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Worksheet – Cyber Security and Safety

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

1. What is the purpose of cyber security?

a. Enhancing internet speed
b. Protecting computing resources against cybercrime
c. Generating online advertisements
d. Improving social media engagement

2. What is a keylogger?
a. A security software
b. A type of malware
c. A hardware firewall
d. An encryption tool

3. What does HTTPS stand for?

a. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
b. High-Efficiency Transmission of Private System
c. Home Entertainment and Privacy Security
d. Hypertext and Email Protection System

4. What does antivirus software do?

a. Makes your computer faster
b. Protects against incoming threats
c. Enhances internet speed
d. Improves software compatibility

5. What is the role of a firewall in cyber safety?

a. Enhancing internet speed
b. Blocking unauthorized access
c. Creating new software
d. Updating operating systems

6. What does HTTPS stand for?

a. HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
b. High-Tech Security System
c. Home and Travel Protection System
d. HyperTransfer System for Electronic Privacy

7. Why should you avoid public Wi-Fi?

a. It's expensive
b. It's slow
c. Risk of unauthorized access
d. Provides unlimited data
8. What is the purpose of using strong passwords?
a. Making accounts more accessible
b. Enhancing computer speed
c. Increasing internet bandwidth
d. Improving overall system performance

9. What does the term "Netiquette" stand for?

a. Network and Internet
b. New Technology
c. Network and Etiquette
d. Non-verbal Communication

10. Why is it important to use Netiquette in online communication?

a. Enhances internet speed
b. Avoids misinterpretation of messages
c. Increases online anonymity
d. Improves computer performance

11. What is the significance of using mixed-case letters in online communication?

a. Increases message visibility
b. Considered shouting
c. Enhances encryption
d. Improves internet security

12. What is a digital footprint?

a. Footprints on the internet
b. Tracks left while walking
c. Online history left by users
d. A type of online security measure

13. What does Cyber Law primarily deal with?

a. Animal rights
b. Legal issues in cyberspace
c. Environmental protection
d. Social etiquette

Short Answer Questions:

1. Explain the purpose of a firewall in cyber security.
2. What is the role of antivirus software in protecting a computer system?
3. Explain the role of updates in maintaining cyber safety.
4. How does a Virtual Private Network (VPN) contribute to online security?
5. Explain the importance of respecting people's privacy in online communication.
6. What is the role of emoticons in online conversations?
7. Briefly describe the characteristics of Cyber Law.
8. What is the significance of using secure internet browsers in cyber safety?
Fill in the Blanks:
1. _________ is a type of malware that restricts access to your computer or files and
demands payment for removal.
2. Regularly updating your operating system and software helps fix __________ in your

3. ____________ software acts as a 'policeman' for the computer system, protecting it

from incoming threats.
4. It is recommended to use a ____________ to encrypt your connection when accessing
public Wi-Fi.
5. The 'S' in HTTPS stands for ____________.
6. Netiquette is a combination of ____________ and etiquette.
7. Using all capital letters in online communication is considered ____________.
8. The Information Technology Act of ____________ addresses Cyberlaw in India.

1. Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is recommended when connecting to public Wi-Fi.
2. HTTPS is the standard version of HTTP, and the 'S' stands for 'Social Media.'
3. Firewalls are effective gatekeepers that prevent cyber threats from entering your
computer. (True/False)
4. It is advisable to download files from unknown websites to explore new content.
5. It is safe to reply to emails from strangers. (True/False)
6. Digital signatures have legal validity according to Cyber Law. (True/False)

Give One-Word Answers:

1. What is the primary purpose of a key logger?
2. What does ransomware do to your computer or files?
3. What should you regularly do with your passwords to enhance security?
4. What is the secure version of HTTP?
5. What is the term for the set of rules to be followed on the internet?
6. What is the main focus of Cyber Law?

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