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Word + Word + Words -- sentence

Parts of Speech – 8 Parts

1. Noun –– name, place, things, quality or idea

India, Bharuch, Delhi, Stephen Street, Steven, box, pen, laptop, happiness, fear, color, size,
taste, socialism, dream, wisdom, anger, democracy.

John (n) is reading (v.) an (art.) old book (n). He is planning to go (v) to the market.
Pronouns: He, she, it, they, us, – to avoid repetition.

He(P) is (v) a (article) doctor(n).

2. Verb – physical or mental actions/state of being – think, ponder, contemplate, walk, run,
eat, Write, swim, climb, guess, consider, were, was, am, is, are, will be, be, being, been…

He (p) is eating (v) delicious (adj.) food (n). I (pronoun) am (verb.) going (a. verb).
John (n) is (v) unable (v) to (prep.) do his (p) homework (n).

Difference between Noun and Verb

Food (n) is something you eat (v).

Happiness (n) is something you want (v).
A human being (n) is something you are (v).

3. Adjectives – Describes a noun – gives extra information – nouns, noun phrase and
Praveen (noun) is a good (adj.) person (noun).

Long, red, fast, angry, short, dwarf, tall, grey, white …..

He (p) is (v) a (article) tall (adj.) man (n).

I can see a man. He is tall.

He (p) lives (v) in a beautiful (adj.) country (n)

He is an extraordinary person. He is a _______ actor(n).

He is an altruist.

4. Adverbs – describes a verb/adjectives/another adverb

‘…’ - often
To be very honest, he (pronoun) should (modal verb) practice (verb) little bit more.

He sings (v) loudly (adv.). (verb) I read carefully.

He is a very (adv.) tall (adj.) man (n). (adjective)
We ended (v.) our lecture too (adv.) quickly (adv.).

Degree Adverbs: entirely, slightly, utterly, terribly, fairly, awfully…

Focusing Adverbs: Generally, especially, particularly, largely, firstly, secondly….

5. Prepositions – relationship between words in a sentence. – noun/pronoun – a

word/phrase that is used before a noun or pronoun to show time, place, directions……
on, at, below, under, from, about, in, because of, out of, instead of….

He should not come to school because of his ill health.

6. Conjunctions – to connect two or more sentences, words, group of words.

(a) Coordinating Conjunctions (CC) – FANBOYS – For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
(Compound Sentence)

I love chocolate but not ice cream.

(b) Subordinating Conjunctions (SC) - complex sentence – although, since, as, if, which is
why, which, even though, though, as soon as, because……..

While (SC) I was going to the market, I saw an accident.

I saw an accident while I was going to the market

Although (SC) I was going to the market, I wasn’t really feeling well.

(c) Corelative Conjunctions: both…….and, not only…….but also, either……or,

7. Interjections – Express emotions

Hi! Ouch! Wow! Watch out! That was amazing!

8. Articles – a, an, the (determiners) a/an – singular countable, the – specific

a – consonant
an – vowel (a,e,i,o, ae, ai, ….) an orange,
a university (ju)

There is a pen. The pen is small in size.

I went to work yesterday. (noun)

I was working yesterday. (verb)

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