EC Trainings Session 8 PaymentInformation

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Employee Central Training

Payment Information – SF EC

The training facilitators:

In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact the training

facilitators directly:

Sandeep Kumar

Deloitte 2019 2

Payment Information Overview 04

Configuring Payment Information 06

Hands-On in System 18

Client Examples, Tips and Useful Resources 21

Wrap up and QA 25

Deloitte 2019 3
The “Payment Information” Portlet in SF Employee Central
Information Portlet for Storing and Managing Bank Account Details of Employee For Various Types of Payments

Edit Mode
Metadata Framework

Generic Object – Payment Information View Mode

Payment Information Details

Country Specific
Payment Information

Country Specific
Payment Information

Payment Method
Business Rules
1:n Payment Method Assignments

HRIS Job Information

Country of Company

Backend Frontend

Deloitte 2019 4
Features of Payment Information
MDF based Functionality, Supports Customization and Localization, Standard Configurations can be enhanced/extended

1. MDF Based Functionality 6. Supports split of Payment Types and Methods

• It has been built upon MDF using a set of standard generic objects • Pay Types are pre-defined but can be relabeled through Customized Pay Types
• This functionality is pre-enabled in the provisioning company setting for all EC instance • Payment Methods could be created & used in association to countries of Job Company

2. Portlet for maintenance of Bank Account information of Employees 7. Supports inbuilt deep validations of Bank details and Payment Info
• Bank Account information (e.g. Account Number, IBAN etc) used by the company for any • A company wide deep validation feature could be enabled for Bank Account details as well
payments to the employees could be managed in this portlet as for Payment Information fields. Additionally, business rules and MDF –object format
validations could be configured and used for proper/correct bank data entry

3. Can be added during New Hire manually or via Onboarding 8. Advanced Reporting tool can be used to create reports
• Only the MDF based EC functionality that is supported during New Hire • There is a standard EC report for Payment Information that can be imported and used
• The data entered in Onboarding could be transferred through New Hire process • In case of customization to the Payment Info objects or when customer has some typical
needs w.r.t. reports about Payment Information, then create Canvas reports

4. Could be managed through Employee Self Service (ESS) 9. Migration and Integration with HCM Infotype 0009
• Through RBP, proper UI, business rules and Workflows, it can be opened for ESS • If IT0009 has standard implementation in SAP HCM, then standard field mapping is
• Through integration to Payroll, the changes could automatically reach Payroll system available for setting up migration and/or integration with SF. Otherwise, custom mapping
needs to be configured

5. Standard Configurations are available for custom enhancement 10. Could be integrated with Onboarding
• Built upon a set of standard generic objects, the standard objects can be configured with • The Direct Deposit details entered during Onboarding process could be transferred to New
pre-delivered UI and business rules and further be enhanced for customization Hire process of Employee Central

Deloitte 2019 5
Configuring Payment Information

2019 Deloitte
Configuration of Payment Information in Employee Central
Provisioning Switch  Objects Definitions & Validation  UI Configs & Rules  People Profile & Hire Screen  RBP  Adjustments

Adjustments and
Customization as
per business needs
RBP Setup for all • Adjust, customize and
related secured extend the standard
objects object definitions as
Connect UI to • In various permission per the business
People Profile and roles, give necessary requirements
New Hire Screen permissions to all
UI Configurations & • Connect the Payment secured MDF objects • Connect various
Business Rules Info UI to the People related to Payment standard business
Profile Info functionality rules to the objects
Object Definitions, • Import or create
Objects & Validation • Create Personal Info • All objects could be • Add/Modify UI rules
standard UI and and business rules
Settings business rules Screen Lookup object found under
• Verify Payment Info with the Payment Info Miscellaneous • Test the functionality
Provisioning Switch related objects • SuccessStore or UI connected to New Permissions and adjust until final
Existing Instances Hire Screen solution is achieved
For EC instances, • Create MDF Picklists,
Payment Methods and • Refresh all UI rules
already enabled
Import Banks (if used)
• Switch on company
wide inbuilt validation

