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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural

Sciences and Technology of Jammu

University Order No: 91 (Secy.) of 2024

Dated:. L2.O3,2O24
Sub: Appointment of Peo!/Orderly/chow&idarllaboratory Attendant I Library
Attendant OCC/Mali/Gardner & equivalents.
Refs , (i) Ad.uertisemetut No. 10 (SecV.)of2022 dated 2o.o7.2o22
(ii) Issuaftce of Selection list uide UniuersitA Order No. 76(Seca.) of 2024
dated 24.01.2O24
(iii) CID verifications received from Special DG CID J&K
As recommended by the Document Verification-cum-Selection Committee and
approved by the Vice Chancellor, Salction is hereby accorded to the temporary
appointment ofthe following 41 candidates (in respect of whom satisfactory CID reports
have been received from the concerned agency), as Peon/Orderly/Chowkidat
/Laboratory Attendart/ Library Attendant OCC /Mali /Gardner & equivalents in
the Pay l,evel SL-l (114800-47100) plus allowances as admissible in SKUAST-Jamrnu,
as per the details indicated against each:
s. Name of the candidate with Parentage and addre6s Catcgory CID
l{o. v€rificatlo!
Form No.

ODen Cate€ow

l. Vinod Singh S/o Sukhdev Singh R/o Village Pargwal, PO OM 94860

Pargwal, Teh. Pargwal, District Jammu, J&K-1812O7

2. Rishav Sharma S/o Pawan Kumar R/o Ward No. 5, VPO EWS/OM 95120
Changran Tehsil & District Ikthua, J&K-1841O4
3. Abhishek Choudhary S/o Babu Ram R/o Ward No. 13, OM 951 18
Home No. 145, Sungal Morh, Akhnoor, Jammu, J&K
Rohit Kumar S/o Bittu Rarn R/o Bhour Camp, Chatha OM 95105
Pind, Jammu-181101
5. Sunney Kumar S/o Ramesh Chander R/o H.No.351 osc/oM 95088
Lane \o. 6. Shakti Nagar. Jammu. J&K
6. Sunil Kumar S/o Surinder Kumar R/o Ward No. 6, VPO. EWS/OM 95083
Gharota, Tehsil Bhalwal, District Jammu, J&K
7. Parvai Mohd S/o Shoket Ali R/o Bahu Fort Raika, ST/OM 95087
Jammu, J&K
8. Kapil Sharma S/o Ganesh Chand R/o H.No. 117, Lane OM 94447
2, Opp Vijay Rice Mill, Shiv Nagar, Talab Tillo, Jammu,
9. Tasaina Yousuf D/o Mohd Yousuf Bhat R/o Gujjar RBA/OM 95121
Nagar, Jammu and Kashmf (18O0OI)/EP581, Ward No.
6, Peer Mitha, Jammu, J&K
10. Ajay Kumar S/o Late Sh Tulsi Ram R/o H.No. 164, SC/OM 94853
Greater Jammu Colony, Kunjwani Bye Pass, Jammu,
Near Cramel Convent School, Jammu

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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology of Jammu

s. IteEe of the ca[didate wlth Parentege aDd address Category CID

No. Verlllcation
Form l{o.
11. Gagan Partap Singh S/o Kuldeep Singh Chib R/o Vilage EWS/OM 95116
and Post Office Akalpur Tehsil Marh District Jammu

t2. Vishu Raja Partap Singh S/o Sarav Singh R/o Village OM 94888
Sunth (Tridwan) Post Office, Hatli, Kathua, J&K-184152
13. Bharti Choudhary D/o Sewa Rarn R/o H.No. 145, Wa-rd OM 95tt7
No. 13, Sungal Morh, Akhnoor (141201)
14. Shahid lslam S/o Mohd Shair R/o Vilage SAAJ P.O ST/OM 95086
SAAJ Tehsil Thannamandi District Rajourr
15. Ralesh Xumar S/o Swarn Singh R/o H.No. 127, Doomi OM 94454
P.O Bathera Tehsil Bhalwal, District Jarnmu, J&K
16. Sumit Gupta S/o Vijay Gupta R/o Chatha Gujran P.O ALC_IBlOM 95090
Halqa, Teh. -Marh Distt. Jammu (J&K)
17. Ganga Kemia S/o Sudesh Kumar R/o Ward No. 5, OM 95lO 1
Village Sultanpur PO Bishnah Teh. Bishnai Distt-
Jammu (J&K
18. Raiul Sharma S/o Dwarka Nath R/o kha-ri, Khagote, OM 94469
Rainnagar, U)dhampur, Jammu and Kashmir
19. Gurtaj Singh S/o Davinder Singh R/o Bagh Bain, Camp EWS/OM 94858
Gole Gujral , Jammu (18OO02)
20. Mukesh Rana S/o Pumn Chand R/o Village Karnore, PO sc/oM 96721
Ramgarh, District Samba (181141)
21. Mohammad Kifayatullah Thoker S/o Rashid Thoker PWD/OM 94442
R/o 98, Near Masjid, Bonpora, Shouch, Kulgarn, J&K
22. Tarsem Singh Manhas S/o Sawaran Singh R/o VPO Ex- 95098
Sohanjana, near Go!'t. Sub-Distt. Hopsital, Tehsil
Mandal, Janmu, J&K OM
23. Vishali Bala D/o Janak Raj R/o VP Arnia, Ward No. 1 SC 94441
Teh. Arnia Distt. Jammu (18r 131)

