Questionaire 1

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Interview Questionaire

Please answer the following

questions to the best of your knowledge and experience. Your responses will be
kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.

* Indicates required question

Section 1: Demographic Information

1. 1. Gender *

Mark only one oval.



Prefer not to say

2. 2. Age *

Mark only one oval.





56 and above
3. 3. Occupation

Mark only one oval.


Agroforestry practitioner


Government official

Other (please specify)

4. Section 2: Importance of Water Supply

4. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the importance of water supply in the

Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area

Mark only one oval.

1 Not important at all"

2 Slightly important

3 Important

4 Fairly Important

5 Very important.

5. 7. Can you briefly explain why you rated the importance of water supply in the *
Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area as you did?
6. Section 3: Consequences of Inconsistent Water Availability

8. Have you experienced inconsistent water availability in the Agroforestry Demo

and Laboratory Area?

Mark only one oval.



7. 9. If yes, please describe the consequences or challenges you have faced due to
inconsistent water availability in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area.

8. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the impact of inconsistent water availability on

the following aspects

Mark only one oval.

1 no impact

2 Small Impact

3 Have an Impact

4 High impact

5 Significant impact"
9. a) Crop growth and productivity

Mark only one oval.

1 No impact

2 Small impact

3 HAve an impact

4 High impact

5 Significant impact

10. b) Soil health and fertility

Mark only one oval.

1 No impact

2 Small impact

3 Have an impact

4 High impact

5 Significant impact

11. c) Farm income and profitability

Mark only one oval.

1 No impact

2 Small impact

3 Have an impact

4 High impact

5 Significant impact
12. d) Overall sustainability of agroforestry practices

Mark only one oval.

1 No impact

2 Small impact

3 Have an impact

4 High impact

5 Significant impact

13. Section 4: Water Supply Strategies

10. Which water supply strategies have you implemented or observed in the
Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area? (Select all that apply)

Tick all that apply.

a) Rainwater harvesting
b) Irrigation from surface water sources (rivers, ponds)
c) Irrigation from groundwater sources (wells, boreholes)
d) Drip irrigation
e) Sprinkler irrigation
f) Other (please specify)

14. Please rate the effectiveness of the water supply strategies you have
implemented or observed in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area, with 1
being "Not effective at all" and 5 being "Highly effective."

Mark only one oval.

1 Not effective at all

2 Slightly effective

3 Moderately effective

4 Very effective

5 Extremely effective
15. Can you briefly explain why you rated the effectiveness of the water supply
strategies as you did?

16. Section 5: Additional Comments

In your opinion, what are the key factors that contribute to ensuring a reliable
water supply in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area?

17. Are there any other comments or insights you would like to share regarding the
importance of water supply and the consequences of inconsistent water
availability in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area?
18. Section 1: Water Supply Methods

Which methods have you employed or observed for securing a reliable water
supply in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area? (Select all that apply)

Tick all that apply.

a) Rainwater harvesting
b) Surface water storage (ponds, reservoirs)
c) Groundwater extraction (wells, boreholes)
d) Irrigation scheduling and efficient water use practices
e) Water recycling and reuse
f) Other (please specify)

19. Please rate the effectiveness of the water supply methods you have employed or
observed in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area

Mark only one oval.

1 Not effective at all

2 Slightly effective

3 Moderately effective

4 Very effective

5 Extremely effective effective

20. Can you briefly explain why you rated the effectiveness of the water supply
methods as you did?
21. Section 2: Water Source Enhancement

Have you employed or observed any methods for enhancing water sources in
the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area? If yes, please describe briefly.

22. Please rate the effectiveness of the methods employed or observed for
enhancing water sources in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area

Mark only one oval.

1 Not effective at all

2 Slightly effective

3 Moderately effective

4 Very effective

5 Extremely effective

23. Can you briefly explain why you rated the effectiveness of the methods for
enhancing water sources as you did?
24. Section 3: Crop Growth and Productivity

How would you rate the overall crop growth and productivity in the Agroforestry
Demo and Laboratory Area?

Mark only one oval.

a) Low

b) Average

c) High

25. In your opinion, to what extent does the availability and reliability of water supply
impact crop growth and productivity in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory

Mark only one oval.

1 No impact

2 Small impact

3 Have an impact

4 High impact

5 Significant impact

26. Can you briefly explain why you rated the impact of water supply on crop growth
and productivity as you did?
27. Section 4: Additional Comments

In your experience, what are the key factors that contribute to securing a reliable
water supply and enhancing water sources in the Agroforestry Demo and
Laboratory Area?

28. Are there any other comments or insights you would like to share regarding the
effective strategies for ensuring reliable water supply and enhancing water
sources in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area?
29. Section 1: Comparative Analysis

In your opinion, which water supply method do you consider the most effective in
ensuring consistent water supply in the Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area?
(Please select one option)

Mark only one oval.

a) Rainwater harvesting

b) Surface water irrigation

c) Groundwater extraction

d) Drip irrigation

e) Sprinkler irrigation

f) Other (please specify)

30. Can you briefly explain why you consider the selected water supply method as
the most effective in ensuring consistent water supply?

31. Section 2: Challenges and Benefits

What are the main challenges you have encountered or observed with the
selected water supply method in ensuring consistent water supply in the
Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area?
32. What are the main benefits or advantages you have experienced or observed
with the selected water supply method in ensuring consistent water supply in the
Agroforestry Demo and Laboratory Area?

33. Section 3: Additional Comments

Are there any other comments or insights you would like to share regarding the
effective strategies for ensuring consistent water supply in the Agroforestry
Demo and Laboratory Area?

34. In your experience, what factors should be considered when determining the
most effective method for ensuring consistent water supply in the Agroforestry
Demo and Laboratory Area?

Thank you for participating in this questionnaire. Your input is invaluable for the
research study.
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