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CEMM 260/261 MidTerm Examination #1 February 25, 2008

No books or notes may be consulted during this examination

1. (25 points) Molybdenum has an atomic radius of 0.136 nm, an atomic weight of
95.94 grams/mole, and a bcc crystal structure.
A. Calculate the theoretical density of molybdenum in kg/m3.
B. Calculate the planar density of molybdenum atoms on the (110) plane.
C. Calculate the linear density of molybdenum atoms in the [100] direction
A. a = 4R/31/2 = 4 x 0.136 nm/1.732 = 0.314 nm
ρ = 2 AW/a3 No = 2 x 95.94 /(0.3143 x 6.02 x 1023) = 1.0288 x 10-20 g/nm3
= 10288 kg/m3
B. on (110) plane, 2 atoms/21/2 a2 = 14..34 atoms/nm2 = 1.434 x 1019 atoms/m2
C. in [100] 1 atom/a = 3.18 atoms/nm = 3.18 x 109 atoms/m

2. (20 points) The diffusion coefficient of Zn in Cu at 300oC is 1.4 x 10-22 m2/s, and at
500oC, it is 4.0 x 10-18 m2/s. From this information, determine the activation energy
for diffusion of Zn in Cu and the diffusion coefficient of Zn in Cu at 400oC.
Ln D300 = -50.320 = ln Do –Q/(R x 573)
Ln D500 = -40.060 = ln Do –Q/(R x 773)

-10.260 = - Q/R (1/573 -1/773)

Q = 22722 x R = 188916 J/mol
Do = 2.335 x 10-4 m2/s

D400 = 2.335 x 10-4 m2/s x exp(-188916 J/mol/R x 673) = 5.07 x 10-20 m2/s

3. (30 points) Use the attached diagram for tensile strength of metals to answer the
following: (Note: This is Fig 7.19b from page 192.)
A. A piece of fully annealed brass wire can just support a load of 300 N before
breaking. What is the diameter of the wire?
B. If this wire is drawn through a die in which 30% cold work is performed, how much
load will the deformed wire be able to support without breaking

Fully annealed means 0% Cold Work, so brass has Tensile Strength = 310 MPa
310 x 106 = F/Ao = 300 N x 4/(πd2)
d2 = 300x4/(310 x 106x(π) = 1.23 x 10-6 m2
d = 1.11 x 10-3 m = 1.11 mm

30% CW, Tensile strength = 470 MPa, 0.3 = (Ao –Af)/Ao

Af=0.7 /Ao
470 x 106 = L/ Af
L = 300 x 0.7 x 470 x 106/(310 x 106)
L = 318 N
4. (5 points each, but 10 for D) Short answer questions. Answer in three sentences or
less. (More for D if you need it):
A. Explain what vacancies have to do with diffusion.
B. What class of materials have properties controlled by ionic bonds?
C. Brass (70%Cu-30%Zn) has a higher yield strength and tensile strength than pure
copper even when the amount of cold work in both metals is the same. Explain why.
D. How can you obtain the 0.2% offset yield strength from the stress-strain diagram
obtained during a tensile test?

A. Vacancies provide space for substitutional impurity atoms to jump into, so motion
of vacancies permits diffusion of substitutional impurities.
B. Ceramics have properties controlled by ionic bonds.
C. The presence of Zn atoms in brass hinders motion of dislocations, providing solid
solution strengthening, not found in pure copper.
D. 1. start from σ = 0, ε = 0.002 (0.2%)
2. Draw a straight line parallel to the experimental σ−ε line (ie. Slope equals E,
the elastic modulus.)
3. The stress at which the straight line crosses the experimental line is the 0.2%
offset yield strength.

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