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Over 400 years ago, Augustinian missionaries arrived at the fishing village of Palanyag near the sea,

with the aim of converting the natives to Roman Catholicism for the King of Spain. The village
eventually became Parañaque. In 1575, Rev. Fr. Juan de Orto began ministering to the village, and in
1580, it was recognized as an independent town, marking the foundation of the Parish of St. Andrew
the Apostle. St. Andrew was declared its patron saint. The church received royal support and
sustenance, and satellite chapels were established. However, during the Chinese pirate threat in 1662,
the original St. Andrew convent was demolished. In 1759, Fr. Eusebio Polo served as the parish
priest during the British invasion, followed by Fr. Manuel de Sto. Tomas Garcia in 1762, both of
whom were deported to Goa, India, with other Augustinians.

DEFEENSE FLOW 1.INTRODUCE (JORDY) - Good afternoon panelists, Thank you for joining us
today for this topical/research defense presentation. My name is Jennilyn Jordan, and i have the
privilege of leading this remarkable group of researchers. Here are my co-researchers Ms. donato,
Ms. Marino, Ms. Fabie and Mr. Dimacali. We are here to share with you our insights from our
research titled " Exploring the impact of tourism in promoting peace and heritage conservation of
Saint Andrew Cathedral in Parañaque City: A strategic proposal for sustainable development.
primary objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between tourism and peace-building
initiatives in the context of Saint Andrew Cathedral. In doing so, it aims to promote both tourism and
heritage conservation while identifying effective strategies for engaging local communities and
fostering sustainable tourism development in the area. By exploring the specific dynamics between
tourism, peace-building, and heritage conservation within the context of Saint Andrew Cathedral, this
study seeks to contribute valuable insights to the existing body of knowledge. It will shed light on the
positive impacts of tourism in promoting peace and preserving cultural heritage. The research will
primarily focus on the role of tourism in fostering cultural understanding, peaceful coexistence, and
unity within the community, using the iconic Saint Andrew Cathedral as a symbol of peace.

ALLY- This study wants to see how tourism can help bring peace and protect heritage at Saint
Andrew Cathedral. It also wants to boost tourism while involving locals and keeping it sustainable.
By looking at how tourism, peace-building, and heritage fit together at the Cathedral, the study aims
to share important findings. The study will show how tourism can create peace and preserve culture.
Specifically, it will focus on how tourism helps people understand each other, live peacefully, and
come together in the community, using Saint Andrew Cathedral as a symbol of peace. TITLE -
EXPLANATION (JORDY & ALLY) - The title of the study, "Exploring the Impact of Tourism in
Promoting Peace and Heritage Conservation of Saint Andrew Cathedral in Parañaque City: A
Strategic Proposal for Sustainable Development" Impact of Tourism: We want to know the influence
or effect of tourism and various aspects related to the Saint Andrew Cathedral, such as peace-
building initiatives ( parang ito yung mga actions or efforts to promote peace, resolve conflicts and
build sustainable peace within a community" and heritage conservation.
- Promoting Peace: This variable focuses on how tourism can contribute to fostering cultural
understanding, peaceful co-existence, and unity within the community, with a specific emphasis on
the significance of the cathedral as a symbol of peace.
- Heritage Conservation: This variable explores the efforts and strategies employed to preserve and
protect the cultural and historical importance of the Saint Andrew Cathedral. - Saint Andrew
Cathedral: This refers to the specific location and context of the study, which is the cathedral situated
in Parañaque City.
- Parañaque City: This variable signifies the geographical area where the Saint Andrew Cathedral is
located, providing a specific context for tHe study.
- Strategic Proposal for Sustainable Development: The study aims to develop a strategic plan that
aligns tourism development with heritage conservation and peace promotion, ensuring sustainable
development practices are implemented.

ALLY - This study wants to understand how tourism affects Saint Andrew Cathedral. It's interested in
two things: FIRST how tourism can help make peace and unity in the community, using the cathedral
as a symbol of peace, and SECOND how to protect and keep the cathedral's cultural and historical
importance. All of this is happening in Parañaque City, and the study wants to make a plan for
sustainable development that combines tourism, heritage protection, and peace efforts.


development *Tourism Management *Educational Awareness *Stakeholders collaboration 4. SOP -

Over 400 years ago Augustinian missionaries arrived at the fishing village of palanyag (came from
the word paglalayag) with the aim of converting the natives to roman Catholicism for the king of
spain, the village eventually called Paranaque. In 1575 fr. Juan de orto began ministering to the
village, and in 1580, it was recognized as an idependent town, marking the foundation of the parish
of saint Andrew the apostle.
Dear lord, we kow you have walked this path with us. May you help us to continue to feel your
strength and overwhelming knowledge. Father allow our our introduction to show the need for our
research tittle, allow our research statement to make a strong point showing the time we have spent
dedicated to learning this topic. Lastly make our defense be successful. In jesus name, amen.

There are 4 reasons why we came up with this study:

 first is to promote peace through tourism: one of the key aspects of this study delves into how
tourism can serve as a catalyst for peace building. So when tourist visit a place like saint Andrew
cathedral, it can create opportunities for cultural exchange and dialogue between different groups
of people. By facilitating cultural understanding and promoting interactions among tourist and the
local community, tourism can contribute to reducing misunderstandings and conflicts. It can also
serve as a platform for showcasing the shared history and values represented by the cathedral,
which can foster a sense of unity and peace

 second is heritage conservation: saint Andrew cathedral likely holds significant history and
cultural value. This study will explore the strategies and efforts of the place to protect and
preserve this heritage. This involves to not only maintain the physical structure, but also
safeguarding the history, traditions, and artifacts associated with the cathedral. Effective heritage
conservation can enhance the appeal of the destination to tourist and ensure that the future
generation can continue to appreciate its significance.

 Third is to boost tourism: this study would likely to investigate ways to increase tourism inside
and around saint Andrew cathedral. This involves marketing initiatives, infrastructure
improvements, and the development of guided tours and cultural events. A thriving industry can
bring economic benefits to the community while also drawing attention to the cathedral’s cultural
and historical importance.

 Lastly community unity: tourism can serve as a bridge between the local community and tourists.
Through organized events, cultural exchanges, and educational programs, tourism can help bring
community together, for example locals may get involve in guiding tours, sharing their stories
and tradition, or participating in events related to the cathedral. This involvement not only
strengthens community bonds but also promotes sense of ownership and pride in preserving
cultural heritage

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