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Project DEAR #015 Grade9 Science

PRE- READING ACTIVITY a) spontaneous process

b) non-spontaneous process
Encircle the letter of the correct
answer c)non-spontaneous

1. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? d)spontaneous

a) Energy cannot be created nor destroyed 7.It is a process that needs mechanical energy
to occur.
b) Energy can be created
a) spontaneous process
c)Energy can be destroyed.
b) Non-spontaneous
d)Energy flows
c) spontaneous
2.The First Law of Thermodynamics
d) Non-spontaneous process
a) The internal energy of a system equals the
8. A device that changes thermal energy into
difference between the heat taken in by the mechanical work.
process and
a) Heat Engines b) Heat
the work done by the process.
c) energy d) Heat Pumps
B The change in internal energy of a system
9. The picture below is an
equals the difference between the heat taken in
Example of
by the system and the work done by the system.
a) Nonspontaneous
c)The change in energy of a system is the
b) spontaneous
sum between the heat taken in by the system
c)spontaneous process
and the work done by the process.
d)non-spontaneous process
d)none of the above

3.It is the Sum of all Molecular Energy

a) External Heat

b) External Energy

c)Internal Heat

d)Internal Energy
10. This is an
4.It is used when referring to the energy in Illustration of
transit from hot to cold.
a) Heat Engines
a) Heat b) internal energy
b) Heat
c)work d) energy
c)Heat Pumps
5.It is a device that reverses the direction of the
heat flow: from a cold reservoir to a warmer d)Heat Mumps

a) Engines b) Heat Pumps

c) heat energy d) Cold Pumps

6.It is a process that does not require any

external energy to occur.

Project DEAR #015 Grade9 Science


December 1840: Joule’s abstract on
converting mechanical power into heat.

James Prescott Joule, born in 1818 into a family of brewers, was deeply interested in science
from a young age. Despite taking over the family brewery business, he continued to pursue
scientific experiments, particularly in the emerging field of thermodynamics. His early
experiments with electromagnetism led him to propose Joule's Law, which linked the heat
generated by an electric current to the wire's resistance and the current's square. Through
meticulous experiments, Joule demonstrated the conversion of mechanical power into heat,
leading him to reject the prevailing caloric theory of heat.

Joule's most famous experiment involved dropping weights to turn a paddle wheel inside an
insulated container of water, which generated heat through friction. Despite skepticism from
some scientists, Joule's precise measurements, likely honed from his brewing experience, and
collaborations with skilled instrument makers bolstered his credibility. His friendship and
collaboration with William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) yielded significant advancements, including
the discovery of the Joule-Thomson effect.

Tragically, Joule faced personal loss with the deaths of his wife and daughter in 1854, leading to
a more secluded life. He died in 1889, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking work in
thermodynamics. His accurate determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat, represented
by the letter J in his honor, earned him recognition from the Queen of England and solidified his
place in scientific history.


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What field of science did James Prescott Joule primarily contribute to? a)
Chemistry b) Biology c) Thermodynamics d) Astronomy
2. What did Joule's Law propose a relationship between? a) Heat and pressure b)
Heat and resistance c) Voltage and current d) Temperature and time
3. What led Joule to reject the prevailing caloric theory of heat? a) His experiments
with electromagnetism b) Collaboration with William Thomson c) Dropping
weights to generate heat d) His accurate measurements of temperature
Project DEAR #015 Grade9 Science

4. Which experiment is James Prescott Joule most famous for? a) Generating

electricity from magnets b) Turning a paddle wheel with weights c) Boiling water
with steam engines d) Freezing water with liquid nitrogen
5. How did Joule's collaborations with skilled instrument makers impact his work?
a) It led to the discovery of electromagnetism
b) It improved the accuracy of his measurements
c) It resulted in the rejection of his findings
d) It decreased his credibility among scientists?
6. What significant effect did Joule and William Thomson discover together?
a) The Joule-Thomson effect
b) The Newton-Thomson effect
c) The Kelvin-Joule effect
d) The Thomson-Joule effect
7. What personal tragedy did James Prescott Joule face in 1854?
a) The loss of his laboratory equipment
b) The death of his father
c) The deaths of his wife and daughter
d) The failure of his experiments
8. How did Joule's accurate determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat
contribute to his recognition?
a) He received a Nobel Prize
b) He was granted a pension by the Queen of England
c) He became a professor at a prestigious university
d) He was knighted by the British monarchy
9. What is the mechanical equivalent of heat represented by?
a) Letter M
b) Letter H
c) Letter J
d) Letter E
10. What legacy did James Prescott Joule leave behind in the field of science?
a) Groundbreaking work in biology
b) Discoveries in astronomy
c) Advancements in chemistry
d) Contributions to thermodynamics

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