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The FOUR PAWS Signature

Brand Compass
What we stand for.

Our organisation.
Valuable and meaningful, for us and for others.
Brand Compass
What we stand for.

FOUR PAWS – the founder’s vision 3

FOUR PAWS – a goal to significantly improve the lives of animals 5

FOUR PAWS – reveal, rescue, protect 9

What we‘re made of and what we stand for 10

Our Why 11

Which animals we advocate for 12

Who we address 13

Archetypes 15
Archetype Magician 17

Archetype Saviour/Hero 18

Archetype Protector 19

From vision to mission – positioning FOUR PAWS 20

How FOUR PAWS sounds 21

Vision 22

Mission 23

Our claim 24

This manual uses gender-neutral language.


“My vision is a world in which people FOUR PAWS

treat animals with respect, empathy The founder’s vision
and understanding.” 1988. A small band of friendly idealists come together in Vienna
to actively, courageously and enthusiastically promote animal
welfare. The visionary head of the group: Heli Dungler. He
Heli Dungler (1963–2020) becomes the founder of the non-profit foundation FOUR PAWS.

Decades later: FOUR PAWS has developed into a globally active,

renowned organisation. No one could have guessed the dimen-
sions Heli’s beloved project would assume. Today, FOUR PAWS
– carried along by the founder’s vision – is an institution with a
clear mission: FOUR PAWS is the global animal welfare organi-
sation for animals under direct human influence, which reveals
suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them.

What always drove Heli, and accompanies the global FOUR

PAWS team every day, is the irrepressible will to sustainably
improve the living conditions of animals under direct human in-
fluence. More and more supporters share this vision, appreciate
the achievements of FOUR PAWS and agree with the demands
of the organisation.

This means that the founder’s vision, as part of the FOUR PAWS
value culture, is more relevant than ever.


“As the global animal welfare

organisation for animals under direct
human influence, which reveals
suffering, rescues animals in need
and protects them, we have a great
responsibility. Towards animals, FOUR PAWS
but also towards humans.”
FOUR PAWS - our goal is to significantly improve
the lives of animals
Josef Pfabigan
CEO and member of the FOUR PAWS Executive Board Over the decades, we have gathered all our strengths and built
a breakthrough global organisation with our FOUR PAWS team.
What we have achieved so far encourages us to develop our
animal welfare work flexibly and dynamically – always with our eye
on significantly improving the lives of animals, and the human-
animal relationship. This Brand Compass serves as a user guide
for our strong brand. Its task is to make the protected brand FOUR
PAWS tangible for us and others, to describe our values and to
communicate a clear picture of our vision and mission.

The contents of this Brand Compass are the result of a process

that has involved the entire organisation. A process that brought
us closer together and now culminates in “one FOUR PAWS”.
A process that supports our goals within the framework of
“Strategy 2025”: to achieve global impact, to win the hearts and
minds of millions and to strengthen our agile organisation.

Josef Pfabigan


The birth of a strong brand

„Runter von mein Doch,

sunst schiaß I eich owe!“*
* Down off my roof, or I’ll shoot you down!

Fur farm campaign, 1990


reveal, rescue, protect

Strong brands are shaped by their history, supported by

values and brought to life by people and their attitudes.

More than three decades ago, Heli Dungler and his team
fought for the closure of fur farms in Austria. They were
indefatigable and intrepid – with a clear vision in mind,
and this fight was the foundation stone for a brand that
gained importance for humans and animals far beyond the
borders of Austria.

FOUR PAWS seeks to protect animals under direct human

influence, rescues animals in need worldwide with its experts,
and obtains legislative changes to ensure the long-term
improvement of their living conditions. FOUR PAWS is
actively committed to the humane treatment of stray
dogs and cats as well as to better keeping conditions for
companion and farm animals. We establish and operate
sanctuaries worldwide, in which wild animals rescued
from abusive captivity find a species-appropriate home.

All this and much more makes FOUR PAWS an indispen-

sable force when it comes to sustainable animal welfare.

Heli Dungler during a

demonstration against
8 fur farms in Vienna, 1988 9

What we‘re made of and what we stand for Our Why

What drives and inspires us to
DNA and values in line with our vision do the things we do
Significant brands are carried by their relevance, credibility and
distinctness. They provide orientation, are an emotional anchor
and represent a clear promise. A promise based on their DNA, Because people abuse
founded on values and leading to a comprehensible positioning.
animals, animals suffer
That is why we have looked very closely at our values as part
of the FOUR PAWS positioning process. We have realised that and they cannot help
values such as strength, courage, expertise, change, influence
and vision are deeply rooted in our DNA. At the same time, va- themselves. That is why
lues such as responsibility, protection, care and reliability also
reflect the fundamental attitude of our organisation. We also we rescue animals in need
identify with emotion, commitment, passion, independence,
and a readiness to take action. For us, collaboration founded and ensure a lasting change
on partnership, local and global topics, and achieving a sustai-
nable impact are of particular importance. All these values are in their living conditions!
the basis of our vision and mission – and thus the basis of our

A clear vision before our eyes

and passion in our heart.
Our vision is clear and unequivocal. It is both a goal and
a mission for us, and every day we are passionately
committed to coming closer to this vision. A vision for
the well-being of people, the welfare of animals, and
the good of our environment.

