics using Classical Machine Learning Algorithms
40 and Deep Neural Networks: A Case of Zimbabwe Banks 60
41 A Quest for Management Practices in Vietnam’s Manufacturing Firms 71
Hearing Threshold Levels among Clothes Convection Industry Workers in
42 Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia 81
Performance Evaluation Of Artificial Intelligence In Decision Support
43 System For Heart Disease Risk Prediction 83
Optimizing Facility Layout for Enhanced Productivity using Pro Model: A
44 Case Study of a Shoe Manufacturing Company in Marikina, Philippines 94
46 Maize Crop Yield Prediction Model Using Machine Learning 106
The Role of Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation System for
48 Commercializing Electric Motorcycle Conversion Kit: A Case Study 114
The Role of Technopreneur and Innovation System to Increase the
49 Adoption of Marketplace: A Case Study PT ABC in Indonesia 123
Identification and Analysis of Barriers to the Adoption of Blockchain
51 Technology in the Logistics Industry 136

Safe Evacuation Routes in Inundated SituationsSafe Evacuation Routes in

52 Inundated Situations: Assessment of a Lowland District in Eastern Tokyo 145
53 Sustainable School and Office Supplies Using Agri-waste and Air-waste 155
54 Improving Production Efficiency for precast concrete slabs 162
A Systematic Literature Review of Technology Transition for Electric
55 Vehicles Using Bibliometrics Method 170
ErgoLet: The Solution to the Adversity of Senior Citizens and Persons
with Disabilities in Accessing the Conventional Public Utility Toilet Bowl
56 in Metro Manila 181
LiteraturaPH: An Adapted System Analysis and Design-Based Mobile
Application for Improving Reading and Comprehension using Philippine
57 Folk Literature among Primary Education Students 183
HandyFix: A Service Design for a Location-Based Mobile Application for
59 Acquiring On-Demand Local Handyman Services in Metro Manilaa 196
Risk Analysis on the Management Practices of an Electronics and
60 Automation Company 209
Industrial Wastewater Treatment in Latin America and Europe: Methods
61 and Applications. A Systematic Review of the Literature 221
A Study of Technopreneurship on Market Penetration and Product
62 Development (Case Study PT. Batex Energi Mandiri) 231
Review and Framework for Data-Driven Joint Predictive Maintenance
64 and Inventory of Spare Parts 240
The Influence of Technopreneurship and Innovation Systems on the
65 Adoption of Agricultural Drones in Indonesia 250
Stakeholder Analysis of The Circular Business of Electric Motorcycle
66 Swappable Batteries in Indonesia 261

Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Sustainable 3D Printing
67 Considering Quality Loss 273
Implementation of RoboEOC (Automated Incident Management System)
68 to Human Centric Incident Ticketing Management Workflow 275
Optimizing Location of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station for
70 Electric Motorcycles: A Case Study of Surakarta City 287
Vulnerability Indicators on The Operation of Electric Motorcycle - Battery
75 Swapping Station 296
Ecotourism Village Recognition Strategy Using Tourism Production
76 Function Development Model And 5W+1H Approach 311
Insights into Circular Supply Chain for Electric Motorcycle Batteries: A
77 Case in Indonesia 324
Technological feasibility for the application of Cellular Manufacturing in a
81 Typical Costume Workshop (Caporales) 326
Unveiling the Growth of E-commerce in Saudi Arabia and its Impact on
101 Supply Chain Management 336
Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency through Railway Logistics for the
103 Industrial Regions in Saudi Arabia 337
An Integrated Network Design and Inventory Optimization Model For a
105 Perishable Supply Chain Toward Sustainable Development 347
Integrated Lean and TPM model to increase the level of service in a
106 plastics company in Peru 357
Six Sigma Application to Reduce Variance In Turnaround Time for
112 Fertilizer Analysis 367
Exploring the Challenges Faced by Higher Education Institutions in
Implementing the Philippine Quality Award Framework: Basis for Action
114 Planning 379
117 Architectural Engineering Design: A Real-Life Example 388
Project Portfolio Management in the Digital Era for Organizational
120 Strategy Execution and Sustainable Development 390
LPG Cylinder Delivery Authentication using Artificial Intelligence in Last
129 Mile Delivery 403
A Comparative Analysis of Heuristic Methods for Facility Location and
130 Allocation of Buses to Facilities in Urban Road Transportation Systems 410
Effectiveness of Virtual Work Immersion: A Descriptive-Correlational
131 Study Among Extended Senior High School Graduates 418
Gaming with Connection: Eliminating the Barrier Between the Individual
132 and Gaming Collection 430
A Contextual Relationship Structural Model for Practicing Lean
133 Production System in Indian SME 438
Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Holding Force Optimisation
134 Using Dynamic Models for a Climbing Robot 449

