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Background of the Study

The Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) is the agency

mandated to provide a balanced and responsive approach to social welfare whereby the

rights, needs, and interests of all citizens within its jurisdiction, with special focus on the

marginalized and vulnerable sectors, including women, children, senior citizens,

differently-abled persons, indigenous cultural communities, internally displaced persons,

and those similarly situated by analogy, are protected and addressed at all times,

especially during the existence of a crisis, whether natural or human-induced, that affects

their well-being and their participation in community affairs.

The developed Online Assistance system for MSWD Pikit is a comprehensive

platform that was designed to streamline the management of requests for assistance

within Pikit BARMM SGA. By leveraging modern technology, the system aimed to

improve communication channels, expedite the resolution of concerns, and promote a

positive culture. The implementation of the system reflects the institution's commitment

to continuous improvement and its dedication to providing an enriching assistance

environment for all stakeholders.

Statement of the Problem

The implementation of the Online Assistance raises several key issues that need to

be addressed such as the existing system lacks effective communication channels for

citizens in need, and other stakeholders to provide feedback or lodge complaints. This

hampers the timely resolution of concerns and affects overall satisfaction. There is also a

need for a system that ensures transparency and accountability in addressing requests.

The absence of a centralized system leads to confusion, delays, and potential mishandling

of cases. Moreover, the current system does not adequately analyze requests to identify

patterns, recurring issues, and areas for improvement. This hinders the implementation of

proactive measures to address concerns and prevent their recurrence.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the researchers aimed to develop and implement an Online Assistance

System for MSWD Pikit with SMS Notification.

Specifically, it aimed to:

1. Develop a system that enables the citizens of Pikit SGA BARMM to ask for

assistance online;

2. Develop a secured system where only the authorized user can access it; and

3. Develop a system that has a SMS Feature that will send a message to the user

about their request for assistance status.

Scope and Limitation of the Study


The study focused on the implementation of the Online Assistance System for

MSWD Pikit where the user must register first before logging in to the system. The

system also includes the attachment of specific request to be made by the user.


The developed system will not work without an internet connection and it will not

address broader issues related to MSWD Pikit. The system doesn’t have a chatbot feature

where there is no direct communication between the admin and the user.

Significance of the Study

Administration. The significance of this study lies in its potential to enhance

communication channels, address concerns promptly, and foster a positive school culture

within CFCST. Additionally, the study's emphasis on data analysis and preventive

measures will contribute to the continuous improvement of the institution's educational


Stakeholders. The implementation of the Online Assistance System for MSWD Pikit

will benefit the citizens of Pikit SGA by providing an efficient and transparent platform

for communication. It will enable stakeholders to voice their concerns, track the progress

of their cases, and receive timely updates on their resolution.

Researchers. The study is a way to show the skills of the researchers in terms of

computer programming, problem analysis and research related skills such as the

preparation of documents, tabulating and presentation of the results and data gathering

techniques and procedures.

Future Researchers. The output of this capstone project will serve as a guide and

reference for the future students and researchers. The study can also be upgraded,

updated and revised if they chose to conduct a similar study to this capstone project.

Conceptual Framework


 User
username and
password Online Assistance  SMS
 Assistance System for MSWD Notification
Requests Pikit with SMS  Assistance
 Admin and Notification Lists
Username and

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework of the Online Assistance System for MSWD Pikit is

illustrated in Figure 1. The developed system's inputs are User Information, username

and password, requests filed by the user, admin username and password, which was

processed by the developed system, and that will produce outputs such as the SMS

Notification and Assistance Lists


Definition of Terms

Assistance. the action of helping someone with a job or task.

BARMM. The Bangsamoro, officially the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim

Mindanao (BARMM) is an autonomous region located in the southern Philippines.

Replacing the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The BARMM

consists of five predominantly Muslim provinces.

MSWD stands for Municipal Social Welfare Development (Philippines)

SGA. Stands for Special Geographic Area

PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a general-purpose scripting language and interpreter that

is freely available and widely used for web development.

Stakeholder. a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business.

