ENG 4C15 - Comprehension 1

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ENG 4C15 – Comprehension

Objective Type Questions -Answers –

1. Chaucer lived during the reigns of – Edward III, Richard II and Henry IV
2. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales was written in – 1385 onwards
3. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales belongs to – 3rd Period of Chaucer’s literary career
4. Norman Conquest took place in – 1066 (11th Century)
5. Wyclif’s Bible was published in – 1380
6. William Langland’s The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman was written in - 1362-90
7. The Travels of Sir John Maundeville was published in - 1400
8. The Hundred Years’ War was begun in - 1338 (14th Century)
9. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between – England and France
10. Wat Tyler’s Rebellion took place in - 1381
11. The War of Roses was fought between – The House of York and the House of Lancaster
12. The War of Roses was fought during the period – 1455-86
13. Thomas Malory’s Morte De Arthur was written in – 1470 (published in 1485)
14. Caxton’s Printing Press was set up in – 1476
15. Thomas More’s Utopia was published in – 1516 (Latin), 1551 (English)
16. The First English Comedy, Roister Doister was written in – 1550
17. Roister Doister was written by – Nicholas Udall
18. The First English Tragedy, Gorboduc was written in – 1561
19. Gorboduc was written by – Thomas Sackville, Lord of Buckhurst & Thomas Norton
20. Tottel’s Miscellancy was published in - 1557
21. Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne of England in – 1558
22. Globe Theatre was built in – 1599
23. The Elizabethan Age covers the period – 1558-1602
24. The leader of University Wits was – Christopher Marlowe
25. Marlowe’s first tragedy was – Tamburlaine the Great (1587)
26. Shakespeare wrote – 37 plays
27. Dryden’s All for Love is based on Shakespeare’s – Antony and Cleopatra
28. Shakespeare’s Sonnets were published in – 1609
29. The hero of Spenser’s Faerie Queene is - King Arthur
30. Spenser’s Faerie Queene is dedicated to – Queen Elizabeth
31. Spenser dedicated his Shephearde’s Calendar to – Philip Sydney
32. John Lyly’s Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit was published in 1579 and was contemporary with –
Shepheardes Calender.
33. White Devil and Duchess of Malfi were written by – John Webester
34. Ben Jonson’s first play Every Man in his Humour was published in – 1598
35. Ben Jonson is known for his – Comedy of Humours
36. Ben Jonson’s play written wholly in prose – Bartholomew Fair
37. Bacon’s essays are written in – Aphoristic style
38. Bacon wrote essays in all – 106 essays (1st, 2nd, 3rd Edition – 10, 38, 58 essays)
39. Authorised version of the Bible - 1611
40. The leader of Metaphysical School of Poets was – Henery Vaughan
41. The term ‘Augustan’ was first applied to school of Poets by – Dr. Johnson
42. The intellectual father of French Revolution – Rousseau
43. Lyrical Ballads was published in – 1798
44. The leader of the Pre-Raphaelite in England was – D.G. Rossetti
45. The founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in England – William Holman Hunt
46. The originator of the Oxford Movement was – John Keble
47. The phrase ‘Stream of Consciousness’ is associated with – James Joyce
48. The Hero of Homer’s Iliad is – Achilles
49. Pope’s Rape of the Lock contains – Five Cantos
50. A Ballad stanza generally contains – Four lines
51. The greatest Epic in English is written by – Milton
52. The next in command after Satan in Paradise Lost is – Beelzebub
53. The meaning of L’Allegro is – A cheerful man
54. A Pastoral Elegy written by Shelley on the death of Keats – Adonais
55. Everyman a famous play of 15th Century was a – Morality Play
56. The villain in Duchess of Malfi is – Bosola
57. Dryden’s plays in general are called – Heroic Plays
58. The last play written by Shakespeare is – The Tempest
59. Andrea Del Sarto in Browning’s Dramatic Monologue was – A renowned Painter
60. Rabbi Ben Ezra was a – real Jewish Scholar
61. The phrase ‘Stormy Sisterhood’ is applied to – Bronte Sisters
62. "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world" – Shelley
63. In Memory of W.B. Yeats is written by – W. H. Auden
64. Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in Country Churchyard is written in – Iambic Pentameter Quatrains
65. Galsworthy’s Silver Box is a satire on – the System of Legal Trial
66. “I heartily hate and detest that animal called Man” – Swift to Pope about Gulliver’s Travel
67. Riders to the Sea, a One-Act tragedy is written by – J. M. Synge
68. T. S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral is a – Poetic Play
69. The Biography of Dr. Johnson is written by – James Boswell
70. The phrase ‘religion of the blood’ is associated with – D. H. Lawrence
71. Coleridge on Imagination (1934) is written by - I.A. Richards
72. 'Syntax' is a study of - arrangement of words
73. "The style is the man himself" comes from - Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon
74. Tamas by Bhishm Sahni is about - Partition of India
75. Aurobindo's Savitiri is - an epic poem
76. 'The Beat Generation', a literary movement influenced American culture and politics in - the
post-war era
77. William Faulkner's The Sound and The Fury (1929) derives its title from - Shakespeare's
78. Joseph Heller's Catch-22 is an example of - Dark Comedy
79. Saul Bellow is best known for his novel - Herzog
80. The narrator in Moby-Dick is - Ishmael
81. The author of the terms "signified" and "signifier" is - Saussure
82. "My husband is Indian, and so are my children, I am not, and less so every year" - Ruth Pravar
83. O'Neill's first play was - The Emperor Jones
84. The villain in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (1850) is - Chillingworth
85. "Poetry is the rhythmic creation of beauty in words." - Edgar Allen Poe
86. Nadine Gordimer was - a South-African story writer & novelist
87. Wole Soyinka wrote the play to commemorate Nigeria's independence - A Dance of the Forests
88. Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe's masterpiece is - Things Fall Apart (1958)
89. Naipaul's The House of Mr. Biswas has for its subject - the Hindu culture
90. Joseph Anton : A Memoir is - an autobiographical book by Salman Rushdie
91. Arnold's "touch-stone" method values - only the best writing
92. "Success is only a delayed failure" - Graham Greene
93. Rosencrantz and Guilderstern Are Dead (1967) is a play by - Tom Stoppard
94. Waiting For Godot (1955) was originally written in - French
95. Jimmy Porter is the hero of - Look Back in Anger (1956)
96. The story of William Golding's Lord of the Flies (1954) is based on - The Coral Island (1857), a
youth novel by R. M. Ballantyne
97. The title of Lord of the Flies is drawn from - Milton's Paradise Lost (refers to Beelzeub)
98. Sylvia Palth was married to - Ted Hughes
99. Muriel Spark's best known novel is - The Driver's Seat
100. The first woman to win the Booker Prize twice - Hilary Mantel

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