Neuromarketing: Application and Impact On Consumer Buying Behavior For Fashion Industry

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Neuromarketing: Application and impact on

consumer buying behavior for Fashion Industry.
Shaily Nihalani, IpsitKarmakar
Undergraduate student,
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Pune
Submitted: 15-07-2021 Revised: 29-07-2021 Accepted: 31-07-2021
ABSTRACT: This research primarily focuses on and behavior to provide them with the maximum
the aspect and implementation of neuromarketing benefits they can, I win-win for both consumers
in the fashion industry. Fashion has been a highly and companies. Since neuromarketing is coming
competitive industry in recent times with the out to be an efficient tool, the fashion industry
inclusion and implementation of various varied seems to have a wide scope for influencing
usage of technology in the production, propagation consumers' buying decisions. Neuromarketing is an
and the designing of the elements of fashion. The adaptable strategy to decide client inclinations and
implementation of neuromarketing in the fashion brand faithfulness, since it can apply to almost any
industry has brought multifold changes in the individual who has built up a supposition about an
industry in both positive and negative manners. item or organization. Regardless of what structure
This paper primarily focuses on how the it takes, promoting centers around making positive
implementation of Neuromarketing in the fashion and noteworthy effects in the brains of clients.
industry, especially with respect to Neuromarketing measures those effects, however
electroencephalography (EEG), functional anybody can take the essential revelations and
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), change their item or service to reflect subliminal
magnetoencephalography(MEG), eye-tracking purchaser needs.
(ET), facial recognition galvanic skin response
(GSR), and voice pitch analysis have affected the
big brands of the industry. The aspect of Ethical
dilemmas within the free will paradigm and
Rawlsian justice developed in moral philosophy are
delineated next w.r.t the fashion industry.
KEYWORDS: Neuromarketing, Branding,
Fashion Industry, Marketing, Consumer Behavior


1.1 Basics of Neuromarketing
The basic concept of marketing is to
identify the social needs of a consumer and add
value to it. The term Neuromarketing was initially Illustration 1: Dimensions of Neuromarketing
termed by Ale Smidts in 2002. The techniques Source:
involve using tools for marketing that carefully romarketing-in-business/
target the subconscious part of the brain in order to 1.2 Influence of Neuromarketing
help understand the consumers behavior and The Fashion Industry stands at a very big
response to the same. Some of the common tools share when it comes to connecting to their
used in Neuromarketing are customers. The main parts of style promoting are
electroencephalography (EEG), functional distinguishing the objective market at which the
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), attire will be pointed, figuring out where to offer
magnetoencephalography(MEG), eye-tracking the items to boost deals and choosing at what cost
(ET), facial recognition galvanic skin response to sell the items, to pull in clients and create
(GSR), and voice pitch analysis. These tools help benefits. Different viewpoints incorporate choosing
the business brand their products or services with a how the items ought to be shown; this is the place
more powerful impact. Hence these tools act as where the innovativeness and cleverness of the
successful tools to ignite the consumer‟s emotions advertiser becomes an integral factor.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4041
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Neuromarketing raises these feelings also, making positioning plans. Fortunato,V. C. (2014)
commitment in the psyche of the customer, so you
can pick a brand in specific, contingent upon how Neuromarketing can assist researchers in
requests suit your sentiments. Luxury brand buyers determining whether or not a campaign has
are bound to react positively towards promotion of likelihood of being recalled by the average
brands using emotional connect. Neuromarketing consumer. Through research that has already be
has had an incredible effect on the style business as conducted, neuromarketers have already
it helps the development of the brand and thus determined that memory of a product is often the
gives data to make advertising methodologies to most reliable measure of an advertisements
sell products. effectiveness and it is directly linked to future
buying behavior. The science behind
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Neuromarketing is still new, but researchers are
Butler, M.J. (2008) Provided a distinctive already making new advancements in this field to
perception of how understanding consumers is not build better marketing based on persuasion,
a brand new concern; however discovering new emotion and influence. Hilderbrand, M. L. (2016)
interconnections between one's perceptions are
useful to understanding introduction and diffusion. Analyzing the three areas and their turns
The upcoming field of neuromarketing reveals that of events, we reason that their commitments to all
knowledge has plasticity. In other words, different zones of our day by day lives are certain. Branding
stakeholders, marketing researchers and is of utmost importance for our regular day to day
practitioners, perceive the growth and application existence, actions and our cravings.
of neuromarketing techniques in different ways. Neuromarketing comes to play out our cerebrum's
Having different perceptions of knowledge is also working and our inclinations, while Information
not a new issue, but finding new links between Design helps us with overseeing and interface
those perceptions is relevant to knowledge creation adequately with the plenty of data we get day by
and diffusion. day, just as to advantage from the fast adaptations
of our cutting-edge way of life. Olga M.
The concept of observing what specific Nikolopoulou, Y. A.(2016)
brain function or functions are activated during
numerous stages of the consumer's The new development in neuroeconomics
decision‐ making process should help service appeared to have extensive cover with the aspect of
marketers improve their efficiency and advertising research. We have attempted to show
effectiveness. While neuromarketing has here that the significant neuroscientific view of
applications to all forms of product marketing, it is neuromarketing as exploitative, importantly
of particular interest to services marketers because imperfect, and possibly hurtful, ought not
of the intangible nature of services; thus making erroneously be applied to academic showcasing
conventional research more difficult and research. Surely, the field of neuromarketing
speculative. Fugate, D.L. (2008) should be considered as a real and significant
region for future application, which will permit us
It was seen that the presence of to completely comprehend human action in a
neuromarketing as a marketing research technique critical setting. Using neuroimaging to showcase
and people‟s inclination in this field of science research issues ought to permit us to structure
have boomed in recent years. With more studies undeniably more obviously the effect of
about neuromarketing being applied and their encouraging procedures, just as gaining
results disseminated, it is possible that more understanding into key aspects concerning business
companies will join the neuromarketing area to connections, answers to which have recently stayed
have better designed products and more efficient slippery. Nick Lee, A. J. (2007)
advertising. Therefore, neuromarketing techniques Culture can assume an incredibly relevant
can help the understanding of many kinds of part with respect to the operation of one show, and
structured buying behavior. Neuromarketing was how one sees the world. At last, it is turning out to
noticed as an important tool to help bring clarity be evident that an urgent aspect of progress in the
and understand consumers‟ behavior, having great field of advertising overall will be to consolidate
scope in the area of communication, as well as the strategies. Various individual Neuromarketing
scope to identify consumers‟ subconscious needs strategies can solve one aspect of an inquiry quite
and thus create more incentivized packaging, well; yet have impediments that meddle with
pricing decisions and more efficient brand drawing solid general ends. It is for a good number

