2000 Marketing Fact File (1-6)

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The Olympic Marketing Fact File is produced by the Marketing Department of the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) as a master reference of the marketing policies and programmes of the IOC, the Olympic Movement, and the
Olympic Games.The Fact File provides information for the media, academic institutions, and the Olympic Family.

The Olympic Marketing Fact File is updated and published annually.This edition provides an overview of past marketing
programmes, details on current marketing programmes for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, and a look to the future
— including the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games, the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, and beyond.

For further information on the Olympic Movement and Olympic marketing, please visit the IOC Olympic institutional
web site, www.olympic.org, and the official web site of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, www.olympics.com.

Important Notice:
This edition of the Olympic Marketing Fact File contains the most accurate and most complete information available as of 31 July
2000. The IOC has endeavoured to provide a consistent and accurate set of data throughout this document. Statistics and financial
data presented here may differ from data in other Olympic documentation due to exchange rate fluctuations, contract valuations,
and other factors.

Sydney 2000 Fact Sheet


• Broadcasting – Sydney 2000 will be the largest broadcast ever. The Sydney Olympic Broadcast Organisation will
provide 3,400 hours of sports coverage (204,000 minutes). It would take a broadcaster more than 144 days to air
every moment of this coverage, without allowing any time for commercial breaks, interviews, or background

• Broadcasting – Of the 3.9 billion people on the planet who have access to television, it is estimated that 3.7 billion
will watch the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games broadcast, amassing a total of more than 40 billion viewer hours and
making this the largest broadcast ever for any event.

• Broadcasting – Forty-four years ago, footage of the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games often was not aired in
countries outside Australia until after the film had made a three- to five-day journey overseas. This could be
understood to be an earlier meaning of phrase delayed coverage.

• Finance – The IOC will provide Sydney 2000 with approximately US$1.1 billion.This figure represents more than
60% of SOCOG’s budget and approximately US$300 million more than IOC was able to provide to Atlanta 1996.

• Finance – Sydney has already made a substantial surplus from the Olympic Games with a A$179 million (US$125
million) payment to the Australian Olympic Committee in support and post-Games legacy funds, and a A$525 million
(US$367.5 million) repayment to the New South Wales government for facility construction.

• Athletes – Sydney 2000 will be the first Olympic Games in history to provide the 15,000 athletes and team officials
with free travel to the Games as well as free accommodations in the Olympic Village throughout the Games, at an
estimated cost of more than US$45 million.

• Technology – The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be the first digitally documented Olympic Games in history:
Approximately 1,000 compact discs will comprise the digital “Official Results Book,” which will be distributed to the
accredited media, the IOC, the NOCs, and IFs.

• Technology – The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will feature the world’s largest photo lab, a facility of 21,000 square
feet that will process more than 200,000 rolls of film in support of the more than 1,000 photojournalists who will
cover the Olympic Games.

• Internet – During the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, the official Games web site, www.olympics.com, is expected
to register the greatest number of hits of any site over a two-week period. The IOC, together with other members
of the Olympic Family, jointly filed a civil suit in a U.S. federal court on 20 June 2000 to shut down more than 1,800
unauthorised web sites that misuse official Olympic trademarks.

• Commercialisation – The Olympic Games are now the only major sports event in the world that allow no form
of stadium advertising, no form of advertising or commercial non-sports brands marks on athlete bibs, and no
product placement on the field of play. Global free-to-air broadcast is protected, and broadcasters may not place
any form of commercial messages over the coverage of Olympic sport and ceremonial action.

marketing f a c t f i l e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
table of contents
Executive Summary 1.1
Olympic Marketing Revenue Summary: 1997 – 2000 1.2
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Marketing Overview 1.3
Olympic Broadcast Overview 1.6
Olympic Sponsorship Overview 1.8
Other Olympic Marketing Programmes 1.9

Olympic Marketing Overview 2.1
Fundamental Objectives of Olympic Marketing 2.2
Structure of the IOC Marketing Effort 2.3
Three Tiers of Olympic Marketing 2.7
Overview: Olympic Marketing Programmes 2.9
Overview: Olympic Marketing Revenue Distribution 2.10

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Marketing Programmes 3.1
Olympic Games Marketing Programmes Overview 3.2
SOCOG Marketing: Vital Statistics 3.3
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Marketing Overview 3.4
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Sponsorship 3.7
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Licensing 3.10
Economic Impact of Sydney 2000 3.14

Future Olympic Games Marketing Programmes 4.1
Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games: Marketing 4.2
Athens 2004 Olympic Games: Marketing 4.8
Turin 2006 Olympic Winter Games: Marketing 4.9

table of contents
Olympic Broadcast 5.1
Olympic Television Broadcast Overview 5.2
Olympic Broadcast Policy 5.3
Broadcasting & the Growth of the Olympic Movement 5.5
Broadcast Contributions to the Olympic Movement 5.6
Sydney 2000: Olympic Television Summary 5.7
Sydney 2000: Olympic Broadcast Revenue 5.15
Sydney 2000: Broadcast Revenue Distribution 5.16
Salt Lake 2002: Olympic Television Summary 5.17
Salt Lake 2002: Olympic Broadcast Revenue 5.18
Future Olympic Broadcast Revenue 5.19
Future Broadcast Revenue Distribution 5.20
Olympic Broadcast History 5.21
Olympic Television: Melbourne 1956 5.22
Olympic Television: Atlanta 1996 5.23
Broadcast Rights Fees History 5.24
Olympic Broadcast Research – 1998 & 1999 5.28
Perspectives: On Olympic Television 5.30

Olympic Sponsorship 6.1
Olympic Sponsorship Overview 6.2
Three Tiers of Olympic Sponsorship 6.3
The Olympic Partners: TOP Overview 6.4
History of the TOP Programme 6.5
Contributions of TOP Partners 6.6
TOP Revenue Distribution 6.7
The Rights & Benefits of TOP Partnership 6.8
Partner Profiles: TOP IV (1997 – 2000) 6.10
Future TOP Sponsorship Programmes 6.22
Olympic Sponsorship Research 6.23
Perspectives: On Olympic Sponsorship 6.27

marketing f a c t f i l e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Other Marketing Programmes 7.1
Olympic Supplier Programmes 7.2
IOC Suppliers 7.3
Olympic Licensing Overview 7.5
IOC Licensing at Sydney 2000 7.6
Olympic Philatelic Programmes 7.7
Olympic Stamps & Sydney 2000 7.9
Olympic Numismatic Programmes 7.10
The Sydney 2000 Olympic Coin Programme 7.11

Olympic Marketing History 8.1
Ancient Olympic Games: Financing & Commercialism 8.2
Overview: Marketing & the Modern Olympic Games 8.3
A Century of Modern Olympic Marketing 8.4
Marketing & the Growth of the Olympic Games 8.9

The Olympic Image 9.1
Olympic Image Project Overview 9.2
The Olympic Image 9.3
Olympic Image Research 9.4
Olympic Promotional Announcement Programme 9.12
Reactions to "Celebrate Humanity" 9.13
Television scripts of "Celebrate Humanity" 9.14
Radio scripts of "Celebrate Humanity" 9.16
General Research: Olympic Marketing 9.19

Olympic Movement & Commercialism 10.1
The Olympic Movement & Commercialism 10.2
The Olympic Games & Ambush Marketing 10.3
Commercialism: From Atlanta to Sydney 10.4

table of contents
Initiatives for the Control of Commericialism &
Ambush Marketing for Sydney 2000 10.5
Research: Commercialism & the Olympic Games 10.7
Research: Ambush Marketing & the Olympic Games 10.9
Perspectives: On Commercialism & the Olympic Games 10.11
Perspectives: On Ambush Marketing 10.12

Olympic Movement & the Internet 11.1
Olympic Internet Overview 11.2
Sydney 2000 Web Site: www.olympics.com 11.3
IOC Institutional Web Site: www.olympic.org 11.4
IOC Internet Strategy: 2000 & Beyond 11.5

Contacts 12.1
IOC 12.2
Sydney 2000 12.3
Salt Lake City 2002 12.4
Athens 2004 12.5
Torino 2006 12.6
Meridian Management 12.7
Hill & Knowlton and TBWA/Chiat Day 12.8
OTAB & OPAB 12.9
TOP IV Partners 12.10
Principal Television Rights Holders — Sydney 2000 12.13


Olympic Terms & Definitions
Olympic Acronyms


Olympic Charter Fundamental Principles


Sources of Additional IOC Marketing Information


Olympic Games History Charts

marketing f a c t f i l e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
chapter one

Executive Summary






chapter one 1.1

Olympic Marketing Revenue: Summary 1997 – 2000
Olympic marketing programmes represent the most successful marketing effort in sport today.The programmes of
the 1997 – 2000 quadrennium, which includes the Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Games and the Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games, will generate more than US$3,600 million (US$3.6 billion) and offer the Olympic Family greater support than
any programmes in Olympic history.

Olympic marketing, the combined efforts of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Organising
Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs), includes revenue from Olympic television broadcast rights, sponsorship,
licensing, and ticket sales.


Total generated by IOC & OCOGs from 1997 – 2000 (Nagano and Sydney)
More than US$3,600 million (US$3.6 billion)

Total generated by IOC & SOCOG, related to Sydney 2000

More than US$2,600 million (US$2.6 billion)

Revenue generated by IOC, related to Sydney 2000 (to be distributed

throughout the Olympic Family, to SOCOG, the NOCs, the IFs, and the IOC)
Approximately US$1,900 million (US$1.9 billion)
72% of the total revenue for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games

IOC Revenue Distributed to the Olympic Family

Approximately 93%

IOC Revenue Retained by IOC

Approximately 7%

marketing f a c t f i l e
1.2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Marketing Overview
The Sydney Olympic marketing programme, the combined global and local Australian efforts, is the most successful
programme to date.


Overall Revenue Generation

• Sydney 2000 will represent the most successful Olympic marketing programme to date, generating more than
US$2,600 million (US$2.6 billion) for the Olympic Movement.
• US$1,800 million (US$1.8 billion) will be allocated to SOCOG and the AOC for the organisation and staging of the
Olympic Games.
• US$800 million will be allocated to the 200 NOCs, the 28 summer IFs, and the IOC.

IOC Revenue Generation & Distribution

• The IOC is responsible for generating approximately US$1,900 million of the Sydney 2000 revenue total, and the
IOC will provide US$1,100 million (US$1.1 billion) to SOCOG.
• This IOC contribution to SOCOG represents approximately 60% of SOCOG’s total budget.
• This IOC contribution to SOCOG is US$300 million more than the IOC contributed to Atlanta.

Sydney 2000 Marketing Surplus

In many respects, the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games have already made a surplus:
• US$125 million (A$179 million) has been provided in support and legacy funds to the Australian Olympic
• US$367.5 million (A$525 million) has been repaid to the New South Wales government for venue support and

chapter one 1.3

The Olympic Movement will generate US$2.6 billion from the marketing rights related to the Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games.The chart below illustrates the amount of revenue generated for the Olympic Family from each marketing source
and identifies those programmes that are led by the IOC and those that are led by SOCOG.

Tickets US$356m
Local Sponsorship rights US$1,331m
Licensing & 12% IOC led US$1,900m
Other US$66m 51% 72%
3% 21%
SOCOG led US$700m

Please note:
1) The TOP programme operates on a quadrennial basis, involving the collective marketing rights for an Olympic Winter Games and an Olympic
Games. The figure presented here for TOP IV (US$550 million) reflects the total revenue generated from the TOP IV programme, which includes
sponsorship rights for Nagano 1998 and Sydney 2000.
2) Figures in the chart above represent revenue generated as of 1 June 2000.


The Olympic Movement will generate US$2.6 billion from the marketing rights related to the Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games. The chart below identifies the amount of Olympic marketing revenue to be contributed to SOCOG and the
amount of revenue to be distributed throughout the rest of the Olympic Family.

Rest of Olympic Movement





• The Sydney Olympic Games will provide travel grants (estimated at US$25 million) and free accommodation in the
Olympic Villages (estimated at more than US$20 million) for all athletes and officials.
• Broadcast and press facilities and support at the Olympic Games will be provided at a cost of more than US$300
• National Olympic Committees (NOCs), excluding Japan,Australia, and the United States, receive more than US$200
million in grants and support from the IOC between 1997 and 2000, through the TOP Programme and Olympic
Solidarity.This is a 44% increase from the previous quadrennium.
• TOP IV revenue share for the NOCs of developing nations has doubled in this quadrennium from a minimum
US$20,000 to a minimum US$40,000.

marketing f a c t f i l e
1.4 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Each OCOG develops and activates Olympic Games marketing programmes within the host country. For the Sydney
2000 Olympic Games, SOCOG has created one of the strongest marketing programmes in Olympic history, consisting
of sponsorship, licensing, ticketing, and other programmes that directly support the staging of the Olympic Games.


SOCOG Revenue Generation from Sponsorship,Tickets, & Licensing

More than US$700 million

SOCOG Sponsorship Revenue

More than US$315 million
150% of original sponsorship target of US$207 million

Games Revenue Retained by SOCOG

95% of SOCOG revenue total

IOC Share of Games Revenue

5% of SOCOG revenue total
• Received as licensing fee for Olympic marketing rights and overall marketing
programmes support

Comparison: Per Capita Figures for Olympic Games Marketing Programmes

Sydney 2000 Atlanta 1996

Combined IOC and OCOG
Sponsorship Revenue US$25 per Australian US$1.60 per American
OCOG Product Licensing Revenue US$2.50 per Australian US$0.32 per American

chapter one 1.5

Olympic Broadcast Overview
Television has contributed to the growth of the Olympic Movement more than any other factor. The global
broadcast allows an ever-increasing audience to experience the Olympic Games, the most-watched sporting event in the
world. The IOC broadcast policy ensures maximum presentation of the Games to the widest possible audience free of
charge, and the long-term broadcast rights strategy developed by the IOC ensures continued growth for decades to
come. Olympic broadcast revenue today accounts for just less than 45% of Olympic marketing revenue.


Total Olympic Broadcast Revenue: Olympic Games Comparison

Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000

US$895 million US$1,331.6 million

Broadcast Revenue Contribution to the OCOG: Olympic Games Comparison

Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000

US$568 million US$798 million

The Sydney 2000 broadcast revenue contribution of US$798 million to SOCOG is:
• Approximately 60% of the total Olympic broadcast revenue
• Approximately 43.77% of SOCOG’s total budget
• US$140 million more than the projected contribution at the time of the Sydney bid
• US$230 million more than the contribution to the Atlanta Organising Committee


The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be broadcast in more countries than any Olympic Games in history.The Olympic
Host Broadcaster feed will also provide more hours of Olympic competition coverage than ever before.

Olympic Broadcasting Facts: Olympic Games Comparison

Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000

Countries Broadcasting 214 220
Hours in Host Broadcaster Feed 3,000 3,400

marketing f a c t f i l e
1.6 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games broadcast will be the largest broadcast with the greatest reach of any event in history.
Olympic coverage will be broadcast to practically the entire world, reaching 3.7 billion people of the 3.9 billion people
in the world who have access to television. This is a significant increase from 3 billion for Atlanta 1996 coverage.

Total Viewer Hours are expected to eclipse 40 billion viewer hours as a result of increased coverage, reach, and interest
in the Olympic Games.

Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000

Potential Unduplicated Audience 3 billion 3.7 billion
Total Viewer Hours approximately 36 billion more than 40 billion


Approximately 70% of Olympic broadcasters have indicated that they intend to expand and enhance coverage of the
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games from the Atlanta 1996 coverage.

The duration of broadcast coverage will break all records, with nearly half of the broadcasters increasing coverage. The
following table shows a comparison of broadcast hours from the 1996 and 2000 Olympic Games, illustrating those
countries that plan to significantly increase the number of broadcast hours.

Number of Hours Broadcast:

Country Sydney Coverage Atlanta Coverage Increase
Australia 1,207 308 899 hrs. / 292%
Canada 1,039 244 795 hrs. / 326%
South Africa 930 174 756 hrs. / 434%
China 740 204 536 hrs. / 263%
Greece 452 161 291 hrs. / 181%
United States 442 169 273 hrs. / 162%
Japan 558 333 225 hrs. / 68%
Argentina 435 298 137 hrs. / 46%

Olympic Broadcasters also plan the following coverage enhancements:

• Approximately 45% of broadcasters will increase Olympic Games coverage.
• Approximately one third of broadcasters will produce special studio programmes.
• Approximately one quarter of broadcasters will increase prime-time Olympic Games coverage.
• Several countries will broadcast live coverage of the Olympic Games for the first time in the countries’ respective

chapter one 1.7

Olympic Sponsorship Overview
Olympic sponsorship is a partnership between the Olympic Movement and a corporate entity that is intended to
generate support for the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games. Olympic sponsorship operates on three levels:

The TOP Programme: The worldwide Olympic sponsorship programme managed by the IOC.

Olympic Games sponsorship: The sponsorship programme established within the Olympic Games host country to
directly support the staging of the Games, managed by the OCOG under the direction of the IOC.

National sponsorship: A sponsorship programme established within a country to directly support an NOC and its
Olympic team, managed by the NOC.

Sponsorship contributes more than 30% of Olympic marketing revenue. The TOP programme managed by the IOC is
the only sponsorship with the exclusive worldwide marketing rights to both Winter and Summer Games, providing
support for the OCOGs, all 200 NOCs and their Olympic teams, and the IOC.


Total TOP Programme Revenue

More than US$550 million*
* This figure includes cash and value-in-kind (VIK) support.

TOP Programme Revenue Distribution Formula

Approximately 32.5% to the Olympic Games Organising Committee (SOCOG) and the
host country NOC (AOC)
Approximately 17.5% to the Olympic Winter Games Organising Committee (NAOC)
and the host country NOC (JOC)
Approximately 20% to the United States Olympic Committees (USOC)
Approximately 20% to the remaining 197 National Olympic Committees (NOCs)
Approximately 10% to the IOC

Please note: The OCOGs’ combined share is actually higher than 50%, due to certain technology agreements
that provide substantial additional VIK contributions each OCOG for overall Olympic Games operations.

marketing f a c t f i l e
1.8 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Other Olympic Marketing Programmes
The Olympic Family activates other marketing programmes such as supplierships and licensing programmes to support
the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games.

The IOC and the OCOG maintain relationships with corporate suppliers who provide products and services for
operations and for the staging of the Olympic Games.

Licensing programmes market officially licensed products from the OCOGs, the NOCs, and the IOC. These products
carry the emblems and mascots of the Olympic Games or Olympic teams and are designed to commemorate the
Olympic Games and Olympic teams. Olympic coins and stamps continue a long-standing tradition in Olympic marketing,
providing the Olympic Movement with a valuable source of revenue.


The IOC has commissioned several research projects to identify and define the Olympic Image, based on worldwide
public perception and opinion.This research, conducted in 1998 and 1999, gathered data from a total of 12 countries.

