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J. Opt. Commun.

2019; aop

Ankur Saharia*, Ashish Kumar Ghunawat, Manish Tiwari, Anton V. Bourdine,

Vladimir A. Burdin, Ravi Kumar Maddila and Ghanshyam Singh

Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit Using

Si3N4 Microring Resonator optical ALU are the adder and the subtractor circuits,
Received January 25, 2019; accepted September 30, 2019 which must be able to add and subtract optical bits.
Several notable attempts have been made in the past to
Abstract: All-optical processor capable of processing
develop all-optical adders and subtractor. Semiconductor
optical bits has been a long-standing goal of photonics.
optical amplifier (SOA) has been a fundamental choice to
In this paper, we report the results obtained by numerical
develop a basic optical combinational circuit of adder and
simulations regarding the designing of an all-optical
subtractor [1, 2]. Nonlinear properties of SOA have also been
combinational circuit of an adder and subtractor circuits
exploited to develop a full adder circuit [3]. Half and full
based on Si3N4 microring resonators. The designs of com-
adder, and subtractor, circuits based on Mach–Zehnder
binational circuit like adders and subtractor based on the
interferometer and highly nonlinear fibers have also been
use of all-optical basic logic gates are discussed while
proposed [4, 5]. Presently, the focus of research has shifted
presenting the numerically simulated results. Extinction
to two-dimensional photonic crystals and microring reso-
ratios of 5.2 dB, 3.5 dB and 2.7 dB are obtained for the half
nator-based devices as these are compact and planar in
adder, full adder and half subtractor, respectively.
structure making these suitable for photonic integrated
Keywords: all-optical, microring resonator, logic gates, circuits. The photonic crystal based half adder has been
adder, subtractor discussed [6, 7] and microring resonator-based all-optical
combinational circuits have been proposed [8, 9]. In this
paper, we have used nonlinear properties of silicon nitride
1 Introduction [10] based microring resonator [11] to generate logic gate
cascade circuits. Although various techniques have been
A significant work has been continuously ongoing during demonstrated for the construction of all-optical logic gates
the last decades to identify structures allowing the opera- [12], in this paper the proposed all-optical adder and sub-
tion of all-optical signal manipulation and main component tractor circuits are built using all-optical logic gates pro-
required to enable all-optical processing is an optical arith- posed earlier using microring resonators [9, 13]. The
metic and logic unit (ALU), capable of carrying out opera- detailed working of the constituent logic gates is already
tions directly at the optical level, without any system for explained in published articles [9, 13]. We have further used
optical-to-electrical and electrical-to-optical domain con- those gates for the tandem applications. These circuit struc-
version. Two fundamental building blocks needed in an tures are similar to their electronic counterparts, and oper-
ations of half adder, full adder and half subtractor are
*Corresponding author: Ankur Saharia, Department of ECE, successfully demonstrated. Cascade arrangements of all-
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Malviya nagar, JLN Marg, optical gates or complex combinational structures [14] are
Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India, E-mail:
an important feature which will be needed to develop inte-
Ashish Kumar Ghunawat, Department of ECE, Malaviya National
Institute of Technology, Malviya nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan grated photonics circuits for future application. Along with
302017, India, E-mail: the cascading circuits of microring resonator-based logic
Manish Tiwari, Electronics and Communication Engineering, structures, many researchers are also coming up with var-
Manipal University – Jaipur Campus, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303007, ious new techniques for the basic logic generation [15, 16],
India, E-mail:
which can be further used for the generation of high-speed
Anton V. Bourdine,, and Vladimir A.
Burdin,, Povolzhskiy State University of
communication systems.This paper is organized as follows.
Telecommunications and Informatics (PSUTI), Samara, Russian Section 2 presents the details of silicon nitride ring resona-
Federation tor and its structural properties. The complete designing
Ravi Kumar Maddila,, and Ghanshyam and structures of the logic gate and combinational circuits
Singh,, Department of ECE, Malaviya are discussed in Section 3 followed by the conclusion,
National Institute of Technology, Malviya nagar, JLN Marg, Jaipur,
appendix and references.
Rajasthan 302017, India

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2 A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit

2 Si3N4 microring resonator design each close to one of the resonant wavelengths. The inputs
are divided as logical inputs and drive inputs. The logical
The fundamental component of our circuits is an Si3N4 operation is carried out on the logical inputs only. The drive
microring resonator, which finds its application in various input is used to modulate logical inputs by pumping in the
optical circuits [17, 18]. In our design, we have a ring with the cavity. Through the vertical pumping of the signal (as shown
radius of 20 µm as depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows the in Figure 1(b)) in the ring resonator, the extra electron–hole
schematic of microring resonator appended with bus wave- pair can be generated. These charge carriers due to non-
guides. Sin, Str, Sa and Sdr depict input, transmit port output, linearity of the material cause a shift in the refractive index
add and drop port output signal, respectively, and R gives the and hence change the resonant wavelength of the ring reso-
radius of the ring. The linear and nonlinear refractive indices nator. Thus, the shift in wavelength can be used to turn the
of ring resonator material are 1.98 and 2.4 × 10–15 cm2/W, signal in “on” and “off” state at a particular output port of the
respectively. The ring resonator has been used in an add-drop microring resonator. Logical inputs are applied at 1580.01 nm
filter configuration [18–20] by coupling it with two bus wave- (λ1) i.e. both the logical inputs have the same wavelength.
guides. The bus waveguide’s cross-section is 900 nm wide Moreover, during simulation, we have assumed that the log-
and 644 nm high, same as the microring waveguide. The ring ical inputs are always in phase. Drive inputs are applied at
resonator is having the high-quality factor of the photon life- 1550.02 nm (λ2). The device operation is based on the possi-
time of 0.8 ns, denoted by τloss We assumed that the microring bility to use optical signals to induce a wavelength-shift of the
resonator having a resonance wavelength of 1550 nm and cavity resonance. When a high-intensity signal is applied to
1580 nm, respectively. As the cavity has two resonant wave- the cavity, its refractive index increases because of Optical–
lengths, we have taken two different categories of inputs, Kerr effect. This increase in refractive index shifts the cavity
resonances toward higher wavelength side. At a particular
point, the cavity resonance matches with the input signal
(either logical input or drive input), thereby leading to the
coupling of an input signal from linear bus waveguide to ring
waveguide increase in refractive index for a signal at λ1 is
governed by cross-phase modulation [12] and is given by

2n2 c ðUλ1 + 2Uλ2 Þ

Δnkerr = (1)
n V

The corresponding shift in resonant wavelength is

given as

δλ = λres (2)

where Δnkerr is the increment in refractive index, n and n2

are the linear and the nonlinear refractive index of the
material, Uλ1 is the energy of the signal at λ1 , V is the
mode volume and λres gives the resonant wavelength of
the cold cavity.
We investigated the behavior of a single microring cav-
ity and found out that when only one signal is applied to the
cavity, we obtain a resonance shift of around 0.01 nm
whereas when two signals have applied the shift in reso-
nance incremented to 0.02 nm. This is an important out-
come in our investigation as it forms the basis of the
operation of the proposed devices. The shift in the reso-
nance is closely depended on the applied signal power
Figure 1: (a) Schematic of microring resonator. (b) Vertical pumping and cavity gap either of the parameters. It is directly propor-
on ring resonator. tional to the power of the applied signal whereas varies

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A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit 3

inversely with the gap distance. The above-mentioned res- controlled by setting τcoup values in the simulation work.
onance shifts are obtained for input power equal to 250 mW When the strong coupling is required τcoup value is set to be
and the coupling time constant equal to 150 ps. Coupling low and for weak coupling, the τcoup value is set to be high.
time constant (τcoup ) is time to couple optical signal between The adder and subtractor circuits are designed using
linear bus waveguide to ring waveguide and vice versa. It all-optical logic gates (AND, XOR, OR and NOT [9, 13], not
depends mainly on the value of coupling coefficient and exploiting any electric signal) similarly to what happens in
ultimately on the cavity gap between bus waveguide and the electronic circuits. Another important advantage of our
ring waveguide Figure 2(a) and (b) shows transmit and drop proposed structures over previously proposed structures
port output of a single microring cavity. When only one λ1 [1, 3, 5] is that input and output signals have the same
signal is applied, the resonance gets shifted by 0.01 nm. wavelengths λ1 , which allow their cascaded operation.
Hence, the modified resonance is now 1580.01 nm (and
1550.01 nm) which matches λ1 . Thus λ1 gets coupled to ring
and acquired at the drop port. When both wavelengths are
incident simultaneously the resonance shift of 0.02 nm is 3 Logic gates and adder circuits
obtained. The cavity now resonates at 1580.02 nm and
1550.02 nm. As one of the resonant wavelengths matches Here we are not discussing the logic gates in details we are
λ2 , λ2 gets coupled to the cavity. It must be noted that a high showing their use in the development of adder and subtrac-
input intensity is required for the Kerr effect to take place. In tor circuits. Operation of the logic gates can be easily under-
this work, all the logical inputs are at 250 mW but the drive stood by applying single cavity operation to all the
inputs power can be higher or lower than this level to constituent cavities. A detailed description of logic gates’
achieve a higher output power. Subsequently, the coupling structures and operation can be found in Refs. [9, 13]. The
of the signals from bus to ring waveguide and vice versa is proposed circuits are simulated using numerical solutions
of coupled-mode theory. The equations have been imple-
mented using C language and graphs have been plotted
using MATLAB. All the logic gate structures consist of five
ring cavities except the NOT gate which consists of four ring

