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(© Clon.Master 2024)

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(Clon. Master)

cp: @Willmoop (Telegram only)

Daftar Isi
A. Reading Lama ....................................................................................................................... 5
Passage 1. Inuit Art .......................................................................................................................5
Passage 2. Migrated Northward Across Eurasia and North America (Glacier) .............................7
Passage 3. Glass ...........................................................................................................................9
Passage 4. United States (Urbanization)..................................................................................... 11
Passage 5. North America (Fireplace Cooking) ..........................................................................13
Passage 6. Management Theory .................................................................................................15
Passage 7. The Economic Growth of European Cities ................................................................17
Passage 8. Children’s book .........................................................................................................20
Passage 9. Pasific Ocean Islands ...........................................................................................23
Passage 10. Language ...............................................................................................................25
Passage 11. Lichens ...................................................................................................................27
Passage 12. Homo Sapiens (Archaic Homo sapiens) .................................................................30
Passage 13..................................................................................................................................32
B. Reading Terbaru ...................................................................................................................33
(20 Maret 2024) .........................................................................................................................33
Passage 1. Venus (klo gasala Venus ini masuk) .........................................................................33
Passage 2. Neutron star, white dwarf, black holes .....................................................................35
Passage 3. Plants and minerals/ Indian mustard ........................................................................37
Passage 4. Swift Stream .............................................................................................................40
Passage 5. Bank Gianini ..............................................................................................................42
Passage 6. The Greater Pasific Region ........................................................................................44
Passage 7. Scandinavia (Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia) ...............................................47
Passage 8. Rail Road and Commercial Agriculture in the 19th Century .....................................50
Passage 9. Climate of Venus/ Venus vs Earth .............................................................................53
Passage 10. Siam, 1851-1910/ Thailand Rice/ by 1850 .............................................................56
Passage 11. Ocean Bottom........................................................................................................59
Passage 12. Photoghraphy ..........................................................................................................61
C. Soal Soal Tanpa Passage .....................................................................................................63
Bengkulu .....................................................................................................................................63
RMS Titanic .................................................................................................................................64
Olga Carmonara/ World Cup ......................................................................................................65
Volcanos .....................................................................................................................................65
Krakatoa/ Krakatau .....................................................................................................................66
Human Education .......................................................................................................................68
World Tourism Day .....................................................................................................................69
Mimicking/ morning routine ........................................................................................................70
Borneo ........................................................................................................................................70
Bill Gates/ World Teacher Day ....................................................................................................72
Insect ..........................................................................................................................................72
Oyster .........................................................................................................................................73


A. Reading Lama

Passage 1. Inuit Art

Inuit Art Inspiration for the themes in inuit art is intimately tied to personal experience of the
Canadian Arctic land and its animals, camp and family life, hunting, spirituality, and mythology. In
telling the story of their people through this wide array of subjects, Inuit artist have created an almost
encyclopedic visual catalogue of traditional (and to a lesser extent transitional and modern) inuit
Animals play a vital role in the everyday lives of inuit, and only in the past few decades has the
people’s absolute dependence on them lessened. Not too long ago, procuring food and other
necessities depended solely on successful hunts, which in turn depended upon proper preparation
and luck, in addition to the strict observance of taboos and respect for the soul of the soul of the prey.
As a consequence, animals constitute the prime inspiration for many inuit artist, particularly in
Based on years of observing and tracking prey, inuit wildlife art shows a keen awareness of the
physical characteristics, habits, and seasonal changes in animals. Some artists display a high degree
of naturalistic detail, but others prefer to exaggerate certain physical attributes for effect. In general,
while most inuit artist strive for a realistic presentation, they seem more concerned with capturing the
essence of an animal’s spirit.
Animals may be portrayed singly, in small groups, or in scenes that involve both hunter and
prey. Pictorial arts often show the chase, which sculptures focus more on the final confrontation of
hunter and prey, often with considerable drama. The hunter may be human or one of the gree. Arctic
predators such as the polar bear, owl, hawk, or wolf.
Scenes of everyday life, which include camp scenes, games, and entertainment, are common
to all forms of inuit art, and traditional activities are far more prevalent than modern aspects of inuit
community life. Camp-related themes mostly portray women engaged in demostic tasks such as
sewing clothes or preparing food and skins. Games and contest involve both individuals and the
community, and drum dancing is a from of entertainment that also has considerable spiritual

1. What does the passage mainly discuss ?

A. Everyday life in the Canadian arctic
B. The importance of mythology in inuit life
C. The subjects of inuit art
D. The value of inuit art

2. The word “intimately” in line 1 is closest in meaning to?

A. Carefully
B. Presumably
C. Closely
D. Formally

3. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is a true description of inuit art?
A. It presents a nearly complete picture of inuit life.
B. It covers one aspect of inuit life thoroughly
C. It focuses mainly on scenes of inuit camp and family life
D. It is the main way inuit myths are passed from one generation to another

4. The word “absolute” in line 8 is closest in meaning to

A. predictable
B. Total
C. traditional
D. necessary

5. According to the second paragraph, which of the following is most likely to be the subject of an inuit
sculptue ?
A. Observance of taboos
B. Inuit life in the past few decades
C. Preparation for a hunt
D. An Animal

6. The word “tracking” in line 15 is closest in meaning to

A. capturing
B. tricking
C. following
D. studying

7. The word “exaggerate” in line 18 is closest in meaning to

A. eliminate
B. represent
C. decorate
D. enlarge

8. The phrase “strive for” in line 19 is closest in meaning to

A. try to achieve
B. enjoy
C. imitate
D. believe in
9. According to the third paragraph, which of the following is the primary concern of most inuit artists
A. Depicting seasonal changes in animals
B. Demonstrating accurate naturalistic detail
C. Exaggering a characteristics for dramatic effect
D. Revealing the essence of their subject’s spirit

10.According to the fifth paragraph, which of the following types of activities would be LEAST likely to
be represented in inuit art ?
A. Women sewing clothes
B. Modern activities
C. Community games
D. drum dancing

Passage 2. Migrated Northward Across Eurasia and North America (Glacier)

Through human’s gradual selection of particular genetic variants of these plants, the
characteristics of the domesticated crops would have changed gradually, with more seed selected
from plants with specite characteristics that made the plants easier to gather, store, or use, for
example, the stalk (rachis) breaks readily in the wild wheats and thor relatives, scattering ripe seeds.
In the cultivated species of wheat the rachis is tough and holds the seed until they are harvested.
Seeds beld in this way would not be dispersed well in nature, but they can be gathered easily by
humans for food and replanting. As this selection process is continued, a crop plant steadily becomes
more and more dependent on the humans who cultivate it, just as the humans become more and
more dependent on the plant.
About 18.000 years ago, the glaciers then covering large portions of Eart’s surface began to
retreat, just as they had done eighteen across Eurasia and North America, while grasslands became
less extensive and the large animals associated with them dwindled in number. Probably no more than
5 million humans existed throughout the world. Some of them lived along the seacoasts, where
animals that could be used as sources of food were locally abundant others, however, began to
cultivate plants, thus gaining a new, relatively secure source of food.
The first deliberate planting of seeds was probably the logical consequence if a simple series
of events. For example, the wild cereals (grain-producing members of the grass family) are weeds,
ecologically speaking, that is, they grow readily on open or disturbed areas, patches of bare land where
there are few other plants to compete with them. People who gathered these grains regularly might
have spilled some of them accidentally near their campsites, or planted them, and thus created a
more reliable way to sustain themselves. When this sequence was initiated, cultivation began. In
places where wild grains and legumes were abundant and readily gathered, humans would have
remained for long periods of time, eventually leaning how to increase their yield by saving and planting
seed and by watering and fertilizing them.

11. The major subject of the passage is

A. The effects of glaciers
B. the domestication of crops
C. genetic variants of cultivated crops
D. eating habits of the earliest humans

12. The word “ them” in line 6 refers to

A. forests
B. Eurasia and North america
C. grassland
D. large animals

13. The word “dwindled” in line 6 is closest in meaning to

A. decreased
B. doubled
C. differed
D. dominated

14. The word “secure” in line 10 is closest in meaning to

A. Important
B. Fresh
C. Attractive
D. Dependable

15. The word “deliberate” in line 11 is closest in meaning yo

A. Reported
B. Intentional
C. Regular
D. Succesful

16. it can be inferred from the second paragraph that by accidentally spilling grains near their
campsites, early humans most likely leamed
A. how to cultivate crops
B. that grains could be used as a food source
C. how to increase their crop yields
D. how to combine seeds to create a superior type of grain

17. The word “initiated” in line 19 is closest in meaning to

A. learned
B. evaluated
C. begun
D. repeated

18. According to the third paragraph what advantage do cultivated wheat species have over wild wheat
A. Cultivated wheat stalks produce larger seeds that are easier to plant
B. Cultivated wheat stalks hold seeds so they can be gathered and replanted
C. Cultivated wheat stalks produce more seeds
D. Cultivated wheat stalks help scatter seeds as they

Passage 3. Glass

Glass is a remarkable substance made from the simplest raw materials. It can be colored or
colorless, monochrome or polychrome, transparent, translucent, or opaque. It is lightweight
impermeable to liquids, readily cleaned and reused, durable yet Line fragile, and often very
beautiful Glass can be decorated in multiple ways and its(5)optical properties are exceptional. In
all its myriad forms -as table ware, containers, in architecture and design -glass represents a major
achievement in the history of technological developments.
Since the Bronze Age about 3,000 B.C., glass lias been used for making various kinds of
objects. It was first made from a mixture of silica, line and an alkali such as(10)soda or potash, and
these remained the basic ingredients of glass until the development of lead glass in the
seventeenth century. When heated, the mixture becomes soft and malleable and can be formed
by various techniques into a vast array of shapes and sizes. The homogeneous mass thus formed
by melting then cools to create glass, but in contrast to most materials formed in this way (metals,
for instance), glass lacks the (15)crystalline structure normally associated with solids, and instead
retains the random molecular structure of a liquid. In effect, as molten glass cools, it progressively
stiffens until rigid, but does so without setting up a network of interlocking crystals customarily
associated with that process. This is why glass shatters so easily when dealt a blow. Why glass
deteriorates over time, especially when exposed to moisture,(20)and why glassware must be
slowly reheated and uniformly cooled after manufacture to release internal stresses induced by
uneven cooling.
Another unusual feature of glass is the manner in which its viscosity changes as it turns from
a cold substance into a hot, ductile liquid. Unlike metals that flow or "freeze" at specific
temperatures glass progressively softens as the temperature rises,(25)going through varying
stages of malleability until it flows like a thick syrup. Each stage of malleability allows the glass to
be manipulated into various forms, by
Different techniques, and if suddenly cooled the object retains the shape achieved at that point
glass is thus amenable to a greater number of heat-forming techniques than most other materials.

10. Why does the author list the characteristics of glass in lines 1-5?
A. To demonstrate how glass evolved
B. To show the versatility of glass
C. To explain glassmaking technology
D. To explain the purpose of each component of glass

11. The word “durable” line 3 is closet in meaning to..

A. lasting
B. Delicate
C. heavy
D. Plain

12. What does the author imply about the raw materials used to make glass?
A. They were the same for centuries
B. They are liquid
C. They are transparent
D. They are very heavy.

13. According to the passage, how is glass that has cooled and become rigid different from most
other rigid substances?
1. It has an interlocking crystal network.
2. It has an unusually low melting temperature.
3. It has varying physical properties.
4. It has a random molecular structure.

14. The word "customarily" in line 17is closest in meaning to

A. naturally
B. necessarily
C. usually
D. certainly

15. The words "exposed to" in line 19 are closest in meaning to

1. hardened by
2. chilled with
3. subjected to
4. deprived of

16. What must be done to release the internal stresses that buil dup in glass products during
manufacture ?
A. the glass must be reheated and evenly cooled.
B. the glass must be cooled quickly.
C. The glass must be kept moist until cooled.
D. The glass must be shaped to its desired form immediately

17. The word "induced" in line 21 is closest in meaning to

1. joined
2. missed
3. caused
4. lost

18. The word "it" in line 22 refers to

1. feature
2. glass
3. manner
4. viscosity

19. According to the passage, why can glass be more easily shaped into specific forms than can
A. It resists breaking when heated
B. It has better optical properties.
C. It retains heat while its viscosity changes.
D. It gradually becomes softer as its temperature rises.

Passage 4. United States (Urbanization)

Matching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during
the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration, from town and farm to city, within the
United States. The country had been overwhelmingly rural at the Line beginning of the century,
with less than 5 percent of Americans living in large towns(5) or cities. The proportion of urban
population began to grow remarkably after 1840,increasing from 11 percent that year to 28
percent by 1880 and to 46 percent by 1900.A country with only 6 cities boasting a population of
more than 8,000 in 1800 had become one with 545 such cities in 1900. Of these, 26 had a
population of more than100,000 including 3 that held more than a million people. Much of the
migration(10) producing an urban society came from smaller towns within the United States, but
the combination of new immigrants and old American "settlers" on America's "urban frontier" in
the late nineteenth century proved extraordinary.

The growth of cities and the process of industrialization fed on each other. The agricultural
revolution stimulated many in the countryside to seek a new life in the city(15) and made it
possible for fewer farmers to feed the large concentrations of people needed to provide a
workforce for growing numbers of factories. Cities also provided ready and convenient markets
for the products of industry, and huge contracts in transportation and construction-as well as the
expanded market in consumer goods-allowed continued growth of the urban sector of the overall
economy of the(20) Untied States.

Technological developments further stimulated the process of urbanization. One example

is the Bessemer converter (an industrial process for manufacturing steel),which provided steel
girders for the construction of skyscrapers. The refining of crude oil into kerosene, and later the
development of electric lighting as well as of the(25) telephone, brought additional comforts to
urban areas that were unavailable to rural Americans and helped attract many of them from the
farms into the cities. In every era the lure of the city included a major psychological element for
country people; the bustle and social interaction of urban life seemed particularly intriguing to
those raised in rural isolation.
20. What aspects of the United States in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly
1. Technological developments
2. The impact of foreign immigrants on cities
3. Standards of living
4. The relationship between industrialization and urbanization

21. The word "influx" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

1. working
2. processing
3. arrival
4. attraction

22. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss

1. foreign immigration
2. rural life
3. the agricultural revolution
4. famous cities of the twentieth century

23. What proportion of population of the United States was urban in 1900?
1. Five percent
2. Eleven percent
3. Twenty-eight percent
4. Forty-six percent

24. 38. The word "extraordinary" in line 12 is closet in meaning to

1. expensive
2. exceptional
3. supreme
4. necessary

25. 39. The phrase "each other" in line 13 refers to

1. foreign immigrants and domestic migrants
2. farms and small towns
3. growth of cities and industrialization
4. industry and transportation

26. The word "stimulated" in line 14 is closest in meaning to

1. forced
2. prepared
3. limited
4. motivated
27. Why does the author mention "electric lighting" and "the telephone" in lines 24-25?
1. They contributed to the agricultural revolution
2. They are examples of the conveniences of city life
3. They were developed by the same individual.
4. They were products of the Bessemer converter.