The results of the research show that the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games possess an enduring and valuable
image, which was captured under the following basic themes:
• Hope: The Olympic Games offer hope for a better world, using sport competition for all without discrimination as
an example and a lesson.
• Dreams and Inspiration: The Olympic Games provide inspiration to achieve personal dreams through the lessons
of the athletes’ striving, sacrifice, and determination.
• Friendship and Fair Play: The Olympic Games provide tangible examples of how humanity can overcome political,
economic, religious, and racial prejudices through the values inherent in sport.
• Joy in the Effort: The Olympic Games celebrate the universal joy in doing one’s best, regardless of the outcome.

55 percent of the public surveyed in 1999 stated that their opinion of the Olympic Games is higher today than it has
ever been.

The core values of the Olympic Image have provided the foundation for a promotional campaign of Olympic-themed
announcements that have been produced for television, radio, print media, and the Internet.

chapter one 1.9

“Every act of support for the Olympic Movement promotes peace,
friendship and solidarity throughout the world.”
— Juan Antonio Samaranch, IOC President

marketing f a c t f i l e
1.10 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
chapter two

Olympic Marketing Overview






chapter two 2.1

Fundamental Objectives of Olympic Marketing
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) co-ordinates the marketing of the Olympic Games with the following

• To ensure the independent financial stability of the Olympic Movement, and thereby to assist in the worldwide
promotion of Olympism.
• To create and maintain long-term marketing programmes, and thereby to ensure the future of the Olympic
Movement and the Olympic Games.
• To build on the successful activities developed by each Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG),
and thereby to eliminate the need to recreate the marketing structure with each Olympic Games.
• To ensure equitable revenue distribution throughout the entire Olympic Movement — including the OCOGs, the
National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and their continental associations, the International Sports Federations
(IFs), and other recognised international sports organisations — and to provide financial support to emerging
• To ensure that the Olympic Games can be experienced via free over-the-air television by all viewers throughout the
• To curtail uncontrolled commercialisation of the Olympic Games.
• To protect the equity that is inherent in the Olympic Image and ideal.
• To enlist the support of Olympic marketing partners in the promotion of the Olympic ideals.

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Structure of the IOC Marketing Effort
The IOC, as the holder of the rights to the Olympic Games and the Olympic marks, is responsible for the overall
direction and management of Olympic marketing programmes.


The IOC Executive Board oversees the marketing policy established by the IOC Session.

Juan Antonio Samaranch Spain

Vice Presidents
Richard W. Pound, Q.C. Canada • Olympic finalist, swimming, Rome 1960
• Chair, IOC Marketing Commission;Television Rights
Negotiations Commission; Internet Working Group;
World Anti-Doping Agency

Anita Defrantz United States • Olympic bronze medallist, rowing, Montreal 1976
• Chair,Women & Sport Working Group

Keba Mbaye Senegal • Chair, International Court of Arbitration for Sport;

IOC Juridical Commission

R. Kevan Gosper Australia • Olympic silver medallist, athletics, Melbourne 1956;

Semi-finalist, athletics, Rome 1960
• Chair, IOC Press Commission

Dr.Thomas Bach Germany Olympic gold medallist, fencing, Montreal 1976

Chiharu Igaya Japan Olympic silver medallist, skiing, Cortina 1956

Un Yong Kim Korea • Vice President, OCOG, Seoul 1988

• Chair, IOC Television Commission

Marc Hodler Switzerland • President, International Ski Federation, retired (1999)

• Chair, IOC Finance Commission

Dr. Jacques Rogge Belgium • Olympic competitor, yachting, Mexico 1968,

Munich 1972, Montreal 1976
• Chair, IOC Co-ordination Commission, Sydney 2000,
Athens 2004

Zhenliang He People’s Republic of China • Deputy chef de mission, Lake Placid 1980, Seoul 1988,
Barcelona 1992
• Chair, IOC Cultural Commission

chapter two 2.3

The IOC Marketing Commission recommends Olympic marketing policy to the IOC Executive Board.
In 1983, the IOC established the New Sources of Financing Commission to ensure the financial stability of the
Olympic Movement. In December 1997, the New Sources of Financing Commission proposed that its mandate and
name be changed, recognising the successful accomplishment of its original goals and the need to refocus for the future.
Today the IOC Marketing Commission’s goal is to ensure that the Olympic Movement’s marketing endeavours
remain current with the modern marketplace while maintaining the Fundamental Principles of Olympism.

Richard W. Pound, Q.C.* Canada IOC First Vice President

Dr.Thomas Bach * Germany Olympic gold medallist, fencing, Montreal 1976
Richard Carrion * Puerto Rico Executive Committee, Puerto Rico Olympic Committee
Rene Fasel * Switzerland President of Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF)
Niels Holst-Sorensen * Denmark Olympic gold & silver medallist, athletics, London 1948
Lambis W. Nikolaou * Greece President, Greece NOC
Mario Pescante * Italy Secretary General, European Olympic Committees
Craig Reedie * Great Britain President, Great Britain NOC
Hein Verbruggen * Netherlands President, International Cycling Union (UCI)
James Easton * United States President, International Archery Federation (FITA)
Francois Carrard Switzerland IOC Director General
Michael R. Payne Great Britain IOC Marketing Director
Nawal El Moutawakel* Morocco Secretary of State to the Minister of Social Affiairs,
responsible for Youth and Sport
IF Representative
Olegario Vazquez Rana * Mexico President, International Shooting Union

NOC Representative
Patrick J. Hickey * Ireland President, Ireland NOC

Athlete Representative
S.A.S. le Prince Hereditaire
Albert de Monaco * Monaco IOC Athletes Commission

Individual Members
Stewart Binns Great Britain Senior Vice President,TWI / Director, OTAB
Laurent Scharapan France M.D., Meridian / Marketing Manager, Albertville OCOG
Chris Welton United States M.D., Meridian / Marketing Director, Atlanta OCOG
John Moore Australia Former GM, marketing, Sydney OCOG

IOC Marketing Department

* indicates IOC Members

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.4 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
The IOC Marketing Department implements the recommendations of the IOC Marketing Commission approved by the
IOC Executive Board.
The IOC Marketing Department, founded in January 1989, is the functional arm of the Olympic marketing effort and
has been directed since its formation by IOC Marketing Director Michael R. Payne.
The Marketing Department works directly with Olympic sponsors, Olympic broadcasters, NOCs, and OCOGs to:
• Develop new Olympic marketing programmes, including future New Media strategies.
• Support the negotiations for the broadcast rights of the Olympic Games and develop contracts that are compatible
with the IOC broadcasting objective of making free televised coverage of the Olympic Games accessible to as many
people around the world as possible.
• Oversee and direct OCOGs in the development of their marketing programmes in accordance with the overall IOC
• Educate NOCs about how to develop marketing programmes in their local markets.
• Oversee and implement Olympic Image enhancement programmes, including the “Look of the Games” programme,
emblem development, and market research.

The Marketing Department works with a small international in-house staff:

Michael R. Payne (Great Britain) Rose-Marie Malnati (Switzerland)

IOC Marketing Director Executive Assistant to the Marketing Director
Tel: 41 21 621 6334 Tel: 41 21 621 6334
Email: rose_marie.malnati@olympic.org

David Aikman (Canada) Elizabeth McMahon (United States)

Group Marketing Manager, Business Development Group Marketing Manager, Marketing Services
Tel: 41 21 621 6289 Tel: 41 21 62 6415
Email: david.aikman@olympic.org Email: liz.mcmahon@olympic.org

Martin Benson (Canada) Kirsty Bohn (Great Britain/Switzerland)

Project Officer, Business Affairs Marketing Assistant
Tel: 41 21 621 6342 Tel: 41 21 621 6322
Email: martin.benson@olympic.org Email: kirsty.bohn@olympic.org

Anne Kelly (United States/France) Michele Garrity (United States)

Group Marketing Manager, Client Services Secretary/Administrative Assistant
Tel: 41 21 621 6320 Tel: 41 21 621 6288
Email: anne.kelly@olympic.org Email: michele.garrity@olympic.org

chapter two 2.5

The IOC Marketing Department is supported by several specialist agencies and consultants.

Meridian Management S.A. (Lausanne, Atlanta, Sydney, Salt Lake City, Athens)
Established in 1996 by the IOC as its dedicated marketing client-service arm, Meridian Management co-ordinates
the management of the TOP programme and Olympic Games marketing operations and acts as the NOC marketing
Laurent Scharapan, Managing Director Chris Welton, Managing Director
Tel: + 41 21 621 6000 Fax: + 41 21 621 6001 Tel: (U.S.) +1 404 816 7979 Fax: +1 404 816 7020

Hill & Knowlton

Public relations and communications support and development of the Partner Recognition Programme.
Mike Kontos
Tel: + 41 21 621 6414 Mobile: + 41 79 250 9987 Fax: + 41 21 621 6356

TBWA/Chiat Day
Development and production of the “Celebrate Humanity” Olympic promotional announcement programme and
development of the Partner Recognition Programme.
Maggie Silverman, Global Account Director
Tel: (U.S.) + 1 310 305 5000 Fax: + 1 310 305 6809

Olympic Television Archive Bureau (OTAB)/Trans World Int. (TWI)

Established in 1995 by the IOC, OTAB co-ordinates the management of the historical moving image archive of the
Olympic Movement and special Olympic broadcast programming. OTAB is managed by TWI, the world’s largest
independent sports television producer.
Stewart Binns, Bureau Director
Tel: (U.K.) +44 181 233 5353 Fax: +44 181 233 5354

Olympic Photo Archive Bureau (OPAB)/Allsport

Established in 1996 by the IOC, OPAB manages the historical photo archive of the Olympic Movement and develops
special Olympic photographic projects (including marketing service support at each Olympic Games). OPAB is
managed by Allsport, the world’s largest sports photographic library.
James Nichols, Director of Marketing
Tel: (U.K.) + 44 181 685 1010 Fax: + 44 181 686 5240

Sports Marketing Surveys (SMS)

Global IOC broadcasting research and data analysis and event research projects.
Christopher Rimmer
Tel: (U.K.) + 44 1932 350 600

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.6 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Three Tiers of Olympic Marketing
Olympic marketing programmes directly managed by the IOC include:
• Olympic Games broadcast
• TOP (The Olympic Partners), the worldwide Olympic sponsorship programme
• IOC licensing programmes
• IOC supplierships

Revenue Distribution: The IOC distributes revenue from these marketing programmes throughout the Olympic
Movement according to the formula established for each programme.

This chapter contains overall IOC marketing information, with total revenue generation and distribution figures. For further
information on the each of the programmes managed by the IOC, please see the chapters of this document dedicated to specific
IOC marketing programmes.


Under the direction of the IOC, the OCOG manages Olympic Games marketing programmes that are targeted to the
Olympic Games host country. Olympic Games marketing programmes managed by the OCOG include:
• Olympic Games sponsorship programmes that operate within the host country
• Olympic Games ticketing programmes
• Olympic Games licensing programmes
• Olympic Games supplierships

The IOC contributes to these programmes by: (a) granting the Olympic intellectual property rights to the OCOG as a
foundation for the Olympic Games marketing programmes, (b) managing the marketing programme jointly with the
OCOG, (c) providing overall marketing support, and (d) providing the template from previous Olympic Games marketing

Revenue Distribution:
• The OCOG retains 95% of the revenue from these programmes to stage the Olympic Games.
• The IOC receives 5% of the revenue from these programmes as a licensing fee and distributes this revenue
throughout the Olympic Family.

This chapter contains information on IOC marketing revenue and distribution. For further information on the Olympic Games
marketing programmes managed by the OCOGs, please see the Chapters Three & Four of this document.

chapter two 2.7

The NOCs manage national Olympic marketing programmes that are targeted within their home countries. Olympic
marketing programmes managed by the NOCs include:
• National Olympic sponsorship programmes that operate within the home country of the NOC
• National Olympic licensing programmes
• National Olympic supplierships

The IOC contributes to these programmes by: (a) granting the Olympic intellectual property rights to the NOC as a
foundation for the national marketing programme, and (b) providing overall marketing support.

Revenue Distribution: Each NOC retains 100% of its revenue from national marketing programmes to support its
Olympic team and sport development programmes within its country.

This document contains information on IOC marketing programmes and OCOG marketing programmes. Information on the
marketing programmes of the NOCs is available from each NOC.

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.8 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Overview: Olympic Marketing Programmes
The IOC manages or oversees various marketing programmes to provide support to the Olympic Movement and the
Olympic Games. These include: television broadcast, corporate sponsorship programmes, Olympic Games ticketing
programmes, and Olympic licensing programmes (including Olympic numismatic & philatelic programmes). This section
provides information on the total revenue generation figures from these programmes.

1997 – 2000 Olympic Revenue

Olympic marketing will generate in excess of US$3,600 million (or US$3.6 billion) for the 1997 – 2000 quadrennium.

Nagano 1998 Marketing Revenue: US$1,000 million (US$1 billion)

Sydney 2000 Marketing Revenue: * US$2,600 million (US$2.6 billion)
Total Olympic Marketing Revenue: US$3,600 million (US$3.6 billion)

* A discussion of marketing revenue sources specifically for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games appears in Chapter Three of this
document: “Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Marketing Programmes”.


The following charts provide the revenue figures and percentages from various Olympic marketing programmes
from 1997 – 2000, including the Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Games and the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games combined:

Total Broadcast Revenue: US$1,844 million

Total TOP IV Sponsorship Revenue: US$550 million
Total Ticket Revenue: US$455 million
Total Local Sponsorship Revenue : US$630 million
Licensing Revenue: US$62 million
Other Revenue: US$33 million
Total: Approximately US$3,600 million (US$3.6 billion)

Licensing 1.7%
Ticketing Other 0.9%

Broadcast Rights

Local Sponsorship

chapter two 2.9

Overview: Olympic Marketing Revenue Distribution
The following is a summary of IOC the total overall revenue distribution figures from Olympic marketing programmes,
including: television broadcast, corporate sponsorship programmes, Olympic Games ticketing programmes, and Olympic
licensing programmes (including Olympic numismatic & philatelic programmes).

The IOC distributes approximately 93% of Olympic marketing revenue to:

The Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs)

Funds from Olympic marketing programmes contribute to the administration, operation, and organisation necessary for
the staging of the Olympic Games. The Sydney Organising Committee (SOCOG) is expected to receive US$1,900
million — this is US$300 million more than the IOC was able to provide for the Atlanta Organising Committee (ACOG).
More information on Olympic marketing contributions to the Olympic Games is available in the following pages in this

The 200 National Olympic Committees (NOCs)

Funds from Olympic marketing programmes help defray administrative costs, including the cost of sending Olympic
teams to the Games. Through Olympic Solidarity and the TOP programme, the IOC will provide various grants and
financial support to each national Olympic team that attends the Games. For this quadrennium (1997 – 2000), NOCs
will receive a total contribution estimated to exceed US$200 million (excluding payments to the USOC and the two
host country NOCs: JOC and AOC).
Further information on Olympic marketing contributions to the NOCs and the athletes follows in this section.

The 28 Olympic Summer Sports Federations (IFs)

Funds from Olympic marketing programmes assist in the continuing promotion of their respective sports. For Sydney
2000, this contribution will amount to a total of US$161 million.
Further information on Olympic marketing contributions to the IFs follows in this section.

The 7 Olympic Winter Sports Federations (IFs)

Funds from Olympic marketing programmes assist in the continuing promotion of their respective sports. For Nagano
1998, this contribution amounted to a total of US$50.3 million.

Further information on Olympic marketing contributions to the IFs follows in this section.

Various other sports organisations

Funds from Olympic marketing programmes contribute to the programmes of various organisations, including
recognised international sports organisations, the International Paralympic Committee, the Paralympic Organising
Committee, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The IOC retains approximately 7% of Olympic marketing revenue for the managerial, administrative,
and operational costs of governing the Olympic Movement.

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.10 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Olympic marketing programmes have generated approximately US$15 billion since 1980.

More than US$3,600 million (US$3.6 billion) will be generated during the current quadrennium (1997 – 2000).
• The IOC will distribute approximately 93% of this total to the OCOGs, the International Sports Federations,
and the 200 NOCs.
• The IOC will retain approximately 7% of this total.

More than US$2,600 million (US$2.6 billion) of the total for this quadrennium is directly related to the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games.


NOCs / IFs / OCOGs


chapter two 2.11

The Sydney Olympic Games Organising Committee (SOCOG) will receive US$1,900 million (US$1.9 billion) from the
Olympic marketing programmes managed by the IOC and SOCOG combined.

SOCOG will receive approximately US$1,100 million (US$1.1 billion) from the marketing programmes managed by the
IOC. This figure represents approximately 60% of SOCOG’s total budget. The remaining 40% of SOCOG’s budget is
generated largely through SOCOG’s use of IOC intellectual property rights.

Olympic marketing programmes have also provided the following for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games:
• The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be the first Games of the Olympiad to provide athletes with travel grants. The
value of these grants is estimated at more than US$25 million.
• The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be the first Games of the Olympiad to provide free accommodations for all
athletes and officials in the Olympic Village. The value of these accommodations is estimated at more than US$20
• Broadcast and press facilities and support at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be provided at a cost of more
than US$300 million.

OCOG Share of Olympic Marketing Revenue: Olympic Games Comparison

Games of the Olympiad OCOG Revenue Total Revenue from IOC
ACOG (Atlanta 1996) US$1,600 million US$800 million
SOCOG (Sydney 2000) US$1,800 million US$1,100 million

Olympic Marketing Revenue to SOCOG Sydney Bid Projection

Revenue Source in US$ millions in US$ millions

Broadcast Rights 798 488

Local Sponsorship 315 207
Tickets 356 139
TOP 221 90
Licensing & Other 66 51
Total 1,756 975

A complete discussion of Olympic marketing contributions to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games appears in Chapter Three of
this document: “Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Marketing”.

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.12 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
The IOC will provide $400 million to NOCs (including approximately $200 million to the USOC) in direct athlete
support for the current quadrennium. In addition, the athletes’ village at Sydney 2000 is free, and all athletes’ travel to
the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be paid for by the marketing programmes of the IOC and the OCOG, resulting
in a further US$45 million in indirect support.

NOCs will receive more than US$200 million in grants and support from the IOC through the TOP programme and
Olympic Solidarity for 1997 – 2000. This represents a 44% increase in support from the previous Olympic quadrennium.

NOCs of developing nations will receive a minimum of US$40,000 from TOP IV programme revenue and Olympic
Solidarity. This represents a 100% increase in support from the previous Olympic quadrennium.

* Separate reporting is conducted with regard to contributions to the NOCs in the host countries for the quadrennium, Japan and
Australia, as well as to the Unites States Olympic Committee. For this reason, the contribution to these NOCs is excluded from
these figures.