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4042
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

of reasons that one can't yet pick regardless of V. HYPOTHESIS FRAMED FOR THE
whether Neuromarketing will go about as a hero STUDY.
later on or be just one more advertising stretch. The hypothesis framed in this research is
Kumar, S. (2015) to determine the relation between the
neuromarketing tools used by fashion industrialists
Emily Murphy, J.I. (2008) interpreted and the choice affected by consumers due to them.
with a preliminary version of a policy of ethics that The research question is “Does neuromarketing
we recommend be adopted by the neuromarketing unconsciously affect the consumer behavior in the
industry. The overarching objective of this code of Fashion Industry, if yes what are the significant
ethics is to promote research and growth, factors that influence it?”
entrepreneurship, and profitable enterprise along Null hypothesis (H0) = The
with relevant and non-harmful use of neuroimaging neuromarketing tools used by fashion industrialists
technology at all stages of development, does not attract the consumers buy the product.
deployment, and dissemination. These codes Alternate hypothesis (H1) = The
should be connected within the neuromarketing neuromarketing tools used by fashion industrialists
arena with the advice of independent academic unconsciously attract the consumers to buy the
researchers working in the area of neural correlates product.
of decision-making, social behavior, and consumer
preferences, as well as neuro ethicists and experts The data analysis part will be used to
in marketing industry ethics. Proactive conclude whether the null hypothesis stands true or
development of such policies within the false. The hypothesis framed by the researcher is
professional community will provide that the implementation of neuromarketing has
creditworthiness and garner greater acceptance than resulted in a boom in the fashion industry at large.
those that may be imposed upon the field by Brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Burberry and Chanel
regulatory bodies, especially if they arise in were the pivotal players in the initial
response to adverse events. implementation and utilization of neuromarketing
in the industry. With brands like Gucci, Calvin
III. RESEARCH GAP Klien, Prada and Moschino following soon,
The various literature reviewed lack in neuromarketing became the go to marketing aspect
covering the sensitivity of using consumer‟s for brands when it came to mass public outreach.
psychology to control their behavior, which is Brands started implementing the concept of colour
considered to be against ethics. It also fails to cover grading, sound frequency manipulation and product
important determinants such as color, packaging, placement design to draw conclusive results with a
and product design as a tool to impact its massive increase in sales in the years to come.
consumer‟s behavior. There is a lack of generic
understanding for the relationship between VI. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
neuromarketing and branding amongst diverse 6.1 Research Design
industries. In accordance with this there is absence The research undertaken was conducted to
of specific implications and applications of collect data and analyze the application of
neuromarketing in the fashion industry. neuromarketing as a tool by company‟s from the
fashion industry. Primary research was conducted
IV. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE to conclude the behavior of consumers towards the
● To determine the relationship between marketing tool used by companies that are
neuromarketing and branding in the fashion psychological in nature. This research was a basic
industry. one which included aspects of quantitative data
● To determine the effects and implications of from the responses received from them being the
neurology in branding consumers of the products in the industry. The data
● To determine the scope for color, packaging collected is then investigated systematically to
and other product designing factors to target evaluate the quantitative and qualitative aspects of
consumers behavior. the research. The research is conducted to collect
● To understand the changes in fashion choices primary data from the consumers of India
of consumers due to tools of neuromarketing. distributed all along the geographical area of India.
The consumers include only those who buy
products from the fashion industry. This population
is an easy fit to determine the choices of consumers