28. The word "them" in line 26 refers to

1. urban areas
2. rural Americans
3. farms
4. cities

29. The word "era" in line 26 is closest in meaning to

1. period of time
2. location
3. action
4. unique situation

30. 44. The word "intriguing" in line 28 is closest in meaning to

1. profitable
2. attractive
3. comfortable
4. challenging

Passage 5. North America (Fireplace Cooking)


In seventeenth-century colonial North America, all day-to-day cooking was done in the
fireplace. Generally large, fireplaces were planned for cooking as well as for warmth. Those in the
Northeast were usually four or five feet high, and in the South, they were often high enough for a
person to walk into. A heavy timber called the mantel tree was used as a lintel to support the
stonework above the fireplace opening. This timber might be scorched occasionally, but it was far
enough in front of the rising column of heat to be safe from catching fire.
Two ledges were built across from each other on the inside of the chimney. On these rested
the ends of a "lug pole" from which pots were suspended when cooking. Wood from a freshly cut
tree was used for the lug pole, so it would resist heat, but it had to be replaced frequently because
it dried out and charred, and was thus weakened. Sometimes the pole broke and the dinner fell
into the fire. When iron became easier to obtain, it was used instead of wood for lug poles, and
later fireplaces had pivoting metal rods to hang pots from.
Beside the fireplace and built as part of it was the oven. It was made like a small, secondary
fireplace with a flue leading into the main chimney to draw out smoke. Sometimes the door of the
oven faced the room, but most ovens were built with the opening facing into the fireplace. On
baking days (usually once or twice a week) a roaring fire of "oven wood," consisting of brown maple
sticks, was maintained in the oven until its walls were extremely hot. The embers were later
removed, bread dough was put into the oven, and the oven was sealed shut until the bread was
fully baked.
Not all baking was done in a big oven, however. Also used was an iron "bake kettle," which
looked like a stew pot on legs and which had an iron lid. This is said to have worked well when it
was placed in the fireplace, surrounded by glowing wood embers, with more embers piled on its

31. Which of the following aspects of domestic life in colonial North America does the
passage mainly discuss?
1. Methods of baking bread
2. Fireplace cooking
3. The use of iron kettles in a typical kitchen
4. The types of wood used in preparing meals

32. The author mentions the fireplaces built in the South to illustrate?
1. how the materials used were similar to the materials used in northeastern fireplaces
2. that they served diverse functions
3. that they were usually larger than northeastern fireplaces
4. how they were safer than northeastern fireplaces

33. The word "scorched" in line 6 is closest in meaning to..

1. burned
2. cut
3. enlarged
4. bent

34. The word "it" in line 6 refers to..

1. the stonework
2. the fireplace opening
3. the mantel tree
4. the rising column of heat

35. According to the passage, how was food usually cooked in a pot in the seventeenth century?
1. By placing the pot directly into the fire
2. By putting the pot in the oven
3. By filling the pot with hot water
4. By hanging the pot on a pole over the fire

36. The word "obtain" in line 12 is closest in meaning to

1. maintain
2. reinforce
3. manufacture
4. acquire

37. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 2 as a disadvantage of using a wooden lug
1. It was made of wood not readily available.
2. It was difficult to move or rotate.
3. It occasionally broke.
4. It became too hot to touch.

38. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that, compared to other firewood, "oven wood" produced
1. less smoke
2. more heat
3. fewer embers
4. lower flames

39. According to paragraph 3, all of the following were true of a colonial oven EXCEPT:
1. It was used to heat the kitchen every day.
2. It was built as part of the main fireplace.
3. The smoke it generated went out through the main chimney.
4. It was heated with maple sticks.

40. According to the passage, which of the following was an advantage of a "bake kettle"?
1. It did not take up a lot of space in the fireplace.
2. It did not need to be tightly closed.
3. It could be used in addition to or instead of the oven.
4. It could be used to cook several foods at one time.

Passage 6. Management Theory

(keyword: Gilbreth method, Frederick Taylor)

Although management principles have been implemented since ancient times, most
management scholars trace the beginning of modern management thought back to the early 1900s,
beginning with the pioneering work of Frederick Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor was the first person to
study work scientifically. He is most famous for introducing techniques of time and motion study,
differential piece rate systems, and for systematically specializing the work of operating employees
and managers. Along with other pioneers such as Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Taylor set the stage,
labelling his philosophy and methods “scientific management’. At that time, his philosophy, which was
concerned with productivity, but which was often misinterpreted as promoting worker interests at the
expense of management, was in marked contrast to the prevailing industrial norms of worker
The time and motion study concepts were popularized by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. The
Gilbreths had 12 children. By analyzing his children’s dishwashing and bedmaking chores, this pioneer
efficiency expert, Frank Gilbreth, hit on principles whereby workers could eliminate waste motion. He
was memorialized by two of his children in their 1949 book called “Cheaper by the Dozen”.
The Gilbreth methods included using stop watches to time worker movements and special tools
(cameras and special clocks) to monitor and study worker performance, and also involved
identification of “therbligs” (Gilbreth spelled backwards) – basic motions used in production jobs.
Many of these motions and accompanying times have been used to determine how long it should take
a skilled worker to perform a given job. In this way an industrial engineer can get a handle on the
approximate time it should take to produce a product or provide a service. However, use of work
analysis in this way is unlikely to lead to useful results unless all five work dimensions are considered:
physical, psychological, social, cultural, and power.

41. What is the passage primarily about?

1. The limitations of pioneering studies in understanding human behaviour
2. How time and motion studies were first developed
3. The first applications of a scientific approach to understanding human behaviour
4. The beginnings of modern management theory

42. The word “ which” in line 9 refers to

A. scientific management
B. philosophy
C. productivity
D. time and motion study

43. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that

1. workers welcomed the application of scientific management
2. Talor’s philosophy is different from the industrial norms
3. by the early 1900s science had reached a stage where it could be applied to the
4. workers were no longer exploited after the introduction of scientific management.

44. The word “prevailing” in line 10 is closest in meaning to

1. predominant
2. broadly accepted
3. prevalent
4. common

45. According to the passage, Frank Gilbreth discovered how workers could eliminate waste
motion by
1. using special tools such as cameras and clocks
2. using stop watches
3. applying scientific management principles
4. watching his children do their chores
46. According to the passage, the time it takes a skilled worker to perform the motion of a given
job can be measured by using:
1. stop watches
2. all 5 work dimensions
3. special tools
4. therbligs

47. The word “motions” in line 20 is closest in meaning to

1. stop watches
2. habits
3. actions
4. special tools

48. Where in the passage does the author comment that the principles of scientific management
were often misunderstood?
1. Lines 1-5
2. Lines 6-10
3. Lines 11-15
4. Lines 16-20

49. The word “ dimensions” in line 24 is closest in meaning to

1. sizes
2. extents
3. aspects
4. standards

50. All of the following are true except ..

1. scientific management was concerned with productivity.
2. the beginnings of modern management thought commenced in the 19th century.
3. Frank Gilbreth’s fame was enhanced by two of his children writing a book.
4. analyzing work to increase productivity is not likely to be useful unless all of the
dimensions are considered.

Passage 7. The Economic Growth of European Cities

The principle difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North American colonies
was the slow evolution of cities in the former and their rapid growth in the latter. In Europe they
grew over a period of centuries from town economies to their present urban structure. In North
America, they started as wilderness communities and developed to mature urbanism in little more
than a century.
In the early colonial days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic Coastline,
mostly in what are now New America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic United States and
in the lower Saint Lawrence valley in Canada. This was natural because these areas were nearest
England and France, particularly England, from which most capital goods (assets such as
equipment) and many consumer goods were imported Merchandising establishments were,
accordingly, advantageously located in port cities from which goods could be readily distributed to
interior settlements. Here, too, were the favored locations for processing raw materials prior to
export. Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, and other cities flourished, and, as the colonies
grew, these cities increased in importance.
This was less true in the colonial South, where life centered around large farms, known as
plantations, rather than around towns, as was the case in the areas further north along the Atlantic
coastline. The local isolation and the economic self-sufficiency of the plantations were
antagonistic to the development of the towns. The plantations maintained their independence
because they were located on navigable streams and each had a wharf accessible to the small
shipping of that day. In fact, one of the strongest factors in the selection of plantation land was the
desire to have it front on a water highway.
When the United States became an independent nation in 1776, it did not have a single city
as large as 50,000 inhabitants, but by 1820 it had a city of more than 10,000 people, and by 1880
it had recorded a city of over one million. It was not until after 1823, after the mechanization of the
spinning and weaving industries, that cities started drawing young people away from farms. Such
migration was particularly rapid following the Civil War (1861-1865).

51. What does the passage mainly discuss?

1. Factors that slowed the growth of cities in Europe
2. The evolution of cities in North America
3. Trade between North American and European cities
4. The effects of the United States’ independence on urban growth in New England.

52. The word “they” in line 4 refers to:

1. North American colonies
2. Cities
3. Centuries
4. Town economies

53. The passage compares early European and North American cities on the basis of
which of the following?
1. Their economic success
2. They type of merchandise they exported.
3. Their ability to distribute goods to interior settlements
4. The pace of their development

54. The word “accordingly” in line 11 is closest in meaning to:

A. As usual
B. In contrast
C. To some degree
D. For that reason

55. According to the passage, early colonial cities were established along the Atlantic
coastline of North America due to:
A. An abundance of natural resources
B. Financial support from colonial governments
C. Proximity to parts of Europe
D. A favourable climate

56. The passage indicates that during colonial times, the Atlantic coastline cities prepared
which of the following for shipment to Europe?
1. Manufacturing equipment
2. Capital goods
3. Consumer goods
4. Raw materials

57. According to the passage, all of the following aspects of the plantation system influenced the
growth of southern cities EXCEPT the:
1. Location of the plantations
2. Access of plantation owners to shipping
3. Relationships between plantation residents and city residents
4. Economic self – sufficiency of the plantation

58. It can be inferred from the passage that, in comparison with northern cities, most southern
cities were:
1. more prosperous
2. smaller
3. less economically self-sufficient
4. tied less closely to England than to France

59. The word “recorded” in line 26 is closest in meaning to:

1. Imagined
2. Discovered
3. Documented
4. Planned

60. The word “drawing” in line 27 is closest in meaning to:

1. Attracting
2. Employing
3. Instructing
4. Representing
61. The passage mentions the period following the Civil War (line 28 – 29) because it was a
time of:
1. Significant obstacles to industrial growth
2. Decreased dependence on foreign trade
3. Increased numbers of people leaving employment on farms
4. Increased migration from northern states to southern states

Passage 8. Children’s book

After 1785, the production of children's books in the United States increased but remained
largely reprints of British books, often those published by John Newbery, the first publisher to
produce books aimed primarily at diverting a child audience. Ultimately, however, it was not the
cheerful, commercial-minded Newhery, but Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the
strongest influence on this period of American children's literature. The eighteenth century had
seen a gradual shift away from the spiritual intensity of earlier American religious writings for
children, toward a more generalized moralism. Newbery notwithstanding, Americans still looked
on children's books as vehicles for instruction, not amusement, though they would accept a
moderate amount of fictional entertainment for the sake of more successful instruction. As the
children's book market expanded, then, what both public and publishers wanted was the kind of
fiction Maria Edgeworth wrote: stories interesting enough to attract children and morally
instructive enough to allay adult distrust of fiction.
American reaction against imported books for children set in after the War of 1812 with
the British. A wave of nationalism permeated everything, and the self-conscious new nation found
foreign writings (particularly those from the British monarchy) unsuitable for the children of a
democratic republic, a slate of self-governing, equal citizens. Publishers of children's books
began to encourage American writers to write for American children. When they responded, the
pattern established by Maria Edgeworth was at hand, attractive to most of them for both its
rationalism and its high moral tone. Early in the 1820's, stories of willful children learning to obey,
of careless children learning to take care, of selfish children learning to "tire for others," started to
flow from American presses, successfully achieving Edgeworth's tone, though rarely her lively
style. Imitative as they were, these early American stories we quite distinguishable from their
British counterparts.
Few servants appeared in them, and if class distinctions had by no means disappeared,
there was much democratic insistence on the worthiness of every level of birth and work. The
characters of children in this fiction were serious, conscientious, self -reflective, and
independent-testimony to the continuing influence of the earlier American moralistic tradition in
children's books.

62. What does the passage mainly discuss?

1. The career of Maria Edgeworth as an author of children's books.
2. The development of children's literature in the United States
3. Successful publishers of children's books in Britain and North America
4. Basic dierences between British and American
Tipe soal: Main Idea Question Cara Jawab: Cukup lihat baris pertama setiap paragraph
Paragraf 1: After 1785, the production of children's books in the United States increased but
remained largely reprints of British books ....
Paragraf 2: American reaction against imported books for children set in after the War of 1812
with the British.

63. The publisher John Newbery is principally known for which of the following reasons?
1. He produced and sold books written by Maria Edgeworth.
2. He had more inuence on children American children's literature than any other publisher.
3. He published books aimed at amusing children rather than instructing them.
4. He was commercially minded and cheerful.


Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner diminta u/ mengidentikasi informasi spesik
yg secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage) Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi
informasi spesik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan
Keyword: John Newbery is principally known

• ... often those published by John Newbery, the first publisher to produce books aimed
primarily at diverting a child audience.
• it was not the cheerful, commercial-minded Newbery , but Anglo-Irish author Maria
Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this period of American children's literature.

64. The word "notwithstanding" in line 8 is closest in meaning to

1. in spite of
2. in addition to
3. as a result of
4. as a part of
Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage) Cara Jawab:
1 Temukan sinonim dari kata yang dipertanyakan;
2 Jika dalam pilihan jawaban terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna jawaban
dengan konteks kalimat → notwithstanding = in spite of = despite (walaupun - kontrast)

65. The word "they" in line 9 refers to

1. Children
2. Americans
3. Books
4. Vehicles
Identifikasi pronoun (kata ganti) -letak jawabannya sebelum pronoun. Newbery
notwithstanding, Americans still looked on children's books as vehicles for instruction, not
amusement though they would accept a moderate amount of fictional entertainment for the
sake of more successful instruction.

66. The word "allay" in line 11 is closest in meaning to

1. Clarify
2. Attack
3. reduce
4. confirm


i Temukan sinonim dari kata yang dipertanyakan;

ii Jika dalam pilihan jawaban terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan
konteks kalimat → allay = reduce (mengurangi)

67. It can be inferred from the passage that American children's books sold before 1785 were
almost always
1. written by Maria Edgeworth
2. attractive and interesting to children
3. written by American authors
4. intended only for religious and moral

68. By the end of the eighteenth century, the publishers of children’s looks in the United States
were most concerned about which of the following?
1. Attracting children with entertaining stories that provided lessons of correct behavior.
2. Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories that would appeal to both children and
3. Expanding markets for books in both Britain and the United States
4. Reprinting ctional books from earlier in the century
Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner diminta u/ mengidentikasi informasi spesik yg
secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage) Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi
spesik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan .

69. The word "permeated" in line 15

1. Opposed
2. Improved
3. competed with
4. spread through
Pembahasan: permeated = spread trough (menyebar ke seluruh)
70. According to the passage, American children's stories differed from their British equivalents
in that the characters in American stories were
1. children who showed a change of behavior
2. children who were well behaved
3. rarely servants
4. generally not from a variety of social classes


Keyword: differed from →Imitative as they were, these early American stories were quite
distinguishable from their British counterparts. Few servants appeared in them .... Few
berarti hampir tidak ada atau jarang (rarely)

71. The word" testimony to" in line 28 is closest in meaning to

1. inspiration for
2. evidence of
3. requirement for
4. development of
Pembahasan: testimony to (kesaksian) = evidence of (bukti)

Passage 9. Pasific Ocean Islands

Next to its sheer size, the profound isolation of its many small islands is the most distinctive
feature of the Pacific Ocean. Over 25,000 islands are scattered across the surface of the Pacific,
more than in all the other oceans combined, but their land area adds up to little more than 125,000
square kilometers, about the size of New York State, and their inhabitants total less than two
million people, about a quarter of the number that live in New York City. The oceanic islands of the
Pacific are some of the most isolated places on Earth. Many are uninhabitable, by virtue of their
small size and particular characteristics, but even the most favored are very isolated fragments of
land, strictly circumscribed by the ocean, strictly limited in terms of the numbers of people they
can support. This basic fact of environmental circumstance has been the most pervasive influence
in determining the social arrangements, and cultural practices of the people that settled in the
Pacific Islands.
The peopling of the Pacific Islands has been described as the greatest feat of maritime
colonization in human history. Contrary to the conclusions of Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition
of 1946, the evidence of plant dispersal, archaeology, linguistics, and genetics now shows quite
conclusively that the Pacific Islands were not populated from tile east by South Americans who
drifted on balsa-wood rafts and the prevailing wind and current, but from the west, by groups from
mainland Asia who gradually spread from island to island out into the Pacific. The process began
over 40,000 years ago and reached Easter Island the most isolated place on Earth-about 1.500
years ago. It ended about 1,000 years ago, when people first settled in Hawaii and New Zealand.
Simply surviving those ocean crossings of indeterminate length, in open canoes, to arrive on
the shores of uninhabited and hitherto unknown islands, was a formidable achievement. But
having found an oasis of land in a watery wilderness, crossed its reef, and landed, on its shores,
the survivors then faced a series of pressing problems for which solutions had to be found quickly
if the small group was to become a vigorous, self- sustaining island population.

