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Creating Value that

Cannot Be Copied
Jeanke W. van der Haar
Ron G. M. Kemp
Onno (S. W. F.) Omta

One of the greatest challenges for the industrial marketing INTRODUCTION

manager is to incorporate the “voice of the customer” into the
design of new products and services. In this paper, we suggest a In recent years, customer value has become the strate-
three-step approach to fine-tune the product and service offer- gic focus point for technology-based companies. Driven
ings of the company. We illustrate how to use a conjoint analy- by the realization that the total solution is what offers
sis to bridge the information gap between the company and its value to the customer, technology-based companies are
customers—by confronting the value the company intends to of- increasingly selling “customer value” instead of prod-
fer with the value desired by its customers. The illustration is ucts. Therefore, it is critical for these technology-based
based on a case study in business-to-business marketing, con- companies to gain an accurate understanding of the po-
ducted at a technology-based multinational company of office tential value of their offerings and to learn how this value
equipment. Different service offerings were presented to cus- can be further enhanced [1–3]. Consequently, the clear
tomers and prospects, as in a real-life purchasing situation. assessment of the value that a product or service might
Based on the results, different types of newly designed services offer to the customer has become a topic of growing in-
that increase the value for the customer could be terest in the field of industrial marketing. An important
developed. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. tool that may be used to elicit customer value at an early
stage of development is conjoint analysis [4–7]. The
Address correspondence to Onno (S.W.F.) Omta, Department of Economics
present paper illustrates how conjoint analysis can be
and Management, Wageningen University and Research Center, P.O. Box used to close the information gap between the company
9101 6700 HB Wageningen, the Netherlands. E-mail: Onno.Omta.@alg.sls. and its customers—by confronting the value the com- pany intends to offer to its customers with the value de-
The authors are grateful to J.M.L. van Engelen and J. Kemperman for their
useful suggestions while conducting the research and to the anonymous refer- sired by the customers. The illustration is based on a case
ees for their helpful comments on the manuscript. study introduction of a new service, conducted at a tech-

Industrial Marketing Management 30, 627–636 (2001)

© 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. 0019-8501/01/$–see front matter
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S0019-8501(99)00128-5
Customer value has to be defined at
different abstraction levels.
nology-based multinational company which designs, outcome of weighing the pros against the cons may differ
manufactures and sells office equipment. considerably among customers because of the differences
The paper is organized as follows: First, in Theoretical in their individual situation. For instance, a car manufac-
Framework we discuss the theoretical background of the turer may deliver a sensor system for parking assistance,
study. We start with the definition of customer value and a feature that might be embraced by people who live in
the problems imposed on industrial marketing research in crowded cities, whereas people who live in rural areas
order to assess it properly. Second, we discuss the cus- might not perceive this as added value because they have
tomer value model developed in this study in more detail. enough parking space. Consistent with this are the find-
Third, we discuss the methodological background of con- ings of Levitt [9] that different product characteristics
joint analysis. Finally, the case study is described as an have different influences on the customer’s perception of
illustration of the use of conjoint analysis to assess the the product. Therefore, Woodruff and Gardial [2] have
customer value of new service creation in business-to- included the customer’s perception in their definition of
business marketing. customer value: “The customer’s perception of what they
want to happen in a specific use situation, with the help
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK of a product and service offering, in order to accomplish
a desired purpose or goal.”
The Customer Value Concept Customer value is typically a dynamic concept be-
cause the perceived value of a product or service may
Basically, the customer value concept assesses the
change over time. The drivers that motivate a customer’s
value a product offers to a customer, taking all its tangi-
initial purchase may differ from the criteria that connote
ble and intangible features into account. Although this
value during use right after purchase, which in turn may
concept is somewhat ambiguous in nature, most authors
differ from the determinants of value during long-term use
agree that it pertains to a trade off between the benefits
[3, 10, 11]. For instance, as experience with the product in-
the product offers to the customer and the sacrifices a
creases, the need for service and consulting may decrease.
customer has to make to obtain it [5, 7, 8]. Specifically,
A number of authors have linked achieving higher cus-
customer sacrifices are the overall monetary and non-
tomer value to higher profitability for the company [10,
monetary costs (i.e., time, energy, and effort) that the
12–14]. However, it should be noted that bringing a prod-
customer invests in order to get the product or service, or
uct to the market with a high potential customer value
to maintain the relationship with the company [30]. The
alone is no guarantee for a high market share or profits,
per se, because the customer’s purchase decision is based
on a choice between the competing offers in the market
JEANKE VAN DER HAAR is a marketing consultant for different place. The attractiveness of an individual product offer
industries. should always be measured relative to competing prod-
ucts. But, as Armstrong and Collopy [15] argue, this does
RON KEMP is Assistant Professor in Management Science at
the Wageningen University and Research Center and a senior not mean that competitors should be the main focus of
researcher at EIM, Small Business Research and Consulting, the corporate strategy. Armstrong and Collopy’s data
Zoetermeer. show that, generally speaking, companies with a pure
ONNO OMTA is Full Professor in Management Science at
competitor-oriented strategy are less profitable and less
Wageningen University and Research Center, the Netherlands. likely to survive than customer-oriented companies. A
related problem is reported by Pine et al. [16], who warn
that companies struggling for market share may end up pro-

