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Full Responsibility Reflection:

During my placement, I had the opportunity to take on various duties and responsibilities. The
following is a list of the duties I performed:

1. Story Time: I read stories to the children, cleared their doubts, and asked questions to
encourage their engagement.

2. Lunch: I guided the children to wash their hands before the meal, set up the table, and
encouraged them to serve their own food.

3. Afternoon Tea: I facilitated handwashing, set up the tea table, and encouraged the children
to serve themselves.

While taking on these responsibilities, I recognized several strengths within myself. I displayed
effective communication skills by engaging the children in meaningful interactions during story time.
I also demonstrated organizational skills in setting up the table for meals and promoting
independence by encouraging the children to serve themselves.

However, it is important to note that I performed these activities with substantial help and guidance
from my mentor. I relied heavily on their support and assistance throughout the process. This
highlights an area for me to work on, which is gaining more confidence and gradually taking on these
responsibilities independently. I aspire to develop the ability to perform these duties with greater
autonomy, demonstrating leadership and taking full responsibility for the tasks at hand.

Moving forward, I am committed to working on building my confidence and taking on more

responsibilities without relying heavily on my mentor. I will actively seek opportunities to practice
and enhance my skills in leading story time, setting up meals, and promoting independent behaviors.
I am grateful for the guidance provided by my mentor, as it has been instrumental in my growth, and
I look forward to continuing to learn and develop in my role.

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