72. The word "scattered" in line 2 is closest in meaning to

1. widely known
2. usually estimated
3. rarely inhabited
4. irregularly distributed

73. Why does the author mention New population of the Pacific York City in line 5?
1. To emphasize how small the population of the Pacific Islands is
2. To emphasize the extreme distances between the Pacific Islands and other regions
3. To note the economic ties of the Pacific Islands to other regions
4. To note the lack of urban environments on the Pacific Islands

74. The phrase "by virtue of" in line 6 is closest in meaning to

1. regarding
2. because of
3. taking advantage of
4. in place of

75. The word "circumscribed" in line 7 is closest in meaning to

1. located
2. flooded
3. restricted
4. pushed

76. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as evidence used to determine the origins of Pacific
Islands people?
1. Oral histories
2. Plant dispersal
3. Linguistics
4. Archaeology

77. According to the-passage, where did the original inhabitants of the Pacific Islands come from?
1. South America
2. Hawaii
3. New Zealand
4. Asia
78. The word "It” in line 16 refers to ..
1. Pacific
2. process
3. isolated place
4. Earth

79. The word "indeterminate" in line 18 is closest in meaning to ..

1. undecided
2. uncertain
3. unacceptable
4. increasing

80. The passage is most likely followed by a discussion of..

1. how settlers adapted to newly discovered Pacific Ocean Islands
2. the design and construction of canoes used in the Pacific Islands
3. the characteristics sties of reefs in the Pacific Islands
4. how early explorers of the Pacific Ocean found their way from island to island

Passage 10. Language

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic
continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7000
and 3000 B.C.) and the languages of the modem world, and we cannot yet translate the Old
European script, Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian,
and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual
inscriptions, When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the eighteenth century, scholars
could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in baa at the end of the eighteenth century
provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages,
Old Persian and New Elamite--languages that had already been deciphered. It took several
decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old
Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops
unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late eighteenth century. The stone carried the same
message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of
hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars' efforts for several decades until the early
nineteenth century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek
inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences
between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
Tim incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late fifth to the early third
millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old
European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years As the Indo- Europeans
encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals.
These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed
script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture
remained for several millennia, ~ new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to
the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used
to write them, declined and eventually vanished.

81. What does the passage mainly discuss?

1. Reasons for the failure to understand the written records of Old European culture
2. Influences on the development of Old European script
3. Similarities between Old European script and other ancient writing systems
4. Events leading to the discovery of Old European script

82. According to the passage, New Elamite is

1. a language that was written in the cuneiform script
2. a modem language that came from Old Persian
3. one of the languages spoken by the Old Europeans
4. a language that was understood by the late eighteenth century

83. According to the passage, scholars were able to decipher cuneiform script with the help of
1. the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian languages
2. Old Persian
3. tablets written in Old European
4. a language spoken in eighteenth century Iran

84. The word “fortuitous” in line 5 is closet in meaning to

1. important
2. sudden
3. early
4. lucky

85. The word "them" in line 6 refers to

1. Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian
2. bilingual inscriptions
3. cuneiform tablets
4. scholars

86. When does the passage suggest that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs script was finally
1. At around the same time as cuneiform script was deciphered
2. Shortly before the Rosetta stone was unearthed
3. As soon as additional bilingual inscriptions became available to scholars
4. A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded

87. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Rosetta stone?
1. It was found by scholars trying to decode ancient languages.
2. It contains two versions of hieroglyphic script.
3. Several of its inscriptions were decoded within a few months of its discovery.
4. Most of its inscriptions have still not been decoded.

88. The word "thwarted" in line 14 is closest in meaning to

1. continued
2. influenced
3. encouraged
4. frustrated

89. According to the passage, Indo-European incursions caused Old European populations to
1. separate into different tribes
2. move eastward
3. change their ways of living obtaining food
4. start recording historical events in Writing

90. The author mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to explain why
1. Indo-European languages were slow to spread in Old Europe
2. the inhabitants of Old Europe were not able to prevent Indo-European incursions
3. the use of the Old European script declined
4. the Old European culture survived for a time after the Indo-European incursion.

The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture
remained for several millennia. Penulis mau menjelaskan bahwa Old European culture itu
tetap dapat bertahan beberapa waktu, meskipun akhirnya ilang juga.

Passage 11. Lichens

Lichens, probably the hardiest of all plants, live where virtually nothing else can-not just on
rugged mountain peaks but also on sunbaked desert rocks. They are usually the first life to
appear on a mountainside that has been scraped bare by an avalanche. Unlike other members
of the plant kingdom, lichens are actually a partnership between two plants. The framework of
a lichen is usually a network of minute hairlike fungus that anchors the plant. The other
component is an alga (similar to the green film of plant life that grows on stagnant pools) that is
distributed throughout the fungus. Being green plants, algae are capable of photosynthesis--
that is, using energy from the Sun to manufacture their own food. The fungi are believed to
supply water, minerals, and physical support to the partnership.
Lichens are famous for their ability to survive ~ water shortage. When water is scarce (as is
often the case on a mountain), lichens may become dormant and remain in that condition for
prolonged periods of time. Some lichens can even grow where there is no rain at all, surviving
on only occasional dew--the moisture that condenses on the surface of the plants at night. And
unlike most other plants, lichens are little affected by the strong ultraviolet rays in the
Lichens use little energy, for they grow slowly. Some grow so slowly and are so old that they
are called "time stains." You may find lichens that are centuries old; certain of these lichen
colonies have been established for an estimated 2,000 years. For decades, scientists
wondered how the offspring of an alga and a fungus got together to form a new lichen, it seemed
unlikely that they would just happen to encounter one another. It was finally discovered that in
many cases the two partners have never been separated. Stalk like "buds" that form on certain
lichens are broken off by the wind or by animals; these toll or are blown to a new location.

91. Which of the following questions does the passage answer?

1. Where can the oldest lichen be found?
2. How long does it take for lichens to establish themselves?
3. How large can lichens he?
4. Where do lichens usually occur?

92. The word "hardiest" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

1. most unusual
2. most basic
3. most abundant
4. most vigorous
➔ hardiest = most vigorous = strongest

93. The word "framework" in line 4 is closest in meaning to

1. structure
2. fragment
3. condition
4. environment
→ framework = structure

94. The author mentions "the green film of plant life that grows on stagnant pools" (lines 5-6)
in order to explain
1. how the sun affects lichens
2. why plants depend on water
3. where fungi become algae
4. what algae are

95. It can be inferred from the passage that lichens use less energy and grow more slowly when
1. the environment is polluted
2. they are exposed to ultraviolet rays
3. they are very old
4. the supply of water is inadequate

Jika deskripsi dari new phenomenon, yg diujikan karakteristik dari old phenomenon.
Lichens are famous for their ability to survive ~ water shortage. When water is scarce (as is
often the case on a mountain), lichens may become dormant and remain in that condition for
prolonged periods of time.

96. Which of the following term is defined in the passage?

1. "anchors" (line 5)
2. "stagnant" (line 6)
3. "dew" (line 11)
4. "ultraviolet" (line 13)

→ dew--the moisture that condenses on the surface of the plants at night

97. The word "prolonged" in line 10 is closest in meaning to

1. precise
2. extended
3. approximate
4. regular
→prolonged = extended = panjang (lama)

98. All of the following are mentioned in the discussion of lichens EXCEPT
1. They are capable of producing their own food.
2. They require large amounts of minerals to prosper.
3. They are a union of two separate plants.
4. They can live thousands of years.

99. What does the phrase "lichen colonies (line 15) suggest?
1. Nothing but lichens live in some locations.
2. Many lichens live together in one area.
3. Lichens displace the plants that surround them.
4. Certain groups of lichens have never been separated.
→colony = a group of animals, insects or plants of the same type that live together

100. The word "encounter" in line 17 is closest in meaning to

A. lose
B. support
C. meet
D. create
→ encounter = meet = bertemu

101. The word "these" in line 19 refers to

A. partners
B. buds
C. lichens
D. animals
➔ Stalk like "buds" that form on certain lichens are broken off by the wind or by animals;
these toll or are blown to a new

Passage 12. Homo Sapiens (Archaic Homo sapiens)

There are two main hypotheses when it comes to explaining the emergence of modern humans.
The ‘Out of Africa’ theory holds that homo sapiens burst onto the scene as a new species around
150,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa and subsequently replaced archaic humans such as the
Neandertals. The other model, known as multi-regional evolution or regional continuity, posits far
more ancient and diverse roots for our kind. Proponents of this view believe that homo sapiens
arose in Africa some 2 million years ago and evolved as a single species spread across the Old
World, with populations in different regions linked through genetic and cultural exchange.
Of these two models, Out of Africa, which was originally developed based on fossil evidence,
and supported by much genetic research, has been favored by the majority of evolution scholars.
The vast majority of these genetic studies have focused on DNA from living populations, and
although some small progress has been made in recovering DNA from Neandertal that appears
to support multi-regionalism, the chance of recovering nuclear DNA from early human fossils is
quite slim at present. Fossils thus remain very much a part of the human origins debate.
Another means of gathering theoretical evidence is through bones. Examinations of early
modern human skulls from Central Europe and Australia dated to between 20,000 and 30,000
years old have suggested that both groups apparently exhibit traits seen in their Middle Eastern
and African predecessors. But the early modern specimens from Central Europe also display
Neandertal traits, and the early modern Australians showed affinities to archaic Homo from
Indonesia. Meanwhile, the debate among paleoanthropologists continues, as supporters of the
two hypotheses challenge the evidence and conclusions of each other.

102. The passage primarily discusses which of the following

1. Evidence that supports the “Out of Africa” theory
2. Two hypotheses and some evidence on the human origins debate
3. The difficulties in obtaining agreement among theorists on the human origins debate
4. That fossils remain very much a part of the human origins debate
103. The word “emergence” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
1. complexity
2. development
3. appearance
4. decline

104. The word “proponents” in line 6 is closet in meaning to

1. experts
2. advocates
3. inspectors
4. historians
105. All of the following are true except
1. three methods of gathering evidence are mentioned in the passage
2. the multi-regional model goes back further in history.
3. the Out of Africa model has had more support from scholars
4. DNA studies offer one of the best ways in future to provide clear evidence
106. The word “slim” in line 14 is closest in meaning to
1. small
2. narrow
3. thin
4. difficult

107. Which of the following is not true

1. the vast majority of genetic studies have focused on living populations
2. early modern human skulls all support the same conclusions
3. both hypotheses focus on Africa as a location for the new species.
4. early modern Australian skulls have similarities to those from Indonesia.

108. In line 18, the word “their ” refers to which of the following
1. Middle Easterners and Africans
2. Skulls
3. central Europeans and Australian
4. traits

109. Which of the following is NOT true about the two hypotheses
1. Both hypotheses regard Neandertals to be the predecessors of modern humans
2. Genetic studies have supported both hypotheses
3. Both hypotheses cite Africa as an originating location.
4. One hypothesis dates the emergence of homo sapiens much earlier than the other.
110. It can be inferred from the passage that
1. there is likely to be an end to the debate in the near future
2. the debate will interest historians to take part in
3. the debate is likely to be less important in future
4. there is little likelihood that the debate will die down

111. According to the passage, the multi-regional evolution model posits far more diverse roots
for our kind because
1. Evidence from examinations of early modern human skulls has come from a number
of different parts of the world.
2. DNA from Neandertal appears to support multi-regionalism
3. Populations in different regions were linked through genetic and cultural exchange
4. This has been supported by fossil evidence

Passage 13.
B. Reading Terbaru
(20 Maret 2024)

Passage 1. Venus (klo gasala Venus ini masuk)

The first maps of Venus were made using radar beams transmitted from Earth. Radar was the
only way to map its surface, because the clouds on Venus are so thick that the surface cannot be
seen through them. The results of these early attempts at mapping were relatively crude and
difficult to interpret, although the regions known as Alpha and Beta Regiones were discovered. The
first direct view of the surface came from probes, which were landed on Venus in 1975 by the
spacecraft Venera 9 and 10, and showed a dry rock-strewn surface. Maps of the surface improved
dramatically in 1978, when the Pioneer-Venus 1 spacecraft went into orbit around Venus, equipped
with a radar altimeter. It showed huge rolling plains stretching right around the planet, some
lowland areas, and two highland regions called Ishtar and Aphrodite.
The peaks of the highest mountains, Maxwell Montes, in the eastern part of Ishtar, were found
to be 12,000 meters above the general surface level, so they are appreciably higher than the
Himalayas. Aphrodite, which is larger than Ishtar, has a vast rift valley at its eastern end nearly
3,000 meters deep, 2,200 kilometers long, and 280 kilometers wide. Two shield volcanoes, broad
volcanoes formed of successive outpourings of lava, which are much larger than any found on
Earth, were also found isolated from the two upland areas. Six years later a great many impact
craters and small volcanoes were found by Venera 15 and 16 orbiters.
Later yet, the Magellan spacecraft entered orbit around Venus in August 1990, and over the
next two years completed a detailed radar mapping of the surface. It found that the surface is
mostly volcanic, with large lava-flooded plains and thousands of volcanoes. There are also signs of
tectonic activity, which has caused, for example, multiple faulting and deep fractures. There are a
number of rift valleys, some of which have been partly flooded by molten lava, and a number of
impact craters, the density of which has enabled the ages of various areas to be estimated. The
absence of impact craters in an area suggests an age of no more than a few tens of millions of years.
1. The passage mainly discusses how
(A) radar technology improved over time
(B) the surface of Venus compares to Earth’s surface
(C) the age of Venus was determined scientifically
(D) knowledge about the surface of Venus was obtained

2. The passage mentions that radar beams were used to obtain the first maps of Venus because
(A) allowed for mapping more than the two regions already familiar to scientists
(B) could penetrate the clouds that concealed the surface of Venus
(C) were the least expensive method of mapping at the time
(D) could be transmitted easily from Earth

3. The word “equipped” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) selected
(B) adjusted
(C) inspected
(D) furnished

4. The author discusses Maxwell Montes together with the Himalayas in the passage in order to
(A) indicate their similar composition
(B) establish the height of Maxwell Montes
(C) indicate that the terrain on Earth resembles the terrain on Venus
(D) compare the origins of the two mountain ranges

5. The word “appreciably” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) surprisingly
(B) probably
(C) noticeably
(D) consistently

6. The word “vast” in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) extensive
(B) remote
(C) obvious
(D) raised

7. The word “isolated” in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) surrounded
(B) separated
(C) accumulated
(D) elevated

8. Pioneer-Venus 1 discovered that Venus had all of the following features EXCEPT
(A) impact craters
(B) lowlands
(C) mountains
(D) shield volcanoes

9. The Magellan spacecraft discovered that most of the surface of Venus is covered with
(A) faults and fractures
(B) rift valleys
(C) lava and volcanoes
(D) impact craters

10. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists use the density of impact craters on Venus
to determine which of the following?
(A) The cause of the faults and fractures
(B) The age of different areas of the planet’s surface
(C) The areas that are most geologically active
(D) The amount of flooding of rift valley areas
Passage 2. Neutron star, white dwarf, black holes

The discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black hole, coming well after
the discovery of the red giant are among the most exciting developments in decades because they
may be well present physicists with their greatest challenge since the failure of classical
mechanics. In the life cycle of the star, after all of the hydrogen and helium fuel has been burned,
the delicate balance between the outer nuclear radiation pressure and the stable gravitational
force becomes disturbed and slow contraction begins. As compression increases, a very dense
plasma forms. If the initial star had mass of less than 1.4 solar masses (1.4 times the mass of our
sun), the process ceases at the density of 1,000 tons per cubic inch, and the star becomes the
white dwarf. However, if the star was originally more massive, the white dwarf plasma can’t resist
the gravitational pressures, and in rapid collapse, all nuclei of the star are converted to a gas of
free neutrons. Gravitational attraction compresses this neutron gas rapidly until a density of 10
tons per cubic inch is reached; at this point the strong nuclear force resists further contraction. If
the mass of the star was between 1.4 and a few solar masses, the process stops here, and we
have a neutron star.
But if the original star was more massive than a few solar masses, even the strong nuclear
forces cannot resist the gravitational crunch. The neutrons are forced into one another to form
heavier hadrons and these in turn coalesce to form heavier entities, of which we as yet know
nothing. At this point, a complete collapse of the stellar mass occurs; existing theories predict a
collapse to infinite density and infinitely small dimensions Well before this, however, the surface
gravitational force would become so strong that no signal could ever leave the star - any photon
emitted would fall back under gravitational attraction – and the star would become black hole in
This gravitational collapse poses a fundamental challenge to physics. When the most
widely accepted theories predict such improbable things as infinite density and infinitely small
dimensions, it simply means that we are missing some vital insight. This last happened in physics
in the 1930’s, when we faced the fundamental paradox concerning atomic structure. At that time,
it was recognized that electrons moved in table orbits about nuclei in atoms. However, it was also
recognized that if charge is accelerated, as it must be to remain in orbit, it radiates energy; so,
theoretically, the electron would be expected eventually to spiral into the nucleus and destroy the
atom. Studies centered around this paradox led to the development of quantum mechanics. It
may well be that an equivalent t advance awaits us in investigating the theoretical problems
presented by the phenomenon of gravitational collapse.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) offer new explanations for the collapse of stars.
(B) explain the origins of black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs.
(C) compare the structure of atoms with the structure of the solar system.
(D) explain how the collapse of stars challenges accepted theories of physics.
(E) describe the imbalance between radiation pressure and gravitational force.
2. According to the passage, in the final stages of its development our own sun is likely to take
the form of a
(A) white dwarf
(B) neutron star
(C) red giant
(D) gas of free neutrons
(E) black hole
3. According to the passage, an imbalance arises between nuclear radiation pressure and
gravitational force in stars because
(A) the density of a star increases as it ages
(B) radiation pressure increases as a star increases in mass
(C) radiation pressure decreases when a star’s fuel has been consumed
(D) the collapse of a star increases its gravitational force.
(E) a dense plasma decreases the star’s gravitational force.

