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| e I e prosaic | __alacrity Qgior loworps gy icP 1oworvs I I | Qgror 1oworps | ! e | e paucity | veracity Gg ior 1oworos | | | | ! contrite | maintain gor 1oworDs | gio? \oworps | I | | top 10 words top 10 words Trouny “The GRE has a predilection for words that don' really sound like what they mean, fe no exception Mary think the ward his a negative connotation. __, however, means an eager wiigness to do some- thing. So imagine the fest day ata job that youve worked relly hard to get How are you going to complete the take asigned to you! With ofcourse, ‘An interesting correlation: the more ____ (adjective form) you are ‘when you're learning GRE vocabulary. Better you wil do. The fist nee eek ot his new fb Mork worked wi such __ thot. per managemet ke they woud be gig hina promatin, Mag@esh --------- HH HK KH KH Ke Ke KH eK Ke ee top 10 words i) conjures op beet metic for seme, Sof somebody or meting it ie must sorely be 008 Once agua the GRE confounds expectations. _means dl and neing imaginazon. Ie can be used to describe plans fe, langage, or list about anyon inanimate tha has become dul (es not use to describe people). ‘A good mnemonic proses the apposite of poetry And where poetry: ideally, bursts force with imagnation, prose (think of text-book wrt), lacks inagnazon, Hence prose Uke te tole ots as workshop, Pala no such bet forthe vs cum 1 when twas bine ori trmake @stoned les pang, ended oP nse Magegsh top 10 words (oun) sounds alot like voracty. Whereas many know voraciy ‘means ful of hunger, whether for food or knowledge (che adjective form voracious is more common), few know Unfortu: nately, many confuse the two on the cst. means truthful the adjective form of Jounde lot like voracious So be careful. After years of polial scandal the congressman was hardy krawn for his yet despce ths strut he wos voted into yet another term, Mag@esh top 10 words (verb) “The second defiton of cis wordand one the ney GAE fncrocis wo ert One tan dar Inova, A shit: can thas recent nding supports her theory The later Conta ls the one oul encounter en the GRE The cients that the extinction of dinosaurs wos mast key Droushe about by a deste change in imate Mag@gsh (wouny lack of something. In honor of this enery wil hives of words There is 0 of bs hiring today thot require menial skis, since most obs Have either been auterated or outsourced. a top 10 words (odj.) Word rots are oan miseding Thi word doesnot aan with ‘eames (or eg WT be in be rors Trough he stole his lester icvice stick ith malevolent glee, ucky saan became ‘when his sister would’ stop crying. Maggéesh | pugnacious | laconic | | | | | agioe 10WORDS Ogio 10 WORDS So poe ee | | | e | e egregious ‘| disparate gio" 1oworos gro? \oworns | | | top 10 words top 10 words (oa) ‘Another word that sounds diferene from what it means.A person is described a: when helshe says very few words. 1m usually reminded of John Wayne, the quintessential cowboy, who, with a gravely intonation, muttered few words at a time. As this allusion betrays my age more than anything else, think of CChvistian Bale in Baman—the __eaped crusader: While Martha obwoys swoaned over the funk, vypes ln romano comedies, her boyfends mevttably were very talkve—and rot very hunky Mag@esh top 10 words | + | | i) Much like a pug dog, which aggressively yaps at anything near ita person who is likes to aggressively argue about everything. Verbally combotive Is another good way 0 describe The comedian told ane fla joke after another and when the audience started booing, he ___ spat back at ther, "Hey you think this is eosy ~ why dont you bufbans give io shot” Mag@gsh top 10 words (od) If wo things are fundamentally diferent, chey are For Insane, verbal skills and math skills are and as such are ‘usually vested separatelythe GRE being no exception, Wit dhe advent of machines capcbe of locking inside the bran feds os ‘gcd binky hewmen hight tngehor iets Tw ndersand what happens im the brain when people have ‘elgous experence Mag@esh (oat) "Greg! the Latin root for flock. At one point, ___ meant standing out of the flock in a postive way. This definition want out ‘of vogue sometime in the 16th century, after which time was used ironically Thus for the lat five hundred years,’ _” meant standing out ina bad way. In spores. an foul would be called on 2 player who slugged another player (not including hockey, of course). The deter’ abuse of human rights wos so that many werd leaders asked that he be wied in an icemaunal cour for genacie, Mag@gsh alacrity (noun) Prosalc (ad) TOF OWORDS “The GRE hss & predilection for words that dont really sound ike wise ‘they mean Alc is no exception. Many think the word hae a negative connotation. Alaerity. however means an eager wilingnss to do some: thing, Sco imagine the fist day ata job that you've worked really hard to ge. How ara you going to complete che wks asigned vo you! With lacy, ofcourse, An iain create mate lass (active Rr) ya ‘wen youre learning GRE vocabulary. the beter you will do. Te fist tree weeks otis re ob Mark worked with such lay that upper anagem ew bey would be eving hin 0 promotion, Mag@esh TOP