NOC Revenue from the IOC: Quadrennium Comparison

Olympic Olympic Solidarity TOP Total

Quadrennium Broadcast Revenue Revenue* Contribution
1989 – 1992 (Albertville/Barcelona) US$51.6 million US$35 million US$86.6 million
1993 – 1996 (Lillehammer/Atlanta) US$80.9 million US$57 million US$137.9 million
1997 – 2000 (Nagano/Sydney) US$121.9 million US$80 million US$201.9 million

* excluding USOC and Host country NOCs

N.B. Substantial additional indirect financial support is provided to the NOCs through the provision of a free athletes’ village
and travel grants to the Olympic Games.

chapter two 2.13

The 35 International Sports Federations (28 Summer, 7 Winter) receive financial support for the development of their
respective sports worldwide. During this quadrennium, Winter Sports Federations shared $50.3 million from Nagano
1998, and Summer Sports Federations will share US$161 million from Sydney 2000.

International Summer Sports Federation Revenue from IOC: Olympic Games Comparisons

Olympic Games Financial support

1992 (Barcelona) US$37.6 million
1996 (Atlanta) US$86.6 million
2000 (Sydney) US$161 million

International Winter Sports Federation Revenue from IOC: Olympic Games Comparisons

Olympic Winter Games Financial support

1992 (Albertville) US$17 million
1994 (Lillehammer) US$20.3 million
1998 (Nagano) US$50.3 million

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.14 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Atlanta & Sydney: A Comparison of Marketing Contributions to IFs

(In US$ 000) Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000

International Summer Sport Federations TV Revenue Marketing Total TV Revenue Marketing Total
Allocations Remuneration Allocations Remuneration

Int’l Archery Federation (FITA) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) 2.177 6.500 8.677 3.168 14.500 17.668
Int’l Badminton Federation (IBF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Baseball Association (IBAF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Basketball Federation (FIBA) 2.177 2.500 4.677 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Canoe Federation (FIC) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Cycling Union (UCI) 2.177 1.000 3.177 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Equestrian Federation (FEI) 2.177 1.000 3.177 3.168 2.000 5.168
Fédération Int’le d'Escrime (FIE) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Fédération Int’le de Football Association (FIFA) 2.177 2.500 4.677 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Gymnastics Federation (FIG) 2.177 2.500 4.677 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Handball Federation (IHF) 2.177 1.000 3.177 3.168 2.000 5.168
Int’l Hockey Federation (FIH) 2.177 1.000 3.177 3.168 2.000 5.168
Int’l Judo Federation (IJF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Union Int’le de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Rowing Federation (FISA) 2.177 1.000 3.177 3.168 2.000 5.168
Int’l Sailing Federation (ISAF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Softball Federation (ISF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’le de Natation Amateur (FINA) 2.177 2.500 4.677 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) — — — 3.168 0.500 3.668
Int’l Tennis Federation (ITF) 2.177 1.000 3.177 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Triathlon Union (ITU) — — — 3.168 0.500 3.668
Int’l Volleyball Federation (FIVB) 2.177 2.500 4.677 3.168 5.000 8.168
Int’l Weightlifting Federation (IWF) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
Int’l Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA) 2.177 0.500 2.677 3.168 1.000 4.168
TOTAL 56.602 32.000 88.602 88.704 72.500 161.204
Increase over previous Games 51% 100% 136% 57% 127% 82%

The 7 Olympic Winter Sports Federations (IFs)

Funds from Olympic marketing programmes also assist the winter sport IFs:

International Biathlon Union (IBU) World Curling Federation (WCF)

International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) International Luge Federation (FIL.)
International Skating Union (ISU) International Ski Federation (FIS)
International Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Federation (FIBT)

chapter two 2.15

marketing f a c t f i l e
2.16 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
chapter three

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Marketing Programmes







chapter three 3.1

Olympic Games Marketing Programmes Overview
Olympic Games marketing programmes, also referred to as OCOG marketing programmes, are managed by the
OCOG under the direction of the IOC.The IOC provides the OCOG with (a) the intellectual property rights necessary
to develop the programme, (b) overall marketing support, and (c) the template from previous Olympic Games marketing
programmes.The OCOG operates and administers the programmes within the host country.

Olympic Games marketing programmes generally include:

• Olympic Games sponsorship programmes that operates within the host country
• Olympic Games supplierships
• Olympic Games licensing programmes
• Olympic Games ticketing programmes

Olympic Games Marketing Programme Revenue Distribution Formula

95% of revenue to the OCOG, to fund the staging of the Olympic Games
5% of revenue to the IOC as a licensing fee for general trademark usage and overall marketing programme support.

marketing f a c t f i l e
3.2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
SOCOG Marketing: Vital Statistics
Host City Selection
Sydney was named the host city of the Games of the XXVII Olympiad at the 101st IOC Session, 23 September 1993, in
Monte Carlo.

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Management

Operations and marketing activity are managed by the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games.

Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG)

235 Jones Street
2001 NSW
Tel: + 61 2 9297 2000 Fax: + 61 2 9297 2255

Contact information for SOCOG personnel appears in the “Contacts” chapter of this document.

SOCOG Mission Statement

At the dawn of the new millennium the mission of SOCOG is to deliver to the athletes of the world and to the Olympic
Movement, on behalf of all Australians, the most harmonious, athlete-oriented, technically excellent and culturally
enhancing Olympic Games of the modern era.

Marketing Plan
Ratified at the 104th IOC Session in Budapest (1995).
A joint marketing agreement has been signed between the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) and SOCOG.

Marketing Programme Launched: 10 November 1995

chapter three 3.3

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Marketing Overview
The Olympic marketing programmes for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games have generated more revenue from
broadcast rights, sponsorship, licensing, and ticket sales than any previous Olympic Games.


Defining the sources and flows of financing for the world’s largest event, the Olympic Games, is complex. Both the
Organizing Committee of the Games (OCOG) and the rest of the Olympic Movement — the IOC, the 28 Summer
International Sports Federations (IFs), and the 199 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and teams — contribute to
the generation of revenue and thus share its distribution.This revenue funds not only the operations of the OCOG but
also the quadrennial operations of the rest of the Olympic Movement.

Revenue Generation
From current projections, the Olympic Movement — in this case, the IOC and SOCOG — will generate roughly
US$2,600 million (or US$2.6 billion) dollars during the period 1997 – 2000 related the Sydney Olympic Games.

This will come mostly from the sale of collective broadcasting rights, sponsorships, tickets, and licenses. The IOC is
responsible for generating more than 70% of the overall revenue.

Revenue Generation, 1997-2000

Tickets US$356m
Local Sponsorship rights US$1,331m
Licensing & 12% IOC led US$1,900m
Other US$66m 51% 72%
3% 21%
SOCOG led US$700m

Please note:

1) The TOP programme operates on a quadrennial basis, involving the collective marketing rights for an Olympic Winter Games
and an Olympic Games. The figure presented here for TOP IV (US$550 million) reflects the total revenue generated from the TOP
IV programme, which includes sponsorship rights for Nagano 1998 and Sydney 2000.

2) Figures in the chart above represent revenue generated as of 1 June 2000.

marketing f a c t f i l e
3.4 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Revenue Distribution
Together, SOCOG and the AOC will receive nearly 70% of the overall revenue generated by the Olympic Movement, or
nearly US$1,800 million (US$1.8 billion).

Broadcast Rights
• More than US$1,331.6 million.
– Approximately 60% of this revenue will be contributed to SOCOG.
– Approximately 40% of this revenue will be divided among the IOC, the Summer Olympic IFs, and the NOCs
(through Olympic Solidarity) for the next quadrennium.

TOP IV Global Sponsorships

• Approximately US$550 million of monies and value-in-kind (VIK).
– Standard revenue split is 50% to the summer and winter OCOGs, 40% to the NOCs, and 10% to the IOC.
– Considering the value of technology and other VIK services provided to the OCOGs, the Sydney and Nagano
Organizing Committees’ actual split of TOP IV revenue is closer to 60%.
(As the IFs do not participate in the global marketing programme, they do not share in the revenue it generates.)

SOCOG-IOC Local Australian Marketing

• More than US$700 million of SOCOG sponsorships, tickets sales, and licensing.
– 95% of this revenue will be contributed to SOCOG.
– 5% of this revenue will be distributed throughout the Olympic Family by the IOC.

Revenue Distribution, 1997-2000

Rest of Olympic Movement




chapter three 3.5

The Sydney Olympic marketing programme, the combined global and local Australian efforts, is the most successful
programme to date.
• Through its global marketing, the IOC has contributed nearly US$1,100 million (or US$1.1 billion), close to 60% of
SOCOG’s revenue needs.This is US$300 million more than the IOC provided to the Centennial Games in Atlanta.
• Local Australian sponsorship programmes have generated 150% of their original target. SOCOG’s original local
sponsorship revenue target was US$207 million.Today, the programme has generated more than US$300 million.
• The success of the combined IOC and SOCOG sponsorship programmes is remarkable in terms of the size of the
Australian market. Per capita, the programme has generated more than US$25 per Australian, compared to the
US$1.60 per American raised by Atlanta. Alone, the local Australian sponsorship programme will generate close to
US$17 per Australian.
• By itself, the SOCOG consumer products programme (licensing) will generate in excess of US$2.50 per Australian,
as compared to the US$0.32 per American raised by Atlanta, and continues to exceed budget/target projections.

Sufficient revenues have been generated to produce great Olympic Games.
• The funds have provided for the operation of spectacular Olympic Games venues.
• Recent SOCOG initiatives have increased the efficient use of revenues to ensure a fully-funded Olympic Games
• The current budget includes a significant contingency fund that has been set aside to cover any unforeseen

marketing f a c t f i l e
3.6 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Sponsorship
The SOCOG sponsorship programme is comprised of three levels of support.The level of support determines the
extent of the marketing rights granted to each partner.

Team Millennium Olympic Partners (TMOP)

This premium level of sponsorship includes 24 companies: the TOP sponsors, which have worldwide Olympic marketing
rights, and domestic Olympic Games sponsors, which have Olympic marketing rights within Australia only. TMOP forms
the most exclusive level of sponsorship available.

TOP Partners with global Olympic marketing rights:

Company Product Category

Coca-Cola Non-Alcoholic Beverages
IBM Information Technology
John Hancock Life Insurance/Annuities
Kodak Film/Photographics & Imaging
McDonald’s Retail Food Services
Panasonic Audio/TV/Video Equipment
Samsung Wireless Communications Equipment
Sports Illustrated/Time Periodicals/Newspapers/Magazines
UPS Express Mail/Package Delivery Service
Visa Consumer Payment Systems
Xerox Document Publishing & Supplies

Domestic partners with Olympic marketing rights in Australia:

Company Product Category

Telstra Telecommunication Services
Westpac Banking Corporation Banking Services
BHP Steel Products
Westfield Shopping Centres
AMP Insurance
Ansett Australia & the Official Airline
Airline Team
Energy Australia Energy Management
Swatch Timing & Time pieces
News Ltd. Media
Fairfax Media
Seven Network Broadcast
Holden Automobiles
Pacific Dunlop Cables, Bedding, Casual Uniforms,Vehicle Batteries, and Tires

chapter three 3.7

Sydney 2000 Supporters
Adecco-Lyncroft Staffing Services
Arthur Andersen Financial,Taxation and Business Consulting
Bonds Casual Uniform Outfitting
Bonlac Foods Limited Dairy
Boral Limited Building Products
Carlton & United Breweries Beer
Dunlop and Goodyear Tyres Automotive Vehicle Tyres
Goodman Fielder Limited Breakfast Cereals, Nutritious Snacks, Bread, Pasta, Poultry, Oils, and Dressings
Nike Outfitting, Australian Team Competition Wear
Olex Cables Cables
Perth Mint Coin Collectibles
Radio 2UE & Affiliates Radio Network
Royal Australian Mint Coin Collectibles
Shell Fuel, Oils
Streets Ice Cream Ice Cream
TAFE NSW Training
Traveland (travel agency) Retail Travel Agent
Tyco Fire Protection Products and Electronic Security Systems

Sydney 2000 Providers

Avis Australia Rental Vehicles
Berkerly Challenge
Housekeeping Services Housekeeping Services
Buspak Bus Advertising
Cadbury Confectionery inc. chocolate, sugar sweets and jellies
Citysearch.com.au Official online city guide of www.olympics.com
Cleanevent Cleaning Management Services
Clipsal Electrical accessories and building automation
Crown Equipment Material Handling Equipment
Diamond Press Web Offset Printer
Frazer-Nash Golf Carts
Garrett Metal Detectors Metal Detectors
GE Medical Australia Radiology Equipment
Generale Location Temporary structure excluding relocatable building and temporary seating
George Weston Foods Biscuits, Cakes, Small goods
Great White Shark Enterprises Services
Halas Dental Limited Dental Services
Hamilton Laboratories Sunscreen
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
Hyro.com IPIX Technology
Lifeminders.com Electronic newsletters to olympics.com
Southcorp Wines Lindemans Wine
Linfox Integrated Logistics Services
Looksmart Search Engine & Directory Provider of www.olympics
Mistral Small electrical appliances and heating
Pacific Waste Management Solid Waste Collection Services
Ramler Furniture Furniture
Rogen Australia Communication Skills Services
Saunders Design Retail Advice
Schenker Australia Official Provider of Freight Forwarding
Showpower Temporary High Voltage Air Conditioning
Sonic Healthcare Pathology Services
Speedo Australia Swimwear
Department of NSW Map and Geographic Information
Val Morgan Cinema Advertising Cinema Advertising
Visy Packaging and recycling Services

marketing f a c t f i l e
3.8 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Sydney 2000 Providers (continued)
Waste Services NSW Waste Management Services
Woolcott Research Research Services
Woolmark Wool

Sydney 2000 Sports Providers

A.S.F. Horner Basketball Surfaces
Acromat Gymnastic Equipment
adidas Korea Taekwondo Equipment
Anti Wave International Aquatic & Water Polo Equipment
Backstrand Wrestling Mats
Berlei Sports Bras & Sports Briefs
Charles Stuart University Equine Services
Dunlop Sport Tennis Balls
Eurotramp Trampoline Trampolines
Gerflor-Taraflex Indoor Floor Services
Joola Tischtennis Table Tennis Equipment
Kookaburra Sport Hockey Balls
Mavic SA Cycling Equipment
MIKASA Volleyball & Water Polo Balls
Mizuno Corporation Baseball / Softball / Judo Equipment
Molten Basketballs
Mondo Pacific Athletic Track
Schelde International Basketball backboards & Handball goals & nets
Senoh Corporation Volleyball Equipment
Technogym Strength & Cardiovascular Equipment
Top Ten Boxing Equipment
Tuza Floats Horse floats & Horse ambulances
UCS Spirit Track and Field Equipment
Yonex Badminton Equipment


The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games sponsorship programme has been the most successful in Olympic history.To date, the
SOCOG-managed sponsorship programme has surpassed its original revenue target by more than 150%. The
sponsorship programme has also generated far more revenue per capita than the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games
sponsorship programme managed by the Atlanta Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG).

Original Sponsorship Revenue Target:

US$207 million
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Sponsorship Revenue to Date:
US$315 million
• 150% percent of original sponsorship revenue target
• 43% of SOCOG-generated revenue total
• 12% of total revenue generated by the Olympic Movement in relation to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games

Per Capita Comparison of Olympic Games Sponsorship Revenue

Sydney 2000 Atlanta 1996
Combined IOC and OCOG
Sponsorship Revenue Per Capita US$25 per Australian US$1.60 per American

chapter three 3.9

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: Licensing
SOCOG licensees produce a full range of apparel, collectibles, and other merchandise related to the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games. Because of this programme’s initial success in local markets, the IOC and SOCOG extended the
programme to international markets, making official Sydney 2000 Olympic Games products available in more than 100

The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games licensing programme will give manufacturers and retailers access to a retail market
with an estimated turnover of more than US$1,000 million.

The Official Mascots of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games

• Syd, a platypus
• Millie, an echidna
• Olly, a kookaburra

Made in Australia
SOCOG endeavours to support Australian companies and Australian-made products.


The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games licensing programme continues to exceed target revenue projections, and has
generated far more revenue per capita than the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games licensing programme managed by the
Atlanta Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG).

Estimated Revenue from Licensing Royalties

US$50 – $60 million

Per Capita Comparison of Olympic Games Licensing Revenue

Sydney 2000 Licensing: Approximately US$2.50 per Australian
Atlanta 1996 Licensing: Approximately US$0.32 per American

marketing f a c t f i l e
3.10 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
The Olympic Store is a unique feature of the SOCOG programme. Several Olympic Stores, which sell the Sydney 2000
merchandise range, have opened in major cities and airports throughout Australia. The Olympic Store offers authentic
momentos, rare collectibles, unusual gifts and fashion articles.
The Olympic Store Direct is the official catalogue of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Each edition contains official,
exclusive, and limited-edition merchandise.The Olympic Store On-Line makes the entire range of Sydney 2000 Olympic
Games merchandise available on the Internet.

The Olympic Store Direct: Tel: (Aus) + 1300 30 2000

The Olympic Store On-Line: www.olympics.com

The Olympic Store Locations:

Centrepoint LG01 - Lower Ground Floor

100 Market Street

Parramatta Shop 2010A Westfield Parramatta

159-175 Church Street

Sydney International Airport Terminal C

Departures Level
Sydney International Airport

Arrivals B
Sydney International Airport

Brisbane International Airport Airside Departures

Level Three
Brisbane International Airport

Darling Harbour Shop 351

Level 2
Harbourside Shopping Centre

chapter three 3.11

Sydney 2000 Olympic Games merchandise has been available in retail channels since 1997. SOCOG has more than 100
licensees covering 3,000 products, sold across 2,000 retail outlets throughout Australia. SOCOG has approved all retail
outlets stocking Games merchandise based on guidelines to ensure that the quality of the brand is upheld in the market.
Marketing rights for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games cease in December 2000, following which Sydney 2000
merchandise will no longer be produced.

Official Sydney 2000 Licensees Merchandise Category

Acme Merchandising T-shirts, caps, sweaters and bandannas

Akubra Hats Felt Akubra, straw hats
Ann Middleton High-end jewelry
Ashdene Manufacturing Cork backed coasters & placemats
Auto Fashions Australia Car accessories
Benson House Pins
Bizwear Casual & business shirts
Bonds Australia Infantswear, underwear,T-shirts, polo shirts
Bonlac Foods Bodalla Olympic Mascot Cheese Shapes
CA Australia Australian Made Plush
Cadbury Schweppes Pty Ltd Confectionery
Canning Vale Weaving Mills Towelling & bath robes
Canterbury International Rugby jumpers
Cash's-Aminco Pins
Clifton Umbrellas Umbrellas
Coogi Australia Australian made knitwear
Corban & Blair Designer stationary
Crystal Craft Ceramic mugs, drinking glassware
Cutting Edge Corporation Bomber jackets
Davenport Industries Ties, underwear, socks
Decor Corporation Plasticware, lunch boxes, drink bottles, lunch coolers, sports bottle
Dorling Kindersley Publishing Publications
Driza-Bone Jackets & knitwear
Dunlop Sport Golf products, tennis products
Gainsborough Bed sheeting
George Industries Souvenir number plates
Gillette Australia Pens & writing instruments
Global Trading Services Footwear
Globalworks Music publishing
Gold Corporation Coin & medallion jewelry
Hale Australia Placemats & coasters
Hoglund Art Glass Glassware

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3.12 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Continued from previous page.