4. The author asserts that the discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black
hole are significant because these discoveries.
(A) demonstrate the probability of infinite density and infinitely small dimensions
(B) pose the most comprehensive and fundamental problem faced by physicists in
(C) clarify the paradox suggested by the collapse of electrons into atomic nuclei.
(D) establish the relationship between the mass and gravitational pressure.
(E) assist in establishing the age of the universe by tracing the life histories of stars.

5. The author introduces the discussion of the paradox concerning atomic structures(in
highlighted text) in order to
(A) Show why it was necessary to develop quantum mechanics
(B) Compare the structure of an atom with the structure of a star
(C) Demonstrate by analogy that a vital insight in astrophysics is missing
(D) Illustrate the contention that improbable things do happen in astrophysics
(E) Argue that atoms can collapse if their electrons do not remain in orbit.

6. According to the passage, paradoxes are useful in scientific investigation because they
(A) point to the likelihood of impending discoveries
(B) assist scientists in making comparisons with other branches of knowledge
(C) disprove theories that have been called into question
(D) call attention to inadequacies of existing theory
(E) suggest new hypotheses that can be tested by observation
Passage 3. Plants and minerals/ Indian mustard

Research has shown that certain minerals are required by plants for normal growth and
development. The soil is the source of these minerals, which are absorbed by the plant with the
water from the soil. Even nitrogen, which is a gas in its elemental state, is normally absorbed from
the soil as nitrate ions. Some soils are notoriously deficient in micro nutrients and are therefore
unable to support most plant life. So-called serpentine soils, for example, are deficient in calcium,
and only plants able to tolerate low levels of this mineral can survive. In modern agriculture, mineral
depletion of soils is a major concern, since harvesting crops interrupts the recycling of nutrients
back to the soil.
Mineral deficiencies can often be detected by specific symptoms such as chlorosis (loss of
chlorophyll resulting in yellow or white leaf tissue), necrosis (isolated dead patches), anthocyanin
formation (development of deep red pigmentation of leaves or stem), stunted growth, and
development of woody tissue in an herbaceous plant. Soils are most commonly deficient in
nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen-deficient plants exhibit many of the symptoms just described.
Leaves develop chlorosis; stems are short and slender, and anthocyanin discoloration occurs on
stems, petioles, and lower leaf surfaces. Phosphorus-deficient plants are often stunted, with
leaves turning a characteristic dark green, often with the accumulation of anthocyanin. Typically,
older leaves are affected first as the phosphorus is mobilized to young growing tissue. Iron
deficiency is characterized by chlorosis between veins in young leaves.
Much of the research on nutrient deficiencies is based on growing plants hydroponically, that
is, in soilless liquid nutrient solutions. This technique allows researchers to create solutions that
selectively omit certain nutrients and then observe the resulting effects on the plants. Hydroponics
has applications beyond basic research, since it facilitates the growing of greenhouse vegetables
during winter. Aeroponics, a technique in which plants are suspended and the roots misted with a
nutrient solution, is another method for growing plants without soil.
While mineral deficiencies can limit the growth of plants, an overabundance of certain
minerals can be toxic and can also limit growth. Saline soils, which have high concentrations of
sodium chloride and other salts, limit plant growth, and research continues to focus on developing
salt-tolerant varieties of agricultural crops. Research has focused on the toxic effects of heavy
metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and aluminum; however, even copper and zinc, which are
essential elements, can become toxic in high concentrations. Although most plants cannot survive
in these soils, certain plants have the ability to tolerate high levels of these minerals.
Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyperaccumulators, can
concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal. A survey of known
hyperaccumulators identified that 75 percent of them amassed nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc,
manganese, lead, and cadmium are other minerals of choice. Hyperaccumulators run the entire
range of the plant world. They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees. Many members of the mustard
family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators. Many are found
in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where accumulation of high concentrations of metals
may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
Only recently have investigators considered using these plants to clean up soil and waste sites
that have been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals–an environmentally friendly approach
known as phytoremediation. This scenario begins with the planting of hyperaccumulating species
in the target area, such as an abandoned mine or an irrigation pond contaminated by runoff. Toxic
minerals would first be absorbed by roots but later relocated to the stem and leaves. A harvest of
the shoots would remove the toxic compounds off site to be burned or composted to recover the
metal for industrial uses. After several years of cultivation and harvest, the site would be restored
at a cost much lower than the price of excavation and reburial, the standard practice for
remediation of contaminated soils. For examples, in field trials, the plant alpine pennycress
removed zinc and cadmium from soils near a zinc smelter, and Indian mustard, native to Pakistan
and India, has been effective in reducing levels of selenium salts by 50 percent in contaminated

1. According to paragraph 1, what is true of plants that can grow in serpentine soil?
(A) They absorb micronutrients unusually well.
(B) They require far less calcium than most plants do.
(C) They are able to absorb nitrogen in its elemental state.
(D) They are typically crops raised for food.

2. The word “exhibit” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) fight off
(B) show
(C) cause
(D) spread

3. According to paragraph 2, which of the following symptoms occurs in phosphorus-deficient

plants but not in plants deficient in nitrogen or iron?
(A) Chlorosis on leaves
(B) Change in leaf pigmentation to a dark shade of green
(C) Short, stunted appearance of stems
(D) Reddish pigmentation on the leaves or stem

4. According to paragraph 2, a symptom of iron deficiency is the presence in young leaves of

(A) deep red discoloration between the veins
(B) white or yellow tissue between the veins
(C) dead spots between the veins
(D) characteristic dark green veins

5. The word “facilitates” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) slows down
(B) affects
(C) makes easier
(D) focuses on

6. According to paragraph 3, what is the advantage of hydroponics for research on nutrient

deficiencies in plants?
(A) It allows researchers to control what nutrients a plant receives.
(B) It allows researchers to observe the growth of a large number of plants simultaneously.
(C) It is possible to directly observe the roots of plants.
(D) It is unnecessary to keep misting plants with nutrient solutions.
7. The word “suspended” in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) grown
(B) protected
(C) spread out
(D) hung

8. Why does the author mention “herbs”, “shrubs”, and “trees”?

(A) To provide examples of plant types that cannot tolerate high levels of harmful minerals.
(B) To show why so many plants are hyperaccumulators.
(C) To help explain why hyperaccumulators can be found in so many different places.
(D) To emphasize that hyperaccumulators occur in a wide range of plant types.

9. The word “afford” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) offer
(B) prevent
(C) increase
(D) removes

10. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.
(A) Before considering phytoremediation, hyperaccumulating species of plants local to the
target area must be identified.
(B) The investigation begins with an evaluation of toxic sites in the target area to determine the
extent of contamination.
(C) The first step in phytoremediation is the planting of hyperaccumulating plants in the
area to be cleaned up.
(D) Mines and irrigation ponds can be kept from becoming contaminated by planting
hyperaccumulating species in targeted areas.

11. It can be inferred from paragraph 6 that compared with standard practices for remediation of
contaminated soils, phytoremediation
(A) does not allow for the use of the removed minerals for industrial purposes
(B) can be faster to implement
(C) is equally friendly to the environment
(D) is less suitable for soils that need to be used within a short period of time

12. Why does the author mention “Indian mustard”?

(A) To warn about possible risks involved in phytoremediation
(B) To help illustrate the potential of phytoremediation
(C) To show that hyperaccumulating plants grow in many regions of the world
(D) To explain how zinc contamination can be reduced
Passage 4. Swift Stream
A large, swift stream or river can carry all sizes of particles, from clay to boulders. When the
current slows down, its competence (how much it can carry) decreases and the stream deposits
the largest particles in the streambed. If current velocity continues to decrease-as a flood wanes,
for example-finer particles settle out on top of the large ones. Thus, a stream sorts its sediment
according to size. A waning flood might deposit a layer of gravel, overlain by sand and finally
topped by silt and clay. Streams also sort sediment in the downstream direction. Many mountain
streams are choked with boulders and cobbles, but far downstream, their deltas are composed
mainly of fine silt and clay. This downstream sorting is curious because stream velocity generally
increases in the downstream direction. Competence increases with velocity, so a river should be
able to transport larger particles than its tributaries carry. One explanation for downstream sorting
is that abrasion wears away the boulders and cobbles to sand and silt as the sediment moves
downstream over the years. Thus, only the fine sediment reaches the lower parts of most rivers.
A stream deposits its sediment in three environments: Alluvial fans and deltas form where
stream gradient (angle of incline) suddenly decreases as a stream enters a flat plain, a lake, or the
sea; floodplain deposits accumulate on a floodplain adjacent to the stream channel; and channel
deposits form in the stream channel itself. Bars, which are elongated mounds of sediment, are
transient features that form in the stream channel and on the banks. They commonly form in one
year and erode the next. Rivers used for commercial navigation must be recharted frequently
because bars shift from year to year. Imagine a winding stream. The water on the outside of the
curve moves faster than the water on the inside. The stream erodes its outside bank because the
current`s inertia drives it into the outside bank. At the same time, the slower water on the inside
point of the bend deposits sediment, forming a point bar. A mid-channel bar is a sandy and
gravelly deposit that forms in the middle of a stream channel.
Most streams flow in a single channel. In contrast, a braided stream flows in many shallow,
interconnecting channels. A braided stream forms where more sediment is supplied to a stream
than it can carry. The stream dumps the excess sediment, forming mid-channel bars. The bars
gradually fill a channel, forcing the stream to overflow its banks and erode new channels. As a
result, a braided stream flows simultaneously in several channels and shifts back and forth
across its floodplain. Braided streams are common in both deserts and glacial environments
because both produce abundant sediment. A desert yields large amounts of sediment because it
has little or no vegetation to prevent erosion. Glaciers grind bedrock into fine sediment, which is
carried by streams flowing from the melting ice. If a steep mountain stream flows onto a flat plain,
its gradient and velocity decrease sharply. As a result, it deposits most of its sediment in a fan-
shaped mound called an alluvial fan. Alluvial fans are common in many arid and semiarid
mountainous regions.
A stream also slows abruptly where it enters the still water of a lake or ocean. The sediment
settles out to form a nearly flat landform called a delta. Part of the delta lies above water level,
and the remainder lies slightly below water level. Deltas are commonly fan-shaped, resembling
the Greek letter "delta" (Δ). Both deltas and alluvial fans change rapidly. Sediment fills channels
(waterways), which are then abandoned while new channels develop as in a braided stream. As
a result, a stream feeding a delta or fan splits into many channels called distributaries. A large
delta may spread out in this manner until it covers thousands of square kilometers. Most fans,
however, are much smaller, covering a fraction of a square kilometer to a few square kilometers.
The Mississippi River has flowed through seven different delta channels during the past 5,000 to
6,000 years. But in recent years, engineers have built great systems of levees (retaining walls) in
attempts to stabilize the channels.
1. Nn According to paragraph 1, the competence of a stream increases as
(A) downstream sorting decreases
(B) flooding wanes
(C) the speed of the current increases
(D) the size of particles increases

2. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of stream sorting EXCEPT:
(A) Most of the particles in mountain streams pile up behind boulders and cobbles.
(B) When particles of different sizes settle in a place, the smaller ones sit atop the larger ones.
(C) There are generally more large particles upstream than downstream in a river.
(D) In some situations, downstream particles are created from rocks that eroded as they
traveled downstream.

3. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true about bars in streams?

(A) They start forming in the stream channel and then expand over the banks.
(B) They seldom form in rivers that are used for commercial navigation.
(C) They tend to grow longer each year.
(D) They often last no more than a year.

4. Why does the author ask the reader to “Imagine a winding stream” ?
(A) To explain how the presence of bars changes the speed and direction of water flow in a
(B) To explain why bars are more common than alluvial fans or other types of sediment
(C) To illustrate the particular difficulties that commercial navigation faces on many rivers
(D) To help explain how point bars are formed

5. Why does the author include the information that “Glaciers grind bedrock into fine sediment,
which is carried by streams flowing from the melting ice” ?
(A) To give a reason why heavily sedimented braided streams are common in glacial
(B) To explain why some mountain streams deposit most of their sediment in a fan-shaped
(C) To identify the most common source of sediment in arid and semiarid mountainous regions
(D) To help explain why glacial sediment decreases the gradient and velocity of steep
mountain streams.

6. The word “abruptly” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) noticeably
(B) gradually
(C) suddenly
(D) slightly
7. According to paragraph 4, what is true about river deltas?
(A) They alternate between periods of spreading out and periods of getting smaller.
(B) They have both active channels and channels that have been blocked by sediment.
(C) They are typically formed by rivers that are braided before they reach the delta area.
(D) They are much larger when formed in a still lake than when formed in the ocean.

8. The word “curious” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) strange
(B) rapid
(C) seasonal
(D) essential

Passage 5. Bank Gianini

The organization that today is known as the Bank of America did start out in America, but
under quite a different name. Italian America A.P Giannini established this bank on October
17,1904,in a renovated saloon in San Francisco's Italian community of North Beach under the
name Bank of Italy, with imigrants and first-time bank customers comprising the majority of his
first customers. During its development, Giannini's bank survived major crises in the form of
natural disaster and a major economic upheaval that not all other banks were able to overcome.
One major test for Giannini's bank occurred on April 18,1906,when a massive earthquake
struck San Francisco, followed by a raging fire that destroyed by much of the city. Giannini
obtained two wagons and teams of horses, filled the wagons with the bank's reserves, mostly in
the form of gold, covered the reserves with crates of oranges, and escaped from the chaos of the
city with his clients' funds protected. In the aftermath of the disaster, Giannini's bank was the
first to resume operations .Unable to install the bank in a proper office setting, Giannini opened
up shop on the Washington Street Wharf on a makeshift desk created from boards and barrels.
In the period following the 1906 fire, the Bank of Italy continued to prosper and expand. By
1918 there were twenty-four branches of the Bank of Italy, and by 1928 Giannini had acquired
numerous other banks, including a Bank of America located in New York City. In 1930 he
consolidated all the branches of the bank of Italy the Bank of America in New York City, and
another Bank of America that he had formed in California into the Bank of America National Trust
and Savings Association.
A second major crisis for the bank occurred during the Great Depression of the
1930s.Although Giannini had already retired prior to the darkest days of the Depression, he
become incensed when his successor began selling off banks during the bad economic times.
Giannini resumed leadership of the bank at the age of sixty-two. Under Giannini's leadership, the
bank weathered the storm of the Depression and subsequently moved into a phrase of overseas

1. According to the passage,Giannini

(A) opened the Bank of America in 1904
(B) worked in a bank in Italy
(C) set up the Bank of America prior to setting up the Bank of Italy
(D) later changed the name of the Bank of Italy

2. Where did Giannini open his first bank?

(A) In New York City
(B) In what used to be a bar
(C) On Washington Street Wharf
(D) On a makeshift desk

3. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true about the San Francisco
(A) It happened in 1906.
(B) It occurred in the aftermath of a fire.
(C) It caused problems for Giannini's bank.
(D) It was a tremendous earthquike.

