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I would like to redirect my gratitude towards my Development Studies teacher who helped me in
the progression of the project. I would also like to acknowledge my mother who gave me money
as start-up capital which was contributed into the project. I would furthermore thank the student
personnel; chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and treasurer who helped me manage and
bring the project towards the completion.
As a class 5CG of 2022, we are carrying out a project based on promoting environmental
management in Gaborone Senior Secondary School. Students especially Form 4s do not have
knowledge based on promoting environmental management thus they do not take care of the
school environment. The school is littered with a lot of trash which makes the school
environment dirty and untidy and this destroys the school’s image as we keep a dirty
environment. This will contribute to a healthier learning environment where students are able to
concentrate on learning on learning without the hindrance of environment issues. Classes are
dusty and misty with dirty floors and this serves a s an unhealthy learning ground for students.
As a class, we intend to spread awareness about environmental management to be able to
practice better care for the school’s environment. We are going to commence litter picking in
groups every week to improve the school’s environment and image and have a cleaning rote to
clean classes accordingly and efficiently for a safe learning area. The form 4s are going to
benefit ultimately as they will learn about the importance of environmental management thus
paving a hygienic and tidy environment for the current and future students of Gaborone Senior
Secondary School.
Background of Botswana
Botswana is a landlocked country which is located on the Southern part of Africa and it is part of
the Southern Africa region. Botswana was colonized in 1885 by the British to block the possible
alliance between as Bechuanaland protectorate. Botswana is situated at 22’00’S 24’00’E, rural
area of 58’F30, 9n’(97.22) water (2.58). Botswana then gained independence after 81 years as
the three great chiefs helped Botswana to gain independence: Khama III, Sebele I and Bathoen I,
they travelled to Great Britain in 1895 to ask Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the
colonies and Queen Victoria to spare the Bechuanaland Protectorate from Cecil Rhode’s British
South Africa Company and Southern Rhodesia(Zimbabwe).
As they were granted their request, Batswana remained under direct British rule until
independence in the 1960s. This was at 1965 when Bechuanaland attained self-governance and
in the 30th of September of 1966, it became the independent Republic of Botswana maintaining
harmony and stability. The first president of Botswana who was elected to first serve was Sir
Seretse Khama who died in 1980 after serving 14 years.
Botswana was one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world as she did not have
the generation of income. But the mining of diamonds, tourism, livestock farming and financial
services helped improve the economy of Botswana so much that as time went on, Botswana was
then reinstated as an upper-middle class country. The income improved development as schools,
hospitals and roads were built and the provision of services also improved. The Capital City of
Botswana which is Gaborone was officially established as a city, the same time, Botswana
gained its independence and so did the first senior secondary school in the country. The first mall
was named Main Mall located in the centre of Gaborone. As time went on, Botswana improved
immensely in economy with the mining being the main source of economy.
Source: Wikipedia
Map of showing location of Botswana
Background of Gaborone
Gaborone is located between Kgale Hill and Oodi Hill with a current population of 208 411
people. The city of Gaborone is named after Chief Gaborone of the Tlokwa tribe, who once
controlled land nearby and as it was close to the fresh water and no tribe, the city was then
planned to be the capital in the 60s when the Bechuanaland Protectorate became an independent
nation. Gaborone is situated at 24 ’39’29’S ,25’54’44’E between Kgale and Oodi Hills on the
Notwane River in the Southern Eastern corner of Botswana.
The first government school in Gaborone was built and established by the 30 th of September
which is known as Gaborone Senior Secondary School is located in Gaborone Central opposite
Princess Marina Hospital. The first mall which is Main Mall was built in the center of the city
near Gaborone Senior Secondary School and it consisted of several different shops, embassies,
and banks and this made Gaborone to become one of the fastest growing cities, but further
caused problems involving housing and illegal settlements and there were also conflicts with
Zimbabwe and South Africa during the 80s.
Gaborone is the center of the national economy as it has the headquarters of important financial
institutions such as Bank of Botswana, BancABC and high servicing like Air Botswana,
Consumer Watchdog, Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, Debswana and the joint
diamond mining venture between De Beers and the government. The economy has four main
sectors that raise the city’s economy which include Diamond mining which as Botswana take
second place as one of the top exporters, livestock (cattle) agriculture, subsistence farming and
Gaborone is also the headquarters of SADC and was founded in the 1980s to increase the
economic cooperation among the Southern African countries. And this generated interest in other
countries to expand their companies and shop enterprises in Gaborone these including Hyundai,
Volvo, Spars and this increasing the employment rate as these enterprises hired a lot of people.
The current unemployment rate in Gaborone is about 17.7% from the 2020 analysis and while
61.5% are employed in the financial sector. As economy grew in Gaborone, so did the
development phase where more roads were built, hospitals and schools.
Source: Google and Wikipedia
Map of Botswana showing location of Gaborone
Background of Gaborone Senior Secondary School

Gaborone Senior Secondary School is located at the heart of Gaborone between Princess Marina
Hospital and the physical address is Plot 327, North Ring road, Extension 5 in Gaborone Central
and the school address is : The School Head , Gaborone Senior Secondary School, Private Bag
0019, Gaborone. It was first established on the 30 th of September which is the day Botswana
gained independence, the first government school in the city; administration and financing was
controlled by the government.

Gaborone Senior Secondary School started as a junior secondary school with 90 students (60
boys and 30 girls) but became a senior. Overtime, the school population started to grow and it
soon reached by 1972 and students enrollment currently is about 1800. The curriculum consisted
of very few subjects but as time went on, it expanded involving subjects such as English,
Literature in English, Setswana, Mathematics, French, History, Geography, Home Economics,
Science, Commerce and Typing over the years.

The current curriculum has added others such as Computer Studies, Additional Mathematics,
Statistics, Physical Education. The staff was mostly from United Kingdom and Southern Arica
region and some from Canada, France, India and Denmark and there were few Batswana staff
but they grew slowly over the years, currently at 135. Gaborone Senior Secondary School did
well in Sports and had a lot of trophies and certificates to show for it and they performed very
well academically even among the top 10 schools in the school. Parent Teacher Association was
established in the school in the early 80s and the association worked hard for the interest of
students and this association had fundraising events such as sponsored walks, dinners, civic days.
The current student population is 1800 with approximately 900 form 4 students. Each student
should have a minimum of 8 subjects which must include Setswana, English, Science and
Mathematics (core subjects).