Prerequisite Foundation: Base Logic: How UI: What, Where & How RBP: Who see/edit what Finally Functional Solution

Deloitte 2019 7
Generic Objects for the Payment Information Functionality
Bank, Currency, Country, Payment Method & Assignment, Payment Information, Payment Information Details with CSF GOs

Customized Pay Type
Personal Information Screen Lookup
Country Specific Validation Configuration

Deloitte 2019 8
Validation Settings For the Payment Information Functionality
Company and Logo Settings, Business Rules and CSF Validation Configuration

• In “Company and Logo Settings” this company wide validation switch can be switched on/off
− These deep validation logic is configured hard-coded in the backend
Enable Bank Account
− Checks the CSF format and deep validations for Account Number, Routing Number, IBAN, BIC / SWIFT Code
− As of the Q4 2017 release, these validations are performed using a country/specific validation object, and can be changed

• In “Company and Logo Settings” this company wide validation switch can be switched on/off
− These deep validation logic is configured hard-coded in the backend
Enable Payment Information
− Check Percentage > 100%, Check for duplicate record with same values within same Pay Type, Check for empty Pay Type

• Standard pre-delivered business rules and customer specific business rules could be used to perform additional validations
− The standard rules could be imported from SuccessStore (but will fail and would need correction before import)
Validations using Business
− Custom business rules could also be added to perform additional validation as per business or local requirements

• Depending on the bank country or region, certain format validation checks are performed for Account Number, Routing Number,
Bank Identifier Code (also known as BIC or SWIFT code), IBAN and country/region-specific fields. IBAN and Bank Identifier Code
Format Validations using CSF format validation is based on the respective ISO norm
Validation Configurations − This is done using “Country Specific Validation Configuration” objects under Manage Data
− Pre-delivered content for all supported countries is available for download on the SAP Help Portal.

Deloitte 2019 9
Standard Business Rules for the Payment Information
Standard Business Rules For Bank and Payment Information pre -delivered by SAP

Rule Name Description

This rule defaults Main Pay Type, Payment Method, bank Country and Currency. It can be
assigned to the field Job Country.
Check if mandatory Account Holder Relationship (ZAF) is provided. Please assign it onValidate to
Payment Information Detail.
This rule checks if mandatory Account Number is provided. You can exclude required SEPA
countries from the check.
This rule checks if mandatory Account Owner is provided. You can assign it onValidate to the
object Payment Information Detail.
This rule checks if mandatory Account Type is provided. You can assign it onValidate to the object
Payment Information Detail.
Check if BIC is entered for the required countries. You can assign this rule onValidate to Payment
Information Detail.
This rule checks if mandatory Bank Control Key is provided. You can assign it onValidate to object
Payment Information Detail.
This rule checks if Bank Country is provided for Bank Transfer. You can assign it onValidate to obj.
Payment Information Detail.
This rule checks if the combination of Bank Country,Routing Num, and BIC is unique. You can
assign it saveRules in Bank Object
This rule, once attached to the field Bank Country on Payment Information Detail object, sets
currency of Bank Country.
Check if currency is specified when amount is entered. You can assign it onValidate to the object
Payment Information Detail.

Deloitte 2019 10
Standard Business Rules for the Payment Information
Standard Business Rules For Bank and Payment Information pre -delivered by SAP

Rule Name Description

This rule checks if the IBAN matches the provided bank country. You can assign it onValidate to
Payment Information Detail.
Check if IBAN is entered for the required countries. You can assign this rule onValidate to Payment
Information Detail.
This rule checks that either Routing Number or BIC is provided for Bank. It shall be assigned to the
object Bank onValidate.
This rule checks if Routing Number is provided for Bak Transfer. You can exclude required SEPA
Countries from this check.
the rule deletes values out of fields Amount and Percent for Pay Type Main. it can be assigned on
change to the field pay type.

delete_BankDetails_BankCountryChange Deletes values of country-specific fields in Bank Transfer when Bank Country is changed.

