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Labour Economics


First Semester

Department of Economics

This document contains Questions for Assessment 03.

This document contains Questions to Assignments 02.


Question 1 [10]
Discuss the unemployment grant in South Africa as a method of addressing the impacts of
[CLUE: For example, the COVID-19 social relief of distress]

Question 2 [10]
Briefly discuss data on vacancies as a measure of skilled labour shortages and the
shortcomings of such an indicator.

Question 3 [10]
You are involved in investigating charges that a large university in a small town is discriminating
against female employees. In your investigation, you find that, in the School of Social Work, the
majority of professors are female and earn 20% below the average salaries paid to those of
comparable rank elsewhere in the university. Is this university exhibiting behaviour associated with
employer discrimination? Briefly discuss this form of labour discrimination.

[30 marks]


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