3.1 Adder and subtractor circuits

3.1.1 Half adder

A half adder is a device that adds two 1-bit numbers and

gives two outputs namely SUM and CARRY. A half adder
consists of an XOR gate (sized 200 µm x 250 µm) and an
AND (sized 220 µm x 200 µm) gate. The output of the XOR
gate is the SUM of two bits, while the output of AND gate
represents a CARRY. As the XOR gate and the AND gate
are already designed [9], we simply need to connect them
in tandem as shown in Figure 3(b) to get a half adder
circuit. Figure 3(c) and (d) shows the SUM and CARRY
outputs. Input combinations used are 1100 and 0110;
thus, the SUM output is 1010 and CARRY output is
0100, respectively. τcoup values are set to be 150, 120,
200, 150, 70, 70, 40, 170, 150 and 150 ps, respectively,
for the 10 cavities involved in the half adder. The corre-
sponding drive signal powers are 560 mW, 380 mW,
490 mW, 560 mW and 300 mW, respectively. The drive
Figure 2: (a) Transmit port output. (b) Drop port output of single ring inputs are applied at 1550.02 nm (λ2) used to modulate
the input signals.

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4 A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit

Figure 3: (a) Half adder circuit. (b) Layout of half adder. (c) SUM output. (d) CARRY output (black: input 1, red: input2, green: output).

3.1.2 Full adder the output power of the first XOR gate is divided by a
factor of two. As referred to the input power analysis of
A full adder is a device that adds three 1-bit numbers the AND and XOR gate [9], the minimum power required
and gives two outputs namely SUM and CARRY. In to drive the logic gates is around 200 mW and the out-
electronics, a full adder is obtained using cascaded put power of XOR gate is also around 200 mW.
half adders and an OR gate. Here we have used the Therefore, if we do not use an extra XOR gate, the out-
same configuration. In addition to this, an extra XOR put power of the first XOR gate will be divided and XOR
gate is required in our circuit because the output and AND gate of next half adder will get only around
obtained from first half adder has been bifurcated in 100 mW each. This power is very low to drive the gates;
two parts, one of the parts goes to XOR of following hence, an additional XOR gate is required. The full
half adder and the other part has been connected to adder is made of 27 cavities as shown in Figure 4(b) (3
AND gate of following half adder. Thus, it means that XOR, 2 AND and 1 OR gate (sized 150 µm x 400 µm)) out

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A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit 5

Figure 4: (a) General architecture of full adder circuit. (b) Layout of full adder. (c) SUM output. (d) CARRY output (input 1(black), input 2 (red),
Input 3(yellow), output (green))).

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6 A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit

Figure 4: (continued)

of which the τcoup values for the constituent half adder inputs are applied at 1550.02 nm (λ2) and 1580(λ1) used
cavities are same as mentioned above. OR operation is to modulate the input signals.
obtained by first two cavities of the structure and the
corresponding τcoup values are 250 and 150 ps, respec-
tively. Figure 4(c) and (d) shows the SUM and CARRY
output, respectively. Input combinations used are 1100,
0110 and 0011; SUM and CARRY outputs are 1001 and
4 Comparative analysis
0110, respectively. The input pulse width for full adder
In comparison with previous work [8], the material used
is increased from 5 ns as in the case of half adder, to
in our analysis is Si3N4 instead of GaAs reported earlier as
10 ns since the cascading of the half adder’s results in
shown in Table 1 [8]. It is chosen because of its high-
the accumulation of the transients of the signals. Thus,
energy bandgap of around 5 eV that allows Kerr effect to
longer time duration is required for output stabilization,
dominate over other third-order nonlinear effects such as
and hence the pulse width needs to be increased. The
two-photon absorption etc. On the other GaAs has the
drive inputs are applied at 1550.02 nm (λ2) and 1580(λ1)
bandgap of 1.52 eV. The size of our structure is larger
used to modulate the input signals.
than the previously reported work but with the increase
in the length of the ring the two important performance
parameters of ring resonator quality factor and finesse
3.1.3 Half subtractor also increased quite significantly. We have also obtained
the extinction ratios of 5.2 dB, 3.5 dB and 2.7 dB for the
A half subtractor is a device that performs the subtrac- half adder, full adder and half subtractor, respectively.
tion of two 1-bit numbers and gives two outputs namely Therefore, the chosen material is proving itself a better
DIFFERENCE and BORROW. Logical inputs A and B are choice than already available GaAs design. High power at
given to the XOR gate whose output gives A–B. To the output and same input and output wavelength facil-
calculate the BORROW output, input A is first inverted itates the cascaded operation of the gates and thus can be
using a NOT gate and then multiplied with input B. used to develop scalable photonic integrated circuits in
Thus the output of AND gate gives the BORROW output future. It is worth mentioning that the in Kerr effect
(as shown in Figure 5(b)). τcoup Values are set to be 150, coupling between ring and bus waveguides reduces at
120, 200, 150, 70, 50, 170, 170, 100, 250, 170 and 130 ps, high input intensities; therefore, intensities used in our
respectively. The drive signal powers are 560 mW, work is not that much high. Besides this we have used air
380 mW, 490 mW, 200 mW, 420 mW and300 mW, cladding in our structure (the gap between bus and ring
respectively. Figure 5(c) and (d) shows the is air); therefore, the efficiency of coupling does not vary
DIFFERENCE and BORROW outputs. Inputs A and B much. The high compatibility of Si3 N4 with CMOS fab-
are 1100 and 0110, respectively. Hence, the rication makes it a more suitable candidate for
DIFFERENCE is 1010 and BORROW is 0010. The drive fabrication.

