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Principal of Electrical Machine Design

1) Briefly explain the different types of enclosures used in electrical


2) Give the different between Electrical Circuit & Magnetic Circuit

3) Name the Structural parts of an electromagnetic rotating machine

4) Why stepped core used in transformer

5) Write a short note on magnetic material

6) Mention the factor to be considerd for the selection of number of

armature slots

7) Explain Design of Electromagnets

8) List the factor that decided the choice of specific electric loading

9) Define Specific magnetic loading & Specific electric loading

10) Mention the advantage of having larger no of ple in DC machine

11) Why are cooling tubes provided

12) What is the output coefficient of machine

13 ) Explain Design of resistance elements of field regulators

14) Write short notes on (i) Short circuit ratio (ii) Run away speed.

15) Which Material used in Electrical Machine

16) Examine the different types of ventilations in electrical machines

17) Distinguish between cylindrical pole and salient pole construction.

18) What is meant by discretization in finite element method?

19) Distinguish between cylindrical pole and salient pole construction.

20) Explain how finite element method is used for analysis of electrical
21) Explain in detail about the limitations in the design of Electrical

22) Give the different between power transformer & Distribution


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