TOWORDS rosie conjures up 2 beuthil manic for some. So if semebody oF fomethingis prose ie mast surely be good ‘Once again the GRE confounds expecations Prosaic means dull andlacking imagation. I an be used co describe plans, fe, language, or ust about anything Inarimate that has become dl (sno ued to deserbe people) ‘A good mnemonic proses the opposite of poetry And where poetry. deal, bursts force with imagination, prose (tink of eex-book writing) leks Imagination, Hence, proses Unite the tlertod tts his wos, Pol hod ro such be redken so whan i wos ne fri to make @taned loss pag he eed wocshi Mag@esh veracity (noun) TOP TOWORDS Veracty sounds lot lke voracty. Whereas many know voracity means full of hunger, whether for food or knowledge (the adjective form voracious is more common). few know veracity. Unfortu- nately, many confuse the two on the test. Veracity means eruthful Veracious, the adjective form of veracity, sounds alot like voracious So be careful. After years of political scandals, the congressman was harly known for his veracity: yet despite tis dsvust he was voted into yet another tenn, Mag@esh maintain (ve) paucity (noun TOP TOWORDS Paucity slack of something In honor of paucity this entry will have a paucity of words There is pouciy of jbs hiring ty that require menial sis, since most jobs have ether been cutomoted or outsourced,, contrite (a4, TOP [OWORDS ‘The second definition of this word and one the new CRE favors—is to assert. ne ean maintain thelr imocence.A scientist ‘can maintain that a recene finding supports her theory. The latter context isthe one you'll encounter on the GRE. The scentst maintained thatthe extieten of dnesaurs was mos key broughe about bya caste change in cmate TOP IOWORDS Word roots are often misleading This word does not mean wich ‘riteness (con- meaning with).Ta be contrite is to be remorseful. Trough he stole his lester icovice stick ith malevolent glee, ucky saon became cantrite when bis ster woul sop eryieg Maggéesh laconic (ad.) pugnacious (a3, TOP TOWORDS ‘Another word that sounds different from what it mesns.A person, Is described as laconic when helshe says very ew words. "tm usually reminded of John Wayne, the quintessential cowboy, who, with a gravely intonation, muttered few words 2t a time. As this allusion betrays my age more than anything else, think of (Christian Bale in Batman—the laconic caped crusader, ‘We Martha olwoyssweened over the hunky. acnicypes in romantic ‘comedes, her boyfends inentobly were very toketie—and not very hak disparate (a3) TOP TOWORDS If two things are fundamentally different, chey are disparate. For Inseance, verbal skills and math skils are disparate, and a8 such are sally tested separatelythe GRE being no exception Wt de advent of machines capable of ooking iste the bron felts os dsbarate os reion and Lisl hove been brought together os sonst try t0 understand what happens in the bacin when people hove oveligous experience Mag@esh TOP 1OWORDS "Much tke a pug dog, which aggressively yaps at anything near ita person who is pugnacious likes to aggressively argue about, frerything. Verbally combative is another good may 9 describe pugnacious. ‘The comedian told ane flat joke after another and when the audience started booing, he pugraciousy spat back a ther, "Hey, you thik this easy why doit you buffs ie ic a shat” Mag@esh egregious (ad. TOP lOWORDS ‘Geng is the Latin root for fack At one point, ogre szandng ou ofthe Rockin poave way Thi defniton were ot ‘trogen srwarimein te 1th cor for which Eve egyupins ‘mas usd ironical Thus for the lst five hundred years egregious’ meant standing out ina bad way. In spores, an egregious foul would be called on a plyer who slugged another player (nct including hockey, of course), The dictators abuse of human rights was so egregious vhat mary werd Jeaders asked that he be wed in an international court fr genocide Mag@esh | ! e Il . candid | innocuous Ogiorssasic Qgior 5 Basic | I | | | e bleak erratic gio 5 Basic | | | gro? 5 Basic profuse | top 5 basic top 5 basic Tea) Something ___ is harmless and doesn't produce any il effect. Many germs are As are most bug bites. Even television, ‘an sho. aan incase srvall ves, eyEaHY An ‘question is unlikely to upset anyone, Everyone found Nancy's bonter she wos intentional picking ca hi. except for Mike wh elt ike (edi) A straightdorward and honest look at something is 3 one. Many great photographers have created enduring work because ‘hey turned thelr respective lena on what fa real, Whether these photos are from the Dust Bowl, the Vietnam War, or the Arab ‘Winter, they move us because they reveal how people felt at a A person can also be straigheorward with you. if they are being honest and Bren with © perfect sranger Charles wos olwoys ‘ond would Mag@gsh —---- ee HK KH Ke Ke KH YH He Re HH Ke He top 5 basic top 5 basic (oat) Unpredictable, often willy so,__s reserved for prety exeme casts An athlace who scores the winning poine ane game, and then btehes numerous opportunites known for his or her ply. ‘The stock market ie notoriously ae sleep, expecially i your socks arent doing wel ‘an also mean strange and unconventional. Someone may be lenown