Official Sydney 2000 Licensees Merchandise Category

Hunter Leisure 3D figurines, photo albums, photo frames, gift boxes, inflatable Mascots
Hurrica Trading Drinking glassware
Illustrated Sports Clothing T-shirts, caps, sweaters, denim shirts
The Ink Group Cards, calendars, posters & diaries
Jockey Australia Socks
Jurlique Australia Scented personal care, oil burners, essential oils
Keith Gamble Handkerchiefs
Ken Duncan Australia Wide Pictorial publications & limited edition prints
Klikkers Leatherware Jackets
Lamphil Resin pins
Line 7 Australia Nautical & resort wear
Linen House Kitchen accessories
Lush Creations Clay & ceramics
MacDonald Imports Children's melamine dinnerware products
Malvern Star Bikes
Mattel Inc. Plush, Barbie, Matchbox, Fisher Price
Nike Australia Sports performance apparel
Opal Pacific Opal jewelry
Paragold Distributors Leather & non-leather goods
Penguin Australia Maps
Perfection Souvenirs Spoons, key rings, magnets
Ramler Furniture Recyclable cardboard products
Rosebank Products Bicycle helmets
The Rose Company The Olympic Rose
RM Williams Boots & apparel
Royal Selangor Pewter products
Seafolly Australia Lifestyle swimwear
Shelta Australia Umbrellas
Speedo Australia Swimwear & swim equipment
Swatch Group Watches
Sydney 2000 Olympic Coin Programme Coins
Talentworks Music publishing
Telstra Corporation Phone cards
Trofe Australia Pins
Uncle Tobys Company Sydney 2000 Mascot Fruit Rollups
Universal Music Music publishing
UR1 International Photo frames, photo albums
Waterford Wedgwood High end collectibles
Warner Music Australia Music publishing
Warner Vision Australia Olympic Video Programme
Zodiac Inflatable children's products

chapter three 3.13

Economic Impact of Sydney 2000
The results of extensive economic analysis show that the Sydney 2000 Games are expected to have a long-term
positive effect on Australia during the 12-year Olympic Games period (1994 – 2006).

The New South Wales (NSW) government in November 1997 and a 1999 Arthur Andersen/Center for Regional
Economic Analysis agree that preparing for and hosting the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games would contribute:
• US$4,000 million – $5,000 million (or US$4 – $5 billion) to the Australian economy
• tens of thousands of full-time jobs to the Australian economy

The Australian Tourist Commission (ATC) also predicts that the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will have a very positive
effect on the local economy:
• International visitors attending the Games: approximately 111,000
• Olympic-induced visitors: approximately 1.6 million (1997-2004)
• Economic benefit to Australia: A$6.1 billion (approximately US$4.27 billion)

“The media coverage will add depth and dimension to Australia’s image by looking at every aspect of our lifestyle and culture,
including travel, the arts, business, entertainment and cuisine. The unrivaled exposure we receive on television, radio, print and on
the Internet will change forever the way the rest of the world sees us.
The ATC is working closely with the International Olympic Committee, Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games,
Sydney Olympic Broadcasting Organisation, Sydney Paralympic Organising Committee, Olympic Coordination Authority, Tourism
New South Wales, Sydney Convention and Visitors Bureau and the other State and Territory tourism bodies to ensure the whole of
Australia reaps the benefits of this Olympic decade of opportunity.”
— John Morse, Managing Director, Australian Tourist Commission

The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will make the following significant contributions to sport development in Australia:
• Australia’s sports programmes have been provided US$120 million for the future.
• US$50 million in funds and VIK has been committed by SOCOG to the Australian Olympic Committee for the use
of the Olympic marketing rights during the four-year period leading up to the Olympic Games.
• As a result of the early success of the Sydney marketing programme, the NSW government bought-out any future
potential profit from the Olympic Games, creating another US$70 million fund for sport in Australia. This is being
provided to the Australian Olympic Committee by the redistribution of broadcast revenue.The Australian Olympic
Committee has agreed to return US$7 million to assist SOCOG’s cost-cutting efforts.
• SOCOG funds have been used to construct lasting sports facilities, such as the A$218.7 million (approximately
US$153 million) that SOCOG has paid to the Olympic Co-ordination Association (OCA) for the construction of
the Sydney International Aquatic and Athletic Centres.

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3.14 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
chapter four

Future Olympic Games Marketing Programmes




chapter four 4.1

Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games: Marketing


Host City Selection

Salt Lake City was named the host city of the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 at the 104th IOC Session, 16th June
1995, in Budapest, Hungary.

Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games Management

Operations are managed by the Salt Lake Organising Committee for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games (SLOC).
Marketing activity is managed by Olympic Properties of the United States (OPUS). OPUS is a joint marketing venture
between SLOC and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC).

Salt Lake Organising Committee for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games (SLOC)
299 South Main Street
Suite 1300
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Tel: + 1 801 212 2002 Fax: + 1 801 364 7644

Contact information for SLOC and OPUS personnel appears in the “Contacts” chapter of this document.

SLOC Mission Statement

SLOC has adopted five primary goals for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. They are to carefully plan and execute
excellent, fiscally responsible Games; to create positive experiences and memories for all participants in the Games; to
leave a legacy of facilities and opportunities for the athletes of the United States and the world, and for the children of
Utah; to introduce the spirit and optimism of Utah and the American West to the world; and to share a passion for the
land chosen to stage the Games.

Marketing Plan
Ratified, 1 September 1997.

Marketing Programme Launched: December 1997

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The Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games marketing programmes managed by SLOC include:
• Olympic Games sponsorship programme activated in the host country
• Olympic Games ticket sales programme
• Olympic Games licensing programme

SLOC, the primary beneficiary of these marketing programmes, uses revenue for operations necessary to the staging of
the Olympic Games.

Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games Total Budget: US$1,340 million (US$1.34 billion)

SLOC completed a budget review in June 1999, which resulted in a budget reduction of $113 million from $1,453 million
to $1,340 million for staging the 2002 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.The revised budget includes $1,100 million
for all functional areas, plus a contingency fund of $140 million, as well as the $59 million repayment to the city and state,
and $40 million for a legacy fund.

The Olympic Winter Games budget covers the period from organization inception through the conclusion and wrap-up
of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

SLOC forecasts $1,010 million in cash revenue and $314 million in value-in-kind revenue.

2002 Olympic Winter Games Revenue:

Revenue Source Revenue in US$ millions Percentage of Budget

Broadcast Rights Fees 445 33
TOP programme 138 10
Local sponsorship 550 (326 to date) 41
Ticket Sales 162 12
Licensed Merchandise 40 3
Liquidation & Other 44 3

Please note: Due to estimations and the rounding of figures, the percentages in the chart presented above amount to 102%.

chapter four 4.3

The sponsorship programme for the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Games is being developed by the Olympic Properties
of the United States (OPUS) — a joint marketing venture between SLOC and the USOC.

Now contributing to the Salt lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games are:
• 17 local sponsors
• 21 suppliers

OPUS Sponsors
OPUS Sponsors, which include TOP Partners and domestic sponsors, have committed financial, technological, product and
service support integral to funding the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, 2002 Paralympic Winter Games and United States
Olympic Teams.

TOP Partners signed to date for 2000 – 2004 with global Olympic marketing rights:
Company Product Category
Coca-Cola Non-Alcoholic Beverages
John Hancock Life Insurance/Annuities
Kodak Film/Photographics & Imaging
McDonald’s Retail Food Services
Sema Group Information Technology
Sports Illustrated/Time Periodicals/Newspapers/Magazines
Visa Consumer Payment Systems
Xerox Document Publishing & Supplies

OPUS Partners with domestic marketing rights:

AT&T Long distance telecommunications services
Bank of America Banking
Budweiser Alcoholic and non-alcoholic malt beverages
General Motors Domestic automobiles and domestic trucks
Texaco Gasoline, motor oil, diesel fuel, coolants, and other related products and services for
motor vehicles, aircraft, watercraft and businesses
US WEST Local telecommunications services

OPUS Sponsors:
Blue Cross Blue Shield Health insurance products
Delta Passenger air transportation services and air cargo and freight services for packages
in excess of 50 pounds
Gateway Inc. Computer hardware
Lucent Technologies Telecommunications equipment
Marker Ltd. Outfitter of the Winter Games and Olympic Torch Relay
Monster.com On-line career management Services
Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. Direct (non-retail) sales of skin care products, dietary supplements
Seiko Watches and clocks
Sensormatic Electronic Security
The Home Depot Retailer of home improvement products
York Air Conditioning and Heating Equipment

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OPUS Suppliers
OPUS Suppliers are both national and Utah-based companies who are providing SLOC with specific goods and services
necessary for the staging of the Games.

Company Product Category

Achieve Global Volunteer and Staff Training Supplier
Cardinal Health/
Allegiance Healthcare Pharmaceutical and health-care products and distribution and supply chain
Certified Angus Beef Program Food Product
Compass Group Catering services
Diamond of California Food Product
Drake Beam Morin Outplacement and career transition services
Garrett Metal Detectors Metal Detectors
Harris Interactive Market research services
Herman Miller Office furniture systems
Kellogg Company Food Product
KSL Television and Radio Utah's television and radio stations for the 2002 Games
Marriott International Hotel lodging and timeshare services
Modern Display Exposition services
O.C.Tanner Company Victory and commemorative medals
PowerBar Food Product
Questar Corporation Natural gas supplier
Schenker, Inc. Customs and freight forwarding services
Sealy Inc. Mattress supplier
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Home appliances
Tickets.com Ticketing services
Utah Power Electrical utility services

chapter four 4.5

The ticketing programme proposed by the Salt Lake City Organisning Committee for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games
(SLOC) received final approval by the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee on 10 December, 1999.
Tickets for every session of every sport at the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games will be available for sale to Utah
residents and the U.S. public.

Estimated Revenue from Salt Lake 2002 Ticketing:

US$162 million
12% of SLOC marketing revenue

Olympic Winter Games Ticket Comparison:

Salt Lake 2002 Nagano 1998

Number of Games tickets available for sale: Approximately 1.6 million 1.28 million
Ceremony Stadium Capacity: 57,500 seats 50,000
Number of tickets available to the local public: Approximately 900,000 610,000

Summary of Salt Lake 2002 Ticket Pricing Plan:

Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games ticket prices are determined by previous Olympic Games ticket prices, inflation,
sales taxes, operational fees, and market-based pricing (comparison with other major athletic events in the United
• 78% of all tickets are priced at less than US$100
• 50% of all tickets are priced at less than US$60
• Average sport ticket price: US$82
• Sport ticket price range: US$20 – $425

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SLOC licensees have the right to use Olympic-related designations on product(s) for retail sale. Only official licensees
are authorized to manufacture and sell products relating to the 2002 Olympic Winter Games.

• The SLOC licensing programme is expected to generate 3% of SLOC marketing revenue.

• The SLOC licensees represent $18 million in guaranteed royalties to date.

There are now 25 companies that participate as official licensees for for the Salt lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games.

Official Mascots of the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games
• Powder, a hare
• Copper, a coyote
• Coal, a bear


The Utah Governor’s Office of Planning and Budgeting estimates that the 2002 Olympic Winter Games will contribute
significantly to the state economy.

Estimated Income to the Utah Economy: Approximately US$2,800 million (US$2.8 billion)
Estimated Job Years of Employment Created: 23,000 job years
Olympic-related Income for Workers: US$972 million
Income to Local Governments: US$116 million over the next four years

chapter four 4.7

Athens 2004 Olympic Games: Marketing


Host City Selection

Athens was named the host city of the 2004 Olympic Games at the 106th IOC Session, 5th September, 1997, in
Lausanne, Switzerland.

Athens 2004 Olympic Games Management

Operations and marketing activity are managed by the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games “Athens 2004”

Organising Committee for the Olympic Games “Athens 2004” (ATHOC)

7 Kifissias Avenue
Athens 115 23
Tel: + 30 01 200 4000 Fax: + 30 01 200 4004

Contact information for ATHOC personnel appears in the “Contacts” chapter of this document.

ATHOC Mission Statement

Just as in ancient times, the people of Greece pledge to provide the stage for the ultimate celebration of friendship,
beauty, striving, and achievement.We promise to reaffirm the true meaning of sport:An acclamation of humanity and an
inspiration for the future: The Olympic Games – Athens 2004.

Marketing Plan
Ratified on 19 April, 2000 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Marketing Programme Launched : 11 May, 2000

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4.8 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Torino 2006 Olympic Games: Marketing

Host City Selection

Turin was named the host city of the Olympic Winter Games of 2006 at the 109th IOC Session, 19th June 1999, in Seoul,

Torino2004 Olympic Games Management

Operations and marketing activity is managed by the Torino Organising Committee for the 2006 Olympic Winter Games.

Torino Organising Committee (TOROC)

Via Nizza, 262 / 58
10126 Torino
Tel: + 39 011 63 10 511 Fax: + 39 011 63 10 500

Contact information for TOROC personnel appears in the “Contacts” chapter of this document.

Formation of the Organising Committee

The Torino Organising Committee (TOROC) was officially formed on 5 February, 2000.

Formation of the Marketing Plan: Ratification is planned for the fourth quarter of 2001.

Marketing Programme Launch: Planned for the first quarter of 2002.

chapter four 4.9

marketing f a c t f i l e
4.10 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
chapter five

Olympic Broadcast


















chapter five 5.1

Olympic Television Broadcast Overview
Television rights to the Olympic Games are allocated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in consultation
with the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG).The IOC takes direct responsibility for negotiating all
television broadcast rights agreements to ensure that the long-term interests of the entire Olympic Movement are

Broadcast Revenue History: Overview

Historically, television broadcast rights fees have provided the majority of Olympic revenue.
• In 1980, the greatest percentage of Olympic revenue (95%) came from television broadcast. In 1980, more than 85%
of broadcast revenue came from the U.S. broadcaster.
• Today, although U.S. television rights are worth eight times more than in 1980, the U.S. broadcast right fees account
for less than 25% of the total broadcast revenue.
• Total television broadcast rights fees now account for less than 50% of the total Olympic marketing revenue.
• Broadcast rights fees remain the primary source of Olympic marketing revenue.

To date, global rights fees for future Olympic Games total more than US$1,331.6 million for Sydney 2000 and US$748
million for Salt Lake City 2002. This revenue will provide US$798 million for the Sydney Organising Committee and
US$445 to Salt Lake Organising Committee.

The Olympic Games Broadcast continues to provide the most successful sports programming in television history,
reaching a growing number of viewers in an increasing number of countries.

Broadcast Revenue Distribution: Overview

The IOC distributes broadcast revenue from the Olympic Games throughout the Olympic Family, including the OCOGs,
the National Olympic committees (NOCs), and the International Sports Federations (IFs):
60% of broadcast revenue will be distributed to the Sydney Organising Committee (SOCOG).
40% of broadcast revenue will be distributed to the rest of the Olympic Family:
• the 200 NOCs through Olympic Solidarity
• to the IFs
• to the IOC for general operations

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Olympic Broadcast Policy
Television is the means by which most of the world experiences the Olympic Games. For this reason, the
fundamental IOC television policy as set forth in the Olympic Charter is to ensure maximum presentation of the
Olympic Games to the world:

To ensure…the widest possible audience for the Olympic Games, all necessary steps shall be determined by the IOC Executive
Board and implemented by the OCOG. [Olympic Charter, Rule 59]

Television rights to the Olympic Games, therefore, are sold only to broadcasters that can guarantee the broadest
coverage throughout their respective countries free of charge.The Olympic Games are one of the last remaining major
events in the world to maintain such a policy.

The IOC has often declined higher offers for Olympic Games broadcast rights because a broadcaster could reach only
a limited part of the population. For emerging nations that may not be able to support rights fees, the IOC also assists
in providing Olympic Games broadcasts by arranging barter deals with sale of advertising time to sponsors.

chapter five 5.3

The long-term Olympic broadcast strategy was launched in 1995 by IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and Richard
W. Pound, Chairman of the IOC Marketing and Televisions Rights Negotiation Commissions. The IOC has signed
broadcast agreements for Sydney 2000 through the 2008 Olympic Games worth more than US$6,112 million (US$6.112
billion) in television broadcast rights fees.

The Objectives of the Long-term Broadcast Marketing Strategy

There are several objectives of the long-term marketing strategy.
• To ensure the financial future of the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games.
• To secure financing for the Olympic Movement and future host cities, while avoiding the fluctuations in the market.
• To ensure that broadcasters are experienced in providing the highest quality of Olympic programming so that a
strong image of the Olympic Games is upheld.
• To allow broadcast partners to develop stronger Olympic associations and to strengthen each broadcaster’s identity
as the Olympic broadcaster within its country or territory.
• To forge stronger links between sponsors, broadcasters, and the Olympic Family that will promote an agenda that
supports the entire Olympic Movement with advertising and promotional programmes.
• To strengthen the continuing legacy of broadcasting support from one Olympic Games to the next, allowing future
OCOGs to draw on an ever-deepening reservoir of support, experience, and technology.
• To establish partnerships that include profit-sharing arrangements and commitments to provide additional Olympic
programming. This will: (a) ensure improved global coverage of the Olympic Games, (b) promote the ideals of
Olympism, and (c) heighten awareness of the work of the Olympic Movement throughout the world.
• To allow the IOC to use Olympic broadcast revenue to further finance all members of the Olympic Family and other
aspects of the Olympic Movement, in addition to helping to finance the Olympic Games.


The host broadcaster is an entity established by the OCOG to record all Olympic events, competitions, and ceremonies
and to feed the video signal of Olympic events to broadcasters for presentation within their respective countries or

From the full range of available material, each Olympic broadcaster selects the particular events that it will include in its
schedule of Olympic programming. In this way, each Olympic broadcaster has the opportunity to deliver those events and
images that it determines to be of greatest interest to the target audience in its home country or territory.

The events that are being aired in the Olympic programming of one broadcaster are not necessarily the events that are
being aired in the Olympic programming of another broadcaster.

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Broadcasting &the Growth of the Olympic Movement
Olympic broadcast partnerships have contributed significantly to the growth of the Olympic Movement. Increases
in Olympic broadcast revenue over the past two decades have provided the Olympic Movement and sport with an
unprecedented financial base and allowed the IOC to provide direct support for several organisations and programmes
that enhance the practice of sport throughout the world.The following charts track the substantial increases in Olympic
broadcast revenue throughout the past two decades.