10 11

Which animals we advocate for

As an animal welfare organisation, we are confronted with the
suffering of animals on a daily basis, whether caused by humans
or by natural disasters. Changing this is our ultimate goal. FOUR
PAWS programmes, topics and campaigns focus primarily on stray
dogs and cats as well as companion animals, farm animals, wild
animals and animals affected by disasters.

In its own sanctuaries, FOUR PAWS provides a safe home for

wild animals such as big cats, bears, orangutans and elephants
rescued from non-species-appropriate captivity conditions around Who we address
the world.
Given our vision, we essentially want to reach all humanity with our themes and
In our work we encounter challenges and witness suffering, but concerns. In practice, we direct our communication to people who are ready to
we also experience many touching moments of joy. Moments that make donations, and who regard animals as equal creatures. These are peop-
keep up looking forward, motivating us to preserve the dignity and le who are open to transforming attitudes, changing behaviour, and improving
improve the quality of life of animals. lives to help us fulfill our vision and end animal suffering around the world.

Within our target group there are four typologies: idealists, enthusiasts, realists
and pragmatists. Considering these four typologies allows us to address our
supporters with the right language and to reach them emotionally. A detailed
description of the typologies as well as concrete application examples can be
found in the Typologies & Tonality Manual.

The specific project-related target groups have been defined by our project
teams in the context of campaign planning.

12 13

Our behaviour follows patterns.
Our motives and needs are archetypal.

In the positioning process, we looked at If we look at the twelve archetypes, we

the concept of the twelve archetypes. find in the FOUR PAWS brand in particular
These are universal archetypes or three archetypes, which are strongly
original figures that are linked to anchored in our DNA: the archetypes of
emotions. They represent an attitude, the Magician, Saviour/Hero* and the
have great attractive power, and they Protector. These three archetypes reflect
strike us humans deep in our core. Big our attitude, represent our thinking and
brands use the power of the archetypes behaviour, and inspire us as a team. If
that can be associated to them. Because we transfer the three archetypes to our
they address our most important and mission, we get the following: reveal
profound motives and needs, people are (based on the Magician archetype), rescue
attracted to them, fascinated by them, (based on the Saviour/Hero archetype),
and align themselves with them. protect (based on the Protector archetype).

*The archetypes are proper names, so in

this case no gender-specific form is used
(e.g. heroine).

14 15

The Magician’s aim:
to reveal what others do not see and make it visible to
all in order to bring about change for the good.

We are shown that there is much more hidden behind the

obvious that we do not know. This archetype can change
things for the better out of a deep understanding of the
world. Strong visions are developed, to help the Saviour
archetype to transform a society for the better.

16 17

Goal of the Saviour/Hero:
to successfully overcome challenges.

This archetype has extraordinary abilities and great willpower,

passionately advocates for the weak and loves challenges.

We are fighting for justice, for those who cannot bring about
improvements for themselves. Skill and competence are wielded
with courage to improve the world. This archetype shows us how
helpless beings can be rescued and order thus restored.
The aim of the Protector:
to protect others from negative influences and to give them
love and security.

In so doing, this archetype also selflessly sacrifices him- or

herself and goes about the business of averting danger. The
Protector stands for security and stability. We see how we
can come to trust in others and rely on them. This archetype
restores a primal trust in us and others.

18 19

Reliable and Authoritative

Emotional and Motivating
From vision to mission - How FOUR PAWS sounds
the FOUR PAWS positioning and
Language and tonality are vital for recognition and
Our history, DNA, values and archetypes, and our daily aspirations and
achievements not only shape our organisation, but they clarify what
identification with a brand or organisation. The way Clear
we talk about ourselves shapes the way we are per-
is necessary to achieve our vision. ceived as a brand and how we are talked about. The

following characteristics describe the general sound
A vision needs one thing: a strong brand that is relevant and important for and tone of our communication and language.
people. A brand that is a clear commitment – and above all a promise. A
promise for a better future for animals in need that are under direct human Details of our language are defined in the Typologies
influence. A promise to reveal abuses around the world, to point them out and & Tonality Manual. Details of the language and
to fight for justice. A promise to bravely and resolutely rescue animals in need, tonality used in the field of fundraising can be found
to provide change for the better and to give them protection and a home. in the Fundraising Manual.

