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Narrator: Track 13 Speaking Part 1,

Worksheet 1

1 Who do you spend most time with?

2 What do you enjoy doing when you’re at home?

3 What do you like about your school or job?

4 What would you like to do in the future?

5 When did you start learning English? Do you enjoy it?

Why? / Why not?

6 Where did you grow up?

7 What do you like about the town you live in?

8 Where would you like to live if you had the


Narrator: Track 14 Speaking Part 1,

Worksheet 2

1 Do you study or work? What are you studying? /

What do you do?

2 Do you like your school or job? Why? / Why not?

3 What is or was your favourite subject at school?

What do or did you like most about it?

4 Which subject would you like to learn more about?

5 What do you find difficult about learning English?

6 How often do you use English outside of your

English classes?

7 If you could have any job, what would you do and


8 What is your greatest study or work ambition?

Narrator: Track 15 Speaking Part 1,

Worksheet 3

1 What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

2 Do you enjoy playing sports? Which ones?

3 Do you prefer to watch sports rather than take part

in them?

4 Do you enjoy doing things with other people?

5 What are the most popular sports or hobbies in your


6 What activities would you most like to try?

7 Have you ever tried any extreme sports? Did you

enjoy it?

8 How did you spend last weekend?

Narrator: Track 16 Speaking Part 2,

Worksheet 1

Narrator: Now I’d like each of you to talk on your

own about something. I’m going to give

each of you a photograph and I’d like

you to talk about it.

A, here is your photograph. It shows

people travelling. B, you just listen. A,

please tell us what you can see in the


Narrator: Track 23 Speaking Part 4,

Worksheet 1
1 What do you usually do on your birthday?

2 What’s the best present you’ve ever received on

your birthday?

3 Do you enjoy buying presents for other people?

4 What was the last present you bought for someone?

5 Do you think presents should only be for children

and not for adults?

Narrator: Track 25 Speaking Part 4,

Worksheet 2

1 What food and drink do you especially enjoy

having at parties?

2 When do you go to other people’s houses for a


3 How often do you go out to eat in a restaurant?

4 What kinds of things do you enjoy cooking?

5 How important is it for people to eat healthy food?

Narrator: Track 27 Speaking Part 4,

Worksheet 3

1 What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

2 What did you do last weekend?

3 Where do you usually go with your friends in

your free time?

4 Do you prefer spending your free time indoors

or outside?

5 Is it better to do lots of things in your free time

or to relax and do very little?

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