A MILP Model for Single Depot, Single Truck and Multiple Drones for
137 Last-Mile Delivery Problem 460
Smart Contract-based Rice Supply Chain Traceability: Perspective of
141 Bangladesh 470
The Interactions of Business Environment, Generic Strategy, Operations
144 Strategy, and Business Performance in the Lebanese Industries 483
A Study on Order Release Control Policies in Wafer Fabrication Facility: A
147 Review, Classification and Conceptual Simulation Framework 496
148 Monotonic Job Recommendation With Separated Features 497
Applying Lean Thinking to Improve Processes in Low Volume/High
149 Complexity Industry: Part I 505
Applying Lean Thinking to Improve Processes in Low Volume/High
150 Complexity Industry: Part II 516
Engineering Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Review: A Case Study
151 of Brick Manufacturing Company 528
Using the Case-Based Reasoning-YOLO Approach for Rapid and Effective
159 Identification of Bruises 542
A case study of healthcare operations in Thailand's government
administration using pattern mapping for the prescription procedure for
160 cancer 550
Optimization of Efficiency in a High-Traffic Fuel Station in India Using
162 Queuing Theory and Service Time Analysis 552
Application of Triangular Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for Cement Supplier
163 Selection for a Construction Firm in India 566
Workflow Analysis of a Lumber and Furniture Microenterprise: Basis for
164 Improvement 578
Commercialization of Drainage Inspection Services Using Drainage Probe
165 Robot 592
COVID-19 Response Efficiency Rating in Central Visayas, Philippines: A
166 Data Envelopment Analysis Approach 604
Unraveling Risks and Resonance in Service-Oriented Manufacturing
167 Supply Chains 612
169 Filtrar: A Canal Solid Waste Collector and Compactor Machine 614
Building a Model of Work Productivity in the Mining Industry: The Effect
173 of Work Pressure Mediated by Job Satisfaction 627
Barriers to Sustainable Business Model for Public EV Charging
174 Infrastructure in Developing Nations 639
The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Customer Retention Mediated
175 by Customer Engagement 640
The influence of content marketing and influencer marketing on
177 consumer purchasing decisions with e-WOM as a moderating variable 649
178 Order Dispatching and Delivering Decision for A Food Delivery Service 650
179 Development of Food Container with Spoilage Detector 659

Evaluation of the Effect of Financial Technology Through Business
Sustainability Practices on the Performance of MSMEs in Karawang
180 Regency 669
Analysis of Critical Barriers to Sustainability in Packaging Supply Chain
183 using Best Worst Method 678
Sustainability Synergies and Trade-offs of a Thai Metal Manufacturing
184 Company 679
Process Improvement in A Company Manufacturing Computer Assembly
to improve the service level indicator using SMED, Six Sigma and Poka
201 Yoke 687
Application of ABC, Slotting and EOQ to Increase Productivity in a
202 Trading Company: An Empirical Research in Peru 698
Improvement Model to Increase Productivity Using SLP, 5S and Standard
204 Work at a Pisco Producer SME in Peru 708
Continuous improvement model to increase productivity using Lean
205 Manufacturing tools in an SME in the plastics industry 720
Three Key-Elements for Data Center Facilities Sizing in Early Stage of
206 Design 730
The Influence of Profitability, Leverage and Good Corporate Governance
on Tax Avoidance (Studies at Manufacturing Companies Listed on the
207 IDX 2017 – 2021) 745
The Influence of Construction Safety and Government Policies on Work
211 Productivity of Flyover Projects 746
Potential for producing bio coal pellets from brewers spent grain as a
216 biomass based energy source 756
Consumer Analytics Toward Development Of Cross-Selling Products At
217 Retail Banking: An Approach On Big Data At X-Bank 790
The influence of determinants of citizen relationship quality in e-
230 Government adoption 791
Minimizing Job Tardiness in One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem
234 Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) 805
Integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) in Islamic Education Using Strategic Assumption Surfacing and
235 Testing (SAST) 813
Material Cost Prediction by Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms to
236 Support the Product Design Process 821
Corporate Governance and Capital Structure : Evidence from Indonesian
242 Banking 832
The Impact of Capital Structure, Profitability, and Dividend Payment on
250 Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesian Banking 842
251 854
Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem for Newborns and
252 Mothers: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City 866