Source: School Prospectus

An extract of map of Gaborone showing Gaborone Senior Secondary School


Needs Assessment is a systematic process that examines what criteria must be met in order to
reach a desired outcome.

Advantages Disadvantages
 It is able to explore unexpected problems  -It is time-consuming and slow
and find solutions for them.  -It sometimes becomes very difficult to
 -It is useful in complex issues analyze because of complex issues
 It evaluates current performance to enhance  -It is only effective if it offers accurate
the future one evidence to determine which solution is the
 It implements viable solutions for the best for achieving the desired results
benefit of the organization
 It develops training strategies to ensure
success of a project

Method of Needs Assessments

1. Observation
2. Interview
3. Questionnaire

1. Observation
Observation is when a researcher examines a situation or a subject to get information or
data he/she needs.

-The gathering of information is immediately recorded
-Assumptions after observation are ready for analysis
-It is a non-verbal method as some people may not like opening up
-The accuracy is very high as the researcher directly get data from the situation
-It is simple as it requires less knowledge and skills

-Observation can be impossible to measure when there are abtracts of nature, love
-It has little control over physical situation
-It is very slow and expensive
-It may lack clarity as people do not look at situation the same way
-The data is unmanageable as every detail can be important to observe

Problems identifies of Observation

-Vandalized doors and walls
-Old and racked ceilings
-Unwritable chalkboard
-Unhygienic and unclean classes
-Old and rusty tables and desks

-Painting doors and walls
-Install new strong ceiling boulders
-Install whiteboard which can written with markers
-Provision of brooms and mops for self-cleaning
-Buying of new school tables and desks

2. Interview
An interview is when a researcher asks an respondent questions in order to collect
information or data.

-There is better response rate
-There is choice in choosing the place of interview
-The interview has control over the order of question
-Provides a flexibility to the interviewers
-There is focus in the interview

-It requires dedication
-No maintenance of record as it is oral
-It requires very good communication skills
-It is very expensive and time-consuming
-Lack of accessibility to the respondents

Problems identified during an interview

-The interviewees may have fatigue
-The interviewees may be inconsistency
-The interviewer may be bias
-The interviewer may be not have been prepared
-The interviewer may ask bad questions which are uncomfortable

-Leaving personal issues at the door and taking breaks to avoid negative energy
-Seeking information about bias before the interview to pick a suitable interviewer
-Limit the number of interview to no more than 3 or 4 a day
-Thoroughly read the candidate’s CV, making a note of anything you would like to ask
your candidates to expand upon
-Make a real effort to ease your candidate into the interview before asking difficult

Sample on an interview
1. Are you willing to travel?
2. What qualities makes a good leader?
3. What are your views on environmental management?
4. What is your greatest personal achievement?
5. Would you be willing to work nights and weekends?
6. How much do you expect to be earning in five years?
7. What is your ideal working environment?
8. Are you more of a leader or a follower?
9. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

3. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a series of questions asked to individuals to obtain statistically useful
information about a given topic.
-It saves cost as it is face to face
-It reaches people quickly
-The respondent can be kept anonymous
-Flexibility for respondent over where and when to complete their given questionnaire
-It is scaleable as one can use the internet to target people anywhere around the world
-The data accuracy is valid as data is automatically saved into spreadsheets, databases

-Some questions can be difficult to analyze
-There can be accessibility issues due to certain conditions such as visual impairment
-Questionnaires can cause fatigue during the questionnaire or by sending it out
-It requires a lot of time
-It need someone who is skilled

Problems associated with commencing a questionnaire

-Questions which are confusing or misleading
-The questions are loo long
-The questions do not identify specific issues
-Questionnaires do not provide the customer with the ability to clarity answers
-Free written responses are difficult to analyze.
-Making questions simpler and straightforward
-Supply short and direct questions
-Questions should be specifically asked with provision of information
-Giving customers the chance to clarity their answer broadly
-Selecting questions which need clarification of their answers

Sample of a questionnaire
1. What is your biggest priority right now?
a. Faster way to work
b. Problem-solving
c. Staff development

2. Why does one need to improve the environment?

a. To attract
b. For hygienic purposes
c. For proper presentation

3. How would you classify your role in caring for the school environment?
a. Citizen
b. School president
c. School head


The following structure above is a diagram of the organizational structure of the student
personnel of the project consisting of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, the secretary and the

Voting for Student Personnel

We as a class voted for the victory student personnel structure for our project. The democratic
exercise was determined by the number of students in class which is 28 students.
Voting for Student Personnel (ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE)



Co-executive personnel
The structure shows the organizational structure of the class co-executive personnel which was
chosen by class 5CG as their student personnel.

The first democratic process was to choose the chairperson of the project who will be co-
executive to the teacher. The following are the candidates for the position of chairperson:

Candidate Number of voters Percentage

Joseph 6 24%
Bonolo 18 72%
Tefo 1 4%
Ntombi 0 0%
Queen 0 0%
25 100%
The majority choose Bonolo to be the chairperson as it is shown in the table above.

Bar Graph

Voting for chairperson






0 0
Joseph Bonolo Tefo Ntombi Queen

This graph shows the data presentation method used to represent the voting of chairperson in
class 5CG.

Bonolo obtained at 72% therefore made her the chairperson. Joseph took 24% and the rest were
all below 5%. Bonolo got more votes because she is very attentive and observant and Joseph got
second place with less votes because he lacks and is indecisive. Most girls voted for Bonolo to be
The values that Bonolo upholds are being attentive and observant therefore making her fit for
leadership. Joseph lacks focus and he finds it difficult to make decisions and these values weaken
his chances of becoming a leader. Bonolo got the highest votes and Joseph got the second
highest votes comparing to Bonolo. Based on my opinion, Bonolo is fit to be the chairperson
because she is a focused and strategic person compared to Joseph who ignores responsibility and
lazy. Most girls voted for Bonolo as she is mainly given responsibility and is intelligent.

The second voting process was to choose the vice-chairperson of the project. He/she would be at
assistance to the chairperson in the project progression. The following are the candidates for the
position of vice-chairperson.

Candidates Number of voters Percentage

Joseph 7 28%
Yarona 3 12%
Amantle 4 16%
Marang 5 20%
Naledi 6 24%
25 100%
The majority choose Joseph to sub-lead aside the chairperson as the vice-chairperson as shown in
the table.
Line Graph
Vote for the vice-chairperson



percentage 15


Joseph Yarona Amantle Marang Naledi

This line graph shows the data presentation method utilized to uphold the voting of vice-
chairperson in class 5CG.