Total Olympic Broadcast Revenue






1994/ 1998/ 2002/ 2006/
1984 1988 1992
1996 2000 2004 2008

Olympic Games Broadcast Revenue





1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008

Olympic Winter Games Broadcast Revenue






1980 1984 1988 1992 1994 1998 2002 2006

chapter five 5.5

Broadcast Contributions to the Olympic Movement
The continuing increase in Olympic Broadcast revenue has allowed the IOC to make substantial contributions to
the development of sport throughout the world. The IOC provides the following organisations and programmes with
direct support from Olympic broadcast revenue.

SOCOG & Future OCOGs

SOCOG will receive US$798 million in Olympic broadcast revenue.This is approximately 60% of the Olympic broadcast
revenue total of US$1,331.6 million, and a significant increase from the US$568 million that the Atlanta Organising
Committee (ACOG) received from the broadcast of the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta.

The IOC has already generated nearly US$1,500 million (US$1.5 billion) in broadcast revenue for the Athens 2004
Olympic Games and more than US$1,700 million (US$1.7 billion) for the 2008 Olympic Games.This revenue provides
a solid foundation for future OCOGs and the entire Olympic Movement.

Olympic Solidarity
Olympic Solidarity is responsible for administrating sport development aid programmes for NOCs, particularly those
that have the greatest need. Olympic Solidarity programmes are directly funded with a share of Olympic Games
broadcast revenue. Olympic Solidarity will receive US$121.9 million in Olympic broadcast revenue from this
quadrennium — more than US$88 million from Sydney 2000 alone — to be distributed to NOCs.This contribution is
significantly greater than the US$56 million in broadcast revenue provided from the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

The IOC will contribute US$25 million of Olympic broadcast revenue from the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games to provide
start-up funding for the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The International Federations

The International Federations (IFs) receive Olympic broadcast revenue to fund the operations of the IFs at the Olympic
Games, such as providing judges and referees for Olympic sports competitions, and to support the promotion of their
respective sports throughout the world. The IFs will receive more than US$88 million in Olympic broadcast revenue
from Sydney 2000.This contribution is significantly greater than the US$56 million in broadcast revenue provided from
the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games. A further $73 million marketing contribution brings the total Olympic marketing
contribution for summer IFs to US$161 million.*

* For details and comparisons of the Olympic broadcast revenue distribution to each of the 28 International Olympic Summer
Sports Federations from Sydney 2000 and Atlanta 1996, please see Chapter Two of this document: “Olympic Marketing
Overview,” page 2.15.

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5.6 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Sydney 2000: Olympic Television Summary
The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be broadcast in more countries and territories than any Olympic Games in

The total hours of Olympic host broadcaster coverage (i.e., the duration of live coverage of Olympic sporting
action that the host broadcast organisation feeds to the Olympic broadcasters) is expected to increase more than
13% from Atlanta, from 3,000 hours to 3,400 hours.

Olympic Broadcast: Games Comparison

Barcelona 1992 Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000
Number of countries televising 193 214 220 (estimated)
Host Broadcast coverage 2,700 hours 3,000 hours 3,400 hours (estimated)

Sydney 2000 Broadcast: Audience Reach,Viewer Hours, & Programming Duration

The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be the most televised and watched Olympic Games to date. This projection
is based on the IOC Pre-Games Television Report developed by Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd. (SMS) and a recent
Ipsos-Reid World Poll that showed very high interest in watching the Olympic Games in advance of broadcaster
• Olympic coverage will be broadcast to practically the entire world, reaching 3.7 billion people of the 3.9 billion
people in the world who have access to television.
• Total Viewer Hours are expected to eclipse 40 billion viewer hours as a result of increased coverage, reach, and
interest in the Olympic Games.
• The duration of broadcast coverage will break all records, with nearly half of the broadcasters increasing

The IOC's projection of high viewer interest was substantiated by data collected June/July 2000, as part of the Ipsos-
Reid World Poll, an omnibus survey of persons in living 39 countries conducted by Ipsos-Reid, a leading public
opinion research firm. The poll found that:
• 71% of those questioned around the world were very or somewhat interested in watching the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games on television.

chapter five 5.7

The latest research statistics from the United Nations and the World Advertising Industry state 3.9 billion of theworld’s
6 billion people now have access to television. Of this 3.9 billion people, it is estimated 3.7 billion will watch some part
of the Olympic Games. This represents an increase of 700 million people over the broadcast reach of the Atlanta
broadcast in 1996.

Global Population Potential Unduplicated Audience Broadcast Reach

6,000,000,000 3,900,000,000 3,700,000,000


As interest in the Olympic Games continues to rise, viewing totals also are expected to eclipse previous records. Total
Viewer Hours — a measure of how many hours of programming have actually captured the attention of the world’s
viewers over the course of the Olympic Games — are expected to surpass 40 billion.

To properly indicate the viewer interest, the IOC, together with Sports Marketing Surveys, has developed a new
measurement methodology, called Total Viewer Hours (TVH). TVH uses the duration of the programme multiplied by
the programme audience to provide the total viewer hours per programme (defined in hours). The sum of all the viewer
hours per programme create the total viewer hours. The TVH formula defines the event in terms of the total number
of hours watched by all viewers and, therefore, allows for comparison between events with different programme

The previous measure, cumulative audience (the sum total of all the audiences of all the programs broadcast) proved an
insufficient measure of Olympic viewer interest in that it indicated only the number of people who watched, without any
consideration of the length of the programme. It gave equal value to a viewer who watched a one-minute segment to
another who watched an hour-long programme.

Total Viewer Hours is calculated as:

Programme Duration (in minutes) = Programme Hours

60 minutes

Programme Hours x Programme Audience = Viewer Hours per Programme

Sum of all Viewer Hours for All Programmes = Total Viewer Hours

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The Olympic Television Research Centre (OTRC) predicts that the Total Viewer Hours for the 2000 Sydney Olympic
Games will exceed 40 billion.

The tables below show population figures with estimations of potential audience, penetration, and total viewer hours for
the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games broadcast, arranged by continent.

Please Note: The Olympic Television Research Centre (OTRC) sent a Pre-Games Questionnaire to all the Olympic broadcast rights
holders around the world. These data are based on the broadcaster questionnaire responses and on an extrapolation of audience
data from the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. Though the figures presented here appear to be precise, the IOC intends these figures
to be used only as estimates.

Sydney 2000 Total Viewer Hours:

Global population potential penetration estimated viewer hrs watched

audience (4+) hours 2000 per viewer
Africa 778,187,384 207,555,524 27% 1,411,357,796 6.80
Central &South America 515,362,052 357,407,691 69% 5,472,530,384 15.31
North America 303,645,955 282,105,233 93% 4,568,131,161 16.19
Asia 3,568,868,139 2,180,334,578 61% 22,444,822,044 10.29
Europe 783,449,295 652,528,723 83% 7,383,245,380 11.31
Oceania 29,959,819 22,215,782 74% 585,324,250 26.35
Totals 5,979,472,644 3,702,147,531 62% 41,865,411,014 11.31

Metered population potential penetration estimated viewer hrs watched

audience (4+) hours 2000 per viewer
Africa 43,426,386 24,193,807 56% 156,961,301 6.49
Central &South America 396,223,914 291,870,410 74% 5,215,346,271 17.87
North America 303,654,955 282,105,233 93% 4,568,131,161 16.19
Asia 2,917,342,291 2,000,211,344 69% 22,040,300,373 11.02
Europe 737,511,779 617,246,670 84% 6,963,631,355 11.28
Oceania 22,445,816 20,399,686 91% 582,930,916 28.58
Totals 4,420,596,141 3,236,027,150 73% 39,527,301,378 12.21

Unmetered population potential penetration estimated viewer hrs watched

audience (4+) hours 2000 per viewer
Africa 734,760,998 183,361,716 25% 1,254,396,495 6.84
Central &South America 119,138,138 65,537,281 55% 257,184,112 3.92
North America - - - - -
Asia 651,525,848 180,123,234 28% 404,521,671 2.25
Europe 45,937,516 35,282,053 77% 419,614,025 11.89
Oceania 7,514,003 1,816,096 24% 2,393,334 1.32
Totals 1,558,876,503 466,120,381 30% 2,338,109,637 5.02

Please Note:
1) These figures do not include multinational satellite channels.
2) For purposes of analysis, the countries broadcasting the Games have been divided into “metered” and “unmetered” markets.
Metered markets are those countries with audited audience information and make up 87% of the potential worldwide television
audience, while the remaining unmetered markets are less developed and do not have audited information.

chapter five 5.9

The following chart illustrates the percentage of total viewer hours for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games broadcast that
will be generated on each continent.



• 54% of the Total Viewer Hours are to be generated in Asia. This is because over half the potential audience is located
in Asia and a large number of hours will be devoted to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games coverage in populous Asian
countries such as China, India and Japan.
• Television penetration is significantly lower in the unmetered markets, as these countries are generally emergent
markets where there is less access to television.

The following chart presents the estimated number of total viewer hours for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games broadcast
that will be generated, in both metered and unmetered markets, on each continent.


Viewer Hrs. in millions

8,000,000,000 22,000,000,000








Africa Central & North Asia Europe

South America

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.10 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Broadcasters Enhance Coverage Over Atlanta 1996 Broadcast
• Of all the broadcasters who responded to the IOC Pre-Games Broadcast Questionnaire, approximately two-thirds
indicated how they intended to enhance their coverage of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games compared to the 1996
Atlanta Olympic Games:






planning increased producing special increasing prime- introducing new/
coverage studio programmes time coverage innovative broadcast

• More than one third of all responding broadcasters are planning increased coverage.
• More than one third of all responding broadcasters will produce special studio programmes.
• More than a quarter of all responding broadcasters will be increasing their prime-time coverage.
• A quarter of all responding broadcasters will introduce innovative broadcast techniques specifically for the Sydney
2000 Olympic Games.

Other Planned Broadcast Enhancements for Sydney 2000:

• The increase in planned coverage includes the introduction of exclusive 24 hour channels for the Games in a number
of the major metered markets, such as the host country Australia, the U.S., and Spain.
• Nearly a third of the responding Oceanic and Asian channels referred to the fact they will increase their prime time
coverage due to the favourable time difference.
• Eleven of the responding unmetered channels will be broadcasting the Olympic Games live for the first time.
• Many Olympic broadcasters will expand the number of hours of Sydney 2000 Olympic Games coverage from the
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games coverage.

chapter five 5.11

Olympic broadcast coverage of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will significantly increase over all previous Olympic
Games coverage.


Country Sydney Coverage Atlanta Coverage Increase
Australia 1,207 308 899 hrs. / 292%
Canada 1,039 244 795 hrs. / 326%
South Africa 930 174 756 hrs. / 434%
China 740 204 536 hrs. / 263%
Greece 452 161 291 hrs. / 181%
United States 442 169 273 hrs. / 162%
Japan 558 333 225 hrs. / 68%
Argentina 435 298 137 hrs. / 46%
South Korea 940 884 56 hrs. / 6%
Brazil 754 678 76 hrs. / 11%
United Kingdom 332 297 35 hrs. / 11%
Italy 340 282 58 hrs. / 21%
Russia 233 196 37 hrs. / 19%

“No event in the world offers the coverage or reach that the Games provide. This increase in coverage will also mean that there
will be a far greater exposure for all sports at the Games — and ensure that those sports that in the past were passed over, now
receive the exposure they deserve.”
— Richard W. Pound, IOC First Vice President

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.12 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
The Sydney Olympic Broadcasting Organisation (SOBO), which was formally established as a commission of SOCOG in
October 1996, will fulfill obligations as the host broadcast organisation: (a) to operate the International Broadcast Centre
(IBC), providing facilities and services to broadcast rights holders; (b) to produce and distribute television and radio
signals from each competition venue; and (c) to advise SOCOG on broadcasters’ requirements for venue design and

SOBO Facts and Figures

• SOBO will televise more than 3,400 hours of live Olympic Games competition.
• SOBO will provide coverage of 300 Olympic events.
• With rights holding broadcasters, SOBO will reach a peak audience of 4 billion viewers globally.
• SOBO will utilise more than 900 cameras and 400 videotape machines.
• SOBO will require 58 control rooms and outside broadcast units.
• SOBO will design, construct, and operate the 70,000 square-metre International Broadcast Centre (IBC) facility.
• SOBO will build approximately 1,600 commentary positions.
• SOBO will employ an estimated 3,500 personnel.
• SOBO will service more than 190 radio and television broadcast organisations.
• SOBO will work with more than 12,000 accredited rights holding broadcast personnel.


Channel Seven, the official Olympic broadcast rights holder in Australia, plans to air 23 hours of free-to-air Olympic-
related programming each day for the 17 days of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. In addition, Channel Seven will be
providing two dedicated pay television channels for 24 hours each day.

Channel Seven Coverage Hours

• 391 hours of free-to-air Olympic programming
• 816 hours of cable television Olympic programming
• 1,207 hours total Olympic programming

Channel Seven’s total coverage amounts to more than 1,000 hours more coverage than NBC was able to provide in the
U.S. for Atlanta 1996.The primary reason for this growth is the additional programming on Channel Seven’s pay-television
properties. (For Sydney 2000, NBC will also significantly increase its Olympic Games coverage through the use of its
cable-television properties, MSNBC and CNBC, for a total of 437.5 hours.)

chapter five 5.13

Official Broadcast Partners are those entities that have signed contracts with the IOC and SOCOG and have been
granted the official rights to broadcast the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Broadcast Partners are also referred to as
broadcast rights holders. Rights holders may be broadcast networks, broadcast pools, or broadcast unions.

Sydney 2000 Broadcast Networks, Unions, & Pools

A broadcast network is a single entity with a Rights Holding contract with the IOC and SOCOG and is granted the
Rights for a specific territory stipulated in the contract.
A broadcast pool is a Rights Holder that has signed the contract with the IOC and SOCOG and represents a
number of members from the same country.
A broadcast union is a rights holder that has signed the contract with the IOC and SOCOG and represents a
number of members from different countries. In most instances, each member represents one country.

Country Broadcaster
United States National Broadcasting Company, Inc. (NBC)
Canada Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Latin America Organizacion de la Television Iberoamericana (OTI)
Caribbean Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU )
Australia Seven Network (Seven)
Talk Australia (Commercial Radio) (2UE)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Non-Commercial Radio) (ABC )
New Zealand Television New Zealand (TVNZ)
Europe European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
Asia Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
Japan Japan Consortium (JC)
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Sydney Pool (CTSP)
Korea Korea Pool (KP)
Philippines People’s Television Network, Inc. (PTNI)
Middle east Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU)
Africa Union of radio & Television Nations of Africa (URTNA)

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.14 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Sydney 2000: Olympic Broadcast Revenue
Olympic television broadcast rights fees continue to contribute record revenue, allowing the IOC to provide funding
for all members of the Olympic Family.

Total Broadcast Revenue: More than US$1,331.6 million (US$1.331 billion)

• More than US$400 million more than Atlanta
Originally Projected Contribution to SOCOG: US$660 million
Actual Contribution to SOCOG: US$798 million
• 60% of total broadcast revenue
• More than 33% of SOCOG’s total budget
• Nearly US$230 million more than Atlanta

Olympic Broadcast Revenue: Games Comparison

Barcelona 1992 Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000
Rights Fees – US$ 636 million 895 million 1,331.6 million (US$1.331 billion)
Net to OCOG – US$ 440 million 568 million 798 million


Continent Revenue (US$ million)

Americas 746.2
Asia 168.3
Europe 350.0
Oceania 56.6
Africa 10.5
Totals 1,331.6

chapter five 5.15


Country Network Fee (US$ million)

USA NBC 705.0
Canada CBC 28.0
Cent/So. America OTI 12.0
Puerto Rico Teleonce 1.0
Caribbean CBU 0.2
Asia ABU 12.0
Japan Japan Pool 135.0
Arab States ASBU 4.5
Chinese Taipei CTSP 3.0
Korea Korea Pool 13.8
Philippines PTNI 1.6
Europe EBU 350.0
Australia Channel 7 45.0
New Zealand TVNZ 10.0
Africa URTNA 10.5
Total 1,331.6

Sydney 2000: Broadcast Revenue Distribution

The IOC distributes Olympic broadcast revenue from the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games according to the formula
illustrated in the chart below.

Broadcast Revenue Distribution: Sydney 2000




As the chart indicates, the IOC distributes the largest percentage of Olympic broadcast revenue to the OCOG to
support the staging and operations of the Olympic Games.

The IOC distributes the remaining revenue throughout the rest of the Olympic Movement.

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.16 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Salt Lake 2002: Olympic Television Summary
The Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games broadcast is expected to be the most successful in
Olympic Winter Games history. Broadcast revenue has already reached a record high, and the 2002 Olympic
Winter Games sport programme will be the largest in Olympic Winter Games history.


In June 1996, SLOC awarded a contract to International Sports Broadcasting (ISB) to serve as the Olympic
Broadcasting Organisation (OBO), or the host broadcaster, for the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games.
As OBO for the Olympic Winter Games, the organisation will produce unbiased live television and radio
coverage of all athletic competitions and athletes, and to provide rights-holding broadcasters unilateral services
during the Olympic Winter Games of 2002.The IOC has approved the agreement.

The OBO’s team consists of technical, creative, and international broadcast experts. It has extensive experience
in working with Olympic Games, various international sports federations and broadcasters who participate in
worldwide programming.
• The OBO will televise more than 800 hours of live Olympic competition.
• Prior to the Games, the OBO will become one of the largest television organisations in the world.
• The OBO will employ more than 1,600 broadcast professionals who will work at the venues and the
International Broadcast Center (IBC).
• The OBO will cover all 76 Olympic events.
• The OBO will operate the necessary broadcast equipment, including more than 400 cameras, 140 videotape
machines, and 33 character generators.

The OBO’s Managing Director is Manolo Romero. He served on the IOC Coordination Commission for the
1998 Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan. He currently works on the commissions for the 2000 Olympic
Games in Sydney, Australia, and the IOC Coordination Commission for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002.
Romero was Managing Director of Atlanta Olympic Broadcasting, the OBO of the Atlanta Committee for the
Olympic Games (ACOG). His credentials also include serving as OBO chief for three Olympic Games and two
World Cups. He has worked on seven Olympic Winter Games in areas related to television broadcasting.

chapter five 5.17

Salt Lake 2002: Olympic Broadcast Revenue
For the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games, Olympic television broadcast rights negotiations have already
generated US$737.8 million, a record revenue for Olympic Winter Games.


Continent Revenue (US$ million)

Americas 568.25
Asia 37.8
Europe 120.0
Oceania 11.75
Africa —
Totals 737.8



Country Network Revenue (US$ million)

USA NBC 545.0
Canada CBC 22.0
Cent/So. America OTI 1.25
Caribbean CBU —
Asia ABU —
Japan Japan Pool 37.0
Arab States ASBU —
Chinese Taipei CTSP —
Korea Korea Pool 0.75
Philippines PTNI 0.05
Europe EBU 120.0
Australia Channel 7 11.75
New Zealand TVNZ —
Africa URTNA —
Total 737.8

Please note: Figures presented above represent revenue from Olympic broadcast agreements that have been finalised to date.