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4043
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

in India which might get affected due to similar variables that further implement and organize and
cultural, economic and social factors. evaluate the study in a way that demonstrates that
The survey was sent across the frame of the study is indeed true and that it can also be
students and family members all across India to accepted as a fact. Since the study is fundamental
receive a diverse section of data. Total of 250 in nature, a lot of references from other articles, as
responses were collected for this survey and included in the literature review, would be needed
analyzed. The population is further segregated into to shape a more precise and general assumption
Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern and Central about the subject in question. The other studies
India. The sampling technique used is simple offered a limited view of the relevance of minor
random sampling. This removes the chances of any aspects of Neuromarketing or maybe concentrated
bias and makes the entire data collection process only on some aspects of the subject that will be
simple. The instrument that has been used is by used as essential components to a more general
conducting a survey of the sample by the means of conclusion of the subject. In an extensive and
a questionnaire. The main motivator behind this systematic approach, the synthesis of the different
decision was to help the respondent get engaged in factors will assist, and after as many components
the procedure to ask them connected questions have been exhausted, it will lead to the conclusion.
encouraging them to give meaningful responses. This design will help in the qualitative conclusion
about how the importance of factors like color,
6.2. Case Analysis placement and sound frequency has played a
Other than the survey to understand the fundamental role in the rise of the use of
thought process of the consumers a secondary neuromarketing and other psychological aspects of
research was also done to understand the point of marketing in the fashion industry at large.
view of major fashion companies. On the basis of The information collected for this research
use and audience, this research is a basic research, paper was through secondary sources, the research
with the aim being to extend the existing domain of papers and articles studied/analyzed for it were
knowledge regarding the extent of Neuromarketing mainly found on Google Scholar, Pearson E-
in the Fashion Industry. On the basis of purpose, Books etc. The information in this research paper
this research is a causal conclusive research, the has been collected from several sources like
implementation of Neuromarketing in the Fashion journals, articles, and already existing papers to
Industry will be studied in great depth to find out provide a wider range of coverage that will result in
how it has affected the entire industry and molded a better understanding of the topic. It was ensured
it into the industry it is today and what changes that all the data taken into consideration was
have been brought till now. Since this topic has relative to the research, and that the data was
been previously studied before, there is no reliable and valid to the time period of the study.
exploratory aspect to this study, it is a further The tools primarily used for analysis are
enforcement of an existing assumption into fact. qualitative. The interpretation of the analyzed data
On the basis of the nature of cases, this is an is also a crucial element of the analyzed data. These
across-case research, which will be focusing on aspects increase the emphasis of interpretation of
multiple instances where Neuromarketing in the characteristics like industry trends, psychology,
fashion industry has helped brands in elevating human behavior and most importantly logic.
either their position in the market or the overall
marketing prowess of the brand per se. The VII. DATA ANALYSIS AND
instances and examples cited may have both a INTERPRETATION
negative as well as a positive perception towards In today's modern practices taken up by
neuromarketing depending upon the brand and how brands there are multiple dimensions that are taken
it has shaped its marketing standards around the into consideration while adding value to the
concept of the same. The secondary data collected customers being the kings. Amongst these various
will be analyzed over a specific period of time. On aspects few of the points that the marketers
the basis of data collection, this is qualitative non- prioritize include brand, color, textile, price and
reactive research, which will include secondary celebrity endorsements to add value to their
data taken from as reliable a source as possible and product. In the survey conducted, the respondents
will be used as the base to form a conclusion. were asked to rank the aspects they take into
Historical comparison of the data collected also consideration while looking forward to a fashion
plays a crucial role in this study. brand. The graph illustrates how the majority of
The design is very comprehensive, it will them considered celebrity endorsements to be the
include identifying the different determining last criteria for their purchase. Brand name and