4. The word"raging"in line 8 could best be replaced by

(A) angered
(B) localized
(C) intense
(D) feeble

5. It can be inferred from the passage that Giannini used crates of oranagaes after the earthquake
(A) to hide the gold
(B) to fill up the wagons
(C) to provide nourishment for his customers
(D) to protect the gold from the fire

6. The word"chaos"in line 10 is closest in meaning to

(A) legal system
(B) extreme heat
(C) overdevelopment
(D) total confusion

7. The word"consolidated"in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) hardened
(B) merged
(C) moved
(D) sold

8. The passage states that after his retirement,Glannini

(A) began selling off banks
(B) caused economic misfortune to occur
(C) supported the bank's new management
(D) returned to work

9. The expression"weathered the storm of"in line 23 could best be replaced by

(A) found a curse for
(B) rained on the parade of
(C) survived the ordeal of
(D) blew to stack at

10. Where in the passage does the author describe Giannini first banking clients?
(A) Lines 2-5
(B) Lines 7-8
(C) Lines 12-13
(D) Lines 14-16

11. How is the information in the passage presented?

(A) In chronological order
(B) In order of importance
(C) A cause followed by an effect
(D) Classifications with examples

12. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses

(A) bank failure during the Great Depression
(B) a third major crisis of the Bank of America
(C) the international development of the Bank of America
(D) how Giannini spent his retirement

Passage 6. The Greater Pasific Region

The greater Pacific region, traditionally called Oceania, consists of three cultural areas:
Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Melanesia, in the southwest Pacific, contains the large
islands of New Guinea, the Solomons, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia. Micronesia, the area north of
Melanesia, consists primarily of small scattered islands. Polynesia is the central Pacific area in the
great triangle defined by Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. Before the arrival of Europeans,
the islands in the two largest cultural areas, Polynesia and Micronesia, together contained a
population estimated at 700,000.
Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders encountered
them, in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological data, many fanciful and
mutually exclusive theories were devised. Pacific islanders are variously thought to have come
from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel, and India, as well as Southeast Asia. Many older
theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific
islanders. For example, British anthropologists G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry assumed that only
Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific. They inferred that
the Egyptians even crossed the Pacific to found the great civilizations of the New World (North and
South America). In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl drifted on a balsa-log raft
westward with the winds and currents across the Pacific from South America to prove his theory
that Pacific islanders were Native Americans (also called American Indians). Later Heyerdahl
suggested that the Pacific was peopled by three migrations: by Native Americans from the Pacific
Northwest of North America drifting to Hawaii, by Peruvians drifting to Easter Island, and by
Melanesians. In 1969 he crossed the Atlantic in an Egyptian-style reed boat to prove Egyptian
influences in the Americas. Contrary to these theorists, the overwhelming evidence of physical
anthropology, linguistics, and archaeology shows that the Pacific islanders came from Southeast
Asia and were skilled enough as navigators to sail against the prevailing winds and currents.
The basic cultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific islands include
the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills to get to the islands in the first place,
domesticated plants and gardening skills suited to often marginal conditions, and a varied
inventory of fishing implements and techniques. It is now generally believed that these
prerequisites originated with peoples speaking Austronesian languages (a group of several
hundred related languages) and began to emerge in Southeast Asia by about 5000 B.C.E. The
culture of that time, based on archaeology and linguistic reconstruction, is assumed to have had a
broad inventory of cultivated plants including taro, yarns, banana, sugarcane, breadfruit, coconut,
sago, and rice. Just as important, the culture also possessed the basic foundation for an effective
maritime adaptation, including outrigger canoes and a variety of fishing techniques that could be
effective for overseas voyaging.
Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians
accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was
accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and
domesticated plants and animals. Detailed studies of the winds and currents using computer
simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have been a most unlikely means of colonizing the
Pacific. These expeditions were likely driven by population growth and political dynamics on the
home islands, as well as the challenge and excitement of exploring unknown waters.
Because all Polynesians, Micronesians, and many Melanesians speak Austronesian
languages and grow crops derived from Southeast Asia, all these peoples most certainly derived
from that region and not the New World or elsewhere. The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in
Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to
support Heyerdahl’s “American Indians in the Pacific” theories. However, this is one plant out of a
long list of Southeast Asian domesticates. As Patrick Kirch, an American anthropologist, points
out, rather than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily
been brought back by returning Polynesian navigators who could have reached the west coast of
South America.

13. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true statements about Melanesia,
Micronesia, and Polynesia EXCEPT:
(A) Collectively, these regions are traditionally known as Oceania.
(B) These islands of Micronesia are small and spread out.
(C) Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand mark the boundaries of Polynesia.
(D) Melanesia is situated to the north of Micronesia.

14. By stating that the theories are “mutually exclusive” the author means that
(A) if one of the theories is true, then all the others must be false
(B) the differences between the theories are unimportant
(C) taken together, the theories cover all possibilities
(D) the theories support each other

15. The word “overwhelming” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) powerful
(B) favorable
(C) current
(D) reasonable

16. According to paragraph 2, which of the following led some early researchers to believe that
the Pacific islanders originally came from Egypt?
(A) Egyptians were known to have founded other great civilizations.
(B) Sailors from other parts of the world were believed to lack the skills needed to travel
across the ocean.
(C) Linguistic, archaeological, and biological data connected the islands to Egypt.
(D) Egyptian accounts claimed responsibility for colonizing the Pacific as well as the

17. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about early theories of where the
first inhabitants of the Pacific islands came from?
(A) They were generally based on solid evidence.
(B) They tried to account for the origin of the characteristic features of the languages spoken
by Pacific islanders.
(C) They assumed that the peoples living in Southeast Asia did not have the skills needed to
sail to the Pacific islands.
(D) They questioned the ideas of G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry.

18. The word “implements” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) skills
(B) tools
(C) opportunities
(D) practices

19. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as required for successful colonization of
the Pacific islands EXCEPT
(A) knowledge of various Austronesian languages
(B) a variety of fishing techniques
(C) navigational skills
(D) knowledge of plant cultivation

20. In paragraph 3, why does the author provide information about the types of crops grown and
boats used in Southeast Asia during the period around 5000 B. C. E.?
(A) To evaluate the relative importance of agriculture and fishing to early Austronesian
(B) To illustrate the effectiveness of archaeological and linguistic methods in discovering
details about life in ancient times
(C) To contrast living conditions on the continent of Asia with living conditions on the Pacific
(D) To demonstrate that people from this region had the skills and resources necessary
to travel to and survive on the Pacific islands

21. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.
(A) Some people have argued that the Pacific was settled by traders who became lost while
transporting domesticated plants and animals.
(B) The original Polynesian settlers were probably marooned on the islands, but they may
have been joined later by carefully prepared colonization expeditions.
(C) Although it seems reasonable to believe that colonization expeditions would set out fully
stocked, this is contradicted by much of the evidence.
(D) The settlement of the Pacific islands was probably intentional and well planned
rather than accidental as some people have proposed.

22. The word “undisputed” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) mysterious
(B) unexpected
(C) acknowledged
(D) significant

Undisputed = Tak terbantahkan

23. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is NOT an explanation for why a group of
people might have wanted to colonize the Pacific islands?
(A) As their numbers increased, they needed additional territory.
(B) The winds and currents made the islands easy to reach.
(C) The political situation at home made emigration desirable.
(D) They found exploration challenging and exciting.

24. Why does the author mention the views of “Patrick Kirch”?
(A) To present evidence in favor of Heyerdahl’s idea about American Indians reaching
(B) To emphasize the familiarity of Pacific islanders with crops from many different regions of
the world
(C) To indicate that supposed proof for Heyerdahl’s theory has an alternative
(D) To demonstrate that some of the same crops were cultivated in both South America and

Passage 7. Scandinavia (Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia)

The European Mesolithic (roughly the period from 8000 B.C. to 2700 B.C.) testifies to a
continuity in human culture from the times of the Ice Age. This continuity, however, was based on
continuous adjustment to environmental changes following the end of the last glacial period
(about 12,500 years ago). Three broad subdivisions within the northern Mesolithic are known in
Scandinavia. The Maglemose Period (7500–5700 B.C.) was a time of seasonal exploitation of
rivers and lakes, combined with terrestrial hunting and foraging. The sites from the Kongemose
Period (5700–4600 B.C.) are mainly on the Baltic Sea coasts, along bays and near lagoons, where
the people exploited both marine and terrestrial resources. Many Kongemose sites are somewhat
larger than Maglemose ones. The Ertebølle Period (4600–3200 B.C.) was the culmination of
Mesolithic culture in southern Scandinavia.
By the Ertebølle Period, the Scandinavians were occupying coastal settlements year-round
and subsisting off a very wide range of food sources. These included forest game and waterfowl,
shellfish, sea mammals, and both shallow-water and deepwater fish. There were smaller,
seasonal coastal sites, too, for specific activities such as deepwater fishing, sealing, or hunting of
migratory birds. One such site, the Aggersund site in Denmark, was occupied for short periods of
time in the autumn, when the inhabitants collected oysters and hunted some game, especially
migratory swans. Ertebølle technology was far more elaborate than that of its Mesolithic
predecessors; a wide variety of antler, bone, and wood tools for specialized purposes such as
fowling and sea-mammal hunting were developed, including dugout canoes up to ten meters
With sedentary settlement comes evidence of greater social complexity in the use of
cemeteries for burials and changes in burial practices. The trend toward more sedentary
settlement, the cemeteries, and the occasional social differentiation revealed by elaborate
burials are all reflections of an intensified use of resources among these relatively affluent hunter-
gatherers of 3000 B.C. Mesolithic societies intensified the food quest by exploiting many more
marine species, making productive use of migratory waterfowl and their breeding grounds, and
collecting shellfish in enormous numbers. This intensification is also reflected in a much more
elaborate and diverse technology, more exchange of goods and materials between neighbors,
greater variety in settlement types, and a slowly rising population throughout southern
Scandinavia. These phenomena may, in part, be a reflection of rising sea levels throughout the
Mesolithic that flooded many cherished territories. There are signs, too, of regional variations in
artifact forms and styles, indicative of cultural differences between people living in well-
delineated territories and competing for resources.
Mesolithic cultures are much less well-defined elsewhere in Europe, partly because the
climatic changes were less extreme than in southern Scandinavia and because there were fewer
opportunities for coastal adaptation. In much of central Europe, settlement was confined
to lakeside and riverside locations, widely separated from one another by dense forests. Many
Mesolithic lakeside sites were located in transitional zones between different environments so
that the inhabitants could return to a central base location, where for much of the year they lived
close to predictable resources such as lake fish. However, they would exploit both forest game
and other seasonal resources from satellite camps. For example, the archaeologist Michael
Jochim believes that some groups lived during most of the year in camps along the Danube River
in central Europe, moving to summer encampments on the shores of neighboring lakes. In areas
like Spain, there appears to have been intensified exploitation of marine and forest
resources. There was a trend nearly everywhere toward greater variety in the diet, with more
attention being paid to less obvious foods and to those that require more complex processing
methods than do game and other such resources.
Thus, in parts of Europe, there was a long-term trend among hunter-gatherer societies toward
a more extensive exploitation of food resources, often within the context of a strategy that sought
ways to minimize the impact of environmental uncertainty. In more favored southern Scandinavia,
such societies achieved a new level of social complexity that was to become commonplace
among later farming peoples, and this preadaptation proved an important catalyst for rapid
economic and social change when farming did come to Europe.

1. Why does the author mention "the Aggersund site in Denmark" and its brief periods of
(A) To suggest that the supply of year-round food sources near earlier settlement sites had
nearly disappeared
(B) To give an example of a small, temporary coastal site that took advantage of
seasonal food sources
(C) To illustrate how small coastal settlements could not last as long as large forest
(D) To highlight the fact that none of the Denmark camps were able to be occupied year-

2. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about human life in Mesolithic Scandinavia?
(A) People tended to live in smaller groups during the Ertebølle Period than during earlier
Mesolithic periods.
(B) The areas where it was advantageous to live changed over time as a result of
environmental changes.
(C) Human groups were less affected by environmental change during the Maglemose Period
than during the Kongemose Period.
(D) During most of the Mesolithic, people were more dependent on terrestrial food sources
than other food sources.
3. Paragraph 2 suggests that before the Ertebølle Period, hunting tools and other Mesolithic
(A) were available only in small coastal sites
(B) were developed mainly in Denmark
(C) were made mainly from animal bones
(D) were somewhat simple

4. The word "exploiting" in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) calling attention to
(B) focusing on
(C) taking advantage of
(D) searching for

5. According to paragraph 3, the existence of cemeteries in Mesolithic Scandinavia is

associated with
(A) increased social complexity
(B) problems in obtaining sufficient food
(C) a dramatically increasing population
(D) a trend toward reduced dependence on the food sources provided by hunter-gatherers

6. The phrase "confined to" in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) adapted to
(B) limited to
(C) expanded to
(D) located next to
confined to = limited to = terbatas pada

7. According to paragraph 4, how were Mesolithic societies in central Europe able to meet their
food needs for much of the year?
(A) By finding new opportunities for coastal adaptations wherever they could
(B) By keeping their base camps in dense forests with plenty of forest game
(C) By setting in areas that provided both predictable food resources and access to
different kinds of environments
(D) By hunting farther and farther from their central base camps each day

8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.
(A) Because of favorable conditions in southern Scandinavia and the social complexity of
their societies, hunter-gatherer societies did not adapt to farming until economic change
required it.
(B) When farming came to Europe and became common, hunter-gatherer societies finally
achieved high levels of social complexity.
(C) Social complexity was common in the societies of southern Scandinavia but was less
common in other areas where farming came later.
(D) Hunter-gatherer societies in southern Scandinavia achieved a new level of social
complexity, and this allowed them to quickly achieve economic and social change
when farming was introduced.

Passage 8. Rail Road and Commercial Agriculture in the 19th Century

By 1850 the United States possessed roughly 9,000 miles of railroad track; ten years later it
had over 30,000 miles, more than the rest of the world combined. Much of the new construction
during the 1850s occurred west of the Appalachian Mountains—over 2,000 miles in the states of
Ohio and Illinois alone. The effect of the new railroad lines rippled outward through the
economy. Farmers along the tracks began to specialize in crops that they could market in distant
locations. With their profits they purchased manufactured goods that earlier they might have
made at home. Before the railroad reached Tennessee, the state produced about 25,000 bushels
(or 640 tons) of wheat, which sold for less than 50 cents a bushel. Once the railroad came, farmers
in the same counties grew 400,000 bushels (over 10,000 tons) and sold their crop at a dollar a
The new railroad networks shifted the direction of western trade. In 1840 most northwestern
grain was shipped south down the Mississippi River to the bustling port of New Orleans. But low
water made steamboat travel hazardous in summer, and ice shut down traffic in winter. Products
such as lard, tallow, and cheese quickly spoiled if stored in New Orleans’ hot and humid
warehouses. Increasingly, traffic from the Midwest flowed west to east, over the new rail
lines. Chicago became the region’s hub, linking the farms of the upper Midwest to New York and
other eastern cities by more than 2,000 miles of track in 1855. Thus while the value of goods
shipped by river to New Orleans continued to increase, the South’s overall share of western trade
dropped dramatically.
A sharp rise in demand for grain abroad also encouraged farmers in the Northeast and
Midwest to become more commercially oriented. Wheat, which in 1845 commanded $1.08 a
bushel in New York City, fetched $2.46 in 1855; in similar fashion the price of corn nearly
doubled. Farmers responded by specializing in cash crops, borrowing to purchase more land, and
investing in equipment to increase productivity.
As railroad lines fanned out from Chicago, farmers began to acquire open prairie land in
Illinois and then Iowa, putting the fertile, deep black soil into production. Commercial
agriculture transformed this remarkable treeless environment. To settlers accustomed to eastern
woodlands, the thousands of square miles of tall grass were an awesome sight. Indian grass,
Canada wild rye, and native big bluestem all grew higher than a person. Because eastern plows
could not penetrate the densely tangled roots of prairie grass, the earliest settlers erected farms
along the boundary separating the forest from the prairie. In 1837, however, John Deere patented
a sharp-cutting steel plow that sliced through the sod without soil sticking to the blade. Cyrus
McCormick refined a mechanical reaper that harvested fourteen times more wheat with the same
amount of labor. By the 1850s McCormick was selling 1,000 reapers a year and could not keep up
with demand, while Deere turned out 10,000 plows annually.
The new commercial farming fundamentally altered the mid-western landscape and the
environment. Native Americans had grown corn in the region for years, but never in such large
fields as did later settlers who became farmers, whose surpluses were shipped east. Prairie
farmers also introduced new crops that were not part of the earlier ecological system, notably
wheat, along with fruits and vegetables.
Native grasses were replaced by a small number of plants cultivated as commodities. Corn
had the best yields, but it was primarily used to feed livestock. Because bread played a key role in
the American and European diet, wheat became the major cash crop. Tame grasses replaced
native grasses in pastures for making hay.
Western farmers altered the landscape by reducing the annual fires that had kept the prairie
free from trees. In the absence of these fires, trees reappeared on land not in cultivation and, if
undisturbed, eventually formed woodlots. The earlier unbroken landscape gave way to
independent farms, each fenced off in a precise checkerboard pattern. It was an artificial
ecosystem of animals, woodlots, and crops, whose large, uniform layout made western farms
more efficient than the more-irregular farms in the East.