Joseph obtained the majority of votes at 28% which made him the vice-chairperson. Naledi got
second place at 24% and the rest got below 21%. Joseph got more votes because he is optimistic
and goal-oriented while Naledi lacks strategy and confidence.

The values that Joseph upholds are being confident and efficient as he will be able to carry out
duties sufficiently. Naledi is slow and lazy therefore will be a liability towards the chairperson.
Based on my opinion, Joseph upholds good qualities of being a vice-chairperson and as for
Naledi she would be slow and irresponsible. Many girls voted for Joseph as he is consistent.

The process of voting for the secretary took cause democratically he/she serves purpose by
helping taking notes and giving out ideas. The following are the candidates for the secretary:
Candidates Number of voters Percentage
Amantle 3 12%
Yarona 2 8%
Ntombi 12 48%
Queen 5 20%
Katlego 3 12%
25 100%
The majority chose Ntombi to be the secretary to help in the project as shown in the table.

Tally Table of vote for the Secretary position

Candidates Tally Votes

Amantle /// 3
Yarona // 2
Ntombi //// //// // 12
Queen //// 5
Katlego /// 3
25 25

This tally graph shows the data presentation method used to represent the voting of secretary.
Ntombi obtained the majority of votes at 48% which made her the secretary. Queen got second
place at 20% and the rest got below 20%. Ntombi got more votes because she is confident and
social while Queen lacks confidence and stability.

The values that ntombi upholds are being consistent and attentive therefore will be able to carry
out secretary duties. Queen is a quiet and is not consistent therefore cannot focus. Based on my
opinion, Ntombi is suitable to be secretary as she upholds a lot of confidence therefore will make
a good secretary and as for Queen will take time to get things done. Many girls voted for Ntombi
as she is a spokesperson for the class.
The last process of voting was to choose the treasurer. He/she is responsible for balancing the
finances of the project and give ideas on how it can be spent wisely. The candidates for voting
for a treasurer are as follows:

Candidates Number of voters Percentage

Marks 0 0%
Yarona 6 24%
Kesego 16 64%
Edmond 1 4%
Queen 5 20%
25 100%
The majority chose Kesego to be the treasurer as it shows on the table.

Voting percentage for the treasurer


20% Marks
3% Queen


This pie chart is the data presentation method used to represent the voting of the treasurer.

Kesego obtained the majority of votes at 64% which made her the treasurer. Yarona got second
place at 24% and the rest got 20% and less. Kesego got more votes because she is trustworthy
and selective while Yarona is irresponsible and is quite disrespectful towards people. Most boys
voted for Kesego.

The values that Kesego upholds are being trustworthy and selective therefore she can be trusted
with finances. Yarona is quite irresponsible and disrespectful, lacking in good values. Based on
my opinion, Kesego will do a good job in safe keeping the money contributed for the project and
as for Yarona it is a pity to say he might use it for personal issues. Many boys voted for Kesego
as she is an honest representative in class.

As a class we discussed on the various topics in which we want to choose from. The class was
divided into 4 groups and each group was given a topic to discuss about. Each group had to
consider the condition of the school with the given topic. The following are the topics: promoting
ICT and awareness, curbing vandalism, promotion of environmental management and promotion
of covid-19 awareness.
From the observations, we have made in the school, in each group, they had to discuss the
advantages, the benefits and the significance of choosing the topic. They had to consider the
cost, the resources needed to commerce it. They had to consider how it affects the current health
restrictions and can it be given authority by the school head.

Promotion of covid-19
Promoting ICT Awareness


Curbing Promotion Of
Vandalism Environmental

Promoting ICT and awareness

This topic is about teaching and spreading awareness on the use of computers in order increase
literacy information communication technology. The problems faced by this topic are that there
are not enough computers in school, there is no internet in school and some students do not have
access to smart gadgets.
The possible solutions to these are that the asking of donations from various companies for
funding, the installing of government WIFI routers for use and allowing students to use the
available computers in school during lunch and study time.
Curbing vandalism
This topic is about controlling the destruction of school property by students in order to conserve
the available resources. The problems faced by this topic are that there are lack of resources,
insufficient funding and old tables and chairs. The possible solutions to these problems are that
students should contribute start-up capital, ask for donations from different companies and
buying of new tables and chairs.

Promotion of environmental management

This topic is about how to take care and conserve the environment in order to maintain the
environment. The problems faced by this topic are that there are lack of resources, there is lack
of time management and lack of cooperation. The possible solutions to these are that the students
contribute start-up capital to buy the needed resources, the use of the student-teacher association
to improve cooperation and use of lunch break and study time.

Promotion of covid-19 awareness

This topic is about spreading awareness about covid-19 and how to follow protocols in order to
control spread. The problems faced by this topic are that there are lack of available facilities to
acquire knowledge, there is no time management and no posters indicating the covid-19
protocols. The possible solutions to these are that computers should be availed from the
computer studies laboratory, use of study and lunch time and ask for authority to print out about
covid-19 protocols.


The following is a table indicating the various topics in which were to be voted for, in order to
choose from.

Title Number of votes Percentage

Promoting of ICT and 0 0
Curbing vandalism 0 0
Promoting of 20 87
environmental management
Promoting of covid-19 3 13
23 100

The table above shows four topics voting process in which the promoting of environmental
management got 87 being the highest nd the lowest being both promoting of ICT and awareness
and curbing vandalism at 0. The promoting covid-19 awareness got 13. The promoting of
environmental management was chosen as the project topic.

The promoting of environmental management got the majority of votes as it does not cost a lot of
money as other topics. It also does not consume time and it is manageable. The curbing of
vandalism and promotion of ICT and awareness got the least votes as it requires a lot of
resources. Based on my opinion, the promotion of envuironmental management got most votes
because it contributes more towards the school environment than other topics therefore has more
The graph below the votinjg process of topic





0 20 40 60 80 100
Environmental management is a system that deals with the regulation process and protection of
the health of our planet, by promoting human behaviors that make a positive impact on the
natural environment. This system looks into consistently complying with environmental laws,
improving overall environmental performance, working towards preserving forms of life.
Addressing environmental liability from current or past practices, maximizing investment in
environment affairs and also providing an environmentally safe work place. In this way, the
future generation will experience a better environment than the one we have now.