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.18 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Future Olympic Broadcast Revenue
The IOC has negotiated Olympic Broadcast agreements for future Olympic Games and Olympic Winter Games.To
date, the following revenue has been generated for future Games broadcasts up to 2008:

Future Olympic Games including Sydney 2000 $US 4,542.8 million

Future Olympic Winter Games including SLC 2002 $US 1,569.9 million
Total Future Broadcast Revenue $US 6,112.7 million



Country Network Sydney 2000 Athens 2004 Olympic Games 2008

(US$ million) (US$ million) (US$ million)
USA NBC 705.0 793.0 894.0
Canada CBC 28.0 37.0 45.0
Cent/So. America OTI 12.0 17.0 27.0
Puerto Rico Teleonce 1.0 — —
Caribbean CBU 0.2 — —
Asia ABU 12.0 14.5 17.5
Japan Japan Pool 135.0 155.0 180.0
Arab States ASBU 4.5 5.5 8.5
Chinese Taipei CTSP 3.0 3.65 4.4
Korea Korea Pool 13.75 15.5 17.5
Philippines PTNI 1.6 1.8 2.0
Europe EBU 350.0 394.0 443
Australia Channel 7 45.0 50.5 63.8
New Zealand TVNZ 10.0 10.0 12.0
Africa URTNA 10.5 — —
Total 1331.6 1497.5 1714.7



Country Network Salt Lake 2002 Torino 2006

(US$ million) (US$ million)
USA NBC 545.0 613.0
Canada CBC 22.0 28.0
Cent/So. America OTI 1.25 1.75
Caribbean CBU — —
Asia ABU — —
Japan Japan Pool 37.0 38.5
Arab States ASBU — —
Chinese Taipei CTSP — —
Korea Korea Pool 0.75 0.9
Philippines PTNI 0.05 0.05
Europe EBU 120.0 135
Australia Channel 7 11.75 14.8
New Zealand TVNZ — —
Africa URTNA — —
Total 737.8 832.0

Please note: Figures presented above represent revenue from Olympic broadcast agreements that have been finalised to date.

chapter five 5.19

Future Broadcast Revenue Distribution
The IOC plans to change the distribution of Olympic broadcast rights revenue in the future to further finance the
Olympic Movement worldwide, rather than concentrating on the Olympic Games.After 2004, OCOGs will receive 49%
of revenue, instead of the 60% that previous OCOGs have received.* This shift in the distribution of broadcast revenue
is designed to serve the progress of sport in the Olympic Movement worldwide.

*Although there will be percentage reduction in the television rights revenue allotted to the OCOGs, the real value to the cities will
most likely increase with rising television broadcast rights fees.




marketing f a c t f i l e
5.20 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Olympic Broadcast History


Number of Countries Broadcasting the Olympic Games

1936 Berlin 1
1948 London 1
1952 Helsinki 2
1956 Melbourne 1
1960 Rome 21
1964 Tokyo 40
1968 Mexico City n/a
1972 Munich 98
1976 Montreal 124
1980 Moscow 111
1984 Los Angeles 156
1988 Seoul 160
1992 Barcelona 193
1996 Atlanta 214
2000 Sydney 220 (estimated)

chapter five 5.21

Olympic Television & Radio: Melbourne 1956

Broadcast Facility Space: 13,000 sq. ft.

Olympic Broadcasting Staff: 404 engineers, technicians, and non-technical staff
Overseas Broadcasting Organisations: 32
Total Hours of Radio Coverage: 735

International Television Broadcasting:
Full-scale television would not be available in the Melbourne area until nearly two weeks before that city was due to
host the 1956 Olympic Games. Images of the Olympic Games would not be seen in other countries until three to five
days after a given event had taken place, after film had been air-mailed to its destination. Newsreel would be the most
common method by which people could see the Olympic Games.

During the Olympic Games, film material of the Olympic Games was sent every night to varying destinations, including
the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

Local Television Broadcasting:

The first television stations in Melbourne and Sydney had only been operating for a few weeks at the time of the
Melbourne 1956 Olympic Games.

Local television companies were given the right to televise daily, which resulted in full local broadcast of the Olympic
Games within the compass of the two Melbourne stations. Each night during the Olympic Games, a 16mm film was sent
to Sydney to be aired by the Sydney stations.

Radio broadcasting of the Melbourne 1956 Olympic Games required an extensive network of programme channels
linking the venues with the radio centre at the Main Stadium. From some venues, broadcasting channels connected
directly to the home service and commercial network studios.
• 241 channels comprised the programme network.
• 200 additional channels were held in reserve.
• 15 channels were reserved for overseas broadcast via radio-telephone.

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.22 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Olympic Television: Atlanta 1996

Number of Countries Televising: 214

Number of Hours in Host Broadcaster Feed: 3,000
Total Broadcast Revenue: US$895 million
Broadcast Revenue Contribution to Atlanta 1996: US$568 million

Host Country Broadcaster Programming: NBC

NBC, the official Olympic broadcast rights holder in the United States, aired 170 hours of free-to-air Olympic related
programming during the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta.


The Olympic Games continue to be the premier sporting event in the world. The following is a list of significant data
points from the 1996 Olympic Games Broadcast Analysis Report.

• An estimated 214 countries and territories televised the Centennial Olympic Games.
• More than 25,000 hours of Centennial Olympic Games coverage were broadcast worldwide.
• The gross cumulative television audience (for all transmissions in all countries) for the Centennial Olympic Games
was an estimated 19,600 million (19.6 billion) viewers.
(Note: As different sports properties use different methods to calculate cumulative audiences, direct comparisons are not
• Nine out of 10 potential viewers worldwide tuned to watch at least a portion of the Centennial Olympic Games.
• Out of a potential global television audience of 3,500 million viewers, an unduplicated audience of more than 3,200
million watched the Centennial Olympic Games.
• The Olympic Games are broadcast in more countries and territories than any other sporting event, including the
1994 World Cup Football (188), the 1996 Super Bowl (187), 1996 Wimbledon (167) and the 1995 Formula One
Grand Prix Series (127).
• The Olympic Games rate as the number one global broadcast. On a national basis, the Olympic Games set new
broadcast ratings records.

chapter five 5.23

Broadcast Rights Fees History

Global Broadcast Revenue

Olympic Games Million US$
1980 Moscow 101
1984 Los Angeles 287
1988 Seoul 403
1992 Barcelona 636
1996 Atlanta 898.2
2000 Sydney 1,331.6*
2004 Athens 1,497.5*
2008 TBD 1,714.7*
*Rights fees negotiated to date

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.24 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Asia: Broadcast Rights Fees History


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1992 Barcelona ABU 2.2
1996 Atlanta ABU 5.0
2000 Sydney ABU 12.0
2004 Athens ABU 14.5
2008 TBD ABU 17.5


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1992 Barcelona Japan Pool 62.5
1996 Atlanta Japan Pool 99.5
2000 Sydney Japan Pool 135.0
2004 Athens Japan Pool 155.0
2008 TBD Japan Pool 180.0


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1992 Barcelona ASBU .55
1996 Atlanta ASBU 3.75
2000 Sydney ASBU 4.5
2004 Athens ASBU 5.5
2008 TBD ASBU 8.5


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
2000 Sydney Korea Pool 13.75
2004 Athens Korea Pool 15.5
2008 TBD Korea Pool 17.5

chapter five 5.25

Americas: Broadcast Rights Fees History


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1976 Montreal ABC 25.0
1980 Moscow NBC 85.0
1984 Los Angeles ABC 225.6
1988 Seoul NBC 300.0
1992 Barcelona NBC 401.0
1996 Atlanta NBC 456.0*
2000 Sydney NBC 705.0
2004 Athens NBC 793.0*
2008 TBD NBC 894.0*
*Plus profit-sharing


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1992 Barcelona CTV 16.5
1996 Atlanta CBC 20.75
2000 Sydney CBC 28.0
2004 Athens CBC 37.0
2008 TBD CBC 45.0


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1992 Barcelona OTI 3.55
1996 Atlanta OTI 5.5
2000 Sydney OTI 12.0
2004 Athens OTI 17.0
2008 TBD OTI 27.0


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1996 Atlanta CBU 0.19
2000 Sydney CBU 0.2
2004 Athens CBU —
2008 TBD CBU —


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
2000 Sydney Teleonce 1.0

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.26 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Europe: Broadcast Rights Fees History


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1960 Rome EBU 0.7
1964 Tokyo EBU N/A
1968 Mexico EBU 1.0
1972 Munich EBU 2.0
1976 Montreal EBU 6.6
1980 Moscow EBU 7.1
1984 Los Angeles EBU 22.0
1988 Seoul EBU 30.2
1992 Barcelona EBU 94.5
1996 Atlanta EBU 247.5
2000 Sydney EBU 350.0*
2004 Athens EBU 394.0*
2008 TBD EBU 443.0*
*Plus profit-sharing

Oceania:Broadcast Rights Fees History


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1984 Los Angeles Channel 10 10.6
1988 Seoul Channel 10 7.4
1992 Barcelona TV Olympics 34.0
1996 Atlanta Channel 7 30.0
2000 Sydney Channel 7 45.0
2004 Athens Channel 7 50.5
2008 TBD Channel 7 63.8


Olympic Games Broadcaster Million US$
1992 Barcelona TVNZ 5.9
1996 Atlanta TVNZ 5.0
2000 Sydney TVNZ 10.0
2004 Athens TVNZ 10.0
2008 TBD TVNZ 12.0

chapter five 5.27

Olympic Broadcast Research — 1998 & 1999
In 1998 and 1999, the IOC commissioned research on the Olympic Image and several aspects of Olympic marketing
— including broadcast and television viewer interest. Research has shown that interest in viewing the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games has increased from 1998 to 1999.

The research results presented here focus on the six countries that were common to both the 1998 & 1999 studies.
Data that are identified in these charts as “total” refer to combined results from six nations — Brazil, China, France,
Russia, Senegal, and the United States. Also appearing in these charts are data from Australia, the host country of the
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, which was included in the 1999 research only.


Interest in watching the Olympic Games on television has remained steady between 1998 and 1999.Where change has
occurred between the two phases of research, an increase in interest in viewing the Olympic Games has occurred.

% Respondents

TOTAL 1998 55 92
1999 57 95
Brazil 1998 71 96
1999 71 96
China 1998 64 96
1999 75 99
France 1998 46 90
1999 45 92
Russia 1998 53 93
1999 51 94
Senegal 1998 53 83
1999 55 96
USA 1998 43 94
1999 43 96

Australia 1999 49 96


Keen television viewing interest in the Olympic Games was expressed by more than half of the respondents (57% in
1999, and 55% in 1998). Keen television viewers are those respondents who stated that they tend to “plan their social
schedule around television coverage of the Olympics” or “watch the Olympics whenever they can.”

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.28 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
The Olympic Games are unique among sporting events because they attract an equal audience of male and female

Gender Profile of "Keen" TV Viewers 1999


TOTAL 45 55
Brazil 46 54
China 46 54
France 38 62
Russia 42 58
Senegal 44 56
USA 56 44
Australia 52 46

chapter five 5.29

Perspectives: On Olympic Television
“Since the 1950s, no industry has been more crucial to the success of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement than
television broadcast. Television is the engine that drives the worldwide promotion of the Games. It is estimated that the Sydney
2000 Olympic Games will be televised in 220 countries and territories. With this truly global audience, the Olympic Games are
the most-watched event in the world.

Sport and the Olympic Games have also been good for television, by providing great programming and working as a catalyst for
technical advances. Broadcasters make this investment because the Olympic Games, as the world’s premiere event, drives television
audiences and in turn attracts advertisers. The IOC continues to develop a balanced marketing programme, and we are pleased
with the growth of Olympic sponsor support for the Games broadcast with increased advertising purchase — which in some
markets is as high as 70 percent of all available commercial inventory.”
— Juan Antonio Samaranch, IOC President

“Television has benefitted the Olympic Movement for half a century by providing the television audience with a means of
experiencing the Olympic Games. In turn, the Olympic Games have provided television with some of the greatest programming,
and some of the most exciting moments, of the twentieth century — and such programming has been a boon for television
advertising sales.

But the most important element of this relationship is the spirit of the Olympic Games, and the IOC has worked diligently in recent
years to understand exactly what the Games mean to people throughout the world.The Olympic spirit is a spirit of hope, a spirit
that embodies the dreams and aspirations of the highest achievements, a spirit of friendship and fair play, and a spirit that
celebrates the joy that is found in effort. Olympic broadcast partners share in this spirit — and when they communicate the
Olympic Image, that Image is reflected back on them.”
— Richard W. Pound, IOC First Vice President &
Chairman, IOC Marketing & Television Rights Negotiation Commissions

“Governing bodies across all sports face a dilemma between the responsibility to promote the sport and the opportunities to
generate revenue. [IOC Marketing Director Michael] Payne says: ‘Risking audiences for maximum revenue from pay-per-view, for
example, would only result in a short-term benefit.’

In short, if the audience cannot watch the sport they will soon lose interest.Which is why the IOC takes pains to balance its different
revenue streams. In the four years to last year’s summer Olympics, half of the US$3 billion generated came from TV, half from
associated marketing including sponsorship.Ten years ago, 95% of revenue came from TV.”
— Media International (Europe), July/August 1997

“Dear friends, we in the IOC have done well without TV for 60 years and will do so certainly for the next 60 years, too.”
— Avery Brundage, IOC President, Cortina 1956 Olympic Winter Games

marketing f a c t f i l e
5.30 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
chapter six

Olympic Sponsorship












chapter six 6.1

Olympic Sponsorship Overview
The Objectives of Olympic Sponsorship Programmes
Olympic sponsorship programmes are designed to meet the following marketing objectives established by the IOC:
• To contribute to the independent financial stability of the Olympic Movement.
• To create long-term programmes that ensure continuing and substantial support over many years.
• To provide equitable revenue distribution throughout the Olympic Family.
• To prohibit uncontrolled commercialisation of the Olympic Games.

The Contributions of Olympic Sponsorship Programmes

Olympic sponsorship programmes benefit the Olympic Movement in three basic ways:
• Sponsorship programmes provide valuable financial resources to the Olympic Family.
• Olympic sponsors provide vital technical support for the organisation and staging of the Olympic Games and the
general operations of the Olympic Movement. This support is provided in the form of products, services,
technology, expertise, and staff deployment.
• The advertising and promotional activities of Olympic sponsors help to (a) promote the Olympic ideals, (b) heighten
public awareness of the Olympic Games, and (c) increase support for Olympic athletes.

Corporate sponsorship now accounts for approximately 40% of the overall marketing revenue for the Olympic

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Three Tiers of Olympic Sponsorship
TOP (The Olympic Partners) is the worldwide sponsorship programme of the IOC. Currently,TOP is comprised of 11
major companies that operate in the global marketplace. TOP sponsorships grant worldwide Olympic marketing rights
and product exclusivity.

The TOP programme directly benefits the entire Olympic Movement:

• the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs)
• the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and the Olympic teams throughout the world
• the IOC


Olympic Games sponsorships are managed by the OCOG under the direction of the IOC. These programmes are
targeted within the host country and are focused directly on supporting the staging of the Olympic Games. Olympic
Games sponsorships grant marketing rights within the host country or territory only. TOP Partners are sponsors of the
Olympic Games and the Olympic Winters Games that comprise an Olympic quadrennium.

Further information on the local Olympic Games sponsorship programme for Sydney 2000 can be found in Chapter Three of this
document: “Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Marketing Programmes”.


NOCs manage local sponsorship programmes that support their sport development activities and their Olympic teams.
Approximately 40 of the NOCs have developed national sponsorship programmes that consist of non-competing
categories to the TOP sponsors. These sponsorship programmes grant Olympic marketing rights within the NOC
country or territory only.

chapter six 6.3

The Olympic Partners: TOP Overview
The TOP programme is the worldwide sponsorship programme established and managed by the IOC. The programme
operates on a four-year term that aligns with the Olympic quadrennium. Eleven international corporations currently
participate in the fourth generation of the TOP programme, known as TOP IV. During the current Olympic quadrennium
(1997 – 2000),TOP IV Partners have provided direct support for the Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Olympic Games and
the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

TOP Partners provide financial contributions and value-in-kind contributions (i.e., contributions in the form of products,
services, expertise, and personnel) to support the Olympic Movement.

The TOP programme directly benefits the following members of the Olympic Family:
• the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs)
• the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and the Olympic teams throughout the world
• the IOC

TOP Partners receive exclusive worldwide Olympic marketing rights in return for their contributions to the Olympic
Movement. The programme operates on a principle of product-category exclusivity to ensure that each TOP Partner
will be free from competition in the execution of its Olympic marketing programmes. The sponsorship fees of TOP
Partners vary, depending on the product categories that the sponsorships encompass.

TOP IV Partners are:

• Worldwide Partners of the Olympic Games
• Partners of the International Olympic Committee
• Partners of the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter Games
• Partners of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games
• Partners of all National Olympic Committees
• Partners of all Olympic teams for the Nagano and Sydney Games

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.4 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
History of the TOP Programme
The IOC created the TOP programme in 1985 to develop a more diversified revenue base for the Olympic Games
and to establish long-term corporate partnerships that would ensure the future of the Olympic Movement.

The TOP programme, now ending its fourth generation, has established itself as the foremost international sport
marketing programme.



1988 Calgary 1992 Albertville 1994 Lillehammer 1998 Nagano
1988 Seoul 1992 Barcelona 1996 Atlanta 2000 Sydney

Number of Companies 9 12 10 11
Number of Countries 159 169 197 200
Total revenue generated
in US$ millions 95 175 350 550

chapter six 6.5

Contributions of TOP Partners

The current generation of the TOP programme,TOP IV, will generate more than US$550 million in revenue to support
the entire Olympic Movement.

Organising Committees for the Olympic Games*

50% of the revenue from TOP IV is shared between:
• the Nagano Organising Committee for the 1998 Olympic Winter Games (NAOC)
• the Sydney Organising Committee for the 2000 Olympic Games (SOCOG)
• the NOCs in the two host countries of the current quadrennium
* The OCOGs’ combined revenue share is actually higher than 50%, due to certain technology agreements providing substantial
additional VIK contributions each OCOG for overall Olympic Games operations.

National Olympic Committees

40% of the revenue from TOP IV is shared by the participating NOCs:
• All 200 NOCs receive funding through the TOP programme.
• The programme guarantees a minimum of US$40,000 to the smallest NOC in support of athlete training and other
national Olympic programmes.
• When the TOP programme was launched, fewer than 10 NOCs had any form of marketing revenue.
• Major market NOCs receive a share of several US$million. *
* Revenue is distributed to each NOC, in part, according to the TOP Partners’ consideration of the value of the Olympic marketing
rights of each country.

