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Computer Organization
(Autonomous) • Computer Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction –
Addition and Subtraction with Signed Magnitude Data,
UNIT VI Hardware Implementation, Hardware Algorithm, Addition
and Subtraction with Signed 2’s Complement Data,
Sections - A & D Multiplication Algorithms – Hardware Implementation for
Signed Magnitude Data, Hardware Algorithm, Booth
Multiplication Algorithm, Array Multiplier, Division
Prepared by Algorithms - Hardware Implementation for Signed
Magnitude Data, Divide Overflow, Hardware Algorithm,
Anil Kumar Prathipati, Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE. Floating – point Arithmetic operations – Basic
Considerations, Register Configuration, Addition and
Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.

Addition & Subtraction
Signed - Magnitude
 Addition and Subtraction of Signed-Magnitude data
 Addition and Subtraction of Signed-2’s Compliment data
 Multiplication of Signed-Magnitude and Signed-2’s Compliment
 Array Multiplier
 Division of Signed-Magnitude and Signed-2’s Compliment data
 Floating point Arithmetic operations.

Hardware Architecture


Addition & Subtraction Multiplication

Signed – 2’s Complement Signed - Magnitude
Cont.… Cont.… Example
Number1 X Number 2

Multiplicand in B

Multiplier in Q E A Q SC


Final Product in AQ

Multiplication Cont.…
Signed – 2’s Complement (Booth’s)

Cont.… Example Division
Signed – 2’s Complement
Number1 X Number 2

Multiplicand in BR

Multiplier in QR Qn Qn+1 AC QR

Ashr(AC & QR)

Final Product in AC QR

Cont.… Example Cont.… Example

Cont.… Example Array Multiplier

‘J’ is Multiplier
‘k’ is Multiplicand
J*k  AND gates
(J-1)*k  HA

Here, a is Multiplier
And b is Multiplicand

Addition & Subtraction

Floating Point Numbers

Hardware Architecture

The algorithm can be divided into four consecutive parts:

1. Check for zeros.
2. Align the mantissas.
3. Add or subtract the mantissas
4. Normalize the result
Floating Point Numbers
The algorithm can be divided into four consecutive parts:
1. Check for zeros.

2. Add the Exponents.
3. Multiply the mantissas.
4. Normalize the Product.

Floating Point Numbers

The algorithm can be divided into four consecutive parts:
1. Check for zeros.
2. Subtract the Exponents.
3. Divide the mantissas.

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