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4044
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

color for them were an integral part to make the fashion industry not only depend upon the
efficient choices. The marketer can exclusively use composition of the product but also its outer
color and the trends to set into their place in the appearance and looks.
industry. This can be observed that consumers for

Illustration 2: A Graphical Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P1

Table 1: A Tabular Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P1

Illustration 3: A Graphical Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P2

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4045
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Table 2: A Graphical Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P2

Illustration 4: A Graphical Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P3

Table 3: A Tabular Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P3

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4046
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Illustration 5: A Graphical Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P4

Table 4: A Tabular Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P4

Illustration 6: A Graphical Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P5

Table 5: A Tabular Representation of How Age Group and The Aforementioned Factors Affect Buying
Decisions w.r.t P5

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4047
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

The p-value is <0.05. There exists communication. Similarly when the consumers go
sufficient evidence to conclude that there exists a after a brand or their product, color comes into
strong relationship between the age and the factors play. Elaborating on the same element the
that affect the respondents purchasing decisions respondents were questioned if the color palette of
while buying a fashion product. Amongst all the their apparel and accessories affect their purchasing
age groups, the brand image and value stands to be decisions. It was found the majority of the
the initial aspect while buying a fashion product. It respondents were inclined towards purchasing the
can be observed that amongst the age group of 18 apparel only if it matched their color preferences.
and below, the colour scheme of the fashion Marketers in this scenario can unconsciously lure
product stands as a priority to consider. After brand the consumers towards their brands by targeting the
value, colour stands to be an important factor right audience towards the right color scheme. For
which influences the buying decision of the example, brands producing products for youngsters
consumers. Out of all the 5 factors, celebrity can focus on bright colors where those for elders
endorsements stand to be the least important factor can incorporate soothing colors. Luxury brands in
for all the respondents amongst all the age groups. this case are considered to be the trend setters and
Color scheme has been one of the most hence they influence the entire industry to follow
effective tools of neuromarketing. In the fashion the same color combinations.
industry colors are considered as a medium of

Illustration 7: A Graphical Representation of How Colour of an Apparel Influences Purchase Decision

Fashion industry plays to their consumers impact them as much due to their existing outlook
by generating a sense of confidence in their about themselves. hence brands definitely work on
personalities. Therefore, sometimes generating a the target audience to get the maximum response
sense of insecurity or an urge amongst them to out of their efforts. The following pie chart gives a
trigger their appearance becomes a tool by these clear indication of how, from a survey of 250
brands to make consumers feel the necessity of people, 56.8% of the population believe that factors
buying their products. Amongst the responses like color palette, ambience etc. play a vital role in
received, there was a mix of opinions from various influencing the purchasing decision of a consumer.
people around the area. For some people these Similarly, about 25.2% of the population stay
advertisements did create a sense of insecurity skeptical and 18% of the population believe that
which might boost them towards using their brand the aforementioned factors do not play a significant
to look better. For the others it did not maybe role in the purchasing decision of a consumer.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4048
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Illustration 8: Pie chart showing the opinions of respondents towards characteristics of the fashion stores.

This graph shows a stark reality how towards choosing their preferences based on what
people value and give importance to Store Displays they physically see and can touch in front of them
more than any other replies with a staggering 123 compared to other approaches. Overall, store
replies, closely followed by „Regular People displays, People and Commercials play the major
Citing‟ with a total of 120 votes. This helps the factors in influencing the purchasing decision of a
paper draw a very strong conclusion that people, consumer. In comparison, other factors like
even in the 21st century, have a strong affinity

Illustration 9: Pie Chart Showing the Effect of Factors to Fashion Ideas

Fashion industry plays to their consumers people around the area. For some people these
by generating a sense of confidence in their advertisements did create a sense of insecurity
personalities. Therefore, sometimes generating a which might boost them towards using their brand
sense of insecurity or an urge amongst them to to look better. For the others it did not maybe
trigger their appearance becomes a tool by these impact them as much due to their existing outlook
brands to make consumers feel the necessity of about themselves. hence brands definitely work on
buying their products. Amongst the responses the target audience to get the maximum response
received, there was a mix of opinions from various out of their efforts.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4049
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Illustration 10: Graphical representation of respondents reacting to a sense of insecurity sparked by fashion

