Training Exercises 1&2

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Training Exercises 1

1. Complete the sentences with an appropriate derivative. Make the necessary changes in these

A. solubility, to dissolve, solution, soluble, solvent

A. Solubility, to dissolve, solution, soluble, solvent:

1. Water is an excellent solvent.

2. Most of the substances are soluble in water.
3. A solution may be defined as a homogeneous mixture of one or more
4. Solubility is one of the chemical properties of a substance.
5. If we dissolve some of the hydrochloric acid gas in water, the solution has a
sour taste.

B. purification, to purify, impurity, pure, purity

1. All plants and factories must have the system of purification of industrial
2. Purified water can be prepared by distillation, filtration, or boiling.
3. Pure water prepared by distillation is often used as a solvent.
4. Natural waters have different levels of purity.
5. Providing purity of water pools in our country is one of the most important
ecological problems.

2. Match the words in the left column with the suitable words in the right column
and make up sentences according to the modal:

Model: Alcohol is a chemical substance often used as a solvent.

1. Dropper: A device often used to transfer small amounts of liquid.

o Example: The scientist used a dropper to add precise amounts of the
chemical to the test tube.
2. Purified: Refers to something that has been cleansed or made free from
o Example: The water undergoes a purification process to remove
3. Density: A characteristic property of a substance, representing its mass per
unit volume.
o Example: The density of gold is much higher than that of water.
4. Solution: A mixture formed when one or more substances dissolve in a
o Example: The sugar-water solution was clear and homogeneous.
5. Weighing: The process of measuring the weight or mass of an object.
o Example: The chemist carefully weighed the sample before
conducting the experiment.
6. Temperature: A parameter that indicates the degree of hotness or coldness of
a substance.
o Example: The temperature of the reaction mixture was crucial for the
chemical reaction to proceed

Training Exercises 2

1. Fill in the blanks with these prepositions where necessary:

of, to, with, for, in, by, in terms of

1. If an idea explains or correlates a number of facts, we call it a hypothesis.

2. Scientists subject the idea to experimental checking.
3. If the hypothesis agrees with the results of the experiment, we call it a
theory or a law.
4. For example, everybody knows the Periodic Law.
5. The explanation in terms of the fact is the atomic theory.
6. In crystals, the atoms are in a regular order.
7. By the atomic theory, we mean that substances consist of atoms.
8. Scientists explain facts in terms of atoms and their structure.
2. Fill in the blanks with few, a few, little, a little.

Few, little — небагато, мало; a few, a little — декілька

1. Only a little information is available about iodine pentafluoride as a solvent.

2. A few drops of concentrated HNO3 were added to a decomposing melt
containing chloride.
3. There is little possibility that such ions can be produced under these
4. A few very interesting reactions have been shown in the lecture.
5. There are few published papers on the preparation and properties of
inorganic deuterium compounds.
6. A few high-temperature reactions of polonium have been studied.
7. There can be little doubt that the term “chemical structure” was used for the
first time in 1861 by Butlerov.
8. Few of these results have been reported previously.

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