for their behavior Regaales of which meaning you are ‘employing you should nat ben your GRE prep. Income os no suprise to pur at the President’ attempt at re-lacton foundered even dung his tem support fr is poles was _ with an ‘nora. rane jumping vue fm 30 to 60 percent Mag@esh oa) lone has avery depressing take on life, we say that person has a ‘outlook Landscapes can be (Siberia in Apri the “Texas of No Country for Old Men),and writers, too (Dostoevsky, Orwell). Unvemitang overcast skies tend wo leod people to create laeroure and lgubrcus music—compare Englands bar Radiohead ary band fom Southern Coforia, Mag@gsh top 5 basic (adj.) 1 something erly pours out in abundance we sy tte Thr petri ox bnaly free A person whe spol cextlesly does so Fethap a le moe dy certain tmen who ite buon oper sh comple ete word perhaps not unwittingly ~ know of ther chest hairs {wich on ter par. should necesstate a apology). During mile 20 of the Hawaii Morothon, Ducyne was sweating 50 that he stopped to take off is shit, ond ron the remaining sx ‘ies dad in nothing mare thon skimpy shorts., Maga@esh innocuous (ad. candid (az, TOPS BASIC Something innocuous is harmless and doesn't produce any ill effects. Many germs are innocuous. As are most bug bites. Even television, in small doses, is typeally innocuous. Innocuous can also mean inoffensive. An innocuous question is unlikely to upset anyone. Everyone found Nancy's banter imecuous—except for Mike, who fe ke she was intendonaly picking on hi Mag@esh TOPS BASIC A straightforward and honest look at something s a candid one. Many great photographers have created enduring work because they turned their respective lena on what fs rea-Whether these photos are from the Dust Bow, the Vietnam War, or the Arab ‘Winter, they move us because they reveal how people felt at a ‘A person can also be candid if they are being honest and straightforward with you Even with a perfct stranger Charles was aways candi and would rarely Mag@esh ne erratic (ad) TOPS BASIC Unpredictable, often willy so ervatie i reserved for prety exvreme ‘eases. An athlee who scores the winning polne one game, and then botches numerous opportunities is known for bis or her erratic ply. “The stock market fe notoriously errata sleep, especialy if your stocks arent doing well. trraue ean also mean strange and unconventional. Someone may be ‘known for their eratic behavior Regardless of which meaning you are ‘employing. you should not be erratic in your GRE prep. 1t came os no suprise to pundits thot he President's attempt at re-laction ounderet even curing his ter, suppor for hs pales was erat wih an ‘nproul rang jumping oe fom 30 to 80 percent. profuse (od) TOPS BAS something erly pours oun abundance we sy iis profine The pouch b tyal Rete A person pcb ceateasly does profusely Perhaps ale more wid, certain ‘men who fl to buton p ther shits compleely let the word — perhaps not unwittingly ~ keow of their profs chest faire {bichon dec part shold necessitate a profise apology) ring rile 20 of the Hawai Marathon, Ducyre was sweating $9 profsely that he stopped to toke of his shi. and ran the remoining sx ‘miles clad in eating more than skimpy short Mag@esh Mag@gsh | bleak (cq; TOPS BASIC Hf one has avery depressing ake on fe, we sy tha person has a bleak outiook Landscapes can be beak (Siberian Apri the Texas fof No Country for Old Men), and writers, too (Dostoevsky, Orwell Urveitng overcast shies tend to lead Deoble to create beok termi cand iugubrcus musc—cermpare Englands band Rasheed to any band from Souther Calf, Mag@esh QQ COMMONLY MISTAKEN QQ cOMMONLy MISTAKEN I e | contentious | extant I | | | | Qgcommonty MISTAKEN QQ comMmonty MISTAKEN i | | e e enervate | auspicious | | | | QQ COMMONLY MISTAKEN QQ common misTaKEN ! | ambivalent | equivocate | | | I | commonly mistaken commonly mistaken ear Many think this word means extiner. ‘opposite of extnes. is actually the ‘A great mnemonic isto put the word is’ between the x’ and the “V in extant This gives you extant (don't mind the misspeling), (edi) This GRE word does not mean content, in feeling happy It comes from the word contend, which means to argue. I you 2re you like eo argue Is a very common GRE word, so unless you want me to | Become memorize inn! este mary bois clnsepersprct tht soe fink tealng vil ad be gents om ae Se lathe Har ieceye sags semcgulion | cayrenns were on Ti, he gros larned to hide frm hi ot evry prota I I greimagooshicom Mag@esh Mag@gsh —--- ee HK KH Ke EH YH Re He Ke HH He ee commonly mistaken commonly mistaken (aid “This word sounds very sinister but actually means the opposite of, sinister: an occasion sis favorable. The opposite, is also common on the GRE. It means unfvorable Despite on beginning. Mike's wad trp become 0 series of ‘mishaps and he ws son send and pennies, ecning aganst hs ‘wrecked auterobie Mag@esh commonly mistaken (werby Most people think sap the energy from. means to energize Ie actually means to Joho prefered to avid equatorial counties: the intense sun would ‘aways leave hi ofthe spent the doy siheseeing Mag@gsh commonly mistaken (verb People tend to think that __ha to-do with equal Ie actualy ‘means to speak