Improving Forecast Accuracy with Hybrid Time Series Forecasting and
253 Machine Learning Methods A Case Study of a Pharmaceutical Company 879
Analysis of Priority Decision Rules Using MCDM Approach for A Dual-
Resource Constrained Flexible Job Shop Scheduling by Simulation
254 Method 892
Hybrid flow shop scheduling using Multi-Criteria Decision Making and
255 Simulation 905
Increasing Efficiency in the Process of Loading Goods into Containers
through Lean Automation Concepts: A CaseStudy of 25kg Tapioca Starch
256 Packaging 917
Experimental Investigation On Phase Change Material Based Circular Pin
261 Fin Heat Sink For Cooling Electronic Equipment 925

Supplier Selection of Equipment Components for the Construction of

Nuclear Facilities: AHP-Based Approach Integrated with Risk Assessment
263 937
264 949
Enhancing map design for 3-dimensional spatial data based on
265 integration of 4IR geomatics technologies 961
266 Biogas Treatment and Upgrading Techniques 974
267 Sugarcane Bagasse and Cane Trash as a Fuel 989
268 Decentralized and Distributed Power Generation 1007
269 Micro Grids: Design, Operation and Applications 1020
270 Fuel Cells Design, Operations and Applications 1037
271 Future of Urban Logistics in Singapore: A Foresight Methodology 1056
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Advertising within Podcast
285 Episodes among Generation Z in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) 1057
Sustainable Supplier Evaluations and Order Allocation with Multiple
286 Products using Machine Learning 1066
A Cutting Plan of One-Dimensional Materials to Reduce Loss with Matlab
287 Software 1078
Improvement proposal applying Lean Manufacturing in a Mype: Case
289 Study in a Dental Center 1088
Analyzing Operation Plan of Ho Chi Minh City’s Bus Rapid Transit System
291 1098
292 Leveraging Resilience of Infant Formula Milk (IFM) Supply Chain 1108
295 The Board of Directors Characters and Corporate Performance 1110
296 1128
Analyzing Critical Barriers to develop Battery-Swapping Ecosystems (BSE)
297 for Sustainable Transportation in India 1138
Strategic Decisions Making Analysis of the 2015 Paris Climate Change
300 Negotiation 1139
From Theory to Practice: The Impact of 3D Printing on Supply Chain
302 Configurations and Cost Efficiency - A Case Study from Germany 1141

304 Urban farming waste to energy community-based 1151
Utilization of Methane Formed of Urban Waste Management
(WASTECO) in Mahakam Lestari Village: Case Study of P.T. Pertamina
Hulu Mahakam as PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Subsidiary of Upstream
305 Pertamina 1156
"Raden Mas Prabu" and “Pesona Subang” Technology Innovation by
Reusing Pineapple Leaf in Waste Management: Case Study in PT
Pertamina EP Subang Field and PT Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field as PT
306 Pertamina Hulu Energi Subsidiary of Upstream Pertamina 1159

Pertamina's "Desa Energi Berdikari" Initiatives Towards Energy Transition

in Subholding Upstream: Study Cases in West Madura Offshore, Subang
Field, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
307 1161
"Implementing zero waste management in partnership between PT
Pertamina Hulu Energi and Farmer Groups with Socioentrepreneurship
308 Framework: Study Cases of Subang Field and Prabumulih Field" 1163
Quadruple Helix Social Innovation in Labuhan Coastal and Lake Shuji
Tourism in PT PHE Upstream Pertamina: West Madura Offshore and
333 Prabumulih Field Case Studies 1165
Bridging the Digital Divide: “Improving information, communication, and
346 technology (ICT) in Zimbabwe to Spur Economic Development.” 1172


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