Environmental management has three phases or types in order to succeed in the safe guard of the
environment. The first phase is called the construction phase which provides specific
environmental guidance for the implementation and construction phase towards the plan of
environmental management. This is a foundation laid down which includes site clearing, erection
of the construction camp, erosion, pollution of watercourses, noise or dust.

The second phase called the operational phase which involves the provision of guidance related
to operating activities associated with a particular development towards the environment. The
roles and responsibilities for alleviation, monitoring and performance assessment for the
operational phase of the development are specified in the environmental management plan.

The last phase which is the decommissioning phase presents positive environmental
opportunities associated with the return of the land for alternative use and the cessation of
impacts associated with operational activities. However, depending on the nature of the
operational activity, the need to manage risks and potential residual impacts may remain well
after operations have ceased. For instance, the contamination of soil and underground water. It
provides guidance with respect to the management of the environmental risks associated with the
decommissioning stage of a project.

Environmental management is important as it reserves the existing lifeline of the environment. It

promotes physical, social and economic of the surrounding environment. It clarifies modern
environmental concept like how to conserve biodiversity. It spreads knowledge of more
sustainable ways of living and the wise use of natural resources. To spread awareness and
education regarding environmental issues and problems at locals, national and international

Environmental management benefits both the people and the environment. It encourages the and
effective use of resources. Improves sustainability giving the future generation an opportunity to
experience a better environment. Controls pollution from taking place thus saving or increasing
the lifespan of the environment. A country which has a good environmental management plan
improve its image in front of the public thus attracting tourists and investments as a result
economy grows leading to development. Improved management efficiency reduces pollution and
gives people a better outlook to conserve a good environment.
Source: Google
As a class we agreed to carry out a project based on promoting environmental management in
Gaborone Senior Secondary School to improve the unclean and polluted environment in the
school. We have observed and realized that students litter rubbish everywhere around the school,
this rubbish including ice pops wraps, bottles, sweet wraps. They do not make use of dustbins
therefore the school looks unclean. The classrooms are rarely cleaned and adding to that, the
class equipment; chairs, tables, chalkboards, doors are dirty and old therefore serve as an
unhygienic area for students to be taught.

We have come up with strategies which will assist and help in improving the environmental
condition of the school. These activities include fundraising in which as a class we will
contribute start-up capital of P35 individually and the total amount will be used to buy products
such sweets, chips which are going to be sold to gain profit. The profit will used to buy the
necessary tools needed to commence the project and this include brooms, mops, cleaning agents,
gloves which are needed for litter picking and cleaning of classrooms.

Litter picking is one of the activities in which are going to do. The class is going to be divided
into four groups which will selectively pick litter everyday around the school. This activity will
be done during lunch as most litter resides at that time. We are going to use plastic refuse bags
and gloves to pick the litter. This will reduce the amount of litter that always around the school
ensuring a clean and safe surrounding for students especially at lunch and break.

The second activity would be cleaning of classrooms in which the class will again be divided
into four groups which will clean classrooms in each assigned day. This activity will be done
during study and we are going to use brooms, mops, gloves and cleaning agents to clean. This
activity will ensure a hygienic and clean for students to be taught therefore less risk to diseases
and germs.

The last activity would be the teaching of promotion of environmental management to students.
This activity requires students in our class that have very good communication skills and have
good Setswana and English grades which helps them to better communicate with other students.
These students will be put into groups so that they can present on the promotion of
environmental management. This activity will instill knowledge about the environment so
students especially form 4 students gain awareness and learn how to keep a clean and hygienic
environment. This activity will be done in the during of some days at study.

We as 5CG we intend to start to carry out the project from May to June in order to have enough
time to finish the project. The fundraising activity will be commenced in our classroom during
our Development studies lesson, the litter picking activity will be done during break and lunch,
the cleaning of classrooms activity will be done at study in some days and the teaching about
promotion of environmental management will be done during some study days.
Cost of the project
The money we intend to raise is from the individual start-up capital contribution which the class
will make which is P35 and the total will be used to buy products such as sweets in which the
profit will be used to buy the sufficient tools such as brooms needed to commence the project
This project will not be harmful to anyone as it contributes in keeping a healthy environment
leading to good health. Also improves the school’s image in terms of hygiene and tidy
No form of transport will be needed as the project activities will take place in the school
premises. The materials that will be in usage will be brought by the producer freely to the school
thus no cost.
Skills and Labor
The labor will be provided by the students of 5CG classs, providing labor such as litter picking,
cleaning of classrooms. We strive to carefully select the people who are going to be assigned to
groups looking at their skills. Students with good grades in Mathematics are assigned into the
fundraising activities, those who are good at English and Setswana will be assigned to teach
about the promotion of environmental management. The rest then will be assigned to picking up
litter and to clean classrooms.
As class 5CG, we have been authorized by our Development studies teacher to commence this
project. And he has taken the authority from the Head of Department of Cheetah. We are only
allowed to carry out these project activities within the school premises, during authorized school
periods, break and lunch hour.
Aims and Objectives

1. To promote environmental conservation in Gaborone Senior Secondary School
2. To attain a healthy and conductive environment for learning due to management of little
hence learning takes place in a healthy environment
3. To raise funds in order to buy equipments and materials which will be used to clean the
school environment
4. To teach about the promotion of environmental management


1. To pick up litter inside the school

2. To make posters that will raise litter management awareness
3. To raise the sum of P820 from different activities
4. To give information about environmental management to students

Duration Activity Resources

1 week Introduction of the project by the teacher
Marking criteria
1 week Group formation
Voting of personnel
Allocation of responsibilities
2 weeks Projection identification
Observation, brainstorming and presentations of topic
1 week Voting for the best topic
1 week Rationale, feasibility study, labor, resource skills and
sources of information
3 weeks Implementation Bins
1. Fundraising (start-up capital) Gloves
2. Litter picking Cleaning agents
3. Cleaning classrooms Brooms
4. Demonstrating environmental management Mops
5. Monitoring environmental management Plastic litter bags
1 day Handover- handing over ceremony
Exit strategy
Activity 1


As a class we decided to raise funds by contributing start-up capital of P35 individually. This
start-up capital will be used to buy sufficient tools to commence the project promotion of
environmental management, these includes plastics bags, gloves, cleaning agents. These will be
used to clean classrooms and the school surroundings.

The start-up capital will be used to buy the products which include sweets, chips which are going
to be sold and the profit will be used to buy the necessary tools which are brooms, mops,
detergents, disposable gloves and litter bags.