Kavita Bharti D/o Swaran Dass R/o Village Taida, near SC 95126
Gurudwaia, Post Office, Kirpind, J&K
25. Munish Bangotm S/o Mangat Ram Village Marchangi SC 95108
P.O.Khour. Tehsil Khour. Distt. Jammu
26. Sajad Ahmed S/o Sham Din R/o Raika Narwal Bala ST 95119
J&X, 180006
27. Zulafqar Ahmed S/o Mohd Aslam R/o H.No. 64, Ward ST 94865
Tehsil Mandi Poonch (J&K)
No. 1, Kalani

28. Mohd Saijad S/o Mushtaq Hussain R/o 65, Kothm P.O. ST 94929
Rakiban Teh. Darhal Distt. Rajouri-185135
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology of Jammu

s. Neme of the cardldete with Pa.entage ard addrcFf Category CID

No. Verlllcstlon
Forr! No.
29. Maimohan Singh S/o Duni Raj R/o Vilage Kakol Nagar, ST 9444'2
City Bhaderwan, District Doda, J&K
30. Amit Barna S/o Ashok Kumar Bama R/o Ward No. 65, osc 94463
Lohar Mohalla, Uppar Barnai, Jarnmu, J&K-181205
31. Anil Sharma S/o Manga Rarn R/o Lalyal Camp PO Kana ALC IB 95125
Chak Teh Marh. Distt. Jammu. J&K
32. Aman Rathore S/o Mohan l,al R/o H.No. 57, Shirwal RBA 95r00
Janwas. Kishtwar. J&K
33. Kapil Dev Shama D/o Vishwa Nath Sharma R/o Sandal RBA 94449
Majoor, Tehsil Chowki Choura, Jammu-185154
34. Suhail Ahmad Sheikh D/o Abdul Ahad Sheikh RBA 949 tl
Bilal Anmad Beig S/o Mohd Afzal Beig R/o Fathepora RBA 94919

36. Rinkoo Kumar S/o Sadu Ram R/o Cherji Kishtwar, J&K RBA 91491

37. Aliya Kousar D/o Ghulam Rasool Ahanger R/o 55 l,ower RBA 95095
Hular Kishtwar, J&K-182204
38. Sushil Kumar S/o Kiishan 1,61 R/o VPO Mawa RBA 94461
Brahamana Tehsil Akhnoor, District Jammu
39. Haroon Rasheed S/o Shair Mohd Wani R/o Mangota RBA 94452
Marmat Tehsil Marmat District Doda. J&K
40. Akshay Kumar S/o Romesh Kumar R/o Vill Bolian P.O RBA 95115
lja]la lelrs cnllalla Lrrstnct L,o.ta
41. Ravi Sharma S/o Girdhari l,al R/o Vilalge Sungal P.O EWS 95122
Paneiari Tehsil Akhnoor