Customer value drives customer
satisfaction by delivering the value that
satisfies customers.

viding their customers with more choices than they may order level are often vague and therefore difficult to as-
want or need. To illustrate this, they report that only 20% of sess for the market researcher. Therefore, a number of
Toyota’s product varieties account for 80% of its sales. companies rely on easier-to-measure customer satisfac-
In the current hypercompetitive environments, where tion data as a basis for business development [29]. Nev-
sources of product- and process-based competitive advan- ertheless, these firms often fail to recognize the lack of
tage are quickly imitated by competitors, it is becoming strategic content of these measurements [3, 19]. Whereas
increasingly difficult to differentiate based on technical customer satisfaction data can only be used for improv-
features and quality alone. For instance, Hewlett-Packard ing existing products, customer value data generate the
states that the window of technical superiority for most of necessary information to create a differentiated product
its new products is less than 6 months [17]. Companies offering for targeted customers [7]. One could say that
may overcome this problem by offering total solutions to customer value drives customer satisfaction by delivering
customer needs. This is one of the reasons why technol- the value that satisfies customers. In the case study, a
ogy-based companies increasingly add services to their conjoint analysis is used for the upfront assessment of the
capital goods. The intangible character of services makes second-order goals and desires of targeted customers
them harder to copy because their quality largely depends based on the conceptual model of customer value dis-
on the firm’s personnel and culture. This is the core of cussed in the following section.
the “customer value concept,” which advocates thinking
in terms of the “total” value proposition (e.g., product, The Conceptual Model of Customer Value
services, channels, ideas) instead of the tangible features The customer value model1, presented in Figure 1,
alone [11, 18, 19]. shows the business development process from vague idea
Although the conceptual importance of customer value to market offer, both from the company’s and the cus-
is increasingly recognized in the marketing literature, its tomer’s perspective. At the start of the business develop-
application in real-life industrial market studies lags be- ment process, the company may have only vague ideas
hind merely because the operationalization of the concept about the value it intends to offer to its customers. This
still poses difficulties to the market researcher. One of value depends on the company’s perceptions of what the
the problems is that customer value can be defined at dif- customer wants and is based on its strategy, capabilities,
ferent abstraction levels [17, 18, 20–22] and, conse- and resources [10, 30]. In the model, we call this the in-
quently, has to be measured at these different levels [1, 2, tended value map of the company. Through market re-
11]. Basically, two abstraction levels of customer value search, the company will try to match its intended value
can be distinguished. The first-order level consists of the map with the preferences and desires of the future users
trade off between the perceived benefits and the sacri- to create a product that fulfils the customer needs. In the
fices of a product as perceived by the customers at the
purchasing decision. The second-order level consists of
the benefits customers seek to fulfill their goals (e.g., 1
The customer value model is based on the SERVQUAL (Service Quality)
comfortable and reliable transportation) [11]. This is the model developed by Zeithaml et al. [23] to assess the customer satisfaction of
service offerings. The two basic features of this model are the definition of
level at which customers think about their needs before
service quality, in terms of a comparison between the expected and the
the purchase. The problem, especially for new products perceived benefits for the customer, and the identification of the gaps between
and services, is that these goals and desires at second- these two in the delivery process.

Conjoint analysis provides a realistic
picture of a real-life purchasing situation.

customer value model, we cluster these vague ideas at the gap. When the product is “on-the-shelf,” it represents
second-order abstraction level as the desired value map some kind of first-order value to the customer. Custom-
of the customer. The term value map is used here, since ers base their expectations of the product’s performance
the customer value of a product or service can best be de- on their perception. This expectation is called the ex-
scribed as a bundle of values, being the aggregation of its pected value map in the model. This map may differ from
benefits and sacrifices. A gap may occur between these the desired value map because there might not be any
two maps. This information gap reflects a situation in product on the market that may exactly match the cus-
which the company has insufficient information about tomers’ desires. Therefore, customers have to choose the
what the customer desires. Because of restraints in the product or service that best matches their expectations. In
company’s strategy and/or marketing capabilities, the other words, they have to make a compromise between
company may focus on the “wrong” customer needs. the value they perceive in the marketplace and the value
After the business development process, a product is they would desire. The smaller this compromise gap, the
created and introduced to the marketplace. The value of greater the chance that the company is successful in win-
the product as designed by the company is called the de- ning customers. The perception gap reflects the potential
signed value map in the model. The designed value may mismatch between the value designed by the company,
differ from the intended value because of technical re- and the customers’ perception of this value. How poten-
straints and/or miscommunication between marketing tially advantageous a product offer might be for custom-
and product development. This will result in the design ers—if they do not recognize this at the purchasing deci-

FIGURE 1. The customer value model.