XAMPP is a cross-platform web server that is free and open-source. XAMPP is a short

form for Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl.




Nowadays there are so many people who are surviving on only one meal per day.

Especially in developing countries, it is one of the major problems. On the other hand,

there is so much wastage of food every day. Some poor people need clothes and vessels,

and children need some books and study kits. Solution to this is that we only need to

donate the leftover food to needy people, charities, and our old stuff. For that to happen,

we need some sort of platform. This could be any online platform like a website/web

application. In Saudi Arabia, there are so many people who are capable of making

donations and also there are so many Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) which are

helping poor and needy people of Saudi Arabia. But to connection gap is not as blur as it

should be. There has to be some simple, fast, intuitive and secure way of doing such

online donations so that users can donate easily with just a click. The aim of this work is

to design and develop a Web Based Online charitable Donation System. Where, the

charitable website will collect the charitable donations (such as clothes, toys, school

tools) and delivers it to the children who need it. The proposed system will provide

voluntary opportunities for those wishing to be volunteer in delivering the donations to

the homes of the poor for free. The proposed work was designed and developed using the

Unified Modeling Language (UML), SQL Server for implemented the database, and and Visual basic programming languages.

Donation Management System

Any individual living in society needs to satisfy their individual needs, supplying

quality food is one of the primal requirements of one of those needs. However, there are

many privileged people in any society who are capable of satisfying their needs and some

who don’t. In such environments, there are people who are willing to aid (donors) and

people who are longing to accept the help (donees). Both parties required a trustworthy

platform to facilitate their needs. In this research, the main focus is to analyze the

government schools in Sri Lanka provincially. Surveys are conducted to analyze data and

to aid to arrive at conclusions. In addition that it was necessary to fulfill the requirement

of having a stabilized centralized trustworthy platform where both parties can interact


Student Complaint Management System

This project by Waleed Sadeq Noman Al-waeli (2022) identifies a set of options

that can be used to manage and collect student complaints. It is possible to design and

implement an online complaints management system to benefits the student as well as the

university so that the student can share the problems that student faces at the university

and the university will be able to solve the student’s problems and provide an appropriate

educational environment for all students. This final year project will focus on the

development of a complaints management system on the Internet will be for universities


that do not have this system, especially universities in Yemen due to the lack of this

system. This system works on Monitor student complaints, improve the database, and

enhance the effectiveness, safety, and security of the system. The complaints handling

system is easily accessible and presented to complainants (the students). The editing

software uses brackets, also PHP as the programming language, as well as MySQL as the

database. However, the importance of this project will increase more benefits for the

students and the University. This system is expected to be easy as students can long to

comply at anytime and anywhere. This will make it easier for students to submit

complaints from anywhere and at any time.

Online Stuff Donation System

A donation of stuff, when well organized and controlled, can save lives and ease

the suffering, effective donation practices can provide savings in budgets for

development support, so that these services can be used for other purposes Actual

donation practices can provide savings in budgets for development funding, so that these

facilities can be used for other purposes. The "Online Stuff Donation System" for NGO

serves as a bridge between an immense network of people and NGO'S, old age house. A

NGO is a non-income-driven organization self-governing of States and all general

administrative organizations. They are usually supported by blessings, yet some

completely avoid official funding and are run by volunteers in soul. Users of Internet

have increased rapidly in the last one or two years and counting is still on it becomes very

easy for users to use the website. As we realize there are several current donation sites for

pharmaceutical items, they are not up to the standards and require more manual data

treatment. We can developing new and upcoming image processing technologies to

overcome this problem in future. With this technology we can solve all the above-

mentioned difficulties and have a very user friendly website.

The Online Stuff Donation System is a web-based application. In this system,

there are three entities, NGO, Volunteer, and users. Users can post Available toys,

reusable clothes, furniture, food, medicine with the medicine name, medicine description,

QR code, and medicine expired date and other household things. In this process, the user

(donor) should have register yourself and start with the login process. Users will verify

by OTP process, this OTP process done by python and email service. Users can open

previous donation records. Users will view Volunteer status i.e. volunteer is arriving or

not and also medicine and other things will assign or not. On the NGO (admin) side, they

can see all users and all volunteer details and also see all the records.

