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Suggested revision:

1) Form: follow the standard way of presentation:

Cf, Research Design

Esp. introduction; see below for 1) purpose of study; 2) scope and method

2) Substance:

- See how to write a review; below

- analytic framework: this is drawn from the review of the literature;

To keep a focus on the study;

- Specify what is to be researched;

Variables and indicators;

You can put them into a table; or a diagram

This research will first provide review in the current literature related to wrongful convictions – specify on the
experiences of WCI in obtaining employment post-releaseTherefore, the study could be able to developed lines
of inquiry to better understand the step-by-step experiences and challenges wrongfully convicted victims. This
paper employs in-depth case studies with different typology of wrongful conviction
phenomenon witnessed in Indonesia which have not been identified by the other scholars.

Penelitian pertama yang dilakukan oleh Stephanie L. Kent examine whether systematically
identify structural conditions within states that make the adoption of public policy designed
to reduce the risk of wrongful convictions. The evidence shows how organizational activity
by taking account the Innocence Movement example in United States has the ability to effect
important legal changes extending beyond locating and exonerating the wrongfully convicted
among those currently incarcerated.

But none of that scholarship has focused on the problems of the wrongfully convicted and
how compensation can be structured to best remedy the very real physiological,
psychological, and financial issues facing them upon their release. The purpose of this Note is
to examine the existing systems of compensation, consider the aftereffects of wrongful
convictions, and suggest a more meaningful system of holistic compensation 29 for those
wrongfully convicted individuals who can prove actual innocence. Part II will examine the
current systems of compensation and why those systems are inadequate to meet the needs of
the wrongfully convicted. Part III will examine the problems facing the wrongfully convicted
and will propose a model holistic compensation scheme that will address those problems.
Although it is not clear whether the state has a legal obligation to compensate the wrongfully
convicted, there certainly is a moral obligation to do so

Lit review

The present study combines the sociological frameworks of life-course perspective and
stigma to qualitatively examine the proposed question from the perspectives of innocence
organization (IO) employees – a group that works closely with WCI before and after their
release 2022 CanLIIDocs 4479 62 REENTRY SUPPORT (2022) 3:1 from incarceration.
Thus, the present study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the negative
implications that wrongful convictions have on employment and the difficulties wrongfully
convicted individuals experience in their community reentry efforts. The following paper will
first review the current literature broadly related to wrongful convictions before narrowing in
scope to focus specifically on experiences of WCI in obtaining employment post-release. I
then discuss the theoretical frameworks of life-course perspective and stigma which are used
throughout the study. Next, I give an in-depth examination of the methodological procedures
utilized in this study. Then, I provide the main findings of the study which indicate being
released from a wrongful incarceration is a wonderful moment, but also often the first step to
a long and difficult path to community reentry. The findings are presented in three main
themes: the many needs and challenges after wrongful incarceration, barriers to achieving
those needs which impact successful community reentry, and the ways in which IO
employees provide support and resources to aid in the community reentry of wrongfully
convicted individuals. Considering this analysis, I discuss policy suggestions to support
wrongfully convicted individuals throughout their community reentry journey. Finally, I
discuss limitations for the current study while also providing avenues for future scholarly

The result most uniformly consistent on giving the recommendation to the

Furthermore, the study attempts to understand the regulations and practices related to
ensuring the fulfilment of rehabilitation and compensation of wrongfully convicted victims
and contribute to the ongoing efforts to rectify the injustices suffered by wrongfully convicted
individuals and establish a more equitable and just system of support in Indonesia. This study
sought to answer these following questions: What is the critical issue of ensuring the
fulfilment of rehabilitation and compensation for the victims of wrongful convictions in
Indonesia? How is the legal framework and practical implementation of rehabilitation and
compensation measures in the process of rehabilitation and compensation for the wrongful
conviction victims in Indonesia? What are the alternative policies to provide practical
solutions on protection for juvenile wrongful conviction victims in Indonesia?