1. According to paragraph 1, each of the following is true about railroad track in the United
States EXCEPT:
(A) In 1850 the United States had less than 10,000 miles of railroad track.
(B) By the end of the 1850s, Ohio and Illinois contained more railroad track than any other
state in the country.
(C) Much of the railroad track built in the United States during the 1850s was located west of
the Appalachian Mountains.
(D) By 1860 there were more miles of railroad track in the United States than in any other

2. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that the new railroads had which of the following effects on
farm communities?
(A) Most new farms were located along the tracks.
(B) Farmers began to grow wheat as a commercial crop.
(C) Many farmers decided to grow a wider variety of crops.
(D) Demand for manufactured goods increased among farmers.

3. The word “bustling” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) famous
(B) important
(C) growing
(D) busy

4. According to paragraph 3, in what way did the new rail networks change western trade?
(A) Northwestern farmers almost completely stopped shipping goods by steamboat.
(B) Many western goods began to be shipped east by way of Chicago rather than south to
New Orleans.
(C) Chicago largely replaced New York and other eastern cities as the final market for goods
from the West.
(D) The value of goods shipped west soon became greater than the value of goods shipped

5. According to paragraph 3, what was a disadvantage of shipping goods from northwestern

areas to New Orleans?
(A) There was no reliable way to get goods from New Orleans to eastern cities.
(B) The cost of shipping goods by river to New Orleans continued to increase.
(C) Goods shipped from New Orleans’ neighboring areas had a significant competitive
advantage because of their lower transportation costs.
(D) Goods stored in New Orleans’ warehouses often spoiled because of the high
temperatures and humidity.

6. Paragraph 4 supports the idea that the price of wheat more than doubled between 1845 and
1855 in part because
(A) the price of corn nearly doubled during that same period
(B) demand for grain increased sharply outside the United States
(C) farmers in the Northeast and Midwest began to specialize in cash crops
(D) many farmers had borrowed heavily to purchase land and equipment for raising wheat

7. The word “erected” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) looked for
(B) lived on
(C) preferred
(D) built

8. Why does the author point out that “Indian grass, Canada wild rye, and native big bluestem all
grew higher than a person”?
(A) To provide a reason why people from the eastern woodlands of the United States were
impressed when they saw the prairies
(B) To identify an obstacle to the development of the railroad lines fanning out from Chicago.
(C) To explain why the transformation of the prairies by commercial agriculture was so
(D) To provide evidence supporting the claim that the prairies had fertile, deep black soil

9. According to paragraph 5, the first settlers generally did not farm open prairie land because
(A) they could not plow it effectively with the tools that were available
(B) prairie land was usually very expensive to buy
(C) the soil along boundaries between the forest and the prairie was more fertile than the soil
of the open prairie
(D) the railroad lines had not yet reached the open prairie when the first settlers arrived

10. The word “surpluses” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) extra goods
(B) commercial goods
(C) unprocessed goods
(D) transportable goods

11. According to paragraph 8, prairie farmers changed the landscape by doing all of the following
(A) Reducing annual fires
(B) Dividing the land into large, regularly-shaped lots
(C) Planting trees that eventually formed woodlots
(D) Fencing off their farms

Passage 9. Climate of Venus/ Venus vs Earth

Sumber: 托福TPO/Official 41 Passage 2阅读原文The passage supports the idea that the basic reason that Venus and Earth are now so
different from each other is that题目答案及解析【新东方在线】 (

Earth has abundant water in its oceans but very little carbon dioxide in its relatively thin
atmosphere. By contrast, Venus is very dry and its thick atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide. The
original atmospheres of both Venus and Earth were derived at least in part from gases spewed
forth, or outgassed, by volcanoes. The gases that emanate from present-day volcanoes on Earth,
such as Mount Saint Helens, are predominantly water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur
dioxide. These gases should therefore have been important parts of the original atmospheres of
both Venus and Earth. Much of the water on both planets is also thought to have come from
impacts from comets, icy bodies formed in the outer solar system.
In fact, water probably once dominated the Venusian atmosphere. Venus and Earth are
similar in size and mass, so Venusian volcanoes may well have outgassed as much water vapor
as on Earth, and both planets would have had about the same number of comets strike their
surfaces. Studies of how stars evolve suggest that the early Sun was only about 70 percent
as luminous as it is now, so the temperature in Venus’ early atmosphere must have been quite a
bit lower. Thus water vapor would have been able to liquefy and form oceans on Venus. But if
water vapor and carbon dioxide were once so common in the atmospheres of both Earth and
Venus, what became of Earth’s carbon dioxide. And what happened to the water on Venus?
The answer to the first question is that carbon dioxide is still found in abundance on Earth,
but now, instead of being in the form of atmospheric carbon dioxide, it is either dissolved in the
oceans or chemically bound into carbonate rocks, such as the limestone and marble that formed
in the oceans. If Earth became as hot as Venus, much of its carbon dioxide would be boiled out of
the oceans and baked out of the crust. Our planet would soon develop a thick, oppressive carbon
dioxide atmosphere much like that of Venus.

To answer the question about Venus’ lack of water, we must return to the early history of the
planet. Just as on present-day Earth, the oceans of Venus limited the amount of atmospheric
carbon dioxide by dissolving it in the oceans and binding it up in carbonate rocks. But being closer
to the Sun than Earth is, enough of the liquid water on Venus would have vaporized to create a
thick cover of water vapor clouds. Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, this humid
atmosphere—perhaps denser than Earth’s present-day atmosphere, but far less dense than the
atmosphere that envelops Venus today—would have efficiently trapped heat from the Sun. At
first, this would have had little effect on the oceans of Venus. Although the temperature would
have climbed above 100° C, the boiling point of water at sea level on Earth, the added
atmospheric pressure from water vapor would have kept the water in Venus’ oceans in the liquid
This hot and humid state of affairs may have persisted for several hundred million years. But
as the Sun’s energy output slowly increased over time, the temperature at the surface would
eventually have risen above 374°C. Above this temperature, no matter what the atmospheric
pressure, Venus’ oceans would have begun to evaporate, and the added water vapor in the
atmosphere would have increased the greenhouse effect. This would have made the temperature
even higher and caused the oceans to evaporate faster, producing more water vapor. That, in turn,
would have further intensified the greenhouse effect and made the temperature climb higher still.
Once Venus’ oceans disappeared, so did the mechanism for removing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. With no oceans to dissolve it, outgassed carbon dioxide began to accumulate in the
atmosphere, intensifying the greenhouse effect even more. Temperatures eventually became high
enough to “bake out” any carbon dioxide that was trapped in carbonate rocks. This liberated
carbon dioxide formed the thick atmosphere of present-day Venus. Over time, the rising
temperatures would have levelled off, solar ultraviolet radiation having broken down atmospheric
water vapor molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. With all the water vapor gone, the greenhouse
effect would no longer have accelerated.

1. According to paragraph 1, in what major respect are Venus and Earth different from each
(A) Whether carbon dioxide was present in their original atmospheres
(B) How thin their original atmospheres were
(C) What their present-day atmospheres mainly consist of
(D) How long ago they first developed an atmosphere

2. Why does the author mention “present-day volcanoes on Earth”?

(A) To provide an example of an important difference between present-day Venus and present
day Earth
(B) To help explain why Earth’s atmosphere still contains traces of sulfur dioxide but Venus’
does not
(C) To indicate one source of information about the likely composition of the original
atmospheres of Venus and Earth
(D) To account for the fact that Earth’s water supply no longer comes primarily from impacting

3. According to paragraph 2, what is one reason for thinking that at one time, there were
significant amounts of water on Venus?
(A) Because of Venus’ size and mass, its volcanoes probably produced much more water
vapor than volcanoes on Earth did.
(B) The low temperature of Venus’ early atmosphere can be explained only by the presence of
(C) The presence of carbon dioxide in a planet’s atmosphere is an indicator of water on that
(D) Venus probably was struck by roughly as many comets as Earth was.

4. The word “luminous” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) dense
(B) bright
(C) large
(D) active

5. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.
(A) The first question to be answered is how Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide either got
dissolved in the oceans or got chemically bound into carbonate rocks.
(B) The fact that Earth’s abundant carbon dioxide is more often found in carbonate rock than
dissolved in the oceans is the answer to the first question.
(C) Earth still has abundant carbon dioxide, but instead of being in the atmosphere it is
now dissolved in the oceans or chemically bound into ocean rocks.
(D) The formation of limestone and marble used up the carbon dioxide that was dissolved in
Earth’s oceans so that only carbon dioxide in atmospheric form remained.

6. According to paragraph 4, what is one factor that kept the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere of early Venus relatively low?
(A) The presence of water vapor clouds
(B) The presence of oceans
(C) Rapidly increasing temperatures at ground level
(D) Low atmospheric pressures

7. The phrase “mechanism for” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) means of
(B) importance of
(C) need for
(D) benefits of

8. The word “persisted” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) Improved
(B) continued
(C) weakened
(D) evolved

9. According to paragraph 5, what happens when temperatures rise above 374ºC?

(A) Atmospheric pressure begins to decrease.
(B) Water vapor disappears from the atmosphere.
(C) Water evaporates regardless of atmospheric pressure.
(D) More energy is required to evaporate a given volume of water.

10. According to paragraph 6, extremely high temperatures increased the amount of carbon
dioxide in Venus’ atmosphere by
(A) increasing the rate at which carbon dioxide was outgassed
(B) baking out carbon dioxide from carbonate rocks
(C) creating additional water vapor
(D) replacing the previous mechanisms for removing carbon dioxide with less effective ones

11. The passage supports the idea that the basic reason that Venus and Earth are now so different
from each other is that
(A) early Venus had more frequent volcanic outgassing than early Earth did
(B) early Venus had far less liquid water than early Earth did
(C) volcanic activity stopped relatively early on Venus but continued on Earth
(D) Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth is

Passage 10. Siam, 1851-1910/ Thailand Rice/ by 1850

Sumber: 托福TPO/Official 32 Passage 2阅读原文According to paragraph 3, farming families increased the amount of rice they grew in part by题
目答案及解析【新东方在线】 (

In the late nineteenth century, political and social changes were occurring rapidly in Siam (now
Thailand). The old ruling families were being displaced by an evolving centralized
government. These families were pensioned off (given a sum of money to live on) or simply had
their revenues taken away or restricted; their sons were enticed away to schools for district
officers, later to be posted in some faraway province; and the old patron-client relations that had
bound together local societies simply disintegrated. Local rulers could no longer protect their
relatives and attendants in legal cases, and with the ending in 1905 of the practice of forcing
peasant farmers to work part-time for local rulers, the rulers no longer had a regular base for
relations with rural populations. The old local ruling families, then, were severed from their
traditional social context.
The same situation viewed from the perspective of the rural population is even more
complex. According to the government’s first census of the rural population, taken in 1905, there
were about thirty thousand villages in Siam. This was probably a large increase over the figure
even two or three decades earlier, during the late 1800s. It is difficult to imagine it now, but Siam’s
Central Plain in the late 1800s was nowhere near as densely settled as it is today. There were still
forests closely surrounding Bangkok into the last half of the nineteenth century, and even at
century’s end there were wild elephants and tigers roaming the countryside only twenty or thirty
miles away.
Much population movement involved the opening up of new lands for rice cultivation. Two
things made this possible and encouraged it to happen. First, the opening of the kingdom to the
full force of international trade by the Bowring Treaty (1855) rapidly encouraged economic
specialization in the growing of rice, mainly to feed the rice-deficient portions of Asia (India and
China in particular). The average annual volume of rice exported from Siam grew from under 60
million kilograms per year in the late 1850s to more than 660 million kilograms per year at the turn
of the century; and over the same period the average price per kilogram doubled. During the same
period, the area planted in rice increased from about 230,000 acres to more than 350,000
acres. This growth was achieved as the result of the collective decisions of thousands of peasant
families to expand the amount of land they cultivated, clear and plant new land, or adopt more
intensive methods of agriculture.
They were able to do so because of our second consideration. They were relatively freer than
they had been half a century earlier. Over the course of the Fifth Reign (1868–1910), the ties that
bound rural people to the aristocracy and local ruling elites were greatly reduced. Peasants now
paid a tax on individuals instead of being required to render labor service to the
government. Under these conditions, it made good sense to thousands of peasant families to in
effect work full-time at what they had been able to do only part-time previously because of the
requirement to work for the government: grow rice for the marketplace.
Numerous changes accompanied these developments. The rural population
both dispersed and grew, and was probably less homogeneous and more mobile than it had been
a generation earlier. The villages became more vulnerable to arbitrary treatment by government
bureaucrats as local elites now had less control over them. By the early twentieth century, as
government modernization in a sense caught up with what had been happening in the countryside
since the 1870s, the government bureaucracy intruded more and more into village life. Provincial
police began to appear, along with district officers and cattle registration and land deeds and
registration for compulsory military service. Village handicrafts diminished or died out completely
as people bought imported consumer goods, like cloth and tools, instead of making them
themselves. More economic variation took shape in rural villages, as some grew prosperous from
farming while others did not. As well as can be measured, rural standards of living improved in the
Fifth Reign. But the statistical averages mean little when measured against the harsh realities of
peasant life.

1. The word “severed” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) Cut off
(B) viewed
(C) protected
(D) rescued

2. According to paragraph 1, the situation for Siam's old ruling families changed in all of the
following ways EXCEPT:
(A) Their incomes were reduced.
(B) Their sons were posted as district officers in distant provinces.
(C) They could sell lands that had traditionally belonged to them.
(D) They had less control over the rural populations.

3. According to paragraph 2, which of the following was true of Siam in 1905?

(A) Its urban population began to migrate out of the cities and into the country.
(B) Its Central Plain was almost as densely populated as it is today.
(C) It was so rural that wild elephants and tigers sometimes roamed Bangkok.
(D) It had many more villages than it did in the late 1800s.

4. The phrase “rice-deficient portions” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) the parts that consume rice
(B) the parts that do not have enough rice
(C) the parts where rice is grown
(D) the parts that depend primarily on rice

5. Paragraph 3 mentions all of the following as signs of economic growth in Siam EXCEPT
(A) an increase in the price of rice
(B) an increase in the amount of rice leaving Siam
(C) an increase in the nutritional quality of the rice grown
(D) an increase in the amount of land used for rice production

6. According to paragraph 3, farming families increased the amount of rice they grew in part by
(A) growing varieties of rice that produced greater yields
(B) forming collective farms by joining together with other farm families
(C) planting rice in areas that had previously remained unplanted
(D) hiring laborers to help them tend their fields

7. According to paragraph 4, what happened after the government ended the practice of
requiring rural people to perform labor for it?
(A) Rural people became more closely connected to the aristocracy.
(B) Rural people spent more time growing rice for profit.
(C) The government began to pay the laborers who grew rice for it.
(D) The government introduced a special tax on rice.

