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Scratch Project

Title: Nominal sentence and Verbal sentence (‫)الجملة الفعليّة والجملة االسميّة‬

I. Learning Outcomes:

● By the end of this lesson students will be able to:

o Recall the components of a sentence.
o Differentiate between nominal sentences and verbal sentences.
o Write a short meaningful paragraph incorporating nominal sentences and verbal

II. Target Learners:

● The target audience for whom this lesson is developed is Grade 5 learners (10 years).

III. Prerequisites:

● In order to engage effectively with this lesson, Gr 5 learners should possess basic
understanding of grammatical concepts related to the components of a sentence (Verb,
noun and preposition) and sentence structure.

IV. Lesson Overview:

● Teaching fifth-graders about nominal and verbal sentences enhances their writing and
language comprehension skills by providing a deeper understanding of the different
sentence structures in Arabic (In the Arabic language we use nominal sentences for
description versus verbal sentences for facts). As learners grasp this concept they will
gain the tools to write meaningful, varied and engaging sentences encouraging diverse
writing styles and critical thinking.

V. Materials:

● Arabic grammar book (‫ قواعد وتعبير وكتاب السراج الصف الخامس‬،‫)كتاب عقود األيام‬
● Scratch
● Mentimeter
● Whiteboard
● PowerPoint presentation + YouTube video
● Sticky notes
● Laptops/tablets
● Worksheet to reinforce the concept of sentence components
● Worksheet to model verbal and nominal sentences
Scratch Project

VI. Lesson Activities:

Introduction (15 minutes)

The teacher will:

● Initiate a student led-discussion to encourage the recall of sentence components

covered in the previous grammar session (‫)حصة القواعد‬. She will start the discussion by
1- Who remembers what grammar concept we explored together last week?
2- Can anyone recall the different sentence components?
3- Could someone provide an example?
● Display students’ examples on the whiteboard and then explain that they will interact
with a scratch game designed to assess their grasp of this grammar concept before
introducing a new one.
● Provide a quick overview of the game objectives and mechanics, emphasizing that it is
designed to help them practice grammar in a fun way and that it is not a graded activity.
● Students login and start playing, meantime the teacher moves around checking students’
scores and giving feedback when needed
● Provide students who need reinforcement with a worksheet (1) to complete at home.

● Follow the below instructions for an effective use of this scratch game:

- Start by explaining the type of the game, drag and drop and its objectives which
are to retain and recall information taught in the previous grammar session.
- Inform students that it is not a graded activity but that it will help them apply what
they learned in an interactive and fun way.
- Explain that it will help identify and resolve any gaps before introducing a new
- Inform students that it is an individual activity
- Proceed providing information on the mechanics of the game. Ask students to
follow the instructions written on the screen and encourage them to ask for help
by raising their hand, in case they face any difficulties or challenges.
- Move around the class and monitor students while playing the games and give
feedback when necessary.
- Make sure to notify students to always reset their scores back to 0 in case they
want to try the game again.

Instruction – Explicit information (40 minutes)

The teacher will:

Scratch Project

● Tell students today they will learn a new grammar concept that complements the sentence
components lesson.
● Poll the class with 2 questions: What is a nominal sentence? What is a verbal sentence?
Encourage all students to respond via the interactive live polling Mentimeter software
asking them to share their understanding of the two definitions
● Highlight the misconceptions that resulted from the definitions provided by the students
on the Mentimeter and then she displays a PowerPoint presentation that includes a
YouTube video to explain the lesson of nominal and verbal sentences emphasizing on the
difference between these two types and their components by providing examples and
analyzing them with students. Ask targeted questions while explaining to check students’
understanding. For example: from these sentences, which one is considered nominal?
Who can give me an example? Is this sentence grammatically correct?
● Provide a guided experience by giving students a modeling practice worksheet (2) (about
nominal and verbal sentences, which aims at helping students write correct meaningful
● Move from practice writing meaningful nominal and verbal sentences to reinforcing the
differentiation between the two concepts by playing a scratch game.
● Provide a quick overview of the game objectives and mechanics, emphasizing that it is
designed to help them practice grammar in a fun way and that it is not a graded activity.
● Students login and start playing, while the teacher moves around checking students’
scores and giving feedback when needed.

● Follow the below instructions for an effective use of this scratch game:

- Start by explaining the type of the game, race game, and its objectives which are
to reinforce information taught in this grammar session.
- Explain to students that the main goal of this game is to win the race against a
scratch computer character by analyzing each sentence and answering quickly.
- Inform students that it is not a graded activity but that it will help them apply what
they learned in an interactive and fun way.
- Inform students that it is an individual activity.
- Proceed providing information on the mechanics of the game. Ask students to
follow the instructions written on the screen and encourage them to ask for help
by raising their hand, in case they face any difficulties or challenges.
- Move around the class and monitor students while playing the games and give
feedback when necessary.
- Make sure to notify students to always reset their scores back to 0 in case they
want to try the game again.