A great promise in line with our mission: Courageous

Touching and
Heart-warming Solution-oriented
FOUR PAWS is the global animal
welfare organisation for animals Impressive and
under direct human influence, Astonishing
which reveals suffering, rescues Diverse and Versatile
animals in need and protects them.

* We apply additionally to fundraising

20 21
Brand Compass Compass


A world where people treat FOUR PAWS is the global animal

animals with respect, empathy welfare organisation for animals
and understanding. under direct human influence, which
Based on our DNA, our values, the archetypes as well as our vision and reveals suffering, rescues animals
mission, the FOUR PAWS Brand Compass gives an overview of the con-

in need and protects them.

tent orientation and positioning of our organisation. It serves as a guide
for our communication, both internally and externally.

Reveal Rescue Protect

FOUR PAWS reveals inappropriate and life- FOUR PAWS rescues animals in need world- FOUR PAWS provides a safe home for wildlife

Who we address: people threatening conditions for animals.

FOUR PAWS reveals abuses, develops appro-
wide that are under direct human influence,
and reduces and ends the suffering of animals
such as big cats, bears, orangutans and ele-
phants rescued from non-species-appropriate
willing to make donations, priate solutions and drives them forward in with continuing help and medical care. keeping conditions around the world.
order to implement them in the best possible FOUR PAWS takes concrete action, mobili- FOUR PAWS fights for ethical and morally
and who regard animals as way. ses people, changes consumer behaviour flawless behaviour towards animals, insisting
Our projects, campaigns, information, and and brings about changes in the law in order on compliance with standards and the estab-
equal beings; these people lobbying for the protection of animals to achieve long-term solutions for animal lishment of animal welfare labels.
under direct human influence sensitise, welfare. In cooperation with countries and commu-
help us come closer to raise awareness and clarify relevant themes. FOUR PAWS is committed to the responsible nities, the aim is to ensure that animals are
Our network is international, we conduct treatment of animals and to combating illegal protected by laws and regulations and that
fulfilling our vision. intensive research, and constantly develop practices. We work with authorities and these laws are strictly executed. We see this
new ideas. This is how we bring about governments around the world to introduce as a basis for achieving justice and fairness
changes in mindsets and laws. legislative changes that improve the lives of in the treatment of animals and for restoring
millions of animals. order.

22 23
Our claim
Animal Welfare. Worldwide.

The task of a claim is to anchor the brand promise in people’s

hearts and minds so that it is clear, simple and comprehensible.

In conjunction with our positioning – “FOUR PAWS is the global

animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human
influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and
protects them” – our claim, “Animal Welfare. Worldwide.” under-
lines our brand promise and the mission of FOUR PAWS.

It is characterised by clarity and comprehensibility, summarises

our field of activity, is short and simple, can be used in all langua-
ges, is easy to implement graphically, and is easily recognisable
and timeless.

Our claim sums up what we stand for, what we do, and where
we operate. And it represents the key messages relevant to our

“Animal Welfare. Worldwide.”


Publisher and responsible for the content Conception, consulting and text
VIER PFOTEN International – gemeinnützige Privatstiftung currycom communications GmbH.
Linke Wienzeile 236 | 1150 Vienna | Austria Design and layout
August 2020 KreativAgentur

© VIER PFOTEN: p.6/7, p.8, p.20, p.24 bottom right; © VIER PFOTEN / FOUR PAWS: p.III bottom, p.3 top;
© FOUR PAWS / VIER PFOTEN: p.24 top; © FOUR PAWS: p.9, p.12 bottom, p.15, p.19, p.21; © FOUR PAWS
/ 2015: p.11, p.12 top; © FOUR PAWS / Bogdan Baraghin: p.I, p.18; © FOUR PAWS | Elisia Erasmus: p.16;
© FOUR PAWS / Jasmine Duthie: p.17; © FOUR PAWS / Tomas Halasz: p.13; © FOUR PAWS / Matthias
Schickhofer: p.10, p.24 bottom; © VIER PFOTEN / Mihai Vasile: p.2 bottom; © Compassion in World
Farming p.25; © Karina Knapek: p.4 bottom, p.14; © Sonja Widerstroem: p.5.

Printing Printed in accordance with the Directive

Der Schalk “Printed products” of the Austrian Ecolabel,
Michael Schalk Ges.m.b.H., UW-No. 1260

Brand Compass

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