International Olympic Committee

10% of the revenue from the TOP IV programme is retained by the IOC for management, administration, and operations.

TOP Partners support the Olympic Movement with value-in-kind (VIK) contributions:
• VIK contributions are made in the form of products, services, expertise, and personnel.
• Without VIK it would be impossible for OCOGs to host the Olympic Games.
• VIK provides the OCOGs, the NOCs, and the IOC with products and services that are necessary for day-to-day
• Distribution of VIK is based on the needs of the individual Olympic party.
• OCOGs, which are responsible for the staging of the Olympic Games, have the greatest need for VIK and receive
the greatest percentage of VIK support.

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.6 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
TOP Revenue Distribution
Revenue generated through the TOP sponsorship programme for each four-year Olympic quadrennium is
distributed according to the following formula:
• The OCOCs for the Olympic Games and Olympic Winter Games share 50% of TOP revenue.
• The NOCs throughout the world share 40% of TOP revenue.
• The IOC retains 10% of TOP revenue to finance the operations and administration of the Olympic Movement.


20% 50%


Please note: The OCOGs’ combined revenue share is actually higher than 50%, due to certain technology agreements providing
substantial additional VIK contributions each OCOG for overall Olympic Games operations.

chapter six 6.7

The Rights & Benefits of TOP Partnership


Sponsorship can provide many benefits for the sponsor in the following areas:

• Brand equity: Sponsorship of the Olympic Movement can increase goodwill and esteem toward a sponsor as the
ideals and spirit of the Olympic Games are associated with the sponsor’s brand.
• Business objectives: Sponsorship of the Olympic Movement can enhance core business objectives such as
revenue goals, share goals, or brand awareness.
• Brand repositioning: Sponsorship of the Olympic Movement can assist a sponsor in repositioning itself.
• Internal rewards: Sponsorship of the Olympic Movement and the rights and benefits afforded to sponsors can be
used internally to improve morale or motivate employees.
• Showcasing: The Olympic Games, as the world’s largest sporting event, provide unmatched opportunities for
sponsors to showcase technology, products, or services.
• Defense: Part of a corporation’s decision to sponsor the Olympic Games is to benefit from the exclusivity of
Olympic partnerships by keeping its competitors out.
• Altruism: Part of a corporation’s decision to sponsor the Olympic Movement may be derived from a desire to be
a good corporate citizen.


A corporate investment in the Olympic Movement is a business decision.The TOP programme has benefited its Partners
in the following ways:
• The Olympic Games provide opportunities to showcase products, services, and technology.
• The Olympic Games and the Olympic Image provide a global corporate marketing platform.
• The positive perception of the Olympic Image serves to provide value and enhancement to the brands of TOP
• The Olympic Movement’s imagery, including the internationally recognised five-ring symbol, provides companies with
a valuable and unique marketing tool.

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.8 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
TOP Partners receive exclusive marketing rights and opportunities within their designated product category. Partners
may exercise these rights on a worldwide basis, and they may develop marketing programmes with the various members
of the Olympic Family: the IOC, the NOCs, and the OCOGs. In addition to worldwide marketing opportunities,TOP
Partners receive:
• use of all Olympic imagery, as well as appropriate Olympic designations on products
• hospitality opportunities at the Olympic Games
• direct advertising and promotional opportunities, including preferential access to Olympic broadcast advertising
• on-site concessions/franchise and product sale/showcase opportunities
• protection from ambush marketing
• acknowledgement of support though a broad Olympic sponsorship recognition programme

“The overall strength of the Olympic programme is two-fold in my mind. First you have the world’s greatest and most ubiquitous
event. There is not a rational person on our planet that cannot identify with the Olympic Games and what it stands for. The
Olympic Games is the celebration of what life is truly supposed to be about — a celebration of humanity. There is not a company
in the world that does not want to identify its very character and products in that light. The second and much more pedestrian
reason is the protection provided by the IOC and the NOCs in terms of exclusivity for their sponsors. It is truly a well-managed
— Mark Dowley, President, Marketing Communications Group of Companies,
McCann Erickson WorldGroup

chapter six 6.9

Partner Profiles: TOP IV (1997 – 2000)

TOP Partners are the worldwide sponsors of the Olympic Movement. In addition to providing direct revenue,
Partners provide products, services, technology, expertise, and personnel that are vital to the successful staging of the
Olympic Games.

The TOP IV programme, which provides support for the Nagano 1998 Olympic Winter Games and the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games, is the strongest generation of the TOP programme to date. (“IV” represents the fourth generation of
the TOP programme.)

The following pages profile the 11 global corporations that contribute financial support, products, services, technology,
and personnel to the Olympic Movement from 1997 to 2000 as TOP IV Partners.

Contact information for TOP IV partners appears in Chapter Twelve of this document.

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.10 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Exclusive product or service category: Non-Alcoholic Beverages


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1928 Coca-Cola was a sponsor of the Amsterdam Olympic Games. Coca-Cola has
sponsored every Olympic Games since. Coca-Cola became a charter member of the TOP programme in 1986.

Future TOP participation: TOP V and TOP VI (2001 – 2008)

The Coca-Cola Company maintains the longest continuous relationship with the Olympic Movement. In 1996, Coca-Cola and the

International Olympic Committee signed an unprecedented sponsorship agreement extending this partnership through 2008 and

continuing Coca-Cola support of athletes and teams in nearly 200 countries around the world.

Coca-Cola, POWERaDE, and other products of The Coca-Cola Company and The Minute Maid Company help to refresh

athletes, volunteers, officials, and spectators during the Olympic Games.The Coca-Cola Company’s sponsorship of the Olympic Games

is truly global — in 1996, the Coca-Cola system executed Olympic-themed programmes in more than 135 countries around the

world. Coca-Cola also works closely with National Olympic Committees around the world to assist athletes in training for the

Olympic Games.

Coca-Cola Olympic-themed programmes vary with each Olympic Games. Coca-Cola was associated with the Olympic Torch

Relay in Spain 1992 and Norway 1994, was the presenting sponsor of the Relay in both United States 1996 and in Japan 1998, and —

along with Chevrolet — will be a presenting sponsor again in 2002. Other recent Olympic-themed programmes and activities have

included: Coca-Cola Radio from 1980 to 2000; Coca-Cola Olympic City in 1996; the Coca-Cola Salute to Folk Art from 1996 to the

present; the Coca-Cola International Olympic Torchbearers Programme from 1992 to 1998.

Coca-Cola’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Coca-Cola Olympic Club Sydney & the POWERaDE Training Camp — These programmes, designed to promote the ideals of
the Olympic Games, offer 300 teenagers with the opportunity to experience the Olympic Games

• Coca-Cola Radio — Coca-Cola will provide fully-equipped broadcast booths with complete transmission capabilities to 52 top-
rated radio stations from 12 countries, to provide listeners back home with a “slice of life” experience of Sydney 2000.

• Coca-Cola Pin Trading Centre

“The Coca-Cola Company has long recognised the ability of the Games to transcend national boundaries, to bring people together and to
celebrate all that is good in humanity.”
— Doug Daft, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer,The Coca-Cola Company

“People in every corner of the globe care passionately about and believe in the Olympic Games and the ideals they represent. We feel it
is important to be part of such a powerful movement.The opportunity to associate our brands with the core values and the powerful and relevant
imagery associated with the Olympics in the nearly 200 countries in which we operate remains the focal point of our association with the

“The Coca-Cola Company is pleased with the reforms enacted by the IOC last December.We believe there is a serious effort underway to
bring about real reform, and we commend the IOC for working to protect not only our business interests as a sponsor, but the interests of the
millions of people around the world who are passionate about the Games — which is the basis for Coca-Cola’s continuing commitment to the
Olympic Movement.”
— Scott McCune,Vice President, Coca-Cola Marketing & Director,Worldwide Sports

chapter six 6.11

Exclusive product or service category: Information Technology


Supporting the Olympic Movement: IBM began its support for the Olympic Movement in 1960. The company joined the TOP

programme in 1993 as a member of TOP III.

IBM, the world’s largest information technology company, maintains an association with the Olympic Movement that spans four

decades. IBM’s involvement began by providing electronic data processing systems for the 1960 Olympic Winter Games in Squaw

Valley. In 1984, IBM became an official sponsor of the Los Angeles Olympic Games; and in 1993, IBM became a TOP Partner through

the year 2000.

During the Olympic Games, IBM’s most visible function is to gather information from the fields of play and to share it with

spectators, journalists, and fans around the world. Equally important is IBM’s role in designing and integrating the systems used to

organize and manage the Games. IBM has also designed and powered the official web site of the Centennial Olympic Games, the 1998

Olympic Winter Games, and the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. (www.olympics.com)

As the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for Sydney 2000, IBM is providing the Sydney Organising Committee for the

Olympic Games with a technology solution to deliver real-time results from each event, as well as information — including athletes’

biographies and profiles, weather information, competition schedules and historical results — to athletes, officials, media, and fans

around the world.

IBM’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Three core information systems are integral to the IBM solution: (a) the Games Management Systems; (b) the Results System;
and (c) INFO, an intranet-based information resource for the 260,000 members of the media and the Olympic Family. In addition,

IBM is developing and managing the Official Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Web site, www.olympics.com.

• IBM FanMail Web site (www.ibm.com/fanmail) & Surf Shacks — FanMail allows fans worldwide to send messages of good luck
and congratulations to their favourite athletes at the Games. IBM Surf Shack is a themed facility in the Olympic Village where

athletes can read and respond to FanMail, design home pages, and surf the Internet. For Sydney 2000, IBM will create a public

Surf Shack in Darling Harbour. Fans sent more than 300,000 FanMail messages to athletes at the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter


During the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games:

• More than 850 IBM technology specialists from around the world will work on the Olympic information technology systems.
• More than 200 IBM technology specialists and volunteers will be needed to run the technology at Stadium Australia alone.
• Approximately 7,000 IBM Personal Computers and ThinkPads will be connected to the Olympic Games IT network to provide
access to critical data within the venues and to communicate with the Central Results System.

• More than 2,000 INFO workstations and kiosks will be located throughout the Olympic venues.

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.12 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Exclusive product or service category: Life Insurance/Annuities


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1993 John Hancock became a sponsor of the Centennial Olympic Games and the United

States Olympic Committee. In 1994 John Hancock joined the TOP programme as a member of TOP III.

Future TOP participation: TOP V (2001 – 2004)

John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company offers a broad range of financial products and services worldwide. John Hancock’s

Olympic involvement focuses on athlete support and grass-roots community support. The company has developed a tradition of

powerful and moving Olympic advertising and promotional programmes that spread the Olympic messages of fair play, friendship, unity

and peace.

“We made no secret of the fact that in order for the IOC to regain our confidence as well as that of the public, it had to become a more

democratic, transparent and accountable institution. We believe that with its reform vote in December, the IOC has addressed these issues. Its

members listened to voices for change from inside and outside the organization.The IOC leadership deserves credit for this progress.”

— David F. D’Alessandro, John Hancock CEO-elect

“At John Hancock we believe that the Olympic Games are the one event that allows the world to see so much patriotism, tolerance, self sacrifice,

individual excellence, and plain old virtue crowded into two short weeks….The Olympic Games provide a unique international marketing platform.

John Hancock’s Olympic marketing programmes, which include matching internationally renowned athletes with hometown clinics, help to

strengthen existing client relationships and help give Hancock an edge in new client prospecting.”

— Steve Burgay,Vice President of Corporate Communications, John Hancock

chapter six 6.13

Exclusive product or service category: Film/Photographics and Imaging


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1896 Kodak first supported the Olympic Movement at the modern Olympic Games in

Athens. Kodak became a charter member of the TOP programme in 1986.

Future TOP participation: TOP V and TOP VI (2001 – 2008)

At the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, Kodak ran an advertisement in the Book of Official Results. In 1924, at the Paris

Games, Kodak supplied film to professional photographers for the first time. Most recently, the Kodak Image Center processed more

than 135,000 rolls of Kodak film at the Centennial Olympic Games in 1996 in Atlanta.

For more than a century, Kodak has made its sponsorship of and participation in the Olympic Games part of its corporate vision.

Kodak has played a major role in capturing and presenting the most memorable images in Olympic history. Over the past 25

Olympiads, virtually every second-shattering, world-resounding moment has been recorded on Kodak film.

Kodak has utilised the Olympic Games to feature new products, services and technologies, introducing influential professional

photographers, world leaders, and consumers to the global vision of Kodak. The KODAK PHOTO CD System, for example, debuted

at the 1992 Olympic Summer Games in Barcelona. Digital cameras from Kodak gained great exposure at the 1994 Olympic Winter

Games in Lillehammer and the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta.

Kodak’s tradition of maximizing its investment and marketing opportunities at the Olympic Games continues, as Kodak provides

the most advanced traditional photographic imaging and digital imaging products to the world’s image makers via the world showcase

of the Olympic Games.

Kodak’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Kodak will operate the world’s largest photo lab at Sydney 2000 to support the more than 1,000 photojournalists who will cover
the Olympic Games.

• Kodak will provide its digital technology to assist in the accreditation process and will provide more than 20,000 identification
badges to Olympic athletes, officials, volunteers, and staff.

• Kodak will provide health imaging equipment to x-ray and diagnose athletes injuries.

“We are committed to using our Olympic sponsorship to remind our customers what excellence means, and to remind our people that excellent
products and services are the key to worldwide customer satisfaction.”
— George Fisher, CEO, Eastman Kodak Company

“We believe our role with the Olympics over the last century plus has really furthered the goal of supporting the Olympic spirit, athletic
competition and international unity. In addition to providing products, services, technology, and personnel to help make the Games a reality,
Kodak’s products have also helped capture some of the most enduring images of the Games. Those images, in turn, have helped communicate
the spirit of the Olympics around the world.”
— Carl Gustin, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Eastman Kodak Company

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.14 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Exclusive product or service category: Retail Food Services


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1976 McDonald’s served as an official sponsor of the Olympic Games in Montreal. In

1997 McDonald’s joined the TOP programme as a member of TOP IV.

Future TOP participation: TOP V (2001 – 2004)

McDonald’s continues its commitment to the Olympic Movement as a worldwide partner of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

The company officially provides food service for athletes and their families, coaches, officials, and spectators.

In June 2000, the McDonald’s Corporation renewed its commitment to the Olympic Movement, signing an agreement to continue

its TOP partnership through 2004.

McDonald’s has 25,000 restaurants in 119 countries, and serves 43 million people worldwide each day.

McDonald’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• McDonald’s will operate seven restaurants in Sydney Olympic Park: one at the International Broadcast Centre, one at the Main
Press Centre, two at the Athletes Village, and three at other public venues in Sydney Olympic Park. To best serve the Olympic

athletes, the main McDonald’s restaurant in the Olympic Village will be open 24 hours a day from September 2 through the

Olympic Games. The main restaurant in Sydney Olympic Park will be the largest temporary freestanding store ever built in

Australia, featuring 30 registers. This restaurant will challenge McDonald’s single-day world sales record, expecting 23,000 burgers

to be sold each day. McDonald’s will employ 1,100 crew to staff its Olympic venue restaurants.

• McDonald’s Olympic Achievers:Through this initiative, McDonald’s has the exclusive opportunity to work with National Olympic
Committees around the world to select more than 400 outstanding young men and women to participate in the Sydney 2000

Olympic Youth Camp, held in conjunction with the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. This initiative provides young people from

around the world with the opportunity to share in two weeks of cultural exchange and Olympic excitement in Sydney.

• McDonald’s will host outstanding crew members from 19 countries as part of a special global recognition programme
implemented in its restaurants worldwide.

"We’re extremely proud to support the Olympic Movement and the very important ideals and values represented by the world’s best athletes.
As a TOP sponsor, we are uniquely capable of bringing the fun and excitement of the world’s premiere sporting event to 43 million customers
every day."
— Jack Greenberg, Chairman & CEO, McDonald’s Corporation

chapter six 6.15

Exclusive product or service category: Audio/TV/Video Equipment


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1987 Matsushita became a charter member of the TOP programme.

Under the Panasonic label, Matsushita Electrical Industrial Co., Ltd., supplies the Olympic Movement with state-of-the-art television,

audio, and video technology equipment for operation at the Olympic Games.

Matsushita has supported the Olympic Games since 1988, and the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be Matsushita’s fourth Summer

Games experience.

As the Official Host Broadcast Equipment Supplier, Panasonic provides a huge selection of digital cameras, video equipment, monitors,

and editing equipment for the International Broadcast Centre (IBC), all of which help broadcasters capture the highest quality pictures

and produce the best possible Olympic coverage. Astrovision, which is the company’s giant-screen video display unit, has been a part

of the Olympic Games since Atlanta 1996.

Panasonic’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Two 135 sq. m. Astrovision units have been installed in Stadium Australia, the main stadium at Sydney Olympic Park.
• Astrovision will be an important component at nine other competition venues and six urban domain sites throughout the city
of Sydney during the Olympic Games.

• Panasonic also supports the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games by providing RAMSA professional audio equipment and systems for
34 major competition venues. The new technology of DLP Projectors will bring additional screens to indoor Olympic venues.

• Panasonic also provides the television equipment necessary for the successful running of the host broadcaster (SOBO)

“As both a worldwide Olympic sponsor and the official broadcast equipment supplier since 1988, we are proud of our role in supporting the

Olympics and are pleased to have the Panasonic brand name associated with this premier international athletic event.”

— Yoishi Morishita, President, Matsushita Electrical Industrial Co., Ltd.

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.16 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Exclusive product or service category: Wireless Communications Equipment


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1997 Samsung joined the TOP programme as a member of TOP IV.

For the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games Samsung supplied more than 13,000 units of wireless communications equipment and

also executed the Samsung “Share the Moment Call” programme, providing an opportunity for a total of 2,200 athletes, Olympic

Family members, and spectators to share the excitement of the Olympic Games with their families and friends.

Samsung Electronics, a Korea-based company, has operations in approximately 50 countries, with 54,000 employees worldwide.

The company consists of three main business units: Digital Media, Semiconductors, and Information & Communications Businesses.

For the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Samsung will provide officials, athletes, staff, volunteers and visitors with fast and reliable


Samsung’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Samsung will supply all the wireless communications needs, including approximately 25,000 units of wireless communications
equipment including mobile phones and technical experts, to operate the Olympic Games.

• “Olympic Rendezvous @ Samsung” will provide a hospitality area exclusively for athletes and their families to meet in private
at Sydney Olympic Park to share the experience of participating the Olympic Games.

• Samsung is the presenting sponsor of the “Samsung Athletes Family Host 2000,” a programme that provides free accommodations
to the families of Olympic athletes who would not otherwise be able to attend the Olympic Games.

• “Samsung Share the Moment Call” provides Olympic Games visitors and participants with opportunities to use Samsung’s mobile
phones to share the excitement and memorable moments of the Olympic Games with their families and friends.