The appointment of the aJoresaid candidates shall be governed by the following terms
a-nd conditions to the o,-tent tlat:
a. The appointees shal] submit their joining reports physica-lly to the OIfice of
Registrar, SKUAST-Jammu within a period of 21 days fiom issuance of this
appointment order, failing which the appointment shall be cancelled ab-initio
without any further notice;
b. The appointees shall be allowed to join only on production of the following
certificates in Origirlal:
i) Academic Qua.irtc@tion Certifcates.
ii) Matiallation/ Date of Birth Certificate.
\ iii) tle appointees are required to submit Medical Fitness Certificate issued bA the
I Chief Medical Officer;
\yn/tu) Domicile CetTifrcate |ssued bA the Competent AuthnitA.
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology of Jammu

u) That if the caftdidate has taken anu loan for self-emploument from
DIC/ Em.ploument Departmeftt, to be ascertained froln the Distict lftdusties
Center (DIC) aftd Distict Emploument and Counselinq Center of the d.omicile
Distict, he/ she slall relinqish the propietorship of unit / enterpise and olso
stakes, if anu, ift such self emploument uftit/ enterprise before iolninq the
uniuersitll seruices. He/ she sholl be required to repau the entire loan liabilitu
in suitable EMIS to be uorked out bu the DDO coft(En7ed from hk/ her
salary. The DDO concemed shnll obtain an affidauit from the concerned
appointee reqardinq both relinqui,shment of propietorship and stakes, if anu, in
such a self enploument unit/ enterprise and recovery to be made a4d also
person@llA motTitor its red)uery.
ui) Relevant category cerirtcate(sL (in case of caftdidates belonging to reserued
vii) AnV other certificates/ documents a.s reqired uftder tules/ ftoftns.
The appointees shall give arl undertaking duly attested by the First Class Judicial
Magistrate in the shape of an affrdavit to t.l.'e effect that:-
i) if oft uerificatioft from the concemed issuiftq authoities, the qualification
certificate/reserued category certiflcate/expeience certificdte (uhereuer
applicablel submitted bu candidate(s) is found forqed, fdtse or fake, his/ her
appointment shall be canceled ab-initio at the risk aul respotlsibilita of the
ii) The salaru ofthe appointee shall ftot be draun and disbursed to him/ her unless
and until the satisfactory repolt/ genuineness of the certirtcabs in respect of
condition c i) is receiued.
iii) Tle appointee las no ciminal records aftd also is not facing anq cimift@l
proceedings in ang aurt of lau,
iu) The appointee shall be li@ble for dction ats u)arraftted under ntles for uiolating
anV of tLe l@id dolDn conditiofts d.s indicdted in the appoirrtmeftt orde/
d. The appointees sha-ll be on probation for a period of two yeais from the date of
i^inind fhF n^er'
During the period of probation, the appointment ca.n be terminated by the
University at any time without issuing a-ny notice or assigning aJIy reason thereof.
The appointees can be posted in any constituent unit of SKUAST-Jammu as and
when required.
g. Ttre inter-se-seniority of the appointees shall be drawu in accordalce with the
merit secured by these appointees in the selection list notified by Univelsity vide
76(Secy.) of 2024 dated 24.01.2O24.
h. The appointment of the candidates sha.ll be governed under "New Pension
Scheme' in vogue arld amended from time to time.
The service conditions of the appointee shall be govemed in accorda.nce with tJIe
SKUAST Statutes arld rules of the University as in force with amendments or
as may come into torce from tirne to time, togetier read with provisions of J&K
CSRs, wherever applicable;
\-, If any declaiation given or information furnished by the appointee, proves to be
false or is found to have willfully suppressed arly material information, he shall
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology of Jammu

be liable for removal from service and such otler action as may be deemed
The a-foresaid candidates after joining in the olfice of tlle Registrar, SKUAST-
Jalrrmu shall further report to the following Ofiicers/Officials for traidng arld maLe them
aware about the Far_ms/Laboratories/Offices, as deemed fit, till their proper postings:
Name of the Reportlng Omcer

Deai, Faculty of Agriculture

Dean. Facultv of Vetv. Sciences
Dean, Faculty ofBasic Sciences
Dean, Facuty of Horticulture arld Forest4/
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Engg.
Dr. M.C. Dwivedi, Chief Scientist and I/c Research
Fa.rm, Chatha

By Order
lq !l)"v
nor AU.t/Secy./23 -24 | SLF-141 5093-5162 Registrar 0
Dated,- 12.03.2024 SI(UASTJaT'1!nuL_,
All Olficers of the University.
A.ll Dean's of the concerned Faculties for information ald further necessary action
as stated above.
Chief Scientist and I/c Resea-rch Farm, Chatha for information and further similar
action stated above.
All Joint Registrar of SKUAST-Jammu.
AU Deputy Registrars/Deputy Comptrollers of SKUAST-Janmu
All Assistant Comptrollers/Accounts OIIicer.
SVC for kind information of Honble Vice Chancellor.
Unievsrity Website (!vww. skuast. org).

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