In the process of voting for the start-up capital, we faced a few problems; most students pointed
out that the start-up capital should be around P20 and P50 as their parents could not afford
anything more, some students were absent from the class, some students were not interested in
the voting process and the teacher was out to the office often during the lesson of the voting

But we soon found solutions towards the problems we faced; the majority of the class came to a
common conclusion that the start-up capital should be P35, we decided to subtract or deduce the
absent students from the voting process, the teacher pursued the students to take part into the
voting process and we decided to get the chairperson to continue of the voting process.

Graph of contribution in May

20 candidates
number of can-
didates 15 Month (May)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Month (May)

The graph shows that the majority of students contributed money on the 31 st of May are at 30.8%
whilst the second highest was at 23% between dates 5 and 10 of May and the rest from 15% and

The majority of class managed to contribute the start-up capital at the end of the month because
it is usually the time where most of salaries are paid which being their parent’s salaries. And
some students contributed at the start of the month as some parents get their salary after the end
of the previous month, which the start of the next month being May. Based on my opinion most
students faced a difficult time in acquiring the money as some of their parents are unemployed.

Individual Role
I contributed P35 towards the promotion of environmental management and this was made at the
end of the May. My contribution will add onto the start-up capital needed to begin the
fundraising. In pursuit of acquiring this individual contribution, I faced a few problems; my
mother’s salary was paid late, the treasurer being Kesego was absent on the first day I brought
the money and they stole half of the money for individual contribution.

Solutions were found towards the problems which I faced; my mother borrowed money from her
older son, I gave the Development Studies teacher the money instead to hold and I recovered the
money stolen as the thieves were sooner exposed and punished.
Activity 2
As a class we decided to pick litter as one of the activities of promoting environmental
management. We are going to use plastic refuse bags and gloves to pick up litter around the
school. This will show students the proper way of disposing litter and disapprove the throwing
around of litter around the school therefore safe guarding students and teacher’s health and
hygiene. This will also improve the school image in terms of cleanliness and hygiene.

Table of Litter Picking Groups

Chairperson; Vice-chairperson; Secretary; Treasurer;

Bonolo Joseph Ntombi Kesego
Marang Tefo Katlego Naledi
Queen Obakeng Atang Yarona
Tlamelo Amantle Lissa Thato
Edmond Larona Monnathebe Kaone
Hope Katlo Theo Karabo

The table shows class 5CG divided into 4 groups and these groups will be responsible for
picking up litter in the day they have been assigned to, mainly from Monday to Friday during
lunch. They will each be given a few plastic refuse bags and gloves for each day.

This division will increase efficiency and also allocate work fairly amongst everyone. Monday
and Tuesday, students are served Pap and Beef stew , on Wednesday and Friday, they are served
rice and chicken and on Thursday, they served samp and beef stew at lunch. Between
Wednesday and Friday litter is minimal and between Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, there is a
lot of litter thrown around.

In the process of conducting the litter picking activity, we managed to get enough plastic refuse
bags and gloves needed to pick up litter, students did not hinder the litter picking, the school was
able to save money as it did not have to hire anyone to pick up and clean the school surrounding
but even though with these successes, we encountered a few problems.

It was difficult to get a specific time frame to pick up litter as some students in class 5CG
complained that they had to eat early and some needed to go to their practical projects therefore
time was misconduct in place, as some students did not want to work and some separated from
their groups to go somewhere else.
We managed to find solutions to these problems as we agreed to pick up litter in the remaining
30 minutes before the end of lunch so some students would go to attend to their project and some
would go to eat. The chairperson reported the matter to the Development studies teacher and he
spoke to the students who were misbehaving therefore got them to do their work.

Table indicating raw figures and percentages

Day Number of plastic bags Percentage

Monday 25 35.7%
Tuesday 20 28.6%
Wednesday 5 7.1%
Thursday 15 21.4%
Friday 8 11.4%
Plastic bags for litter picking


The graph above shows that on Monday, most number of plastic bags at 35.7% were used to pick
up litter while on Wednesday, the least number of plastic bags at 7.1% were used to pick up
litter. On Tuesday, 28.9% of plastics were used and on Thursday, 21.4% of plastics bags were
used and on Friday, 11.4%of plastics bags were used to pick up litter.


The majority of plastic bags used were on Monday and Tuesday because they are the days where
pap and beef stew are eaten therefore less students are served and this increases the amount of
litter as most students go outside to buy food and throw around the litter in school. And the
minimum plastic bags were used on Wednesday and Friday because in these day, students are
served rice and chicken and more students tend to eat therefore resulting to less litter as they
would not have time to buy food outside. Based on my opinion, Wednesday and Friday are days
in which there’s less litter therefore giving more towards our lunch.

Individual Role

I was assigned a group to manage whilst in the process of litter picking. The group consisted of 6
people therefore to make it work efficient and fast. It was difficult to manage the group as some
people showed rebellious behavior, some skipped the activity and I was delayed to get lunch in
the dining hall.

But as time went on, I later found solutions towards these problems, I reported back to the
Development studies teacher and he disciplined the people, he overruled and put forward a
punishment towards anyone who would skip litter picking and I managed to get the group to pick
up litter after they would have eaten lunch.
Activity 3


As a class we decided to clean classrooms as one of the activities which promote environmental
management. Cleaning classrooms will give students a chance to be taught in a safe and hygienic
environment without the hindrance of dust, litter which is a serious threat to a student’s health.
The materials needed for cleaning the classrooms are going to be acquired from the start-up
capital of the class to raise funds to buy brooms, mops, gloves and cleaning agents which are
going to clean classrooms.

Table of cleaning groups

Chairperson; Vice-chairperson; Secretary; Treasurer;

Bonolo Joseph Ntombi Kesego
Katlego Naledi Monnathebe Hope
Katlo Karabo Atang Tlamelo
Kaone Marang Larona Kofi
Edmond Lissa Thato Micheal
Queen Yarona Amantle Karabo

The table above shows the class being divided into 4 groups which are going to be cleaning
classrooms of cheetah house. There are 12 classes which are in the cheetah house. Most of the
classes of cheetah are in the flat buildings therefore their classes are not regularly cleaned as the
ones downstairs. Therefore promotion of environmental management is needed to ensure
students in cheetah house are taught in clean and hygienic classes to avoid sickness and dust
from settling in the classrooms.