vaguely, usually with the intention to mislead or deceive. More generally, ean mean ambiguous. The related word ean also be confsing.To state something is to state it in such a way tat there is no room for doubs. The findings ofthe study were __—the wo researchers hod diver seat opens on what the resus spied. Magegsh (edi) Saudents often belle that to be soarda somothing ire be indferent. The truth is almost the opposite. See, when you are you have mixed or conflicting emotions about something Imagine somebody asked you what it was lke studying forthe GRE. Sam was ‘bout suching forthe GRE because it ate up ato of ber time, yet he leamed mery words ond improved at readng comprehension Mag@esh sedulous QQ COMMONLY MISTAKEN commonly mistaken (edi) am not qute sre why sdents can never sem 0 remember the dlefnition of ths word Perhaps the sed: reins them of sting Sand being ile (i sedentary) To bes however tt be Anything but ile. you are sujng or the are stldyng lige and careflly—raling fasheards wring down Important words and formulas, nd ofcourse, checking out the Magoosh blog every dy ‘An avid rumismatist Harold ‘massed a collection of coins fom ‘over [00 counties an endaavor Hat took over fifteen yeers, nd took Horoid to five continents Mag@esh extant (agj.) contentious (a) COMMONIY MISTAKEN "Many think this word means extinct. Extant is actualy the opposite of extinct ‘A great mnemonic Isto put the word's’ beeween the'x’ and the "Vin extant.Thie gives you existant (don't mind the misspeling) Despite mary bookstores dosing experts predict tht cme frm of book dealing wil sl be extant generatons fer row. COMMONDY MISTAKEN ‘This GRE word does not mean content, 3s in feeling happy. comes from the word contend, which means to argue. If you are ‘contentious, you tke £0 argv, Contentious isa very common GRE word, so unless you wane me ‘© become contentious, memorize it now! Since od prandpa Harry became very contentious dung the summer hen ony reruns were on the grandkids leamed to hide am him at ‘ery opportunity Mag@esh auspicious (oq.) TORMONY MSTAREN ‘This word sounds very sinister but actually means the opposie of Sinister fan occasion is auspicious, ics favorable. ‘The opposite inauspicious also common on the GRE. ft means unfavorable, Despite an ouspicous beginning, Mike's rood tip became o series of ‘mishaps, and he was soon stranded and penniless, leaning against his reeked automobile Mag@esh equivocate (ve) Mag@esh enervate (verb) CORMONTY MBTAREN Most people think enervate means to energize I actully means to sap the energy from. John prefered to cid equatorial counties; the intense sin would ‘luoys eave hin enereated after held spent the doy seheseeing ambivalent (4; ‘COMMONDY MISTAKEN People tend to think that equivocate has to do with equal. tac tually means to speak vaguely, usally withthe intention to mis- lead or deceive, More generally, equivocal can mean ambiguous. ‘The related word unequivocal can also be confusing, To stae something unequivocaly is to state ic in such a way that there is ‘no room for doubt The fncings of the study were equivocol—the two researchers od vergent opinions cn wha the rests Sigied Magegsh ‘COMMONLY MISTAKEN Suudants ofan befave that te be ambivalent sowarde conmathing ie 1 be ineiffarent. The truth is almost the opposite. See, when you are ambivalent you have mixed or conflicting emotions about something. Imagine somebody asked you what ic was lke studying forthe GRE. ‘Sam was ambivalent about studying forthe GRE because i ate up a fot, Of her time yet he fecmed many words and improved ot reading comprehension, Mag@esh sedulous (aq;,) TORPONTY MSTAREN {am notquite sure why stants can never seen to rember the definition ofthis word. Perhaps the sed reminds them of sing and boing ie (iin sedentary) Tobe sodulous, however so Be anything bu ide youre sedulouly staying forthe are studying dligenely and careful-—making fashcards, writing down inportant words and forma, nd ofcourse checng out the Pagoouh bog rar dy. ‘An avd numismatst, Hold sekicusy amassed a calection of coins {fem over 100 counties—an endeavor that tock over ffeen yeers, and took Haro to five continent Mag@esh I e | blinkered | stem Ggiricey EASY’ Og iricky “easy I I I | | checkered | check Og Tricky “easy Og ricky easy | | | | ! involved | raft Cy ricir tas" Gy ihc easy | I | | tricky “easy” tricky “easy” (verb) iver) To means to hold back or limit the flow or growth of something. You can bleeding. and you ean the tide—or a¢ least attempt to do 50, However, do not the flow of vocabulary coursing through your brains. Make sure to use GRE words whenever you can, hb the ti of application, he prestigious hy requires dat each ‘ppleant score ot let 330 on the Rewsed GRE. Mag@esh —--- eee eH KH Ke KH HR Re eH He Re Ke Ee ee tricky “easy” (edi) you bina lot you are likely to miss something Indeed, your view ‘would be very limited. Extending this meaning we get the definition of ‘moana to have @ limited outlook oF understanding. The true etymology of the word actually comes from the blinkers that are puton racing horses to prevent them from becoming distracted. In gambling the addict © easly by past successes andlor