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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Lyra Jane P. Felicilda Date Started: May 6, 2024

Course & Section: BTLEd 3D Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 3 Rating:

Infographics of MI

Instruction: Create your OWN design of visual representation of information or an

Infographics highlighting the Model of Instruction.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.



Explore: Apply:
activities that activities that
Engage: assessments that
allow students to allow students to
presentation of measure and track
explore beyond apply their
information the progress of
and enhance learnings to real-
thinking ability world context
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Short Discussion:
The model of instruction is a framework for planning how the lessons should be
delivered to the students to ensure that the learning outcomes are met. The 2E-2A model of
instruction consists of four major components: engage, explore, apply, and assess. The engage
phase is the presentation of information, facts, and theories about the topic that allow students
to engage with the lesson. The explore phase is the part where students are encouraged to
explore new concepts and ideas through research, collaboration, and problem-solving activities
to enhance critical and analytical thinking skills. The apply phase is the implementation of
activities that allow students to apply what they have learned into authentic scenarios, such as
connecting the lesson or topic to real-life situations. Finally, assessment phase involves the
utilization of various assessment methods to measure the students’ understanding, skills, and
improvement and to evaluate if the students have attained the intended learning outcomes.

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