E Commerce Assignment 22222

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Islamia College University Peshawar

Department of Management Sciences

Program: BBA (Hons)

Course Title: E-Commerce

Submitted By:
Name: Umair Habib Dawar
Roll no: 191591
Semester: 7th
Section: (B)

Submitted To:
Mam Maimona Saleem
Assignment # 02

What do you think is the current status of e-commerce in
Pakistan, is it gaining momentum?

E-commerce in Pakistan is definitely gaining momentum.More people are

becoming comfortable with the concept of online shopping, and there is an
increasing number of businesses offering their products and services online.

According to a recent report by the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority, the

country's e-commerce market value was estimated to be around US$1.4 billion
in 2018, up from $1.1 billion in 2017. This growth is driven by a combination of
factors, including increasing availability of secure, mobile-friendly
payment gateways, increased digital and financial literacy, and the proliferation
of smartphone, the increased availability of internet services, as well as the
increasing number of secure payment gateways, have helped to make e-
commerce more accessible. The presence of major e-commerce players like
Daraz, Yayvo, and Shophive further contribute to the rise in online shopping
activity. The government is also taking action to facilitate the growth of the
industry. In addition, some companies are offering free shipping and other
incentives, which is helping to drive more sales.

All in all, the e-commerce industry in Pakistan is growing, and it is likely to

continue to do so in the future too.

Experience of online shopping in Pakistan:

Online shopping in Pakistan has given a great boost to the local economy and
the customers. The convenience of shopping from home is unmatchable. Online
shopping takes away the hassle of having to go to a store, wait in lines, and
often shop in uncomfortable surroundings. Also, it is much easier to compare
prices, read customer reviews and even get free shipping. Furthermore, online
stores have been making headway in the Pakistani market giving customers a
wide array of product selection. I find that most major retailers offer a variety of
products at competitive prices.

But my experience with online shopping in Pakistan has been largely negative.
Unfortunately, due to lack of trust and awareness, many people in Pakistan are
still reluctant to shop online. There have been reports of scams, fake products
and credit card frauds.Pakistan also has slow internet speed which can delay the
ordering process and delivery of item. Most of time items being delivered late,
or not being delivered at all, even after paying for them. Also had problems with
receiving faulty or damaged items, and getting refunds or replacements for them
can be a hassle. Additionally, many times the prices listed on the website are not
the same as the prices charged after the items have been shipped, which can be
quite frustrating.


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