In the process of commencing this activity, we encountered a few problems which hindered us
from fully contributing towards the activity. In order to commence this activity, we were
required to be given authorization directly from the school head had already hired people to
clean the classrooms therefore our activity was put on hold.
We were in the middle of a pandemic, called COVID-19 which required us to follow protocol.
This protocol needed to wash our hands regularly therefore cleaning classrooms was going to
lead to the possibility of attracting it as the virus stayed on surfaces for a long period of time. It
needed us to keep distance between ourselves therefore cleaning classrooms would increase
chances of attracting the virus as there would be crowding.

In the process of raising funds, some students were unable to contribute start-up capital therefore
the total amount of start-up capital was not enough to buy the needed tools in order to clean the
classrooms this including brooms, mops, cleaning agents, therefore the activity could not

Tools Quantity Unit price Total price

Broom 4 P19.95 P80.00
Mop 4 P25.00 P100.00
Liquid soap 5 liters P50.00 P50.00
Gloves 4 packs P15.00 P60.00

The school timetable was not manageable as the students were in double shifts therefore there
was a clash of classes which did not give us the time to clean the classrooms as other students
would soon start their shift soon after the other one finishes. This stopped us from proceeding
with our activity.

But I came with alternatives towards the problems which would be helpful in the future. It would
be advisable to approach the school head to ask for authority before they hire people to clean.
This would save money for the school which can be directed to another situation.

In consideration of covid-19, it will be necessary to ask for students to exit the classrooms before
the cleaning commences and also reduce the number of cleaning students to increasing distance
whilst cleaning. In the process they could wear gloves to prevent their hands from coming in
contact with surfaces.
To avoid insufficient start-up capital contributions, the student personnel should plan with the
Development studies teacher to arrange a meeting with the students’ parents to ensure that the
parents know and are able to contribute the start-up capital.

In consideration of the double shift, each cleaning groups should be divided into two groups in
which the other group will clean in the first shift and the second group would clean in the
following. This would avoid shifts from using dirty classroom.
Activity 4


As a class we decided to choose promotion of environmental management as a topic for the class
project. Environmental management is needed to sustain the school condition in order to make it
a healthy and safe studying ground for students. The activities which were done to promote
environmental management include; fundraising which helped to purchase sufficient tools such
as plastic bags, gloves which are were used to clean the school therefore making the environment
more tidy, litter picking reduced the throwing around of litter in the school thus increasing the
lifespan of the environment, cleaning classrooms prevented students from studying or being
taught in a dirty and unhygienic place therefore students’ health were not at risk and the teaching
about environmental management gave an opportunity to students to learn about how to manage
their environment in order to gain knowledge on how to maintain, protect and improve their
school environment.
Lesson Plan

This is a demonstration of the procedure of the lesson. The lesson plan consists of four objectives
which will be discussed with the three classes namely; 4 AG, BH and DB. These objectives
include the definition, significance, types and benefits of promoting environmental management.

Time Content Presenter’s activity Student activity

5 minutes Intro -introduce of the topic -lecture method -attentiveness of
-outline the aims and objectives of students
the topic
15 Development -define the topic -question and answer -participation
minutes -outline and explain types of the
-discuss the importance of the topic
-explain the benefits of the topic
5 minutes Conclusion -allow students to ask questions -lecture method Students take notes
-outline the important points of the
3 minutes Homework/ -give an assignment about the Submission date; the Students take notes
assignment activities to promote the topic next day
2 minutes Absentees 5 students

Variation in class

In the distribution of the three classes; 4 AG, BH are upper double classes while 4DB is a lower
double class. Classes, 4 AG and BH had a high attendance rate as they are students who tend to
be more focused, goal-oriented and time-efficient. These classes were complying with the
presenters as they would keep quiet and listen attentively and after, asked questions about the
promotion of environmental management.

As for class 4DB, it had a low attendance rate as some of the students dodged the lesson and
some were ignorant of the presenters that they ended up leaving. The presenters struggled to get
the class’s attention as they kept making noise and when they were reprimanded, they retaliated
by passive resistance.

At the end of the lesson, we asked for questions on how the students understood the concept and
how we as presenters were able to give out accurate knowledge. Some students mentioned that
the knowledge we gave was quite new but informative. Some students complained about how
brief we were as we were presenting the topic. In order to see if the students understood, we
asked a couple questions in which most of the students responded to with accuracy, this clearly
showed the students satisfaction.

Individual Role

In the conduction of this, I was one of the presenters who taught about the promotion of
environmental management. Also being the chairperson, I had to make sure each and every
lesson went in accordance. My role was to make sure the presenters taught the right topic
reciting promotion of environmental management in prior of this, we as a class 5CG commenced
a research mainly focused on the promotion of environmental management using the internet as
our source, this helped us acquire the right objectives needed to be used in the lesson.

These objectives namely being; the definition, types, importance and benefits of promotion of
environmental management in our school are going to be orderly taught using the lesson plan
therefore assuring that knowledge will be given accurately and correctly.

In pursuit of this, I encountered a few problems which include that some classes like 4DB were
unattentive and noisy, time was not enough to teach the topic as the lesson were double period
lesson which was 60 minutes.

It then found solutions to these problems as I got of student-teacher assistance to accompany me

to the lesson. I printed out papers from the Development studies workroom with informative
knowledge about the promotion of environmental management in case we did not finish in time
and I decided to give the monitor some of the printed papers about the topic to give to the absent
Activity 5


As a class we decided to commence four activities in which we are going to monitor as the fifth
activity in the project. This will help in benchmarking the activities taking course in the school to
see if the activities improve the school environment to leave it hygienically safe for students to
be in. It helps in identifying possible errors or issues in the course of activities in order to modify
the activities in time in a way that would avoid the students from being exposed to a dirty, untidy
and grimy school surrounding.

In the house of cheetah, there are around 10 dustbins and each allocated to a class and have 2
litter bags to put in the dustbins, therefore in total, there are 24 litter bags given in total. The litter
bags are given to each class in 2, these will be used for two days in a week, therefore classes are
given litter bags on Monday and again on Wednesday during lunch. In total, litter bags are given
two times a week. The period of 4 weeks, June to July, the total number in a month is 192 litter
bags given to the cheetah classes.

In this period in which the activities will be done, we had to make sure that everything was done
properly. We would leave the group leaders to monitor the rest of the group cleaning, he or she
had to make sure that the classrooms were swept and mopped with equal distribution of work
amongst the group members. And as the chairperson, I had to go to the classrooms and check for

After the litter picking activity, the group leader would go around the school to inspect the
surrounding to ensure that work was done properly and usually we would check after lunch
during study ensuring no disturbance.