Delete values out of Bank Transfer relevant fields for payment methods check and cash. on
Change for Payment Info Details
This rule deletes values from the field Purpose for bank country Czech Republic. It is not
supported in EC Payroll.
Proposes IBAN based on account number and routing number. Available for AUT, DEU, GBR, IRL,
proposeIBAN_PaymentInfoDetails ISR, NLD, POL, CHE, SAU. The support for this rule is discontinued, as the transition period
(where both account number and routing number were allowed to be used besides IBAN) is over)
This rule sets default bank data. It can be assigned to the field Payment Method of the object
Payment Information Detail.
This rule sets a default currency. It can be assigned to the field Pay Type of the object Payment
Information Detail.
Deloitte 2019 11
Setting Up the UI for the Payment Information
Create or Import standard UI Configuration  Plug it into People Profile and New Hire screen

Deloitte 2019 12
Sending Bank Directory From SAP HCM to SF
Bank data can be sent from the bank master system via the IDOC BANK_SAVEREPLICA

 Use of Banks within Payment Information functionality brings ease for Employee Self Service because employee can easily choose Bank branch and a
rule would propagate the BIC and/or Routing Number from the selected Bank object.
 Bank Data continuously changes and are maintained by Central Banks of countries and SWIFT authority. Therefore, automated sync is recommended.
 Larger organizations usually have subscription to Bank Directory to their ERP system.
 Bank data can be sent from the bank master system via the IDOC BANK_SAVEREPLICA. Following mapping may be used between the IDOC and the
SF EC bank object
 Data FlowThe bank master system sends the IDOC to the Middleware (e.g. CPI), which receives the IDOC, maps it to the SF EC bank and sends the
data. With the received data, SF is then updating the bank directory





Deloitte 2019 13
Integration setup for replicating data between SF EC and SAP HCM
Replicating Payment Information into SAP HCM

EC field in Payment Information V3 SAP field in IT0009

effectiveStartDate BEGDA

accountNumber BANKN

accountOwner EMFTX

amount BETRG

bankCountry BANKS

currency WAERS

iban IBAN

payType BNKSA

paymentMethod ZLSCH

percent ANZHL

routingNumber BANKL

checkDigit (Russia) BKONT

purpose ZWECK

checkDigit or accountType (for some countries) BKONT

Deloitte 2019 14
Integration setup from Onboarding to SF EC
Transferring Bank Account Details collected in Direct Deposit of Onboarding Process to New Hire Form of SF EC

It is now possible to pass information about Payment Information that is gathered during recruiting or onboarding to the
New Hire Wizard.
• This feature is only available for instance which have People Profile enabled. Customers who want this functionality will have to migrate to PP3.
• This feature will only be available with Payment Information and not on the legacy direct deposit portlet.
Mapping Requirments:
There are 3 levels of mapping –
Pay Type, Payment Method and Country
1. If pay type field is not specified on the mapping, use MAIN
2. If Payment method is not specified, use the first payment method defined in the payment method GO
3. If the payment method object is empty and left configured, raise an error
4. For fields on Payment information detail the identifying attribute should be [PAYMENT METHOD]. [PAY TYPE]. If payment type is not specified, then
apply it to all. If payment method is marked as required, then apply it to the first payment method if it is not specified in the mapping.
New Hire Wizard:
The Payment Information Portlet should fit into the existing New Hire Wizard.
When the value in the field is found and valid, it should be displayed inside the field.
When the value in the field is found and not valid, it should be displayed below the field.
As the portlet is effective dated, the rehire process should create an effective dated entry. If there is no data entered in the RCM/ONB end, it should end date
the existing payment information records from the previous employment with the effective date one day before the rehire date.
It should not carry forward the payment information from the previous employment.
Recommended setup for such EC-ONB integration would be to only set up a lean, minimal field layout of the Payment Info on ONB, that is
always new-hire specific. For example: Account Owner and IBAN + BIC or Account Number + Routing Number. This information is typically sufficient for the
beginning, and additional information required could be added by the employee in the ESS after starting work. In case downstream systems would require
further information before this, deduced from this (e.g. the bank), this could be deduced from the above mentioned fields and added by an HR admin directly
in EC.

