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1. How often do you travel solo?

- Frequently
- Occasionally
- Rarely
- Never

2. What type of solo travel experience do you prefer?

- Adventure and Exploration
- Cultural Immersion
- Relaxation and Self-Reflection
- Meeting New People

3. Which types of destinations do you find most appealing for solo travel?
- Urban Cities
- Remote Nature Retreats
- Historic and Cultural Sites
- Beach Destinations
- Off-the-Beaten
-Path Locations

4. What is your preferred budget range for solo trips?

- Budget Traveler
- Mid-Range
- Luxury Traveler

5. What factors are most important when you choose a solo travel destination?
- Safety
- Cultural Experience
- Adventure Opportunities
- Ease of Meeting Other Travelers
- Cost

6. How do you prefer to meet fellow solo travelers while on a trip?

- Group Tours and Activities
- Hostel Stays
- Social Travel Apps
- Local Meetup Events
- I prefer solo exploration

7. What are your top concerns when traveling alone?

- Safety
- Loneliness
- Language Barriers
- Planning and Logistics
- Finding Solo-Friendly Accommodation

8. How do you discover solo travel opportunities and deals?

- Solo Travel Blogs and Websites
- Social Media Groups and Forums
- Recommendations from Other Solo Travelers
- Travel Agencies specializing in solo travel
- Other (please specify)

9. Would you be interested in solo travel packages that include group meetups and
activities for socializing?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe

10. How important is it for you to have access to 24/7 support and assistance while
traveling solo?
- Important
- Not Important

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