and the Government Regulation No. 92 of 2015 and Minister of Finance Decree (KMK)
Number 983/KMK.01/1983 concerning Compensation Payment Procedure, However, the
compensation provided and other protection guarantees stipulated in the regulation are still
considered Urgensi dihadirkannya regulasi ini yakni guna merekognisi the responsibility of
the state dan reduce the potential of practice of wrongful conviction and most importantly to
clearly state that wrongful convictions do not simply result from chance error by individuals
in particular courtrooms, but also reflect the systemic errors (Drizin & Leo, 2004; Gross et
al., 2005; Huff, 2004; Scheck, Neufeld, and Dwyer, 2000; Westervelt & Humphrey, 2001).
and suffered an injustice (Zalman et al., 2012). In addition, the implementation of this policy
has also encounter public debate and concerns

yang secara praktik juga berdampak pada lambatnya eksekusi gugatan ganti rugi yang telah
dikabulkan oleh Pengadilan kepada korban (Rohman & Rozah, 2020).

Ch.2 Literature Review and Research Method (or Theoretical Framework)

It is good to start with the classification /or grouping of current research/research perspective
on the issue:

1. The issue has been raised; and studied; three main trends/approaches
a) A approach (resprentative studies by k, l, m; b) B approach (repented by q, r, l)
c) review;
If you just list the articles by author’s name, the reader is confused about what you
are heading for.
Note: on citing and narrating
According to (Leo & Gould, 2009) American scholar
- According to Leo and Gould(2009), American scholar;
The purposive (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996) sample for this study
- ????
-> you need to list up the articles on the issue and group them by themes, or
Then, you found those three wanting/lacking in such and such aspects:
 2. So, To study those neglected or missed; I will conduct the research With my own
approach/ my own method; a diagram, or a table or analytical framework which
specifies the variables and indicators you will investigate;
 Need to justify why your choice of method will do the job, better than other research;

Interview in 2023; what period in 2023;
Result: you need to show and answer following:
did you find something which was not found by other means?
Your interview was able to help you find things otherwise hidden, or unexamined?
What is the relevance of your research results for the case under study?

Considering that the topic being researched is cross-disciplinary (borrowing a theoretical

approach from the social sciences to explain the phenomenon being studied) the author feels
it is necessary to explain at the beginning the 2 (two) basic concepts used, so that readers,
especially legal intellectuals who are still unfamiliar with the concept. This concept can
equalize the framework of thinking, regarding the theory and terminology that will be used in
this thesis in the future. Apart from that, this thesis also uses a socio-legal study analysis knife
which aims to examine a legal problem that intersects with social phenomena in society
(Sulistiowati & Sidharta , 2011). Where the offer of alternative policies regarding legal issues
in the practice of Wrongful Conviction in Indonesia will be paired with empirical data
collection that originates directly from the needs of victims.

In the analysis process of this socio-legal study, two basic theoretical frameworks will be
used. First, namely (1) Human right based approach, (2) International Human rights
obligation theory. In the author's opinion, placing an analytical approach to human rights
violations in reading the practice of wrongful arrest is crucial, considering that a number of
data and research conducted by experts (search for the source) have proven the significant
impact it has on victims. Some scholars have already argued that the practice of wrongful
conviction should be seen as the systemic human rights violation that should be paid attention
by the public and government. Especially in a number of Asian countries, scholars also
discovered the phenomenon of minimal documentation and publication by state officials
regarding the practice of wrongful convictions due to the systemic transparency and resources
to compile statistics

Therefore, it is hoped that this writing can add to the collection of academic writing related to
the practice of wrongful conviction which is reviewed through a victim needs approach
which departs from a human rights approach. Furthermore, state responsibility theory in this
research is used as a benchmark to ensure the fulfillment of rehabilitation and compensation
of wrongfully convicted victims.

Innocence Project (2010) found out that the lack of support and how compensation statutes in
many states have not done justice to the wrongfully convicted victims. In addition,
(Armbrust, 2004) argued that a holistic statutory compensation scheme financed by the state
is the best way to remedy a problem with no easy scapegoat and no easy solution. This led to
the question on how is the standard which laid the responsibility to provide rehabilitation and
compensation for the wrongfully convicted victims. Since some also argued, those are the
procedures that calculated as the capital punishment for the government for deliberately
failed to find justice (miscarriage of justice).

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