8. Which of the following best describes the relationship between paragraphs 3 and 4 in the
(A) Paragraph 4 provides further evidence of the economic growth of Siam discussed in
paragraph 3.
(B) Paragraph 4 continues the discussion begun in paragraph 3 of farming improvements that
led to economic growth.
(C) Paragraph 4 examines a particular effect of the Bowring Treaty mentioned in paragraph 3.
(D) Paragraph 4 discusses the second of two factors that contributed to the expansion of
rice farming mentioned in paragraph 3.

9. The word “dispersed” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) spread out
(B) gained power
(C) adapted
(D) specialized

10. The word “compulsory” in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) foreign
(B) formal
(C) required
(D) preferred

compulsory= required = diwajibkan, diharuskan, diperlukan

11. According to paragraph 5, which of the following was true of Siam’s rural people during the
Fifth Reign?
(A) They were forced to spend most of the profits from rice growing on registrations required
by the government.
(B) Their lives remained very difficult even though statistics suggest that their quality of
life improved.
(C) The non-farmers among them were helped by the government more than the farmers
among them were.
(D) They were more prosperous when they were ruled by local elites than when they were
ruled by the more modern government of the Fifth Reign.

12. According to paragraph 5, the government bureaucracy intruded in village life by

(A) requiring the people to register their cattle and land
(B) requiring the people to buy certain kinds of imported goods
(C) discouraging the people from making handicrafts and tools
(D) encouraging more people to take up farming

Passage 11. Ocean Bottom

The ocean bottom― a region nearly 2.5 times greater than the total land area of the Earth― is a
vast frontier that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted, Until about a century ago, the
deep-ocean floor was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters averaging over 3,600
meters deep. Totally without light and subjected to intense
(5) bottom pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth's surface, the deep-ocean is a
hostile environment to humans, in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space.
Although researchers have taken samples of deep-ocean rocks and sediments for over a century,
the first detailed global investigation of the ocean bottom did not
(10) actually start until 1968, with the beginning of the National Science Foundation's Deep Sea
Drilling Project (DSDP). Using techniques first developed for the offshore oil and gas industry, the
DSDP's drill ship, the Glomar Challenger, was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean's
surface and drill in very deep waters, extracting samples of sediments and rock from the ocean
(15) The Glomar Challenger completed 96 voyages in a 15-year research program than ended
in November 1983. During this time, the vessel logged 600,000 kilometers and took almost 20,000
core samples of seabed sediments and rocks at 624 drilling sites around the world. The Glomar
Challenger's core sample have allowed geologists to reconstruct what the planet looked like
hundreds of millions of years ago and to
(20) calculate what it will probably look like millions of years in the future. Today, largely on the
strength of evidence gathered during the Glomar Challenger's voyages, nearly all earth scientists
agree on the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift that explain many of the geological
processes that shape the Earth. The cores of sediment drilled by the Glomar Challenger have also
(25) information critical to understanding the world's past climates. Deep-ocean sediments
provide a climatic record stretching back hundreds of millions of years, because they are largely
isolated from the mechanical erosion and the intense chemical and biological activity that rapidly
destroy much land-based evidence of past climates. This record has already provided insights into
the patterns and causes of past climatic change―information that may be used to predict future

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

a. Marine life deep in the ocean
b. The Earth's climate millions of years ago
c. The first detailed study of the bottom of the ocean
d. Geologists' predictions for the future environment of the Earth
2. The author refers to the ocean bottom as a "frontier" in line 2 because it
a. is not a popular area for scientific research
b. contains a wide variety of life forms
c. attracts courageous explorers
d. is an unknown territory

3. The word "inaccessible" in line 3 is closest in meaning to

a. unrecognizable
b. unreachable
c. unusable
d. unsafe

4. The author mentions outer space in line 7 because

a. the Earth's climate millions of years ago was similar to conditions in outer space
b. it is similar to the ocean floor in being alien to the human environment
c. rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocean floor
d. techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those used in ocean

5. Which of the following is true of the Glomar Challenger?

a. It is a type of submarine.
b. It is an ongoing project.
c. It has gone on over 100 voyages.
d. It made its first DSDP voyage in 1968.

6. The word "extracting" in line 13 is closest in meaning to

a. breaking
b. locating
c. removing
d. analyzing

7. The Deep Sea Drilling Project was significant because it was

a. an attempt to find new sources of oil and gas
b. the first extensive exploration of the ocean bottom
c. composed of geologists from all over the world
d. funded entirely by the gas and oil industry

8. The word "strength" in line 21 is closest in meaning to

a. basis
b. purpose
c. discovery
d. endurance

9. The word "they" in line 26 refers to

a. years
b. climates
c. sediments
d. cores

10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as being a result of the Deep Sea
Drilling Project?
a. Geologists were able to determine the Earth's appearance hundreds of millions of years
b. Two geological theories became more widely accepted by scientists.
c. Information was revealed about the Earth's past climatic changes.
d. Geologists observed forms of marine life never before seen.

Passage 12. Photoghraphy

Barbara Kasten is an artist who makes photographs of constructions that she creates for the
purpose of photographing them. In her studio she arranges objects such as mirrors, solid forms,
and flat surfaces into what could be called large still life arrangements, big enough to walk into.
She lights the construction, then rearranges and rephotographs it until she arrives at a final image.
She also photographs away from her studio at various architectural sites, bringing camera, lights
mirrors, and a crew of assistants to transform the site into her own abstract image.
Kasten starts a studio construction with a simple problem, such as using several circular and
rectangular mirrors . She puts the first objects in place, sets up a camera, then goes back and
forth arranging objects and seeing how they appear in the camera. Eventually she makes instant
color prints to see what the image looks like. At first she works only with objects, concentrating
on their composition; then she lights them and adds color from lights covered with colored filters.
Away from the studio, at architectural sites, the cost of the crew and the equipment rental
means she has to know in advance what she wants to do. She visits each location several times
to make sketches and test shots. Until she brings in the lights, however, she cannot predict exactly
what they will do to the image, so there is some improvising on the spot.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
a. The techniques of a photographer
b. The advantages of studio photography
c. Industrial construction sites
d. An architect who appreciates fine art

2. Which of the following would be an example of one of the "constructions" referred to in line 1?
a. A still life arrangement
b. Natural landscapes
c. An instant color print
d. A colored filter

3. In line 2, why does the author mention mirrors?

a. They are part of the camera.
b. Kasten uses them as subjects.
c. The crew needs them.
d. Photography mirrors life.
4. The word "transform" in line 6 is closest in meaning to
a. move
b. extend
c. change
d. interpret

5. It can be inferred from the passage that Kasten makes instant prints to
a. give away
b. sell as souvenirs
c. include as part of the construction
d. see what the construction looks like at that stage

6. The word "composition" in line 12 is closest in meaning to

a. arrangement
b. brightness
c. quality
d. size

7. The word "them" in line 12 refers to

a. prints
b. lights
c. objects
d. filters

8. The word "shots" in line 16 is closest in meaning to

a. injections
b. photographs
c. loud noises
d. effective remarks

9. The word "they" in line 17 refers to

a. architectural styles
b. sketches
c. colored filters
d. lights

10. Why does Kasten visit the location of outdoor work before the day of the actual shooting?
a. To plan the photograph
b. To purchase film and equipment
c. To hire a crew
d. To the test

11. How is Kasten's studio work different from her work at architectural sites ?
a. She does not use lights outdoors.
b. Her work outdoors is more unpredictable.
c. She works alone outdoors.
d. She makes more money from her work outdoors
12. Where in the passage does the author suggest that the constructions that Kasten photographs
are life-sized?
a. Lines 2-4
b. Lines 5-7
c. Lines 12- 14
d. Lines 16-I7

C. Soal Soal Tanpa Passage

Bengkulu, propinsi (or provinsi; province), southwestern Sumatra, Indonesia. It is bounded by
the Indian Ocean to the west and by the provinces of West Sumatra (Sumatera Barat) to the
north, Jambi and South Sumatra (Sumatera Selatan) to the east, and Lampung to the
southeast. The province also includes the islands of Mega and Enggano in the Indian Ocean.
The capital is Bengkulu city.
The region formed part of the Buddhist Srivijaya empire in the 8th century. It became part of
the Hindu Majapahit empire of eastern Java in the 16th century. The first European visitors to
the area were the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch in 1596. The region gradually came under
Dutch possession, except for British occupation briefly in the late 18th and early 19th
centuries. Bengkulu city and the surrounding area remained British until 1824, when the Dutch
acquired it by treaty.
In 1946 the province was included by the Dutch in South Sumatra state, which became a
province of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950. In 1964 the province of Lampung was created
from roughly the southern third of South Sumatra, and in 1967 the province of Bengkulu was
formed from
South Sumatra’s western coastal region.
The north–south-trending Bengkulu Mountains, which are surmounted by both active and
extinct volcanoes, run parallel to the coast and traverse the length of the province. Mount
Seblat rises to an elevation of 7,818 feet (2,383 metres), and Mount Kaba reaches 6,358 feet
(1,938 metres). The mountains are flanked by a strip of fertile coastal plain that is enriched
from time to time by fresh deposits of ash and lava. Rivers and streams, including the Selagan
and Seblat rivers, flow southwestward into the Indian Ocean.
In the early 21st century the indigenous Rejang and Serawai peoples were among Bengkulu’s
largest ethnic groups, together accounting for about two-fifths of the population. Roughly
another fifth of the population was Javanese. Such a strong Javanese presence was in large
measure the result of government-sponsored transmigration schemes undertaken throughout
the 20th century. Notable smaller minorities included Malay, Minangkabau, and Sundanese
peoples. Arabs and Chinese lived in the coastal areas. Islam was by far the predominant
The province’s agriculture is based on shifting cultivation; rice, tea, coffee, copra, palm oil,
ebony, ironwood, and rubber are the major products. Industries and crafts include food
processing, textiles, wood carving, metalwork, leather, paper plaiting, and the manufacture of
transport equipment. Roads run parallel to the coast and connect the settlements of
Muaraaman, Curup, Bengkulu, Manna, and Bintuhan. Area 7,691 square miles (19,919 square
km). Pop. (2000) 1,455,500; (2010) 1,715,518.
1. Surmounted closest meaning to? Overcome
2. 20% penduduk Bengkulu berasal dari etnis? Javanese
3. Kapan Bengkulu jadi milik Belanda? 1824
4. Kapan Bengkulu jadi provinsi? 1967
5. Notable? Prominent

RMS Titanic
RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner, operated by the White Star Line, that sank in the
North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage from
Southampton, England, to New York City, United States. Of the estimated 2,224 passengers
and crew aboard, more than 1,500 died, making it the deadliest sinking of a single ship up to
that time. It remains the deadliest peacetime sinking of an ocean liner or cruise ship. The
disaster drew public attention, spurred major changes in maritime safety regulations, and
inspired many artistic works.
RMS Titanic was the largest ship afloat at the time she entered service and the second of three
Olympic-class ocean liners built for the White Star Line. She was built by the Harland and
Wolff shipyard in Belfast. Thomas Andrews, the chief naval architect of the shipyard, died in
the disaster. Titanic was under the command of Captain Edward Smith, who went down with
the ship. The ocean liner carried some of the wealthiest people in the world, as well as
hundreds of emigrants from the British Isles, Scandinavia, and elsewhere throughout Europe,
who were seeking a new life in the United States and Canada.
The first-class accommodation was designed to be the pinnacle of comfort and luxury, with a
gymnasium, swimming pool, smoking rooms, high-class restaurants and cafes, a Turkish bath,
and hundreds of opulent cabins. A high-powered radiotelegraph transmitter was available for
sending passenger "marconigrams" and for the ship's operational use. Titanic had advanced
safety features, such as watertight compartments and remotely activated watertight doors,
contributing to its reputation as "unsinkable".
Titanic was equipped with 16 lifeboat davits, each capable of lowering three lifeboats, for a
total of 48 boats. However, she actually carried only 20 lifeboats, four of which were
collapsible and proved hard to launch while she was sinking (Collapsible A nearly swamped
and was filled with a foot of water until rescue; Collapsible B completely overturned while
launching). Together, the 20 lifeboats could hold 1,178 people—about half the number of
passengers on board, and one-third of the number of passengers the ship could have carried
at full capacity (a number consistent with the maritime safety regulations of the era). When
the ship sank, the lifeboats that had been lowered were only filled up to an average of 60%.
1. Liner closest meaning? Ship
2. Penumpang di titanic mau ngapain? Seeking a new life
3. Ada berapa kapal yang dioperasikan white star line? 3
4. Overturned closest meaning to? Reverse
5. Pineacle closest meaning? Top

Olga Carmonara/ World Cup

Captain Olga Carmona scored the only goal in the first half as Spain, robbed of some of their
best talent by a mutiny against coach Jorge Vilda only a few months ago and thrashed 4-0 by
Japan in the group stage, outplayed England to deservedly claim their first major title in only
their third World Cup.
Aitana Bonmati and Teresa Abelleira ran the game from the Spanish midfield and the margin of
victory would have been greater had England goalkeeper Mary Earps not saved a second-half
penalty from Jennifer Hermoso.
“It’s the best feeling of my life,” a tearful Hermoso said.
“We played the football we wanted to but I still think we are not aware of what we have
Vilda became only the second male coach to win a major women’s tournament – the World
Cup, the Olympics and the Euros – since 2000.
“What we did, it’s difficult to achieve,” he said. “Very proud of this team, we have shown we
know how to play, that we know how to suffer, we have believed and we are world champions.”
England’s second defeat in 39 matches since Dutchwoman Sarina Wiegman took over as
coach denied them the chance to add a maiden world title to the European Championship
crown they won last year.
“It’s really hard to take,” captain Millie Bright said. “We gave everything, in the first half we
weren’t at our best but in the second half we were back.
“There was a lot of belief, we have been 1-0 down, we never give in. We are absolutely
heartbroken but unfortunately we weren’t there today. The girls are unbelievable.”
1. Outplayed closest meaning to? Defeated
2. Trashed? Defeated

3. Vilda became only the second male coach to win a major women’s tournament-The World
Cup, the Olympics and the Euros since? 2020
4. Ditangan pelatih siapa Inggris kalah? Sarina Wiegman
5. Mutiny? Rebellion

How volcanoes erupt
Volcanic eruptions occur as a result of heat moving under Earth’s surface. They often begin
with an accumulation of gas-rich magma (molten underground rock) in reservoirs near Earth’s
surface, though they may be preceded by emissions of steam and gas from small vents in the
ground. Small earthquakes, which may be caused by a rising plug of dense, viscous magma
oscillating against a sheath of more permeable magma, may also signal volcanic eruptions,
especially explosive ones.
In some cases, magma rises in conduits to the surface as a thin and fluid lava, either flowing
out continuously or shooting straight up in glowing fountains or curtains. The eruptions of
Hawaii’s volcanoes fall into this category. In other cases, entrapped gases tear the magma into
shreds and hurl viscous clots of lava into the air. In more violent eruptions, the magma conduit
is hollowed out by an explosive blast, and solid fragments are ejected in a great cloud of ash-
laden gas that rises tens of thousands of metres into the air. An example of this phenomenon
is the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens. Many explosive eruptions are accompanied by a
pyroclastic flow, a fluidized mixture of hot gas and incandescent particles that sweeps down
a volcano’s flanks, incinerating everything in its path. If the expelled ash or gases collect on a
high snowfield or glacier, they may melt large quantities of ice, and the result can be a
disastrous flood or landslide that rushes down a volcano’s slopes.
Volcanic eruptions can also result in secondary damage, beyond the direct loss to life and
property from the eruption itself. Volcanic ash can cause respiratory illnesses such as silicosis
and can be particularly harmful to infants and people with chronic lung diseases. Gases such
as hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen fluoride can cause both short- and long-
term problems.
Eruptions can cause economic harm that affects workers’ livelihoods and can force mass
migrations of people in affected regions. The 2010 eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull also
demonstrated the threat posed to jet aircraft by high clouds of volcanic ash; this eruption led
aviation authorities to ground flights across northern and central Europe for several days.
1. The passage mainly idea? How volcanoes erupt
2. Conduits closest meaning to? Channels/tunnels/duct/pipeline(saluran)
3. Incandescent closest meaning to? Glowing
4. Incinerating closest meaning to? Destroy
5. Dense closest meaning to? Thick
6. What the meaning “Pyroclastic flow”? a fluidized mixture of hot gas and incandescent
particles that sweeps down a volcano’s flanks, incinerating everything in its path.
7. Permeable closest meaning to? Pervious