• Samsung donated A$30,121 to the 2000 Australian Olympic team on behalf of more than 8,000 participants in the “Samsung
Olympic Fun Run,” a 5km event held on 11 September 1999.

“Samsung is proud to sponsor the Olympic Games because it involves values like altruism, high standards, international cooperation, world
peace…. Samsung’s involvement in the Olympic Movement not only provides an opportunity to show our commitment and devotion towards
sports and share it with people in all parts of the world, but also gives us a powerful global marketing platform to raise brand awareness and
showcase our products and technologies.
For the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Samsung will provide all the wireless communications equipment needed to operate the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games. These include approximately 25,000 units of wireless communications equipment including mobile phones, along with technical
experts and services. Providing officials, athletes, staff, volunteers and visitors with fast and reliable communications, Samsung will contribute
toward the success of the Games and their ultimate mission — fostering unity among the global community.
Although Samsung is a new Worldwide Olympic Partner, Samsung is heavily investing in its Olympic marketing programme. Key to the
investment in the Games is a global marketing programme that rolls out across 40 countries to promote wireless communications products.
Samsung believes that the Olympic Games provides excellent opportunity to increase global brand awareness and sales.”
— Il-Hyung Chang,Vice President/Head of Samsung Olympic Projects, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

chapter six 6.17

Exclusive product or service category: Periodicals/Newspapers/Magazines


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1980 Sports Illustrated served as an official sponsor of the Olympic Winter Games in

Lake Placid. In 1987 Sports Illustrated/Time became a charter member of the TOP programme.

Future TOP participation: TOP V (2001 – 2004)

Sports Illustrated/Time Inc., along with Time International and Time Australia, is the official publishing sponsor of the Sydney 2000

Olympic Games.

Sports Illustrated’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Sports Illustrated/Time Inc. will produce the Official Souvenir Programme, will publish a special advertising section supported by
the sponsors themselves and will create an Olympic Viewer’s Guide.

• Sports Illustrated/Time Inc. will host a total of 1800 guests in three different cycles during the course of the Games. Guests will
enjoy VIP treatment aboard the Norwegian Star cruise ship (docked in Sydney's Darling Harbor) by virtue of purchasing

advertisements in Sports Illustrated’s Olympic Games-related published products.

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.18 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Exclusive product or service category: Express Mail/Package Delivery Service


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1994 UPS joined the TOP programme as a member of TOP IV.

With delivery options and services to more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, UPS meets the distribution requirements

of the Olympic Movement and the world’s largest athletic event, the Olympic Games.

During the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, UPS will provide shipping counters at key non-competition venues such as the Main Press

Center, the International Broadcast Center, the Olympic Village, and the IOC headquarters hotel. UPS Worldwide Express service will

be available to and from all competition venues and Olympic Family hotels.

UPS has developed a number of Olympic-themed programmes that are designed to capitalise on the universal appeal of the Olympic

Games as a means of reaching a global customer base and uniting a worldwide workforce. Delivering the Olympic Games to the

nearly 344,000 UPS employees around the world through a series of Olympic-related employee programmes is a major source of

pride for UPS.

UPS’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• UPS was responsible for the shipping of the official invitations to each NOC for participation in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
• UPS shipped the event tickets allocated to each NOC for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
• Through the UPS Athlete Training Assistance Program (ATAP)qualified employees receive the time off and financial assistance they
need to pursue their Olympic dreams. So far, 31 employees have received support through ATAP, with two winning a place on

their respective teams for the Atlanta Games and one for the Nagano Games. Currently, 13 UPS employees are training for

Sydney 2000. New UPS express envelopes that hit the supply stream in February 2000 feature images and short biographies of

four UPS employee-athletes striving to make their Olympic teams in the unique UPS Athlete Training Assistance Programme.

• The UPS Olympic Sports Legacy programme, first launched in 1997, has provided more than a half million pieces of new sports
equipment to youth recreation organizations in 18 cities in seven countries. In 1999, this programme expanded to measure the

impact of equipment donations and to recognise children in these organizations with Olympic Sports Legacy awards. The 2000

– 2001 Olympic Sports Legacy programme continues to extend the company’s Olympic Games involvement to an additional 18

cities worldwide.

“Our Olympic partnership links the strength of the global UPS brand with recognition for the Olympic rings and the values, expectations and

commitment associated with both.”

— John Alden,Vice Chairman, UPS (Retired)

chapter six 6.19

Exclusive product or service category: Consumer Payment Systems


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1986 Visa became charter member of the TOP programme.

Future TOP participation: TOP V (2001 – 2004)

Visa International, a sponsor of seven Olympic Games and Olympic Winter Games over the course of 14 years, is the exclusive

payment card and the official payment system for the Olympic Games. Visa, a worldwide association of 21,000 Member financial

institutions, organises cultural and educational programmes, including the Visa Olympics of the Imagination, a global children’s art

contest which blends sport with culture and education to offer young artists an opportunity to attend the Olympic Games as guests

of Visa.

Visa Member financial institutions in every geographic region worldwide are actively involved in leveraging the Olympic Games

to benefit their cardholders and merchant partners. Visa’s Members also have made significant financial contributions to Olympic

hopefuls around the world. These donations, totaling tens of millions of dollars, help athletes receive better training opportunities

and facilities.

Visa’s worldwide partnership with the Olympic Movement has been extended through the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

Visa’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• Visa continues to conduct the Olympics of the Imagination art contest. This programme, established by Visa in 1994, will allow

36 contest winners — between the ages of 9 and 13, and from 25 countries — to attend the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

• Among a variety of financial services on site, visitors to the Olympic Games benefit from the company’s ubiquitous acceptance

and global ATM network with more than 500,000 ATMs in 120 countries.

• Visa contributes significantly to the host country market by developing business alliances with destination marketing partners.
Visa’s current partnerships with the Australian Tourist Commission, Sydney Convention and Visitors Bureau and Tourism New

South Wales have generated more than US$30 million in marketing value to the host Olympic country since 1996.

“The Olympic Games truly are a global event that transcend sport. No other sponsorship opportunity compares with them in offering a

combination of international exposure, broad-based audience, and a wide range of events with global appeal.”

— Malcolm Williamson, President and CEO,Visa International

“The renewal of Visa’s sponsorship of the Olympic Games for the next four years is a sound business decision that will continue to provide our

member financial institutions with a most effective tool to grow their business both locally and globally. This unique marketing and advertising

platform affords worldwide opportunities to create co-promotions and partnerships across a broad range of industries in support of our Members'

business needs. Our Olympic Games sponsorship allows us to: increase business opportunities for our Member financial institutions; increase

both sales and profits for our members as they integrate Olympic promotions into their marketing programmes; enhance Visa’s image and brand

preference associating the members with a global programme; and provide an exclusive opportunity to display the latest Visa product and service

enhancements offered by each member financial institution.”

— Michael T. Sherman,Vice President, Global Corporate Relations,Visa International

marketing f a c t f i l e
6.20 I n t e r n a t i o n a l O l y m p i c C o m m i t t e e
Exclusive product or service category: Document Publishing and Supplies


Supporting the Olympic Movement: In 1964 Rank Xerox Austria served as the official copier sponsor of the Olympic Winter

Games in Innsbruck. In 1993 Xerox joined the TOP programme as a member of TOP III.

Future TOP participation: TOP V (2001 – 2004)

The Xerox Corporation provides state-of-the-art document copying, processing, facsimile, publishing, and laser printing
equipment for the Olympic Movement. This equipment and the company’s services facilitate a constant flow of accurate information
during the Olympic Games for the press, officials, athletes and spectators. Xerox has been an Olympic sponsor since 1964, when the
plain paper copier was used to print seven copies a minute during the Winter Games in Innsbruck, Austria. Since that time, Xerox
has supported the Olympic Movement on and off the playing fields.
Over the years, Xerox has become an integral force in driving the document processing results of the Olympic Games and has
tested new products in rigorous Olympic settings. At the Centennial Olympic Games, as a TOP III sponsor, Xerox provided more
than 3,000 machines, including color copiers, fax machines, electrostatic plotters, and laser printers capable of printing more than 100
copies per minute. Xerox DocuTech network production publishers produced results books within hours of each Olympic sports

Xerox’s Sydney 2000 Contributions & Programmes:

• The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games will be the first digitally documented Olympic Games in history: Approximately 1,000 CDs
will comprise the digital “Official Results Book” to be distributed to the accredited media, the IOC, the NOCs, and IFs
• Xerox will manage results reporting with a fleet of Document Centre machines and other high-speed equipment. With the help
of customized, integrated software, print jobs will be routed to hundreds of printers and printed out in record time.
• Xerox will print, collate, and bind more than 50,000 official Olympic results books..
• Operating from SOCOG headquarters, the Xerox d-Print Centre provides publishing and printing services to SOCOG. Xerox
acts as an in-house production and publishing centre for SOCOG, providing output on hundreds of different types of documents,
ranging from simple brochures to major manuals. At the time of the Olympic Games, the d-Print Centre will transform into a
Results Book Printing Centre, producing the official documented history of the Olympic Games.
• Xerox will provide: 170 million pages of documentation; more than 200 results printers; 800 digital copiers; 800 fax machines;
200 desktop printers; 150 engineers; and as many as 8 Docutechs.

“The ideals associated with the Olympics — world-class competitiveness and the tireless pursuit of excellence — are parallel to the ideals we
have established at Xerox. This is an investment in human achievement.”
— Paul Allaire, Chairman & CEO, Xerox Corporation

“For the past three years Xerox has worked in tandem with SOCOG to insure that the document processing needs for the Summer Games will
be flawless.And it is because of the excellent working relationship between us that Xerox believes we will far exceed our objectives in sponsoring
the Olympic Games.
Our Olympic partnership is vital to building the brand name of Xerox for several reasons. The partnership affords us the opportunity to
showcase our people and leading edge technology by supporting Olympic Games requirements that integrate our capabilities to produce
document solutions for our customers.We also know that the sponsorship helps to build our brand, enhance customer loyalty, improve employee
morale and generate incremental revenue and share.
There are also intrinsic reasons behind the partnership as well.We have always believed that sponsoring the Olympics is the right thing to
do.The values and dedication of the athletes to their sports can prove an inspiration to all of us.”
— Vince Schaeffer, Manager,Worldwide Olympic Operations, Xerox Corporation

chapter six 6.21

Future TOP Sponsorship Programmes
The fifth generation of the TOP sponsorship programme, known as TOP V, will provide support for the Olympic
Movement during the 2001 – 2004 Olympic quadrennium. TOP V is on course to benefit from an unprecedented
renewal rate. The IOC has agreed to terms with eight corporations for TOP V sponsorships. Seven of the eight
agreements are renewals of current sponsorships, and three of the agreements extend through TOP VI (2005 – 2008).
The following Partners have signed agreements to participate in TOP V:
The Coca-Cola Company
The Eastman Kodak Company
John Hancock
McDonald’s Corporation
Sports Illustrated/Time Inc.
Visa International
Sema Group

Please note: The above list reflects those Partners that have signed TOP V agreements as of 30 July 2000. Additional TOP
partnership agreements are expected to be announced prior to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Please contact that IOC
Marketing Department for an updated list of TOP V Partners.

The sixth generation of the TOP sponsorship programme, known as TOP VI, will provide support for the Olympic
Movement during the 2005 – 2008 Olympic quadrennium. The programme is currently exhibiting signs of success, more
than five years ahead of schedule. As of August 2000, the IOC has agreed to terms with three Partners for TOP VI
The following Partners have signed agreements to participate in TOP VI:
The Coca-Cola Company
The Eastman Kodak Company
Sema Group

“The IOC is very pleased that ongoing commitments have been made so early and will do everything in its power to make the
association beneficial to sponsors and the Olympic Movement as a whole. Olympic sponsorship is unique in many ways and helps
athletes throughout the world to realise their dreams, from training in their countries to participating in the greatest sport event
of our time — the Olympic Games — the largest peaceful gathering of young people the world has ever seen.”
— Richard W. Pound, IOC First Vice President

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Olympic Sponsorship Research


The IOC commissioned Sponsorship Research International to conduct the Olympic Image Research & Communications
Project in 1998 and 1999. The project was composed of two phases of qualitative and quantitative research. The second
phase, conducted in September 1999 in 6 countries with a total sample of 3,500 individuals, provides data on the
worldwide perception of Olympic sponsorship.

Key findings on this subject from 1999 Olympic marketing research include:
• 77 % of respondents state that commercial association with the Olympic Movement is welcomed if it helps to keep
the Olympic Games viable.
• 53 % of respondents stated that they feel more favourable towards a company if it is associated with the Olympic
• Respondents believe that it is important that sponsors communicate their association with the Olympic Games. The
vast majority of the sample agreed that Olympic sponsors should link their advertising and promotions with
Olympic ideals to help ensure that the Olympic message is understood.

These results from the 1999 research are consistent with previous research data on public perception of Olympic

% respondents agreeing: All countries (1999)

Disagree Agree

I feel more favourable towards

a company if it is associated -26 -11 23 53
with the Olympics

Olympic sponsors should link

their advertising & promotions -11 -4 52 82
with Olympic Ideals

I welcome commercial
associations with the Olympics
if it helps keep them going
-12 -5 42 77

slightly slightly
strongly strongly

chapter six 6.23

Research conducted in Atlanta during the Centennial Olympic Games demonstrates that Olympic Games spectators
support sponsorship as a critical source of funding for the Olympic Games and Olympic athletes. More than 500
spectators were interviewed at sporting venues and in Centennial Park over a five-day period.

Spectator Perception of Olympic Sponsorship Programmes

Olympic Games Spectators interviewed at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta perceived that sponsorship programmes
are essential to the successful staging of the Olympic Games and to assisting Olympic teams in participating in the

92% Olympic Games spectators favoured the sponsorship of the Olympic Games.
87% Olympic Games spectators agreed that “sponsorship contributes greatly to a successful Olympic Games”.
83% Olympic Games spectators agreed that “without sponsorship the Games could not be held”.
83% Olympic Games spectators expressed the belief that “sponsorship helped to make it possible for my
national team to attend the Olympic Games”.

Spectator Perception of Official Olympic Sponsors

Official Olympic sponsors were perceived very favourably by the public attending the Olympic Games in 1996.

83% Olympic Games spectators agreed that “official Olympic sponsors are leaders in their industries”.
55% Olympic Games spectators expressed favour toward the official Olympic sponsors.
45% Olympic Games spectators stated that sponsorship of the Games would raise their opinion of the
sponsoring company.
33% Olympic Games spectators stated that Olympic association would positively effect purchase intent — that
they would be more likely to patronise an Olympic sponsor than another company.

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Spectator Perception of Commercial Association & Contributions
Olympic Games spectators expressed some concern about the commercialisation of the Olympic Games, but generally
understood that the Olympic sponsors are committed to the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games, and that the
level of contribution is high. Olympic spectators expressed the belief that sponsors contribute to the Olympic Games
in the following ways:

87% Spectators believe that Olympic sponsors finance better sporting facilities at the Olympic Games.
87% Spectators believe that Olympic sponsors provide necessary funding for the national Olympic teams at
the Olympic Games.
81% Spectators believe that Olympic sponsors help to promote the Olympic message through their
80% Spectators believe that Olympic sponsors help to support sport development throughout the world.
76% Spectators believe that Olympic sponsors provide necessary funding for the Organising Committee to
stage the Olympic Games.
69% Spectators stated that their Olympic experience was enhanced by the various special activities that the
sponsors developed for the Olympic Games.

Spectator research of this kind will also be conducted during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Results will be available in the
Marketing Matters newsletter and in the 2001 Olympic Marketing Fact File.

chapter six 6.25

Olympic Sponsorship: Athlete Research
Athletes who participated in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter Games were
invited to complete a questionnaire. Responses from the questionnaire indicate that Olympic athletes have a highly
favourable perception of Olympic sponsors and sponsorship programmes.

Athlete Perception of Olympic Sponsorship

The list below illustrates the percentage of athletes who agreed with the following statements.
Without sponsorship, the Olympic Games could not be held.
Atlanta 1996 87 %
Nagano 1998 87 %

Sponsorship contributes greatly to a successful Olympic Games.

Atlanta 1996 78 %
Nagano 1998 82 %

Olympic sponsors finance better sporting facilities at the Games.

Atlanta 1996 83 %
Nagano 1998 81 %

Olympic sponsors provide necessary funding for the national Olympic teams at the Games.
Atlanta 1996 79 %
Nagano 1998 78 %

Olympic sponsors provide necessary funding for the Organising Committee to stage the Olympic Games.
Atlanta 1996 70 %
Nagano 1998 61 %

Olympic sponsors help to support sport development throughout the world.

Atlanta 1996 65 %
Nagano 1998 70 %

Olympic sponsors help to provide athletes’ training needs.

Atlanta 1996 59 %
Nagano 1998 62 %

Additional questions, posed only in the Nagano athlete research, found that continuing favour for Olympic sponsors
among Olympic athletes.

• 88 % of the Nagano athletes who responded to the survey stated that they are favourable toward Olympic
• 72 % of athletes stated that Olympic sponsors are “an important part of the Olympic Family”.
• 63 % of athletes stated that Olympic sponsors “help to promote the Olympic message through their advertising”.

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Perspectives: On Olympic Sponsorship
“With the sheer size and complexity of today’s Olympic Games, it has reached the point where if there were no sponsors, there
would be no Games.”
— Michael Payne, IOC Marketing Director

“Every act of support for the Olympic Movement promotes peace, friendship and solidarity throughout the world.”
— Juan Antonio Samaranch, IOC President

“Never before has so much money been tied to the Games as in Atlanta….Was it worth the money?… Sponsors say yes.”
— USA Today Editorial (worldwide), 5 August 1996

“There is little doubt that the prudent development of marketing and sponsorship has saved the Games.… Without such corporate
support, it would be extremely difficult for a modern city to host the Games.”
— British Airways Business Life, February 1996

“Corporate sponsorship ensures that far more money finds its way into the sport than would otherwise be the case. Companies,
more than governments, have a powerful interest in making sure that sporting events are seen by as many people as possible.
They also have an interest in sport that is seen to be clean, fun and exciting. That is surely in the fans’ interest too.

Above all, the power of corporate hype linked with global television is a marvelous machine for promoting sports. Far more people
run or swim or kick a ball for sheer pleasure than ever before.”
— Lead Editorial, The Economist (UK), 20 July 1996

“The title,‘Official Sponsor of the Olympic Games’, gives a company a tremendous advertising and promotional edge.The IOC also
declares that it will use the funds obtained by TOP to spread and promote the Olympic Movement and to run the Olympic Games.
This gives a humanistic air to the products bearing the name of the Official Sponsor and Olympic logo emblems.
It is no exaggeration to say that the system of TOP — which successfully meets a company’s need to effectively differentiate
its promotion and advertising from other competitions and to seek a higher corporate image — is the biggest hit of the Olympic
— Bungeishunju (Japan), August 1996

chapter six 6.27

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