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Needs Improvement Developing Good Excellent

Reasoning ‐opinion based ‐some simple ideas ‐developed ideas with sup‐ ‐well developed ideas with suppor ng evi‐
por ng evidence dence
‐lacking proof or evidence ‐some proof or evidence
‐evidence of research and topic ‐strong evidence of research and topic
‐minimal evidence of research ‐some evidence of research and
knowledge knowledge
and topic knowledge topic knowledge
‐strong claims with background ‐very strong claims, makes good argu‐
‐weak claims ‐claim with some background
informa on ments, good background informa on
informa on
‐requires evidence to support
‐evidence to support the ‐strong evidence to support the posi on
the posi on ‐some evidence to support the
posi on
posi on ‐strongly qualifies answers
‐qualifies answers
‐somewhat evasive

Communica on ‐unclear, lacks purpose ‐some clarity ‐clearly presented ‐very clearly presented

‐li le feeling conveyed ‐some issues iden fied ‐most issues iden fied and clari‐ ‐central issues iden fied and clarified
‐minimal eye contact ‐some eye contact ‐passionate while expressing topic
‐some passion shown for topic
‐not convincing ‐somewhat convincing ‐eye contact, cap ve audience
‐eye contact
‐lack of research and knowledge ‐evidence of some research ‐very convincing and persuasive
present ‐convincing
‐well researched, excellent knowledge of
‐good evidence of research and topic
knowledge of topic

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