Admin is the main part of this system. Admin approves volunteer requests

because without approval volunteer cannot log in. admin select volunteer and assign

respective medicines. Admin can give points to users. The volunteer is the end user that

purchases respective medicines. The first volunteer registers yourself and waiting for

approval because without admin approval they cannot log-in in this system. When Admin

assign him things, he can open the user’s address location on the Google map and go to

that location and bring the things. In this system XAMPP is used for local database

python used for Connectivity between database and web application




Work Breakdown Structure


Requirements Gathering and Analysis March 03/20/2023 03/30/2023

Architecture and Design April 04/20/2023 04/30/2023
Development May 05/10/2023 08/30/2023
Test and Feedback November 11/10/2023 11/30/2023
Table 1. Work Breakdown Structure

Table 1 shows the Work Breakdown Structure that was developed to break down

the project into smaller, manageable tasks. This provided a clear overview of the project

scope and helped in organizing and scheduling activities effectively.

Research Design

The descriptive qualitative approach was used in the research design; this method

was created for the researchers to obtain information about current existing situations.

The researchers chose to utilize the descriptive qualitative approach to collect data that

would assist them know what is needed so that they could design a system that would

help in the assistance transactions of the Institution and reduce the staffs' work.

In the developed system, the methodology involved several key components to

enhance communication and address concerns through An Assistance system at MSWD,

SGA BARMM. The researchers used Agile SDLC Methodology because it emphasizes

developer-client communication and a shortened development process that is constantly

adapting and improving.

Figure 2. Agile Methodology

Requirements Gathering and Analysis

In this phase, the researchers defined the requirements by interviewing the Social

worker assigned in MSWD BARMM SGA, planned the time and effort needed to build

the project. Based on this information, the researchers evaluated technical and economic


Architecture and Design

When the researchers have identified the project, they interviewed the Social

worker to define requirements. The researchers used the diagrams that were made as

their guide in developing the system. The researchers also used Php, Bootstrap, Javascript

and CSS to design the Graphical User Interface of the developed system.


The work started as soon as the researchers specified the specifications. The

project's developers got to work on it. The developers' goal was to release the functional

product in the allotted period. The product had basic, rudimentary functionality and went

through several rounds of refinement. After being assembled for the final product, the

documents were sent to the research adviser for additional review. This covers both the

software and the documentation. At this point, there were lessons or user orientation

sessions on how to utilize the system.

Test and Feedback

After finishing the main parts of the features of the system, the researchers gave a

test sample to the Social worker and there are a lot of learning they encountered, it made

them know the minor and major mistakes in the system and it gave the researchers more

understanding on how to develop it. After releasing of the product, the last step is to

feedback it. In this step, the researchers received feedback about the developed system

and works through the feedback.

Flowchart of the Developed System (User-Side)



Log in

Username and

Online Assistance System

for MSWD Pikit with
SMS Notification

File Request Manage Account

Log out


Figure 3. Flowchart of the Developed System (User-Side)

The developed system's flowchart (user-side) is displayed in Figure 3. The user

must first register by entering their username, email address, phone number, gender, and

password, along with their first and last names. The user needs to use their login

credentials to log in after successfully registering. The user, can now file a request. Along

with viewing his or her request history, the user can also view finished, ongoing, and

pending requests. The user has the ability to modify or update both his or her password

and personal information.


Flowchart of the Developed System (Admin-Side)


Log in

Username and

Online Assistance System

for MSWD Pikit

Manage Manage
Send SMS
Requests Users

Log out


Figure 4. Flowchart of the Developed System (Admin-Side)

Figure 4 shows the developed system's flowchart (Admin-side). The dashboard,

Manage Requests, and Manage Users are the three (3) modules that make up the admin

side of the system. The finished, pending, and in-progress requests are shown on the

dashboard page. The administrator can see every request for assistance submitted by the

user—completed, pending, and in progress—on the Manage Request page. This is also

the location where the system's registered users' information can also be viewed by the


Use Case Diagram


Log in

Manage Requests User

Manage Users

Send SMS

Receive SMS

Manage Personal

Log Out

Figure 5. Use Case of the Developed System


The Use-case diagram describes the high-level functions and scope of the system.