Proper analysis of the pie chart reveals product over any other factor. Market trend also
details such as Sales Offer being the highest plays a major role in the analysis as a consumer
preferred factor for the purchase of a product would prefer purchasing a product following the on
without a trial. Product Knowledge and Brand going market trend over a product which is not in
Value following suit shows a traditional mindset trend. Other factors play a minimum role in
among the Indian consumer base wherein they influencing the purchasing decision of a consumer.
prefer offers which deplete the final value of a

Illustration 11: Pie Chart Representing the Probability to Choose Apparels, Cosmetics, Accessories etc.
Without A Trial

VIII. BRAND RESONANCE and Calvin Klein, to name a few, have been very
8.1. Applications used by Fashion brands influential in changing the entire paradigm of the
This article has therefore been able to industry.
analyze and graphically comprehend the extent of With the inclusion of aspects such as
neuromarketing in the fashion industry. A smell and low latency induced frequencies, fashion
qualitative analysis of multiple case studies giants like Dior and Chanel have made it a priority
provided enough evidence to understand how the to include such activities in their daily marketing
aspects of electroencephalography (EEG), strategies. Brands like Calvin Klein have taken
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), extra measures to only employ “visually appealing‟
magnetoencephalography(MEG), eye-tracking models for their campaigns bringing in wrath from
(ET), facial recognition galvanic skin response many.
(GSR), and voice pitch analysis have affected the Aspects of eye tracking were also
big brands of the industry. It was evident from our introduced and used by brands to improve their
research that multiple brands like Chanel, Gucci sales and were proven to show results. Brands like
DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4050
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

Calvin Klein and Nautica saw a 71% increase in industry based on multiple aspects. Consumers
their sales after sorting their male apparels from a have therefore started understanding the
random order to a pastel-to-hue order. The importance of the same in the industry and now
implementation of EEG has also been a vital aspect prefer purchasing products from brands that sort or
from brands, especially PRADA. The EEG test assemble their products based on psychological
done by professionals for a PRADA survey had aspects and multiple sales reports can be used as
proved that consumers tend to go for merchandise evidence against the same case.
showing the company‟s name and label in bigger
and more prominent fonts than that of minimum or 8.2 A Descriptive Study on the Brand Resonance
negligible fonts. of Chanel
Chanel, as a luxury brand has amassed an
A detailed study on eye-tracking and its unparalleled brand loyalty when it comes to their
implications on the behavior of consumers was consumers. Having delivered more than 20 iconic
studied in a detailed format in the retail industry. advertisements and marketing campaigns, the
Results from the same were utilized by Tommy brand resonance has been particularly very strong
Hilfiger for their Summer‟18 campaign when the with the brand. According to multiple consumers,
brand decided to reveal their entire collection from the sense of high social status and a hefty price tag
a color grading perspective starting with yellow has added particularly in a better way with this
and light shades of blue and ending with solid brand compared to some other brands of the same
colors like bold red and black. segment. The extensive imagery of black and white
used by Chanel has proved to be highly beneficial
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), though for them as it has now become an iconic
not used frequently by the industry, still plays a resemblance and most customers of the same know
major role when it comes to perfumes and the brand by this very color grading. The emphasis
colognes. Brands like Davidoff and Vera Wang are on luxury by the brand has also cemented its
known to use GSR to study impulses in their position in the upscale market segment thanks to its
consumers before releasing any major cologne iconic advertisements and aggressive
from their side. neuromarketing. Lastly, the low recall rates and
high brand recognition has particularly paved the
From a very qualitative perspective, it was way for the brand to be hailed as one of the most
also made sure that consumers have started influential and iconic brands in the fashion
noticing the trend of segregation in the fashion industry.

Illustration 12: Brand Resonance Pyramid of Channel.


8.3 Brand Resonance of Vera Wang smell emotionally connects them to their brand.
The olfaction element used by companies Perfume manufacturers in the fashion industry such
is increasingly appreciated by consumers these as the well-known Vera Wang use the same while
days. The element of surprise that comes with the producing products for everyone. The fragrance

DOI: 10.35629/5252-030740414053 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 4051
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 7 July 2021, pp: 4041-4053 ISSN: 2395-5252

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