In the process of monitoring, we encountered some problems which hindered our performance of
the activity. These include that it was difficult to get classes to cooperate with us, some of our
class members were asked for by their practical teachers therefore our number decreased and the
funds raised got short as the money was used up before buying everything.
In pursuit for solutions, we asked and required prefects or monitors assistance to improve
cooperation with the classes, the Development studies teacher arranged with all our practical
teachers that only three days will be allocated to the class project and the other two days towards
our separated practical projects and we acquired help from the school fund which is PTA to help
us the buy the remaining tools needed.

Individual Role

My role as the chairperson was to ensure that the activities are done correctly and that everyone
contributed fairly towards the project. I was responsible for everything including absence,
presence; contribution, behavior conduction and progress of the project activities. But even with
this I faced a few problems, these include that, most students were likely absent during the
activity, in some classes, students were resilient to leave class so we could operate the activity
and my time was not manageable as I had a lot of responsibilities at the same time.

I then later found solutions to these problems, I was able to identify the people who were always
absent during activities, therefore reported them directly to the Development studies teacher, I
reported the lack of cooperation of these particular classes to the school head, therefore they
were reprimanded and allowed us to do our activity and I was able to manage my time as I chose
time-period where I will be monitoring the project activities.

The project was faced with a lot of circumstances which included the successes, problems,
failures and solutions but in counter face, we managed to complete the project. The project had
some successes in its progress. The selection of the project topic only took a day. The needs
assessment was a success as we were able to complete the three methods of needs assessment
which include observation, interview and questionnaire. We completed the advantages,
disadvantages, problems, solutions and samples for the methods of needs assessment. The voting
process for student personnel was a success as we were able to choose them in a measure of a
lesson as the students participated. They choose the required candidates to take position as
student personnel.

The feasibility study was a success, we allocated time accurately, the cost of the project was
covered by the contribution of start-up capital. The project was not harmful to anybody as it only
brought benefits to the school environment, transport was not needed in the project. The project
activities were swiftly allocated to students looking at both skills and abilities. Authority was
granted by the Head of House and Development Studies teacher. The fundraising was successful
as the contribution of start-up capital was made which was utilized for the tools needed. Litter
picking was successful as we were able to pick up litter around the school reducing the waste
using disposable gloves and litter bags, therefore students were exposed to less litter.

The demonstrating of the project was a success as we were about to complete the activities at the
required time being of a month and this improved the school as students were taught in clean
surrounding without any risks of contracting any diseases. We managed to monitor the activities
as the appointed group leaders made sure that there was compliance and cooperation therefore
was commenced at the given period. The handover ceremony was a success as most students
were able to submit their projects to the school authority.

The problems we faced in the project progression was that during the voting of student
personnel, students would take a long time to comply therefore delaying time towards other
activities. The absence of some students made it difficult to proceed to other aspects of the
project which include fundraising, voting for personnel. Most of the students were behind in
reference of writing backgrounds and the project activities and also typing the project therefore
delayed progress. In the fundraising activity, most of the students were resilient to contributing
the start-up capital, therefore delaying the buying products needed to be sold to gain profit. We
struggled to get authority from the school head to commence the project activities. Time was
unmanageable as we also had another projects at hand therefore it was difficult to distribute time
to both projects. In the progression of covid-19, it required us to remove certain project activities
which broke the covid-19 protocols and this delayed the progression of the project.

In pursuit of solving these problems, we managed to find solution which were ;as the chairperson
decided to continue and assist students who were willing to comply and this saved time as I took
inconsideration that the submission date was getting near. The student personnel made it a
priority to help the students who were always absent so that they could be in track with others
and this enabled the progress of the project. The secretary decided to ask for assistance from
students who were further to help the students who were behind and also willing to be helped.
We got an opportunity to print out letters to the student’s parents informing them about the
individual contribution of start-up capital for their children. The lack of authority led us to cancel
certain activities from the project. We decided to divide the week so that both project could have
equal time towards them. The activities in the project which did not defile covid-19 protocols
were done as they were required for the progress of the project.

We encountered some failures in the progression of the project. The contribution of start-up
capital was a failure as a few students managed to contribute the start-up capital therefore the
money was not enough to buy products to sell. In the demonstrating of the activities, we did not
manage to commence the cleaning of classrooms as we were not given authority as the activity
broke the protocols of covid-19. Another failure was that the majority of the project was not
commenced in accordance as there was no authority granted and no enough start-up capital was
produced, this led to lack of products being sold and therefore no income was generated and the
required tools were not bought due to the insufficient start-up capital.

Upon consideration, this project was based on the promotion of environmental management
which was to improve the school’s environment. In all essence, the components discussed were
associated towards environmental management and its attributes in relation to Gaborone Senior
Secondary School. It took in consideration that the school surrounding is not well kept, this
being in terms of hygiene and cleanliness. Thus making teaching ineffective for both teachers
and students. Therefore this project analyzed environmental management in relation to school, to
try to perceive how environment management can be beneficial for schools, especially Gaborone
Senior Secondary School.

From the analysis of environmental management, four activities were identified which help
improve the school environment. These include fundraising, litter picking, cleaning classrooms
and the demonstration of environmental management. These activities pursued change in the
care in which was given to the school environment, to a better one as students had gained
knowledge on how to care for the school environment. Taking everything in account, the project
brought upon change into the school environment and influenced changed people’s behaviour
towards how they treat the environment. In my opinion, the project was a failure, as most of the
project activities were not done as planned.


The form 4 students can use the knowledge they have gained from the conduction of promotion
of environmental management by the form 5s to strive to make the school surrounding more
tidier and cleaner. By practicing the activities in which they saw the form 5s doing for instance,
weekly litter picking. The cleaning rotation plan to make classroom more hygienic for student


Both the staff and students should strive to promote a healthier environment through
environmental management. The staff, this including teaching and non- teaching staff can
encourage students to indulge eco-friendly activities including litter picking, cleaning and
washing of hands. Students can be persistent in cleaning by setting a plan which will rotate
cleaning among classes. Students can reduce littering by using nearby dustbins.


