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BYJU'S Comparing Quantities Topic : Questions discussed in class 1. 1100 girls and 700 boys are examined in a test, 42% of the girls and 30% of the boys failed. The percentage of the total who pass is (IMO 2013-14) © A 58% o B. 023% ® c 60% © D. 78% Number of girls = 1100 Number of boys = 700 Since 42% of girls and 30% of boys failed, 58% of girls and 70% of boys have passed the test. 58% x 1100 + 70% x 700 _ sex1100 =~ T0 700 TOO = 1128 Percentage of students who have passed the test 128 1s = TEx 100 = B- 29, 1500 3 — 625% Copyright© Think ae Lea PL ‘Questa dacutea che BYJU'S Comparing Quantities 2. The income of a person A increase from 212000 to 214000, and the expenditure increases from 40% to 50%. Find the percentage increase or decrease in the monthly savings of A [IMO 2019-20} (%) A 2 Pincrease ~ B. 2 7% decrease ® ©. 3% increase ® D. 3% decrease Saving = Income - Expenditure In the first case, savings = 60% of 12000 = Rs. 7200. In the second case, savings = 50% of 14000 = Rs. 7000. + The percentage decrease in savings = “2 x 100 =2 7% Copyright© Think ae Lea PL ‘Questa dacutea che BYJU'S Comparing Quantities 3. Rohan has just finished reading 204 pages of a storybook. He plans to finish the rest of book in the next 7 days by reading same number of pages each day. If he reads 35% of the book in the next 5 days, how many pages does the book have? (IMo 2013-14) ® A 300 ~ B. 400 ® ©. 500 ® D. 600 Rohan already finished 204 pages. Then each day he reads equal number of pages for 7 days to complete the book, Ifin 5 days he could complete 35% of the book, that means he read 7% of the book each day, So in 7 days he will complete 35% + 7% + 7% = 49% of the book Let's say the book has x number of pages. So, 204 + 49% of x =x 10 > 204+ tat > 204 109 > z — M1 _ 409 pages ot Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che BYJU'S Comparing Quantities A shopkeeper sold two watches for 425 each, gaining 10% on one and losing 10% on the other. Which of the following is true? [BMA] &® A. He gains 1% (Y) B. Heloses 1% ® C. Either (A) or (B) ® D. Neither (A) or (B) Let the cost price of first watch be C1 and other be C2. Profit percentage = 425-C1=0.10C1 425 =1.1C1 2386.36 Loss percentage = ae 100 = 10 C2 - 425 =0.1C2 0.902 = 425 2 = 2472.22 Total cost price = 2472.22 + %386.36 = %858.58 Profit of watch 1 - Loss of watch 2 = Net gain (425 - 386.36) - (472.22 - 425) = Net gain Net gain = 38.64 - 47.22 = -8.58 ‘Therefore the seller gains a loss of 88.58. total on both products. Net loss percentage = —stes 858 = GR 100 = 1% Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che 5. BYJU'S Comparing Quantities 411 oranges are bought for 210 and 10 oranges are sold for 211. The gain/loss percentis__. &® A 21% loss &® B. 41% gain eo ©. 21% gain ® D. 11% loss Cost price of 1 orange = «12 Selling price of 1 orange Profit % = 7:25 x 100 x 100 = Fix Fx 100 = 21% Thus, shopkeeper incurred a gain of 21%. Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che BYJU'S Comparing Quantities 6. Peter purchased a machine for ¥80,000 and spent 25000 on repairs and 21000 on transport and sold it with 25% profit. At what price did he sell the machine? (IMO 2012-13) ® A. &1,05,100 &® B. 31,06,250 ~ ©. %1,07,500 ® D. &1,17,500 Cost price, CP = 780,000 Money spent on repairs = €5000 Money spent to transport = 21000 Total expenses = 80,000 + 25000 + 1000 = 86000 Profit = 25 Selling price, SP = Profit % of (total expenses) +Total expense = 25% of 86000 + %86000 = 21500 + 286000 = 21, 07,500 Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che BYJU'S Comparing Quantities 7. Aperson borrows 25000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to another person at 64% p.a. for 2 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year. (IMo 2013-14) &® A 8125 & B. = 167.50 ® c. 150 ~ D. None of these First case: Principal, P = 25000 Rate of interest, R = 4% Time period, T = 2 years Simple interest, SI = = S02 = = oo Second case: Principal, P = 85000 Rate of interest, R = 63% Time period, T = 2 years PxRxT Simple interest, S| = *2* s000%6 = p= 625 Total gain = 625 - 2400 = 2225 = RL Gain per year = >= %112.5 Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che 8. BYJU'S Comparing Quantities Rihana took a loan of 21200 with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If she paid £432 as interest at the end of the loan period, what was the time? (IMo 2013-14) ® A. 3.6 years ~ B. 6 years ® C. 18 years ® D. Cannot be determined Simple Interest, SI = %432 Principal, P = 21200 Rate of Interest, R = Time period, T We know that _ PaRx ST a0 = 43: Too = R= 36 >R=6 => T =6 years Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che BYJU'S Comparing Quantities © in how many years will a certain sum becomes five times itself at 20% per annum simple interest? Let the sum be Rs. z. «Amount = 5¢ Simple interest = Amount - Principal 5¢ — 2 = 4e Let the number of years be n. We have simple interest = 42° fy — ED oe 4st >n = 20 = In 20 years, the sum becomes 5 times itself. Copyright© Think ae Lea Ps ‘Questa dacunea che

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