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A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit 7

Figure 5: (a) Half subtractor circuit. (b) Layout of half subtractor.

(c) DIFFERENCE output. (d) BORROW output (input 1(black), input 2 (red), input 3(yellow), output (green)).

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8 A. Saharia et al.: Evolution of Adder and Subtractor Circuit

Table 1: Comparison with previous work.

Appendix A: Miscellaneous
S. no. Parameters Rakshit et al. Proposed Equations
() design

 Material used GaAs SiN

The amplitude of mode energy of the cavity is given by
 Coupling . .
coefficients    sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
da 1 1 2 1
 Ring radius . µm  µm = jωres − + a+ expðjθÞsi (3)
 On-off ratio   dt 2 τloss τcoup τcoup
 Quality factor  
 Finesse  
where a is the mode energy amplitude in the microring
resonator, ωres is the resonant wavelength, si is the input
pulse amplitude, τloss is the cavity loss rate or

5 Conclusion  
1 1
θ = 4π 2 nR − (4)
λres λ
In conclusion, in this paper, we have presented all-
optical adder and subtractor circuits based on Si3N4 where n is the refractive index of the cavity material, R is the
microring resonators. Logical inputs have been kept at radius of the cavity, λres is the resonant wavelength and λ is
fixed power of 250 mW, whereas output power is kept the input wavelength. The signal amplitude at the transmit
around 150 mW (or above) for high logic and 60 mW (or port and the drop port of the add drop filter is given by
below) for low logic. Recent research in the area of
nonlinear optical signal processing suggests altering " sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
the standard stoichiometric composition of Si3N4 to 1
st = expð − jβdÞ × si − expð − jθÞa (5)
obtain high nonlinear Kerr effect at low optical power τcoup
[21, 22] Incorporating those variations in Si3N4 may
result in lower operating powers for the proposed devi-
ces. Extinction ratios of around 5.2 dB, 3.5 dB and 2.7 dB 1
are obtained for the half adder, full adder and half sd = expð − jβdÞ × a (6)
subtractor, respectively. Our structures have the advant-
age of having the same input and output wavelength,
thus they can be scaled. Adder and subtractor circuits β gives the constant of propagation in waveguide and
discussed in this paper are made from cascaded connec- cavity. Coupling coefficient between waveguides (ring
tions of the logic gates. The adder and subtractor cir- and straight) is given by
cuits have been proposed earlier also but the work    rffiffiffiffiffiffi
presented here focuses on the feasibility of utilizing ωε0 cos kx2w n2 − n20 πR w
κðsÞ =   × exp − α s +
the logic gates in tandem for development of highly 2P kx + α
2 2 α 2
scalable photonic integrated circuits in future. This kx w    kx w  αw
× α cos 2 sinh αw
2 + kx sin 2 cosh 2 ð7Þ
work acts as a proof of concept for developing photonic
integrated circuits similar to electronics. In addition, we where ω represents the angular frequency of signal kx
have used Si3N4 material for our structures, which is denoted the constant of transverse propagation, decaying
compatible with conventional CMOS fabrication technol- factor of cladding evanescent field is represented by a,
ogy. The results obtained are encouraging but calcula- waveguide width is w, n and n0 is refractive index of the
tions for fabrication error tolerances still need to be waveguide and cladding, respectively, radius of cavity is
performed. R and s is gap distance between waveguides (bus and
Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful Department ring), power in the mode is given by
of ECE of Malviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur  
β w 1
and Department of TEQIP-III, MNIT, Jaipur. P= + (8)
2ωμ0 2 α

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