This diagram also identifies the interactions between the system and its actors. In the

above figure, the actors are the complainants and the admin of the system. The admin can

log in and out, manage requests, user and could manage personal information. The user

on the other hand must register successfully to log in, manage personal information and

make request.

Architectural Diagram

Online Assistance
System for MSWD
Pikit with SMS

Figure 6. Architectural Diagram of the Developed System

Figure 6 shows the Architectural Diagram of the developed system that presents

the flow of the system in which the feedbacks/complaint, information of the user/client as

well as the admin’s information will directly save in the database of the system and then

the admin can make a remark about the requests made.

Respondents of the Study


The respondents of the study were identified based on the target users of the

system. This includes the staffs, administrative staff, or other relevant stakeholders of


Location of the Study

The study was conducted at MSWD Pikit BARMM SGA, Batulawan Pikit North


System Requirements

 Hardware Specification

Table 2 presents the hardware specification which will be important in developing

the system. The researcher will utilize these specifications to ensure that the system

functions well and would not be compromised by its peripheral as well as to prevent

processing operations from being delayed.

Table 2. Hardware Requirements Specification

Processor Intel r Pentium r CPU N3710
Memory 2.00 GB RAM
Hard Disk Storage 1 TB

 Software Specification

Table 3 presents the software specification to be used in developing the system.

These software requirements must be followed so that the system would be able to

function well.

Table 3. Software Requirements Specification

Operating System Window 10
System Type 64-bit
Database MySQL
Programming Language PHP , CSS , JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP



This chapter presents the results and discussion of the developed System.

Generally, the researchers aimed to develop and implement an Online Assistance System

for MSWD Pikit with SMS Notification.

Specifically, it aimed to:

1. Develop a system that enabled the citizens of Pikit SGA BARMM to ask for

assistance online

Figure 7. Request Page

Figure 7 shows the request page where the user must input his/her requests for


2. Develop a secured system where only the authorized user can access it.

Figure 8. Create an Account Page

Figure 9. Log in Page

Figure 8 shows the create an account page where the user must create an account

first before logging in to the system as shown in figure 9.

3. Developed a system that has a SMS Feature that will send a message to the user

about their request for assistance status


Figure 10. Send an SMS Page

The figure above shows the Send SMS Page where the admin can send an SMS to

the user or requestee about the status of their assistance requests.




The implementation of the Online Assistance raises several key issues that need

to be addressed such as the existing system lacks effective communication channels for

citizens in need, and other stakeholders to provide feedback or lodge complaints. This

hampers the timely resolution of concerns and affects overall satisfaction. There is also a

need for a system that ensures transparency and accountability in addressing requests.

The absence of a centralized system leads to confusion, delays, and potential mishandling

of cases. Moreover, the current system does not adequately analyze requests to identify

patterns, recurring issues, and areas for improvement. This hinders the implementation of

proactive measures to address concerns and prevent their recurrence. And users. The

system was developed from March to November 2023. The developed Online Assistance

system for MSWD Pikit is a comprehensive platform that was designed to streamline the

management of requests for assistance within Pikit BARMM SGA. By leveraging

modern technology, the system aimed to improve communication channels, expedite the

resolution of concerns, and promote a positive culture. The implementation of the system

reflects the institution's commitment to continuous improvement and its dedication to

providing an enriching assistance environment for all stakeholders.


Based on the study results, the Online Assistance System was developed with the

use of PHP Scripting Language and XAMPP. The researchers concluded that the

developed system was successful and was a great help for the MSWD Pikit


The researchers of this project recommends the following based on their

observations. These are the following recommendations:

1. Enhance GUI

2. Should have a separate module for the different services rendered by the

government agency chosen.

