Python For Og Lecture 73 74 75 - Oop Part 1 and 2

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2/3/2021 Python for O&G Lecture 73, 74, 75: OOP - Part 1 and 2 - Colaboratory

Python for Oil and Gas

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# concept of OOP is in many popular languages. But syntax differsin each language

# It does not increase any functionality. OOP is just a style of writing easy and managable code.

# uses the concept of class, object and method

# python is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language

# class and object(instance), method --> three words you'll hear more now

# example
2/3/2021 Python for O&G Lecture 73, 74, 75: OOP - Part 1 and 2 - Colaboratory

flow_rate = [300, 150, 200, 1000] #bbl/day

alphabets = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] # string

mix = [14, 59, 'python', 80.87] # random

list_1 = []

# all above are different objects but all belong to same class i.e. list

# example: Cricket match is a class. Test match, ODI and T20 matches are objects of my class Cricket

# method


[300, 150, 200, 1000, 450]




['Divyansh', 'Sethi']

# methods are functions defined for a particualar class

# a method will perform a fix type of functionality on each object of a class

# So, strings tuples dictionaries and lists all these are already created classes. We have been working already with OOP

# I hope you get the idea behind OOP. If not don't worry, as we proeceed you'll get better at it
2/3/2021 Python for O&G Lecture 73, 74, 75: OOP - Part 1 and 2 - Colaboratory
# I hope you get the idea behind OOP. If not don t worry, as we proeceed you ll get better at it

Lecture 74: OOP - Part 2

Create your own class and objects

# STEP 1

# You always use class keyword and then name of class with first letter capital

# STEP 2

# then define a special method -> init method or constructor. SYNTAX - __init__(self, attr1, attr2, .....)
# self is the representation of the object

# STEP 3

# Create instance variables

# self.instance_variable1 = attr1
# self.instance_variable2 = attr2
# self.instance_variable3 = attr3

class Reservoir:

def __init__(self, por, perm, depth):

print('this works')

self.porosity = por
self.permeability = perm
self.depth_of_reservoir = depth

2/3/2021 Python for O&G Lecture 73, 74, 75: OOP - Part 1 and 2 - Colaboratory

# objects

res_a = Reservoir(0.14, 35, 4000)

this works





# look at this explanation now

# whenever we call the class, first thing happens in __init__ method (constructor) get called

# (to prove this we can add any statement just after the __init__ method)

# self represents our object. MEANS __init__ takes always first input of self. So our object name doesn't matter here

# self.porosity means object.porosity which will give the porosity of our object

# self represents object1 and also object 2 and all other objects as well

# You can use any other term as well in place of self. But prefereed is self

Assignment 19

2/3/2021 Python for O&G Lecture 73, 74, 75: OOP - Part 1 and 2 - Colaboratory

# create a class 'Well' with attributes like completion type, no. of zones, depth of well

# create three instances (objects) of your class 'Well'

class Well:
def __init__(self, comp_type, zones, depth):
self.type_of_comp = comp_type
self.zones = zones
self.depth = depth

well_1 = Well('cased well', 3, 2500)


'cased well'



well_2 = Well('open hole', 1, 1500)


2/3/2021 Python for O&G Lecture 73, 74, 75: OOP - Part 1 and 2 - Colaboratory

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