Krakatoa/ Krakatau
Krakatoa, Indonesian Krakatau, volcano on Rakata Island in the Sunda Strait between
Java and Sumatra, Indonesia. Its explosive eruption in 1883 was one of the most catastrophic
in history. Krakatoa lies along the convergence of the Indian-Australian and Eurasian tectonic
plates, a zone of high volcanic and seismic activity. Sometime within the past million years,
the volcano built a cone-shaped mountain composed of flows of volcanic rock alternating with
layers of cinder and ash. From its base, 1,000 feet (300 metres) below sea level, the cone
projected about 6,000 feet (1,800 metres) above the sea. Later (possibly in 416 CE), the
mountain’s top was destroyed, forming a caldera, or bowl-shaped depression, 4 miles (6 km)
across. Portions of the caldera projected above the water as four small islands: Sertung
(Verlaten) on the northwest, Lang and Polish Hat on the northeast, and Rakata on the south.
Over the years, three new cones were formed, merging into a single island. The highest of the
three cones rose to 2,667 feet (813 metres) above sea level.
The only confirmed eruption prior to 1883 was a moderate one in 1680. On May 20,
1883, one of the cones again became active; ash-laden clouds reached a height of 6 miles (10
km), and explosions were heard in Batavia (Jakarta), 100 miles (160 km) away, but by the end
of May the activity had died down. It resumed on June 19 and became paroxysmal by August
26. At 1:00 PM of that day the first of a series of increasingly violent explosions occurred, and
at 2:00 PM a black cloud of ash rose 17 miles (27 km) above Krakatoa. The climax was reached
at 10:00 AM on August 27, with tremendous explosions that were heard 2,200 miles (3,500
km) away in Australia and propelled ash to a height of 50 miles (80 km). Pressure waves in the
atmosphere were recorded around the Earth. Explosions diminished throughout the day, and
by the morning of August 28, the volcano was quiet. Small eruptions continued in the following
months and in February 1884.
The discharge of Krakatoa threw into the air nearly 5 cubic miles (21 cubic km) of rock
fragments, and large quantities of ash fell over an area of some 300,000 square miles (800,000
square km). Near the volcano, masses of floating pumice were so thick as to halt ships. The
surrounding region was plunged into darkness for two and a half days because of ash in the air.
The fine dust drifted several times around the Earth, causing spectacular red and orange
sunsets throughout the following year.
After the explosion, only a small islet remained in a basin covered by 900 feet (250
metres) of ocean water; its highest point reached about 2,560 feet (780 metres) above the
surface. As much as 200 feet (60 metres) of ash and pumice fragments had accumulated on
Verlaten and Lang islands and on the remaining southern part of Rakata. Analysis of this
material revealed that little of it consisted of debris from the former central cones: the
fragments of old rock in it represented less than 10 percent of the volume of the missing part
of the island. Most of the material was new magma brought up from the depths of the Earth,
most of it distended into pumice or completely blown apart to form ash as the gas it contained
expanded. Thus, the former volcanic cones were not blown into the air, as was first believed,
but sank out of sight, the top of the volcano collapsing as a large volume of magma was
removed from the underlying reservoir.
Krakatoa was apparently uninhabited, and few people died outright from the eruptions.
However, the volcano’s collapse triggered a series of tsunamis, or seismic sea waves,
recorded as far away as South America and Hawaii. The greatest wave, which reached a height
of 120 feet (37 metres) and took some 36,000 lives in nearby coastal towns of Java and
Sumatra, occurred just after the climactic explosion. All life on the Krakatoa island group was
buried under a thick layer of sterile ash, and plant and animal life did not begin to reestablish
itself for five years.
Krakatoa was quiet until December 1927, when a new eruption began on the seafloor
along the same line as the previous cones. In early 1928 a rising cone reached sea level, and
by 1930 it had become a small island called Anak Krakatau (“Child of Krakatoa”). The volcano
has been active sporadically since that time, and the cone has continued to grow to an
elevation of about 1,000 feet (300 metres) above the sea.
1. Basin closest meaning to? Cavity
2. Di bagian mana? as four small islands: Sertung (Verlaten) on the northwest,
Lang and Polish Hat on the northeast, and Rakata on the south. ..
3. Krakatau menyebabkan bencana lain, apa itu? Seismic sea waves jawabannya
4. Plant and animal life did not begin to reestablish itself? Five years
5. Tentang apa artikel ini? The volcanoes
6. Dibagian mana gunung yang northwest? Verlaten

Human Education
Human education is a critical instrument in their lives. It is a significant distinction between a
civilized and an undisciplined individual. Even if the country’s literacy rate has increased in
recent years, more individuals need to be made aware of the importance of education. Every
child, whether a male or a girl, must attend school and not drop out. Education is beneficial not
just to the individual but also to society. A well-educated individual is a valuable asset to
society, contributing to its social and economic development. Such a person is always willing
to assist society and the country. It is true to say that education is a stairway to a person’s and
a nation’s achievement.

Education makes a person productive, allowing him or her to contribute to society in a positive
way. It teaches us how to face many challenges and conquer them. A well-educated individual
understands how to act in a polite and non-offensive manner. It shows us how to live a
disciplined life while yet making a respectable living. Our future is built on the basis of
education. Education is also the sole weapon that may be used to combat numerous issues
such as illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, and so on. A person’s education makes them more
sensitive to the predicament of their fellow beings. A well-educated individual not only
comprehends the issues but also possesses the essential abilities to address them.

An educated individual possesses competent skills and is more capable than someone who is
uneducated. However, it is incorrect to think that education alone ensures success. Indeed,
success necessitates a solid education, as well as devotion, attention, and hard effort. An
educated individual is more sensible and capable of rational thought.

Education allows a person to become self-sufficient. An educated individual does not rely on
others and is capable of meeting his or her own requirements. A well-educated person also
educates their family, and education benefits, not just the individual but also society and the
nation. Education has a significant influence on our outlook, making us more optimistic about
life and its objectives.

1. Why A well-educated individual is a valuable asset to society? contributing to its

social and economic development
2. Predicament? (Keadaan sulit/ berbahaya) Plight
3. Address? Overcome
4. Tentang apa artikel ini? The importance of education
5. The importance of education
6. Benefit education for indivual and society
7. Replacement = Substitute
8. Manfaat Pendidikan untuk negara
9. Tips sukses = Study hard and effort
10. Deliberate = successful

World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day on 27 September is about deciding the tourism we want for the future. That
means thinking not just about the economy but also about the impact on people and the
planet. Every year on 27 September the United Nations World Tourism Day is celebrated. It
began in 1980, and the event is hosted by a different country or group of countries every year.
On World Tourism Day, the United Nations calls for investments in people and the planet, not
just economic productivity.
It may seem curious that tourism has its own special day, but maybe it's not so surprising when
you think of the enormous number of people employed in this sector. Tourism and travel is one
of the world's biggest industries. According to 2019 research, over 333 million people – that's
about one in ten working people worldwide – were employed in tourism and travel. Now, this
huge global industry is growing again after the pandemic, creating serious issues for people
and the planet.
With mass tourism, fascinating places are becoming overwhelmed by millions of tourists.
Enormous tour buses block roads and make getting to school or work difficult for residents.
International chains take over from local businesses, tourist apartments take over from
ordinary housing, and rising prices force local people out of their homes.
Barcelona in Spain and Venice in Italy are two examples of places where the local population
have demanded that tourism is controlled more tightly. In Barcelona, regulations related to
short term rental accommodation were introduced to help local people have access to flats.
In Venice, the number of large cruise liners entering the port is now controlled to protect the
historic city and its natural environment from further damage. Locals also complained about
the huge crowds of cruise passengers, who were putting pressure on the city's resources but
contributing little to the economy. Maybe tourism in the 21st century will continue to be
regulated to protect people and local environments.
Mass tourism is bad news for our planet too. The industry destroys natural habitats to build
tourist facilities and consumes large amounts of energy and natural resources, such as land,
soil and water. Pollution is also a negative consequence of travel and tourism, including solid
waste and sewage pollution, noise pollution and air pollution. Carbon emissions from tourism
are more than five per cent of global emissions, and this figure is going up. The tourism and
travel industry continues to contribute to the climate crisis.
1. Mass tourism? The business of providing holidays for very large numbers of people
2. When UN World Tourism Day started? Over 40 years
3. Where the large cruise ships were causing problems for both people and the environment?
4. Paragraph 6 tentang apa? The impact of tourism on energy consumption and pollution
5. Kenapa orang lokal pindah? Karena biaya hidup mahal

Mimicking/ morning routine

How to find a morning routine that works for you ?
Here are three problems with mimicking other people’s morning routines: First, copying what
works for them doesn’t give you the flexibility to figure out what works best for you, the life you
have now, and the life you want to live. Second, some of their activities may be insignificant
and fail to have an impact on the rest of your day. And finally, you may feel stressed out because
you haven’t figured out what’s right for you, and so you may be left with an unsettling feeling
that you carry with you through the rest of the day.
Many humans have similar goals and aspirations, but not similar days and responsibilities. I
am realizing this more than ever now as my days and responsibilities are about to undergo a
massive shift.
After I give birth, I know it will be harder. And while I plan to go through that exercise again, I
thought I’d ask for expert advice. I reached out to behavioral scientist Katy Milkman, author of
“How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be” and
the James G. Dinan professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
“We know that if you want to build a new routine, you’ll need to plan it out in detail,” Milkman
told me. “But research shows that when we make multiple detailed plans to achieve multiple
goals, instead of helping us, it hurts us.”
She advises we focus on prioritizing one new goal at a time and building out a plan for achieving
that goal when it comes to routines. “Say you want to meditate and exercise in the morning and
don’t do either now,” Milkman said. “It might be better to pick one to prioritize as your new goal
to add to your morning and make a detailed plan for when you’ll do it and where you’ll do it.”
1. What is the passage discuss? How to find a morning routine that works for
2. Undergo closest meaning to? Experienced
3. Mimicking closest meaning to? Imitate
4. Figured out closest meaning to? Understand
5. Apa yang membuat unsettling feeling that you carry with you through the rest of
the day? May feel stressed out because you haven’t figured out what’s right for

An overview on Borneo
Borneo, the third largest island in the world, was once covered with dense rainforests. With
swampy coastal areas fringed with mangrove forests and a mountainous interior, much of the
terrain was virtually impassable and unexplored. Headhunters ruled the remote parts of the
island until a century ago.
In the 1980s and 1990s Borneo underwent a remarkable transition. Its forests were leveled at
a rate unparalleled in human history. Borneo's rainforests went to industrialized countries like
Japan and the United States in the form of garden furniture, paper pulp and chopsticks. Initially
most of the timber was taken from the Malaysian part of the island in the northern states of
Sabah and Sarawak. Later forests in the southern part of Borneo, an area belonging to
Indonesia and known as Kalimantan, became the primary source for tropical timber. Today the
forests of Borneo are but a shadow of those of legend and those that remain are rapidly being
converted to industrial oil palm and timber plantations.
Oil palm is the most productive oil seed in the world. A single hectare of oil palm may yield
5,000 kilograms of crude oil, or nearly 6,000 liters of crude, making the crop remarkably
profitable when grown in large plantations. As such, vast swathes of land are being converted
for oil palm plantations. Oil palm cultivation has expanded in Indonesia from 600,000 hectares
in 1985 to more than 8.6 million hectares by 2015, according to U.N. FAOSTAT.
Borneo, especially Kalimantan, has also been heavily affect by peat fires set for land-clearing
purposes. Millions of hectares of peat, scrub, degraded forest, and rainforest have gone up in
flames over the past 30 years.
Borneo's Geography
Borneo is the third largest island in the world, covering an area of 743,330 square kilometers
(287,000 square miles), or a little more than the twice the size of Germany. Politically, the
island is divided between Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Indonesian Borneo is known as
Kalimantan, while Malaysian Borneo is known as East Malaysia. The name Borneo itself is a
Western reference first used by the Dutch during their colonial rule of the island.
Geographically the island is divided by central highlands that run diagonally from Sabah state
(Malaysia) in northeastern Borneo to southwestern Borneo, roughly forming the border
between West and Central Kalimantan (Indonesia). The range is not volcanic — the whole of
Borneo has only a single extinct volcano — but does feature the highest mountain in Southeast
Asia: Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, which reaches 4,095 meters (13,435 feet).
Borneo's forests are some of the most biodiverse on the planet, home to more than 230
species of mammals (44 of which are endemic), 420 resident birds (37 endemic), 100
amphibians, 394 fish (19 endemic), and 15,000 plants (6,000 endemic). Surveys have found
more than 700 species of trees in a 10 hectare plot — a number equal to the total number of
trees in Canada and the United States combined.
Several distinct ecosystems are found across Borneo. These are reviewed in WWF's "Borneo:
Treasure Island at Risk" report (2005).

1. Apa yang menyebabkan kebakaran? Land clearing

2. Siapa yang beri nama Borneo? The Dutch
3. Which part the most pf the timber was taken from? Malaysian part
4. Dense? Thick = tebal
5. Vast? Wide = luas

Bill Gates/ World Teacher Day

Can you imagine life without the personal computer? Well, without two of Bill Gates's
high school teachers, that could be our world today. Gates's maths teacher, Fred Wright, asked
himto push himself just a little bit harder. Maybe that's why the founder of Microsoft
sometimes slept under his desk in the office instead of going home to relax after work. And his
drama teacher, Anne Stephens, helped him discover a love of the spotlight when she made the
sometimes withdrawn schoolboy the star of the school play. Gates thanked his teachers,
saying, 'There's no way there would be a Microsoft without them doing what they did.' And he's
not the only one. Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, actress and TV producer, was inspired by her
fourth grade (age 9–10) teacher, Mrs Duncan. Because of her, Oprah says, 'I felt I could take on
the world. You did exactly what teachers are supposed to do. They create a spark for learning
that lives with you from then on. It's why I have a talk show today.
For some children, teachers are the only positively influential people in their lives. Antwone
Fisher, a best-selling writer, grew up in foster homes, and didn't have many adults that he could
trust. But a primary school teacher, Mrs Profitt, was the first adult he ever trusted. 'She spoke
to all of us the same way – with respect. No one spoke to me that way before. I think that being
with her for three years made all the difference.
1. Tentang apa the passage? Worlds teacher day
2. Karena siapa TV produser sukses? Mrs. Duncan
3. Apa yang yang dilakukan Mrs. Profit? She spoke to all of us the same way – with
4. Apa yang dilakukan drama teacher ke Bill Gates? Helped him to be good at public
5. Paragraf 1 soal apa? Teacher behind famous people

Flying insect
• The way they evoved
• Their wings were always extend
• Similar to those of the earlist insect
• Link = join
• Different species have different patterns of veins
• At the edge of the wings
• They = veins
• They have veins of different thicknesses
• Able to bend
• It cannot fly immediately
• The speed at which they can fly

1. The oyster industry in the chesapeake bay region
2. The chesapeake bay region
3. Compare the exploiting of the new oyster beds with the extement of discovering gold
4. 1886
5. Influence
6. Baltimore constructed a modern sewage treatment plant to keep the chesapeake bay

• Formalist and contexttualist point of view on art
• Purely aesthetic aspects of the artwork
• Morality
• Focus on
• The artistic techniques used in the painting
• Study various influences on a work of part
• Artwork
• Period
• Grows out of its primary concern with fact and theories
RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner, operated by the White Star Line, which sank in the
North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after..
A. RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner, operated by the White Star Line, which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean
on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City, United States.

B. Of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, more than 1,500 died, making it the

deadliest sinking of a single ship up to that time.

C. It remains the deadliest peacetime sinking of an ocean liner or cruise ship.

D. The disaster drew public attention, provided foundational material for the disaster film genre, and

has inspired many artistic works.

Figure 1. ini yg Jumat 22 Maret 2024
Figure 2. Soal Kamis 21 Maret 2024

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