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Explain MDE :

The Minimum Edit Distance (MED) algorithm is a classic dynamic programming algorithm used in
Natural Language Processing (NLP) for tasks such as spelling correction, OCR error detection, and
machine translation. It measures the similarity between two sequences of symbols (typically strings)
by counting the minimum number of operations required to transform one sequence into the other.
Common operations include insertion, deletion, and substitution/replacement of symbols.


Meaning: Words with the same spelling and pronunciation but completely unrelated meanings and


"Bat" (an animal) and "bat" (a baseball tool) are homonyms. They sound the same and are spelled
the same, but they have different etymological roots and meanings.


Meaning: A single word with multiple related meanings that have evolved from a common origin.


"Bank" can refer to the side of a river, a financial institution, or a row of objects. These meanings are
all connected to the idea of something providing support or acting as a boundary.

N-grams are a fundamental concept in Natural Language Processing (NLP) used to

represent sequences of words. They capture the statistical properties of language by
analyzing groups of N words that appear together frequently. Here's a breakdown of
unigrams, bigrams, and N-grams in detail with examples:

1. Unigram (N = 1):

 A unigram is the simplest form of N-gram and represents a single word.

 It focuses on the individual word's frequency and ignores the context of
surrounding words.
 Example: Analyzing a sentence like "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog" using unigrams would involve considering each word ("the", "quick",
"brown", etc.) independently and counting their occurrences within the text.

2. Bigram (N = 2):

 A bigram is a sequence of two words that appear consecutively.

 It captures the relationship between words that frequently appear together,
providing more context than unigrams.
 Example: Continuing with the same sentence, bigrams would be "the quick",
"quick brown", "brown fox", and so on. By analyzing bigrams, we can see how
likely a particular word follows another (e.g., "quick" often precedes "brown").

3. N-gram (N > 2):

 N-grams represent sequences of N words that appear together.

 As N increases, N-grams capture longer and more complex word
 Example: Trigrams (N = 3) in the sentence could be "the quick brown", "quick
brown fox", "brown fox jumps", etc. Higher N-grams like 4-grams or 5-grams
can capture even more intricate word co-occurrences.

Benefits of N-grams:

 Language Modeling: N-grams are used to build language models that

predict the next word in a sequence. This is useful for tasks like text
generation, machine translation, and speech recognition.
 Smoothing: Higher N-grams can help overcome data sparsity issues faced
with unigrams. For example, a rare word might not appear frequently as a
unigram, but a bigram containing that word might be more common.
 Text Analysis: N-grams can be used for various NLP tasks like sentiment
analysis, topic modeling, and information retrieval by analyzing word usage


Sentence: "The cat sat on the mat because it was tired."


 Analyze each word independently: "the", "cat", "sat", "on", "the", "mat",
"because", "it", "was", "tired".
 Unigrams tell us the frequency of individual words but don't capture how they
relate to each other.


 Look at sequences of two consecutive words: "the cat", "cat sat", "sat on", "on
the", "the mat", "mat because", "because it", "it was", "was tired".
 Bigrams reveal how often words appear together. For example, "the cat"
appears together frequently, suggesting "the" is likely an article modifying

 Consider sequences of three words: "the cat sat", "cat sat on", "sat on the",
"on the mat", "the mat because", "mat because it", "because it was", "it was
 Trigrams provide even deeper context. Here, "the cat sat" suggests a subject-
verb-object relationship.

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