3. Shouldn’t limit to 1 file per upload


1. Personal Data



Birthdate: JULY 13, 1999

Civil Status: SINGLE


Mobile #: 09352840111

Email Address:

2. Educational Qualifications

Elementary: Pikit Central Elementary school

Secondary: Pikit National High School

College: Cotabato Foundation College of Science and

Technology-Pikit Extension Unit

Course: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

3. Seminars and Workshops

Capstone Project Making


Computer Hardware and Servicing

4. Scholarship: N/A

5. Membership in School Organization: N/A


1. Personal Data

Name: Oaimer Alilaya Bansao

Address: Mahad Fort Pikit Cotabato

Birthdate: April 27, 1999

Civil Status: Single

Birthplace: Manaulanan Pikit, Cotabato

Mobile #: 09356085919

Email Address:

2. Educational Qualifications

Elementary: Pikit Central Elementary school

Secondary: Pikit National High School

College: Cotabato Foundation College of Science and

Technology-Pikit Extension Unit

Course: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

3. Seminars and Workshops

Capstone Project Making

Computer Hardware and Servicing


4. Scholarship: N/A

5. Membership in School Organization: N/A


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Cole-Lewis H., & Kershaw, T. (2020). Text messaging as a tool for behavior change in
disease prevention and management. Epidemiology Rev 32: 56-69.
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of Augmented Reality (AR) as a Tool of Office for Ministry of Basic, Higher, and
Technical Education in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 3(1), 145-146

Souza, F. & Kushchu, I. (2019). Mobile disaster management system applications -

Current overview and future potential –Proc. Of the First European Mobile Government
Conference MGOV2005, Brighton, UK, 10-12 july, pp. 455-466. mGCI publications,
UK., 10- 12 july, pp. 455-466. mGCI publications, UK.


Appendix 1. Communication Letter to Conduct

March 12, 2023


Social Welfare and Development Officer
Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD)


Greetings of Peace and Prosperity!

The undersigned are presently students of CFCST-Pikit Extension Unit. As a requirement

for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, we are conducting our
SMS NOTIFICATION”. In this connection, the researchers would like to ask
permission from your good office to allow us to conduct our study in your good office.
Your approval will greatly contribute to the success of this research endeavor.

Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,





Research Adviser

Approved by:


Social Welfare and Development Officer

Appendix 7. Screenshots of the Developed System

Figure 11. Log in Page for the Admin Side


Figure 11 shows the log in page for the admin side. The admin must input his/her

log in credentials in order for him/her to use the system.

Figure 12. Dashboard of the Admin Side

The figure above shows the dashboard page for the admin side. After successfully

logging in to the system, this side of the system will pop up.

Figure 13. List of Requests Page

The list of individuals who have submitted requests for help is displayed in Figure

13. The accounts that were used to submit requests can be seen and verified by the admin.

Figure 14. Report Page

Figure 14 shows the report page where the admin can generate and print reports.

Appendix 8. Pictorial During the Conduct of the Study

Figure 15. Pictorial During the Conduct of the Study

Figure 15 shows the pictures that was taken during the conduct of the developed


Appendix 9. Certificate of Appearance from the Client


This is to certify that BINLADEN C. SOLAIMAN, a student of Bachelor

of Science in Information Technology, appeared at MSSD Office, Pikit BARMM SGA
on December 15, 2023 for the evaluation of their developed system.
This certification is issued upon the request of the above-named party for
whatever lawful purpose this may serve.
Issued this 15th day of December 2023 at at MSSD Office, Brgy. Batulawan,


Social Welfare and Development Officer


This is to certify that OAIMER A. BANSAO, a student of Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology, appeared at MSSD Office, Pikit BARMM SGA on
December 15, 2023 for the evaluation of their developed system.
This certification is issued upon the request of the above-named party for
whatever lawful purpose this may serve.
Issued this 15th day of December 2023 at at MSSD Office, Brgy. Batulawan,


Social Welfare and Development Officer

Appendix 10. Ethics Certificate


Appendix 11. Plagiarism Result


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