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Overview of IELTS- (International English Language Testing System)

IELTS is the test which accesses your English skills in all 4 skills including listening, reading, writing and speaking.

1 Listening:

We have 30 mins to listen and 10 mins to transfer, and this only appears in IELTS listening skill and IELTS paper-
based test.
Different from TOEIC- we don’t have any time to transfer. When the time is off, the examiners have to collect your
answer immediately, even if you finish your hand-out fully they will not care how many answers you have done,
they just focus on your answer sheets.

There are 40 questions divided into 4 parts/sections, so we have 10 questions for each part/ section.

In part 1, we have to listen a conversation (2 people) about social topic/ everyday topic.

In part 2, we have to listen a talk (1 person) about general topic.

In part 3, we have to listen a discussion (2-4 people) related to education topic.

In part 4, we have to listen a talk = lecture (1 person) related to academic topic.

taking a look, we can see the sections/ parts become increasingly harder because when we listen two or more people
talk, we can more easily get information than a person does. Moreover, between general topics and academic topics,
it’s difficult to track the speaker talks/says in academic topic.

There are 12 types of question in the test. However, in a full test we only see from 6 to 8 types.

From there, we understand that some are compulsory and some are optional, so EG is providing students
compulsory types in pre- IELTS and IELTS- master.
Before entering the compulsory types. Pre- IELTS is bringing some auxiliary skills such as listening about the name,
date, number, price, etc. Then we practice the part 1 and 2.

Comparing the old format to new format.

In the old format we can observe ‘section’ word appearing but in new format, it is replaced by ‘part’ for listening

And the greatest difference is elimination an example so you have to pay attention to this point to have appropriate

2. Reading:

We have 50 mins to finish (not to read), you will not have any time to transfer like listening.
There are 3 passages including 40 questions. Therefore, we have about 13-14 questions each passage (900-950

The difficulty between the passages is the same, so you can be active to choose the passages which are your strong
point to finish first.

Similar to listening, reading also has 6-8 types in full test, some are compulsory and some are optional in all 16
question types.

In IELTS- master, EG is giving you some compulsory types like: T/F/NG, Y/N/NG, completion.

In IELTS- advanced EG is showing some optional types like: matching heading, matching.

And In pre- IELTS, EG is providing 2 skills being scan + skim. Although you do any different question types, you
also need to scan and skim skills.

3. Writing

We have 60 mins to finish 2 tasks.

In task 1, we write a report (graph, table, map, process) at least 150 words.

In task 2, we write an essay (3 types of essays) at least 250 words.

Base on the number of the words, we can see task 2 accounts for 2/3 of total score. Therefore, we allocate the time
for each task suitably.

In Pre- IELTS, EG is guiding you how to build the word forms, sentences, paragraphs and then a report and anessay
(in Master- IELTS and IELTS- advanced)

4. Speaking

We have 10- 15 mins (depend on your answers)

In part 1, we have some general/ basic questions about personal information, common topics.

In part 2, we give a long speech/ talk about given topic (2 mins)

In part 3, we have a discussion, answer in-depth question related to topics given in part 2.

In pre- IELTS, EG will bring you part 1.

In Master- IELTS and IELTS- advanced EG is giving you part 1,2,3.

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