past falures,orgemng thatthe outcome of Gry one game independent of the games that preceded ic Mag@gsh tricky “easy” (rouniver) cf something is to stop its growth (similar to stem but with more of a focus on growth than flow). H something i left then ic grows freely. Deserted for six months, the property began to look more ike « jungle ra los Di make ge in the fit yet Mag@esh tricky “easy” (oat) The meaning of is completely unrelated to the meaning of cheek, 20 be sure to know the difference between the ro. pasts one that is marked by dsrepurable happenings (One by one, the present cadets chopped out of the race, thie respective posts—ffom embezzlement to infelly —scbotopie the compaigrs tricky “easy” (rouny A ia an infeeable bont fe ean slo mean large number of ‘something | know—t doesn’ realy make much sense. But here's 1 good mnemonic:imagine large number of rafts and you have 8 of rafts Despite a of ty ordinances passed by on orerzelous counel, noise potion centinued unaboted in the mepolopals. Magewsh (adj) We are many things: from studying vo socialising, For something to be far as the GRE is concerned, means it 's complicated, and dificult to comprehend. The plysics lecture became so thor the underpraduar's eyes slazed over Mag@esh | ° | ee expansive retiring Qgiricey “easy” Og RICK EASY | | | | ! | base | moment Og rricirtasy” Og ricer tasy | | | | inundate | imbibe Gg iricey “easy | Gg tricky “easy | I | | tricky “easy” tricky “easy” 7) Sure, many dream of the day when they can retire (preferably to some palatal estate wth a beachfront view)-The second definition does not necessarily apply to most.To be 1s wo be sly.and +0 be inclined to retract from company. [Nelson wes aly te fist o leave sorees—rather than mi about wih Toshionoble” folk he wos ‘ond prefered the soltude of his gomet Mag@esh —--- ee HK KH Ke EH YH Re He Ke HH He ee tricky “easy” (edi) The common definition of is extensive, wide-ranging The lesser known definition is communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable mennen ‘fier afew sips of copra the octogenarian shed his race demeanor ‘and became ‘speaking fondy ofthe “goo old cys" Mag@gsh tricky “easy” (noun ‘A___isa point in time. We all know that definition. fsome- thing i of iti signfcant and important (think of the word momentous). Despite the intial hullabola.the play was ofno great __in Harp tees uring tae ee ti of jis the (PORTED lg? Hi [ory into theater as Mag@esh tricky “easy” (oat) When the definition ofthis word came into existence, there were some obvious biases against the lower classes (assuming that lexicographers were not lower class). lt was assumed thae those from the fF the lowest, class were without any moral principles. They were contemptible and ignoble. Hence, we have this second definition of ___(the word has since dropped any connotation of lower cas). She wos not so 5 to begrudge the beggar the unwonted crumbs fom her die pate Mag@gsh a tricky “easy” (verb Literally, €0 is to drink, usually copiously. Figuracivly, ‘can refer to an intake of knowledge or information. Ploio____ Secrateseachings to such an extent that he was able ro write Volumes of work thet he dct atinbuted, sometimes word for word to Socrates Magegsh (vert) J isa synonym for to deluge, which means to flood. Figu- atively © be ‘means to be overwhelmed by 200 many people or things. The newsroom wes with fis reports that only made it mare flea forthe newscaster to provide an objective account ofthe bark robbery. Maggéesh | ! ° | ° ° ° benighted | scintillating Gg iricnressy Og iricey easy" | | | I ! | e hedge | galvanize Og rricey “tasy Og ricky “tasy | | | Gg iricer “easy Gey tricky “easy fell : flush tricky “easy” tricky “easy” cr) Hf something gives off sparks, such as when photons collide, iti said t0 Figuratively. describes someone who it brilliant and lively (imagine Einsteins brain giving off sparks). Richard Feynman was renowned forhis___lectures—the arcana of ‘quarwen physes wos made lucid as Fe wrote animatedy en the chokboor, tricky “easy” (od) Hehe sky darkens, and becomes night, iti, unsurprisingly, However if people are (chis word is usually reserved for the collective) che group flo In a state of ignorance. This latter definition is more common, produced fom being 0 period of uter The Media ame inestimable works of thenlogcal speculation, tricky “easy” (verb Need to strengthen stel by giving i a final coat? Or, perhaps you ‘need to motivate somebody? Welln both cases, ou would lteral- ly be Figuratively. co Is to excite to action or spur As eile 72 ic fet mama Kyle hn al ve gen ip ni he ied fis fends and family holding banner tht read, "Go Kile be broke ita golop fishing the last thre res in ess than 20 mutes Mag@esh tricky “easy” (mouniverb) If you are really into hortiuleure—which isa fancy word for gars ening—youll know __are shrubs, or small bushes that have been neatly trimmed ifyou know your firance,then you've proba biy heard of __funds (where brokers make thei money bet- ting agunst the marke). ‘ean also be used in a verb sense, you your bets, you piy safely. Ifyou a statement. you limit or qualify that statement. Finally, ean also mean avoid making