The school management can provide cleaning supplies through PTA funding, these supplies
including brooms, mops, detergents, disposable gloves and plastic litter bags. This will help in
the activities of cleaning and litter picking. The school authority can enable a time eligible for
students to be able to commence the activities by extending lunch time to fit in the cleaning


The government can create special policies which mandate and regulate environmental
management activities in the school by students, taking inconsideration of covid-19 protocols.
The government can also introduce special funds which will enable schools to buy cleaning
supplies therefore enabling students to clean on their own. The government can also hire
personnel which can monitor these activities to ensure proper progression and also to manage


In this activity which was held in the Multipurpose Hall in Gaborone Senior Secondary School at
the 30th 0f September in the afternoon. The theme of this ceremony was ‘Promoting of
Environmental Management’.

In pursuit of preparing for the ceremony, the class was divided into four groups which helped in
the preparation of the event. Group one cleaned the hall as they swept, mopped and removed the
chairs and tables in the hall. The second group was responsible for organizing the chairs and
tables in the hall in consideration of the guests, the teachers and the students. Group 3 in which I
was in charge of, we were responsible for printing and typing the ceremony program. The last
group was responsible for buying snacks which included sweets, nuts in which they bought at
Spar store.

The ceremony started at 1pm till 3pm in the afternoon. The program started with an opening
statement by the master of ceremonies (Joseph Stephen) and then followed by an opening prayer
by one of the student representatives. The MC proceeded with the welcome remarks towards the
guests and everyone. The chairperson of the project (Bonolo Ditsebe) proceeded by presenting
about the promotion of environmental management. Spoke about the advantages and benefits it
has on the school environment.

Gave out information on the project overview, looking at how it came to be that as a class we
chose the promotion of environmental management as a topic for our project. Looking at the
processes of backgrounds, needs assessment, personnel voting and the other processes which led
to the progression of the project. The challenges which caused a hindrance towards the project
for instance covid-19 and also the successes of the project as we were commencing it.

Then the program proceeded to one of the class representatives giving out the vote of thanks
towards the students who contributed to the project. The teacher also gave out vote of thanks to
the guests being the head of department of cheetah and the school head. Then the program
proceeded to the handover of the project from the students to the head of department of cheetah
and school head. And the chairperson passed the closing remarks and then one of the student
made a closing prayer. This justified the end of the handover ceremony

DATE: 29 September 2022

TIME: 1pm to 3pm

VENUE: Multi-purpose Hall, Gaborone Senior Secondary School

AGENDA: To handover class 5CG project to the school authority

OPENING PRAYER: Joseph Stephen (vice-chairperson)

WELCOME REMARKS: Ntombi Mompati (secretary)

INTRO: Chairperson of the project (Bonolo Ditsebe)

-address about the promotion of environmental management

-the benefits of the promotion of environmental management

-the processes of the promotion of environmental management

-the challenges of the promotion of environmental management

-the successes of the promotion of environmental management

HANDOVER TO BENEFICIERIES: School Head (Miss Tshabangu)

Head of Department (Miss Modise)

VOTE OF THANKS: Chairperson (Bonolo Ditsebe)

Development studies teacher (Miss Kgafotolo)

CLOSING REMARKS: Development studies teacher (Mr Placeato)

CLOSING PRAYER: Volunteer (Queen Setswalo)


Date Activity Comments

26\10\21 -background research on Gaborone, Botswana and -lack of research resources:-internet and
Gaborone Senior Secondary School historical books
*Geographical location, history, physical location,
population, economics and current population. -the use of the national library which has the
necessary books
26\10\21 -Needs assessment:-observation -lack of research resources
-questionnaire -use of the computers in computer studies
*enlist advantages and disadvantages
*identify problems and solutions
*sample of an interview and questionnaire
11\01\22 -Voting of students personnel -lack of volunteers
*introduction -lack of attention from students
*personnel structure
*chairperson -class chose candidates with suitable traits
*vice-chairperson -served punishment towards the students
*treasurer:- table
-data presentation
18\01\22 -Voting for the project topic: -lack of participation
*suggestion of the topics -discussions were time-consuming
*significance of each topic -use of corporal punishment
*select one topic for the project

26\01\22 -Theoretical background of environmental -the activity was successful

*definition/ description
*types/ phases
*importance/ significance
*benefits/ advantages
02\02\22 -Rationale:-significance -the activity was successful
-strategies/ activities
-outline each activity in its own paragraph
-significance of the activities in school
02\02\22 -Feasibility study:-specify the time and date -the activity was successful
-the cost of the project
-skills and labor
09\02\22 Activity 1 -debate on the amount of contribution
Fundraising:-introduction -unattentive studenst
-importance -absence of students
-tools needed
-benefits -agreements of P35 as it was affordable
-problems -student-teacher assistance
-solutions -appoint the chairperson to guide the absent
-Graph with:-analysis students
-Individual role
09\02\22 Activity 2 -unmanageable timetable
Litter picking:-introduction -misconduct of students
-significance -passive resistance
-tools needed
-benefits -use of the study to accommodate the
-table of litter picking groups with brief activity
description -use of corporal punishment
-school food timetable -reprimand by the teacher
-table of number of plastic bags
-data presentation
-individual role

09\02\22 Activity 3 -denied authority

Cleaning classrooms:-introduction -uncooperative classes
-importance -shortage of supplies
-tools needed
-benefits -seek authority from school
-table of cleaning groups with -seek student-teacher assistance
brief description -acquire financial assistance from the PTA
-individual role
09\02\22 Activity 4 -low attendance
Demonstrating environmental management: -passive resistance
-introduction -unmanageable timetable
-importance -acquire the names of absent students to
-lesson plan:-brief description report
-table of lesson plan -seek for student-teacher assistance
-variation in class -use of break and lunch
-individual role
09\02\22 Activity 5 -lack of cooperation
Monitoring environmental management: -shortage of supplies
-introduction -absenteeism
-benefits -use of corporal punishment
-managing class and surrounding -seek assistance from the PTA
-challenges -report to the Head Of House
Individual role
03\02\22 Handover ceremony:-time -the activity was a success
TELEPHONE: 3952508, 3951808
FAX: 3900351 PRIVATE
BAG 0019



Dear Parent\Guardian


This serves to inform you that your child……………………………………………… class

5CG is doing a group Development Studies project on “Promoting environmental management
and awareness in Gaborone Senior School “ which constitutes to 25% of his/her total subject
marks. As a way of ensuring that there is smooth running of the activities, the group members
have agreed to contribute P35-00 as starting capital.

You are therefore requested to assist your child with this contribution.

Your help is highly anticipated

Yours faithfully


MR T. A MABUTHO-(76077719)


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