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Castillo Jason Pearl B.


In your own little way, what can you contribute to combat climate change?

Climate change is generally caused by global warming, which occurs when the amount of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere increases due to human activities. Solving the problem of global warming
would go a long way toward resolving the issue of climate change. Burning fossil fuels is the leading
source of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere. We must preserve power, and
increasing public awareness through social media will also assist. Recycling, tree planting, avoiding
driving when not necessary, and appropriate garbage disposal are all good ideas. Plastics should be
avoided. Support government initiatives aimed at improving the environment, such as the clean and
green program and tree planting. Air conditioning and intense city driving should be avoided. Limit the
amount of weight you put in your automobile. keep superfluous items to a minimum. When feasible,
carpool to reduce pollution and the number of automobiles on the road, making travel more efficient for
everyone. If at all feasible, fly less. Rather of growing more reliant, we must immediately cut our
reliance on fossil fuels and power. Choose environmentally friendly solutions such as solar energy and
wind power. Make it a habit to recycle and reuse. Instead of throwing things away, learn how to
properly reuse them.

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