a direct statement, asin equivocatng When asked why he had decided to buy mills of shares atthe very "moment the tech companies stock soored the CEO renin Mag@gsh a tricky “easy” 7) ‘What word means to turn red (especially in the face), to send down the taller, to be in abundance, and to drive out of hiding? Yep, its which has all four of these totally unrelted definitions. The GRE Reading Camprehensen passage is wth iit words, words that you may have eared ony yeste Magegsh (edi) Imagine an evil person who cute down trees, and then fale himes. Well, that image is capturing three diferent definitions of —to cut down a tree, the past tense of fll (we all know ‘hat and evil.Yes,Iknow, ean possibly mean evil..but the Engh language isa wacky one, Indeed meane terribly ev Now watch out for thar tee! For fans of the Horry Poter series, the Lord Valdemar, who terrorized poor Hary for seven lengthy instalments, has aly been vanquished by the forces of good—unless, that is, JK Rowing dead to come out ofrerement Maggéesh Og iricey easy Gg tricky “easy beg ! arch | ! ° ° | intimate | tender Ga iricer easy Og Tricky “eAsy | | | | ! becoming | wanting Gg ricky “easy | Ga iricky easy | | I | tricky “easy” tricky “easy” 7) You have In architecture, or at a well-known fastfood restaurancYou an __your back.or abow. _are even a part of your foot. But, did you know chat to be is tobe deliberately teasing at in."he shrugged off her insu Because he knew she was only being"? Fall. asa root means chief or principal. asin archbishop, The boroness was___ mong plofillasidesto the trspcpleyet_ because they cout pick up on her cry humor, they thought her supercins tricky “easy” (verb) Corey when we thik of _we thik af money or oo But one an seo 3 quetoon ana tate where shnge Hartt ge compleated To 1 question cn mean to eva a question. ine an obvi question oF. ‘Sed ws ere stars to get ely eyo aka guesuon a sel mas teiarnned ssunpions. For instance, es sy you are not ely sur you ae going to ake dhe GRE. Somody aks you hen you are going to ake the GRE then ha person i suming ou are going to ks the GRE Thai thay are — the question yousvoldgring dec arawerthen yu re ako dhe quesion Glbein 2 ferent sorte} Which aly she question ow tha whee question ‘unre get ro compleated he fet pace! te Chat wos had clap which he a ot— Mage Mag@esh | -o- eee ee KK Ke tricky “easy” (verb ____Is a verb, and it does not mean to behave _ When you something. you offer it up. For instance, when you {your resignation, you hand in aplece of paper saying that you are resigning. righ set of inflation i pi tricky “easy” (eativerby Just as tender doesn't rela to two people in love, neither does at least in the GRE sense, The secondary meaning for Isto suggest something subtly AC ist Mane’ teochers___to his parents that he was not ited to Skip 0 pode; when his parents protested teachers explcyto them that notwithstanding the boys precociy fe wus simply too mmaure to jump to the 6th grade, Mag@gsh tricky “easy” (ea) means lacking, So, f your knowledge of secondary ‘meanings is this eBook is a perfect place eo start learning, She di rot find her vocabulary vest there were so many GRE ‘vocabulary werd that inevitaby she cd not know fo Magegsh (adj) ‘Another tecondary meaning that changes parte of speech, an adjective. f something isis appropriate, and matches ices. Her chess was____ ond made her look even move beet Mag@esh | ! I fleece start Ga rricey “easy” Og iricey easy" I I | | | | | ° wax telling Og nicer easy Og rricertasy | | | Gg iricky “Easy” Gg inicey “easy qualify | check tricky “easy” | | tricky “easy” (verb) ‘The secondary meaning for __is somewhat similar to the ‘common meaning To__ie to suddenly move or dar in a par- cular direction Just chink ofthe word startle, Allolne the mansion, Henrietta ____ when she heard @ sound, tricky “easy” ac) I you are thinking Mary Had a Lice Lamb ( as white as snow), you have been fleeced by a secondary meaning. To Ia v0 decehe, ‘Mary hove been | money bak by ltemet scams and have never received ther | -o- eee ee KKK | tricky “easy” (aid Hf something is ici significant and revealing of another faccor. fa person’ ali has a dena, offen that one litle deta can support—or unravell—the person’ alibi. Her unbecoming dress wos very ben it came to her sense of aston,, , Stet) Melting will only lead you astray. The secondary meaning isto increase.The opposite of ito wane. Both for | words are used to describe the moon: a ‘moon becomes irgr an larger ch nigh ul eberoncs al meen et whch | jake ecto round ar ec ion Wace waning moon Her endusiosm for the duos new album ony | byte end te ob wos he forente CD yet with each song Mag@gsh | gre, tricky “easy” tricky “easy” ‘moanier) a) To___tesolimcandicina word uly used so medly se | Tg her ci ry mi cy growth of something. Wien government abuses are not kept tha govemment is tiely to become autocratic Mag@esh tf seen ra pon. Teele stay ae he cnet | ine sonrecien, | (ort tecatt ea “hare sanace sows my _tov for Sn Frac I cond scam | ery nc iepee everest nenbionin lidecie nee | sen eo apart vena eson sgn neve el 00% bower Thy sheik na rnc 5 | __lenTntre hoe wate pg omc Ta hy Srimtier paseo