Review and closing (5 minutes)

The teacher will:

● Allow a quick sharing about the scratch experience by guiding students to explain how
this interactive activity reinforced their acquisition of the concept. Use exit card activity
Scratch Project

to help them reflect on the session/scratch activities by answering one of these questions.
(Students will write answers on sticky notes and the teacher will collect them to analyze
the data and check the students’ status/needs).

These are some sample questions:

- What did you like the most about this session?
- State one tool that helped you have a better understanding/acquisition of this grammar
- Do you need any additional help? If yes, in which area?
● Announce that in the upcoming session, students need to log in to Padlet and compose a
five-line paragraph describing a photo and applying the nominal and verbal sentence
concept. A graded activity that the teacher will share details as soon as they are ready.

VII. Assessment:

In this lesson, the teacher will assess students' learning during and after the session. As
non-graded formative assessments, throughout the grammar lesson, she will constantly evaluate
the students' comprehension of the concept by asking guided questions, checking the Scratch
game scores, providing feedback while students work on the worksheet and providing extra
reinforcement for those who still struggle with the concept. These non-graded FAs aim at helping
the teacher effectively introduce the lesson, reinforce ideas in the lesson, track the learning
process and support students in their understanding. Additionally, following the session, the
teacher will administer a short graded Summative Assessment out of two. This SA will be
implemented on Padlet after the teacher ensures that all students have had sufficient practice with
the concept and are well prepared for assessments.

VIII. Game Integration:

Integrating two interactive engaging Scratch activities within this lesson will reinforce the
understanding and acquisition of basic sentence structure, nominal and verbal sentences concept
and will create an active environment that will boost students’ self-efficacy. They act as a
formative assessment that will help identify learning gaps and adjust teaching strategies

The scratch games will cover the first two learning outcomes of the lesson. The drag and drop
game will assess students’ retention of the concept “Sentence Components” and also will aim at
helping them recall information taught in a previous session. Moreover, this short game will
help the teacher identify those who need extra support. Simultaneously, this simple activity will
play a role in enhancing students’ computational thinking skills. It will serve as an effective way
to prompt students to analyze each word and categorize them based on their function in a
sentence, displaying algorithmic thinking. Logical reasoning will also be reinforced when
students have to differentiate words by their grammatical role.
Scratch Project

As for the race game, it will assess students’ grasp of the concept “Verbal and Nominal Sentence
Structure”. In this game students will have to answer quickly and correctly in order to win the
race, making the application of the concept both challenging and enjoyable via the integration of
the element of competition that will motivate them to actively participate and persist in
problem-solving, contributing to the development of their computational thinking skills. In
addition, the race game involves pattern recognition whereby students will spot various fixed
nominal and verbal sentence forms. It also involves abstraction, another computation thinking
skill helping them identify and focus on essential information in the sentences while ignoring
non-essential details to help them answer correctly and win the game.

IX. References and Resources

● ‫ للسنة الخامسة من التعليم األساس ّي‬- ‫ المكتبة األهلية‬- ‫كتاب السّراج‬

● ‫كتاب عقود الكالم في القراءة والتّعبير للسّنة الخامسة من التّعليم األساس ّي‬
● YouTube. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved December 2, 2023, from
● Mentimeter
● PowerPoint presentation


‫ الخامس األساس ّي‬: ‫صف‬

ّ ‫ال‬ -----------------------------: ‫االسم‬

‫أركان الجملة‬
‫أضع ك ّل كلمة من الكلمات التّاليّة في مكانها المناسب‬

‫حرف‬ ‫فعل‬ ‫اسم‬

Scratch Project

Worksheet 2

‫ الخامس األساس ّي‬: ‫صف‬

ّ ‫ال‬ --------------------------- : ‫االسم‬
‫‪Scratch Project‬‬

‫الجملة االسميّة والجملة الفغليّة‬

‫‪ -1‬أح ّول الجملة الفعليّة إلى اسميّة والجملة االسميّة الى فعليّة‪.‬‬
‫الولد المؤدب يطيع والديه‬


‫أحب ّ بلدي من ك ّل قلبي‬


‫هاجرت الطّيور إلى بالد دافئة‬


‫‪ -2‬رتّب الكلمات التالية لتصبح مرة جملة اسميّة ومرة جملة فعليّة‪:‬‬

‫في – الصيف – الفالح – العنب – قطف‬

‫جملة فعلية‪--------------------------------------------------------------------- :‬‬

‫جملة اسميّة‪-------------------------------------------------------------------- :‬‬

‫‪ -3‬أكتب جملة اسميّة من تأليفك‪:‬‬


‫أكتب جملة فعليّة من تأليفك‪:‬‬ ‫‪-4‬‬


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