Deloitte 2019 15
Hands-On In System

2019 Deloitte
System Demonstration

2019 Deloitte 17
Tips and Useful Resources

2019 Deloitte
Payment Information – Tips and Useful Notes
Some Important Points

: Payment Information

Condition and Condition Values Not Supported: For Payment Information 1. The rules listed under ValidateRules, the
related objects, the Condition and Condition Values parameters for any field setBankData_PaymentInfoDetails rule and the UI Rule “BankTransfer” use
(e.g. Account Number) is not supported and therefore, must be the external code “05” for bank transfers in Payment Method. If you
cleared/removed. For controlling the visibility of any field for a set of choose another code for bank transfer in Payment Method, remember to
countries, use the UI rules in the UI Configuration. adapt the rules.

2. If you have configured an onChange rule which defaults the mandatory

fields, please assign the same rule to onSave. Otherwise, an error will occur
during the import process.
Refresh of UI Rules: Whenever you import an UI configuration, the if Set or change UI property in UI rules whereas values in Business
conditions in each of its UI rules needs to be refreshed by reselecting the Rules: Do not set value of any field in any UI rule!
field, comparison and value in the if condition. Pay extra attention that the
comparison are mostly “Is not equal to” instead of “is equal to”. Uniqueness of Bank object: The Bank field can only display Bank data if
the selected Bank is a unique entry in Bank Directory (in combination of
Placing and ordering the new/modified UI rules to “OnInit”, “OnInsert” Bank Country, Routing Number and Business Identifier Code).
and “OnChange” Triggers: Do not forget to add the new UI rules to the 3
trigger points as needed. Also, their order of placement matters. Additionally, Permissions to CSF Payment Info Details objects is necessary to see the
two UI rules must not set/change the same field UI property value of their fields after save.

Deloitte 2019 19
Payment Information – Tips and Useful Notes
Some Important Points

Country and Currency Objects: Ensure that both objects are secured and Field level permissions/restrictions: Sometimes, customers want that
permissioned for View only in the Default role for all employees. technical fields e.g. Payment Method are not shown to employees role. To do
that, you can restrict the permission through field level override for the
Run Check Tool for Payment Information Configurations: For proper and relevant object under Miscellaneous Permissions. Additionally, if the portlet is
optimal functioning of the Payment Information functionality, always run the opened for ESS, then ensure that the hidden field is auto-populated if
Check Tool validations for Payment Information Configuration once you are mandatory for saving the Payment Info record.
done with configuring it. This ensures that all the recommended and proper
configurations are complied with.

Custom Payment Info Details Objects for additional countries: Standard

CSF objects do not exist for countries like China, India, Taiwan, Russia etc.
But, if there is a requirement for specific localization support for those
countries bank account details, then you can create custom MDF objects
with specific local fields and then associate those to the global Payment
Information Details object (PaymentInformationDetailsV3). Keep the object
id in same format as other standard country payment info details objects e.g.
cust_PaymentInformationDetailsV3IND. Also, add UI rules for each new
country so that the CSF fields are shown only for respective country.
There is a very informative IDP (Implementation Design Principle) around the Percentage and Amount fields: In cases where employees expect to
Payment Information topic which has been prepared jointly by SAP and receive payments on separate accounts (e.g. parts of the salary to a savings
Deloitte matter experts. Below is the link to its draft version at our internal account), they need to specify how the payments should be split. This can be
sharepoint as I could not find the SAP hosted link to the final version of this done by either filling the percentage or the amount field. If used, only one of
IDP. Content on next slide has been taken from the IDP. the fields can be filled at a time for a given account. By default, the fields are only displayed when an additional pay type is added to an existing main
y%20only%20Library/02_SAP_SuccessFactors/21_Employee%20Central%2C%20Payroll% payment type.