np. Mageesh | stem (verb) blinkered (a) TT EA To stem means to held back or limit the flow or growth of some- thing You ean stem bleeding.and you ean stem the tide—or at east attempt to do so, However, do not stam the flow of vocabulary coursing through your brains. Make sure to use GRE words when- ever you can, Ti stom the tie of oppcotios the prestigious hy requires that each ap- plant score ot east 330 on the Revised GRE. Magegsh - eee ee eH EH check (nouniverb) TRY EAS ‘Techeck something i to stop its growth (similar to stem but with more of a focus on growth than flow). something is left un- checked, then it grows freely. Deserted for sic months, the propery began to look more ike jngle cond less Ikea residence weeds grew unchecked a the front yar raft (noun) TRICKY EASY IF you blink lot you are likely ro miss something Indeed, your view ‘would be very limited. Extending this meaning, we get the definition of blinkered: means &o have a limited outlook or understanding. “The true etymology of the word actually comes from the blinkers that are put on racing horses to prevent them from becoming disracted, In gambling he axkict is eosy brkered by past sucesses andlor past folures, forgetting thatthe outcame of ary one game is ncependent of the gomes that preceded i Mag@esh checkered (ag) RENE ‘The meaning of checkered is completely unrelated to the meaning of check, #0 be sure to know the difference becween the wo.A checkered past is one that marked by disrepurable happenings ‘One by one, the present! candidates chopped out ofthe roce, thei respecte dhckered posts—fram embezzlement oeyieliy—sabotagng ther compares. involved (a4. TRICKY EAST ‘A eae isan inflerable bout fc cam also mean a large number of ‘something | know-—ie doesn’ really make much sense. But here's 1 goed mnemonic:imagine large number of rafts and you have 8 tat of rats Despite aot oF ty ordinances passed by an overzealous councl noise pollen continved unabated inthe megalepots Mageéesh TROY EAS We are involved in many things from studying to socializing. For smathing to be involvad,as far as the GRE is concerned, means it 's complicated, and dificult to comprehend. ‘The plysics lecture became so inaled that the undergraduates eyes slazed over Maggéesh retiring (ad) expansive (ag.) TRC ER Sure, many dream of the day when they can retire (preferably to ‘some palatal estate with a beachfront view),The second definition does not necessary apply to most To be retiringis to be shy.and tbe inclined to retract from company. [Neon was ays the fest t leave savees—ether than mil about with ‘shionabl” fk he was retring. and prefered te soltude of his gore Mag@esh moment (noun) TRICKY EAS ‘The common definition of expansive is extensive, wide-ranging. ‘The lesser known defiition is communicative, and prone to talking In a sociable manner Attra few ss of cognac, the octogenarian shed his sable demeonor ‘nd became expanse, speaing fry of he “good oc ay —--- ee HK KH Ke EH YH Re He Ke HH He ee base (ag; TRON EASY A moment is point in ime. We all know that definition. some- thin is of moment. cis significant and important (think of the word momentous). Despite the inal ulabata, the ploy wes of ro eat mement in Hortons wring corse ond, within «few yeas, the pube qui [expo is fry int theter ars imbibe (ver) TRY EASY ‘When the definition of this word came into existence, there were some obvious biases against the lower classes (assuming that lexicographers were not lower class). fe was assumed that those from the base, or the lowest. cass were without any moral principles. They were contemptible and ignoble. Hence, we have this second defnition of base (the word has since dropped any connotations of lower clas) She was no so base os to begrune the beggar the unwonted crumbs ffom her dimer pate Mag@esh inundate (ver) TRON EASY tera 82 imbibe eto drink, usually copiovaly. Tigurasvely. Jmbibe can refer to an intake of knowledge or information, Plo imbibed Socrates teachings ta such an extent thet he was able to nite volumes of work tht he crecy aiabuted, sometimes word for word 0 Socrates. TRICKY EASY ‘Te imundate ic cynonym for to deluge, which means 2o flood. Figuratvey, to be inundated means to be overwhelmed by t00 ‘many people or things. The newsroom was inundated with fae reports that ony made mare cut for the newscasters to prowde an objective account ofthe Bank robbery. Magéesh Mag@esh scintillating (ad) benighted (cu, TITER If something gives off sparks, such as when photons collide, tis said to scintllate. Figuratvely, scintillating, describes someone ‘who is briiant and lively (imagine Einscsins brain gving off spark). Richard Feynman was renovmed for is cilating lectures—the arcana of quactum physics was made lcd os he wrote onimatedy on the cchakboard, TRICKY EASY IF the sky darkens, and becomes night, ic Is, unsurprisingly benighted. However.fa people are benighted (this word is usualy reserved for the collective) thet group falls n a atate of ignorance. ‘This latter definition is more commen Far fom being a penod of uer benghtedness The Medieval Ages produced same inestimable works of thenlogcal speculation. Mag@esh galvanize (ve) hedge (nouniverb) TROY EAS” Need to strengthen stel by giving it a final cost? Or, perhaps you need to motivate somebody? Wel. in both cases. you would liter- ally be galvanizing Figuratvey, ro galvanize isto excite ro action ‘or spur on, ‘Armle 23 ofhis frst marathon Kyle had af be gen up uti he nice fis frends ord forty holding a Banoer that read “Go Kyl": galvanized ‘he broke into a gallop fishing the las thre mies in ess than 20 main Mag@esh flush (aq.) TRICK EAS W you are really into horticuture—which is a fancy word for _gatdening—you'l know hedges are shrubs, or small bushes that have been neatly trimmed. If you know your finance, then you've prabably heard of hedge funds (where brokers make thelr money beating against the market). Hedge can also be used in a verb sense. If you hecige your bets, you play safely. Ifyou hedge a state- ‘ment, you limit or qualify that statement. Final, hedge can also ‘mean to avoid making a direct statement, as in equivocatng When asked why he had decided to buy rior of shores at the very moment the tech companies sock soared the CEO hedged menting Mag@esh fell (as) TRY EASY ‘What word means to curn red (especially in the face), to send down the toilet, to be in abundance, and to drive out of hiding? Yep, ies flush, which has ll four of these totaly unrelated definitions. The GRE Reading Comprehension passage i fush wih cfc words. wor that you ay have leamed ony yesterday, Magegsh TRICKY EAS Imagine an evil person who cuts down tres, and then falls himself. ‘Well that image i eapturing three diferent definitions of fell—to cat down a tree, che past tense offal (we all know that) and evil. Yes, know, fell can't possibly mean evi.but the English language ie wacky one. Fell indeed means eerribly evil Now watch out for ‘hat tree! Fer fans of the Hory Pater series the fl Lord Voldemor. who tenorized poor Hay for seven lrg installments, hos finaly Geen vanquished ty the forces of good—uniess, that & JK Rowing deces t0 come out of revrement Maga&gsh arch (ad; beg (verb) TRC ES You have arches in architecture, or at a well-known fast-food restaurant You ean arch your back, oF a bow. Arches are even a part of your foot. But, did you know that to be arch is to be Selberacely teasing, as n,"he shrugged off her insults because he knew she was only being arch” Finaly,areh- as 2 root means chiet Or principal asin archbishop. The boroness was arch making plafd asides to de townspeople: yet because they couldr't pick up on her dry humor they thought her superiius, TRICKY EASY CCommosh when we ik of begging we thik ol money favo But one an sho bog» qusron and ete whore tinge sare to get eomplented To beg 3 ‘uation can mean to eade 1 question, mean obvious queso, or and Ne hare srt o got realy tho asa quesion Gut Rel makes nar. Fanted asunpcors Fer insane et 5 you are not realy sure you ae going co ake the GRE somebody aks you when you ae going to ak the GRE, the person sas foming you ae gorge the GRE Tha they are baping the queso, Yous ging 3 direc answer then ou so Bessie e questo abet a ferent sense) Which aly bege the queson baw Sd eh whale queson become business get zo compheates thes pee? Sy osuning tat Care ws ead 0 calege—uhih he wes ot—Manae Deed Mag@esh tender (vers) Mag@esh intimate (agj.'verb) TRON EASY ‘Tender isa verb, and it does not mean to behave tenderly When you tender something, you offer it up. For instanee, when you tender your resignation, you hand in a piece of paper saying that you are resigning. The government was loath to tender more money in the fear that it righ set off infaion wanting (od, TRICKY EASY Justa tender doesn’ relate co two people in love neither dos ‘omate,at least in the GRE sense. The secondary meaning for inti- ‘mate is to suggest something subti. A frst Manfeds teachers intimated to his parents that he was not suited to skp a grade whe hs parents protested teachers exp tld them dat norwitistonding the bo’ precacty, he was sply too mmo {ure to ump to Ue 6th grade, Mag@esh a becoming (04. TRAY EASY ‘Wanting means lacking. So, if your linawledge of secondary ‘meanings is wanting, tis eBook i a perfect place to start learning She cid not finder vocabulary wanting, yet dere were so many GRE vacabulory werd that inet she cid not know fo Mageéesh TRON EASY ‘Another secondary meaning that changes parts of speech, ‘becoming an adjective. If something is Becorning.its appropriate, and matches nicely. Her dress wes becoming end made her ook even move becutf Maggéesh start (verb) fleece (ver) TCR EASY ‘The secondary meaning for start is somewhat similar to the common meaning. To start is to suddenly move or dart ina par ‘cular diretion.Jus chink ofthe word startle. All clone the mansion, Henrietta started when she heard a sound, telling (ca. TRICKY EAS" IF you are thinking Mary Had a Lice Lamb (..fleece as white as snow). you have been flaeced by a secondary moaning To fleece is to deceive. ‘Many hove been fleeced by lntemet scams and have never received tei Wax (nouniverb) TROY EASY something is telling, significant and revealing of another factor. if a person's alibi has a telling deta, often that one litle

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