The desired value map can be used by a
company as a benchmark for the
company’s intended value.

sion—is of no use to the company. A company can try to mand required of the respondents. However, conjoint
reduce this gap by making certain intangibles more tangi- analysis better represents real life conditions, and thus
ble via corporate communication. provides a more realistic picture of what customers will
After the purchase and usage, customers will evaluate buy in the real purchase situation [24–26].
the value they have received. The outcome of this evalua-
tion is called the received value map in our model. The THE CASE STUDY
satisfaction gap reflects the gap between the expected
and the received value, as extensively described by Zei- The goal of the case study was to assess the desired value
thaml et al. [23]2. map of the customers for a new service offer from a tech-
nology-based multinational company in the buyers’ market
Conjoint Analysis for medium-volume color copiers and printers.
For nearly 30 years, conjoint analysis has been used to
quantify customer information. In this study, conjoint Description of the Company
analysis is specifically used to allow companies to make The company is active in over 80 countries and em-
design trade-off decisions by estimating the value that ploys roughly 20,000 employees. There are branches in
customers associate with particular features and at- 31 countries, with a sales volume of over $3 billion
tributes of a product or service3. These attributes and fea- worldwide. The greater part of the research, production,
tures can be subdivided into levels: For example, the at- and international marketing activities are concentrated at
tribute “copier speed” may include the attribute levels 6 the head office in The Netherlands.
ppm, 12 ppm, and so forth. While traditional (so-called
compositional) analyses evaluate the different attributes Study Design
and features separately, conjoint analysis presents the Following the framework of Hair et al. [25], the study
complete product concept to the customer for evaluation design consisted of three phases.
[24]. By doing so, it evaluates the multiple (often interre- PHASE 1. In the first phase, the current product offer
lated) attributes and attribute levels “jointly” (hence, the was divided into six value areas: functionality, productiv-
term conjoint analysis) to identify the product profile that ity, financial risk, marketing, organization, and digital
contains the most preferred combination of attributes. features. This was done through an iterative process that
The preferences are then deconstructed into judgements blended input from engineering, marketing, and industry
at the individual attribute levels. The main advantage of experts from the company in question. Each value area
compositional analysis is, of course, the relatively simple represented a number of values desired by the customer.
method of data collection and the limited cognitive de- In 21 semi-structured face-to-face interviews with cus-
tomers and prospects (see Table 1)4, these value areas
were discussed in depth. The interviews were structured
In the SERVQUAL model, the received value is called the perceived value.
This term is not used here because it is somewhat misleading, for all the value
following “the Grand Tour,” a technique often used in
maps are based on perceptions.
Whereas features can take on any value along a continuum (e.g., price or
weight), attributes can take on one of a discrete set of levels (e.g., 2- or 4WD A prospect is a potential “target” customer who currently uses a competing
[6]). product and has shown interest in the company’s product.

The three-step approach provides a sound
basis for conducting a value strategy.