Deloitte 2019 20
Payment Information – Tips and Useful Notes
Some Important Points

Bank Country is SEPA Required: IBAN + BIC

member Obsolete: Account Number + Routing Number
Special integration requirements might pose exception

Required: IBAN + BIC

Bank Country is SWIFT-
Recommended: Account Number + Routing Number
registered IBAN country Countries to be assessed individually, whether non-IBAN
transactions are still accepted

Bank Country has no Required: Account Number + Routing Number

Obsolete: IBAN + BIC
registered IBAN standard
Recommended to track whether countries might register for IBAN
standard in future

 The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an ISO certified standard for bank account numbers. The registration authority is the SWIFT –
the Swift Code (or BIC) is used to identify the financial institution where the bank account is held. With the SEPA (Single European Payments Area),
a new standard was introduced which simplified international transactions across participating countries by making the IBAN and BIC mandatory for
bank transfers. Participating countries are all EU countries and EEA countries as well as Switzerland and Monaco. When setting up the UI for those
states as bank countries, the IBAN (to specify the account) and BIC (to specify the Bank) fields must be enabled whereas the Account Number and
Routing Number are typically redundant. Important: Please note that for some interfaces may still need to enable the account number if it is
required in downstream systems.
 In addition to the SEPA members, many countries are SWIFT-registered and use the IBAN standard. However, for those countries the SEPA
obligation to only accept account numbers in the IBAN standard does not apply. Therefore, those bank countries should be assessed individually on
whether the account number and routing number fields might still be required although it may also be possible to also use the conventional bank
account number. A full list of countries where IBAN standards apply can be found in the SWIFT IBAN registry.
 For countries which are not registered for the IBAN standard, the bank account and routing number fields are required. IBAN and BIC can be
hidden from the UI in these cases. The figure below illustrates how those four fields should be configured per country.

Deloitte 2019 21
Payment Information – Tips, Useful Notes and Resources
Useful Information for complete and working configuration of the functionality

Employee Central Payment Information Handbook


KBA collection on EC Payment Information (Over 100 KBAs around this topic)


Import of Standard Configurations for Payment Information from SuccessStore

UI Configuration for Payment Information and Message Definitions for standard Business Rules successfully get imported
But, standard pre-delivered business rules could not be imported from SuccessStore since 2019 Q2 release. You need to
download the import report, make correction (scenario column to be filled with “_basic” for all rules) and then import

Change of ID / External Code of standard configuration UI and business rules

Always ensure that you change the external code / ID of the UI configuration and business rules that you imported from SuccessStore and
use the renamed or copy of the original UI config and rules for configuring and using Payment Info

Setup Payment Methods

Standard ones for ECP are 05 (bank transfer), 06 (Check) and 09 (Cash). 07 and 08 are preserved so must not be used. Other
methods could also be added. Note that the Payment Method field has a fixed field criteria to the Job Country.

Deloitte 2019 22
SAP SuccessFactors People Profile

Key Features of Payment Information

 Employee Central Portlet for storing and managing Bank Account
details of Employees
 Basic standard configurations could be customized for final
 Supports multiple level validations
 Supports integration with Onboarding as well as with Payroll

Deloitte 2019 23
Any questions?

2019 Deloitte 24
Employee Central Training Series in Nov/Dec 2019
Nr Topic Content Facilitators Date Nr Topic Content Facilitators Date

Overview from end-user perspective Muhammed 8.11.2019 Overview different reporting tools in EC 29.11.2019
Show employee profile and position org chart Yavuz, Kristine 13:00 – Show sample report Muhammet Yavuz, 13:00 –
1 Employee 7 Reporting
Self Services, Event Reason Derivation, Kovala, Pia 14:30h Report configuration Philip Jacobs 14:30h
workflow approval Rommel Best Practices

