Thanking and Apologizing

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Leading in
What you say if there your friend helps you?
State several expressions for thanking people in Bahasa and English
How do apologize to someone?


Formal Thanking Less Formal Thanking

I appreciate your kindness. Thank you very much
(Saya menghargai kebaikan anda) (Terimakasih banyak)
I‟m grateful to you for… Thank you so much for …
(Saya berterimaksih kepada anda untuk…) (terimaksih banyak untuk …)
I‟m very much obliged to you. Thanks a lot
(Saya sangat berhutang budi kepada anda) (Terimaksih banyak)
I should like to say how grateful I am. Thanks a milion
(Betapa berterimaksihnya saya) (Terimaksih banyak)
I do appreciate for your help Thanks for helping me
(Saya benar-benar menhargai pertolongan anda) (Terimaksih telah membantu saya)
That is very good of you. Many thanks
(Betapa baiknya kamu) (Terimaksih banyak)

You are welcome
(Sama-sama / terimaksih kembali)
You are entirely welcome
(Sama-sama/ terimaksih kembali)
It was my pleasure
(Dengan senang hati)
Don‟t mention it
(Jangan sebut-sebut itu lagi)
It was nothing
(Itu bukan apa-apa)
Forget it
(Sudahlah lupakan itu)

Task I
Practice the dialogues in pair and underline the expression of thanking and responds!

Dialogue I
Nathan : Are you looking for someone?
Panji : Yes, I‟m looking for Mr. Prima‟s house. My father said that he lives in one of the
houses in Daffodils Street.
Nathan : Mr. Prima? Is he a Police?
Panji : No, He is a lawyer.
Nathan : Oh, I see, Mr. Prima‟s house is on the corner of Daffodils Street.
Panji : Thank you very much.
Nathan : Not at all.

Dialogue II
Risa : Hi, Rommy! I‟ve got something for you.
Rommy : Really? What‟s that?
Risa : Here you are.
Rommy : Oh, my God! Is this for me?
Risa : Of course this is my special gift for you my cousin.
Rommy : Thanks a million.
Risa : It was the least I could do.
Rommy : Risa, this is the only thing I want it right now. I‟ve been looking for this „gundam‟
for years, but I couldn‟t find it here in this town. How could you find it?
Risa : I asked my friend who lives in Japan to buy this „gundam‟ for you.
Rommy : That‟s very kind of you.
Risa : Don‟t mention it.

Make a conversation about the theme below then practice with your partner!
a. Your partner helps you to fix your printer office.
b. Your boss calls you to meet him in his room. He asks you about the problem in your
office and he offers help to solve your problems.


Apologizing Responding
I would like to apologize to you. You don‟t need to apologize.
(Saya ingin meminta maaf kepada anda) (Kamu tidak perlu meminta maaf)
I‟m sorry for coming late Don‟t worry, It‟s Okay.
(Saya meminta maaf karena datang (Tidak masalah, ini baik-baik saja)
I‟m really sorry for disturbing you. Never mind.
(Saya benar-benar meminta maaf karena (Tidak masalah)
mengganggu anda)
I‟m sorry/ I‟m sorry for… That‟s alright.
(Saya minta maf untuk ….) (Tidak mengapa)
Please accept my apologies. Apology accepted.
(Tolong terimalah permintaan saya) (Maaf diterima)
We deeply regret Don‟t mention it
(Kami benar-benar menyesal) (Tidak apa-apa)
Sorry about that Forget about it
(Maaf mengenai itu) (Lupakan saja)
Task I
Complete the conversation then practice it with your partner!

Part I
Dialogue I
Rommy dropped his brother’s glasses and he asked for apologize to him.

Bhima : What was that terrible noise Rommy?

Rommy : _____________________________Bhima.
Bhima : Did you drop something?
Rommy : I dropped your glasses and vase on the floor and they were broken.
____________________ I didn‟t mean to do this.
Bhima : That‟s Ok. Were you hurt?
Rommy : No, but ___________________________.
Bhima : I feel so relief that you are ok, but how come you drop it? Haven‟t I told you not to
touch all my stuffs?
Rommy : I couldn‟t help it. Your glasses were on my table, and I tried to move it.
Unfortunately I drop it and my arm nudged the vase,…. And it happened.
Bhima : Really? That‟s my fault_______________________
Rommy : ______________________________.

Dialogue II
Diana invites Dhana to her brother’s party, but Dhana could not come to the party.

Diana : Hallo, Dhana! How‟s life?

Dhana : Hay Diana, I‟m good and really happy today, thanks. How about you?
Diana : Pretty good, thanks. By the way what makes you so happy today?
Dhana : I feel so happy because tomorrow morning I will visit my grandparents in Malang.
Diana : Oh, I‟m happy for you too. I actually come to your house for inviting you to join in
my brother‟s birthday party tomorrow afternoon.
Dhana : Oh, _______________________. I‟m planning to visit my grandparents in Malang.
I haven‟t met them for two months.
Diana : Just relax Dhana, ____________________________.
Dhana : I‟m really _______________________________.
Diana : Never mind

Part II
Complete the following dialogues with the appropriate expressions!
1. Mario : Excuse me mam ………………, may I come in?
Mrs. Sukma : Yes, please. Why do you come late this morning?
Mario : ………………, mam. I have to drive my sister to her school first.
Mrs. Sukma : All right. Have a seat, please.
Mario : ………………
2. Uncle Jhon : Happy birthday, Marsya. You look so pretty with that red coat.
: ………………, Uncle John. I‟m really happy you could come to my
Uncle Jhon : I have something for you. Here it is.
: ………………, Uncle John. Oh, ………………I have to leave you. I
must welcome my friends.
Uncle Jhon : It‟s O.K. Have a nice party honey.

3. Jhony : Jasmine. Emm, I want to say something.

Jasmine : What‟s that?
Jhony : ………………I‟ve split my coke on your sofa.
: Oh. Don‟t worry. It‟s going to be easy to be cleaned with tissue
Jhony : ………………
Jasmine : That‟s alright. Please don‟t worry.

Task II
Read the following dialogue then answer the questions!

Mr. Martin : Good morning, students. How are you today?

Students : Good morning, sir. We are grat. Thanks. And how are you?
Mr. Martin : I‟m very well, thanks. Panji, Are you Ok? You look so pale.
Panji : I am sorry, Sir. I got fever and headache.
: Oh, I‟m sorry to hear that. If you are sick, you may have a rest at the Student
Mr. Martin
Health Centre.
Panji : May I, Sir?
Mr. Martin : Yes, of course.
Panji : Thank you, Sir.
Mr. Martin : You‟re welcome


1. What are the relations between the speakers?

2. Where does the dialogue take place?
3. What is Mr. Martin?
4. “Thank you, Sir” The underlined words are to express ...
5. What is Panji?
6. “I’m sorry, Sir” The bold words are to express ...
7. How do you give response to a thanking expression?
8. “If you‟re sick .....” The italic word has the same meaning with ...

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