People Profile and Employee Profile 2.12.2019

11.11.2019 Payment Configuration Session 15:30 –
People Profile How does the sync work / which information is 8 Sandeep Kumar
Sandeep 15:30 – Information Best Practice and Examples 17:00h
2 relevant for typically synced?
Kumar 17:00h
other modules Which information is typically relevant for
other modules such as PM/GM, COB, SUC Functional permissions
15.11.2019 Field visibility permissions
Which information is typically interfaced Hanna Kuznetsova, 13:00 –
EC-REC-ONB-EC Christoph 10:30 – 9 Permissions Typical Roles such as HR Services, HR
3 between those modules Philip Jacobs 14:30h
Integration Flow Pohl 12:00h Manager, Employee, Manager, Works
Difference between REC standalone and EC Council?, …
Basic Configuration Training covering data Business Rules 9.12. 15:30 –
Michael Configuration Session Caroline Bock,
model, business configuration, showcase how 18.11.2019 10 and 17:00h
Data Model Staggenborg Best Practice and Examples Sandeep Kumar
4 to add a new field with config options 15:30 – Workflows
Configuration Rakesh
Dependencies to other modules (data Mig., 17:00h
Chilveri Mass changes 13.12.2019
Integration, Profile, other modules, …)
Import Export Data Migration Best Practice Hanna Kuznetsova, 13:00 –
Overview Position Org Chart 11
22.11.2019 Data Import Order Philip Jacobs 14:30h
Relevance for other modules (SUC,
Position 13:00 – Best Practice and Lessons Learned
5 downstream systems, REC, …) Philip Jacobs
Management 14:30h
Different configuration options Integration Differences in data models 16.12. 15:30
Thomas Dorow,
Transition, FTE 12 SFEC vs. SAP Showcase Replication Monitor – 17:00h
Philip Jacobs
Caroline Bock, HCM Best Practice and Lessons Learned
Sandeep 25.11.2019 Functional Overview (Time Off, Time 20.12.2019
Foundation Overview of foundation objects and
6 Kumar, 15:30 – Time Sheet, …) 13:00 –
Objects configuration best practices 13 Bing Wang
Michael 17:00h Management Configuration options and limitations 14:30h
Staggenborg Typical client requirements

Link to Sharepoint here

Thank you for your attendance.

2019 Deloitte

2019 Deloitte
Terms and Definitions
Overview of People Profile related basic terminology used in this deck

Term Definition

Profile Header Displays basic employee information like profile photo, phone number, email ID etc.
A specific SuccessFactors solution that is focused on certain functions, such as Employee Central
for Core HR Data.
Sections group certain information and display it in individual ‘tiles’ on the screen, corresponding to
data tables such as Job Information, Address, Education, Language Skills, etc.

Security/RBP Management of access and permissions given to the user to functionalities and data in the system.

An instance is the customer’s space or environment on the SuccessFactors server – for example,
Dover has a development instance, testing instance, production instance, etc.
Acts as an internal online resume where employees can update their own information, assign
Talent Profile
searchable skills, and experience
Org Chart Displays the employee’s organization hierarchy. Shows Manager and Direct Reports (if applicable)

Home Page is the landing page when you enter the system; it provides access to all the activities
Home Page
and processes in the system and gives you an overview of the status of your performance activities

Terms/Abbreviations and Definitions
Overview of Basic Employee Central Terminology Used

Term Definition

SF SAP SuccessFactors

EP Employee Profile – Base Stucture / Module for SuccessFactors

EC Employee Central

CSF Country Specific

Metadata Framework, SAP SF’s modern framework for all new standard and custom functionality

UI User Interface

GO Generic Object, MDF based objects

Set of logically related fields mostly from same module or source of data that is used as building
blocks for modular display on the employee‘s profile page
Terms/Abbreviations and Definitions
Overview of Basic Employee Central Terminology Used

Term Definition
Employee Self Service, a SF EC feature that allows employees to update their own relevant and
permissioned information.

RBP Role Based Permissions

IBAN International Bank Account Number

Bank Identifier Code (also referred to as Business Identifier Code, SWIFT Code, SWIFT ID, SWIFT-

FTSD Full Transmission Start Date (Cutover Date)

SAP Enterprise Resource Planning often referred in the document pertains to SAP HCM on premise

HCM Human Capital Management system mostly synonym to SAP on premise ERP system

This training deck has been solely prepared for the internal use. Any disclosure to third parties - in whole or in part – is subject to our prior
written consent.

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of
member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred
to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see for a more detailed description of DTTL
and its member firms.

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