customer value interviews [2]. The interviews took about product. For example, when using a computer for print-
1 hour each. The respondents were selected to represent a ing documents on a copier, training and support are
cross-section of the entire market. In the interviews, re- needed in order to handle these digital documents. The
spondents stated current problem areas and needs as well respondents stated that only three areas were perceived as
as future desires. These data were used to get an idea especially important in their purchasing decision, namely
about the customers’ desired value map and for the analy- the value areas of digital features, productivity, and mar-
sis of areas where extra services could be provided. The keting assistance. These are the value areas, together with
reason for this is that in order to conduct business develop- price, which were evaluated in the conjoint analysis.
ment properly, it is important to collect information about PHASE 2. In the second phase of the study, the data
the more abstract value levels; that is, the customer needs. from the interviews were analyzed qualitatively. Based
The drivers for customer value (product and service at- on the results of the interviews and competitor offerings,
tributes) were determined per value area. The value area possible solutions, features, and attributes were formu-
“functionality” referred to special features of the product, lated for each value area. Together with corporate man-
as well as to possible training and support offerings by agers (by means of focus groups) the solutions stated
the company in using these features. In the value area were clustered into two types of supportive services (ac-
“productivity,” all value-added features and activities tive and reactive values [21]). Both active and reactive
that increased the product’s performance and uptime values focus on solutions for certain needs. Active value
were included. The value area “financial risk” referred to manipulates an object to produce value, whereas reactive
the value offered that reduced the perceived risk of the value delivers value in itself. The company’s support in
customers of earning back their investment. Added value the value area of digital features can be of an active na-
in marketing is created by helping the (industrial) cus- ture, if customers are taught how to use the digital fea-
tomer to increase his or her turnover. Organizational tures; or reactive, if the company sends out consultants
value is hard to define but should not be neglected [15]. who help the customers when problems occur. The same
Many customers see the organization’s positive image as holds for the value area of productivity, whereby the
an important driver for their purchasing decision. Finally, company can either educate its customers up front or can
the value area “digital features” referred to specific fea- react to service calls to send in mechanics. In the value
tures and services that improved the digital value of the area of marketing, the company can either offer market
information and courses to its clients or it can offer
ready-made promotional material.
The corporate managers evaluated whether these offer-
Table 1
Number of Interviewees and Respondents to the Mail Survey,
ings could be delivered at a realistic price. Although the
Both Customers and Prospects desired value map of the customers should always be the
starting point, if treated uncritically, it may result in a
Office Shop Art Total
product offer that is impossible for the company to de-
Interviews liver. Based on the discussions with corporate managers,
Customers 3 6 4 13 we used three price levels in the conjoint profiles:
Prospects 1 4 3 8
Mail Survey $1,000, $1,250, and $1,500. By using the aforementioned
Customers 7 11 5 23 procedure, we were able to create realistic and communi-
Prospects 3 8 4 15 cable service offerings. Figure 2 shows one of the pro-
Total 14 29 16 59 files used in the conjoint analysis.

Data Analysis
The data was analyzed using the statistical software
program SPSS. To analyze the satisfaction scores be-
tween customers and prospects, nonparametric Kruskall
Wallis tests were used. For the conjoint analysis, a frac-
tional factorial design was used based upon the seven ba-
sic plans of Addelman [27]. Based on previous inter-
views with customers, we chose for an additional model.
The attributes we used did not suggest interaction effects.
The conjoint analysis was validated by calculating Ken-
dall’s Tau, which describes the correlation between the
observed and the expected utility scores.
No significant differences were found between cus-
tomers and prospects. However, clear differences could
be demonstrated between the three user segments con-
cerning the use of the product, the level of experience in
the use of digital equipment, and the quality demand of
the customers. Therefore, the results of the conjoint anal-
ysis were analyzed separately for the three segments.

Data Collection
Data for this study were collected in 1998. Table 1
shows the number of interviewees and the number of re-
spondents of the mail survey questionnaire, overall, and
separately for the three segments. The semi-structured in-
terviews were held with 13 customers and 8 prospects.
The mail survey questionnaire was sent to 102 customers
FIGURE 2. An example of a conjoint profile. and prospects in Belgium, Germany, and The Nether-
lands. None of them was included in the semi-structured
interviews; 38 returned their questionnaire, providing a
response rate of 37%.
PHASE 3. As the third part of our study, a five-page
mail survey questionnaire was presented to customers and
prospects in the market of medium-volume color printing. RESULTS
In the convenience sample, we selected three different user
segments: office, shop, and art. The five-page survey ques- The semi-structured interviews revealed that the re-
tionnaire consisted of three separate parts. The current ser- spondents were satisfied with the levels of politeness,
vice offerings were briefly assessed, using 11 pre-coded courtesy, and competence of the service personnel. They
questions based on seven-point Likert-type scales. In addi- were relatively less satisfied with the response time of the
tion, the respondents were asked to rank 9 conjoint profiles, service and the quality of the support and training.
from most (1) to least preferred (9), and to select the top 6 Table 2 shows that the results of the semi-structured
from a list of 20 additional service offerings that were for- interviews were largely confirmed by the satisfaction as-
mulated more concretely than the more abstract solutions in sessment of the current service offerings in the mail sur-
the conjoint analysis. To assure uniform interpretation, a vey. Interestingly, the customers of the company were
preliminary version of the questionnaire was pilot-tested significantly more critical about the company’s service
with the experts in the focus groups and background infor- than the prospects. Taking into account that their own
mation about the different service profiles was provided in customers might have responded more critically in order
the survey questionnaire. to “sharp-shod” the company, this might indicate that the

Table 2 sented their desired value map. This map turned out to be
Assessment of Customers and Prospects of the Current Service
Offerings (Likert-type seven point scale, mean and (STD)
largely the same for all three segments. The value area of
digital features had the highest utility scores, meaning
Customers Prospects that customers made the most distinct choices for this
Customer focus value area and thus perceived it as most important. Train-
Sales, service and help desk 6.1 (0.9) 6.0 (0.6) ing support was the preferred service for this value area.
Service quality Training aimed at improving productivity was the second
Service, training and manual 5.4 (1.1) 6.0 (0.8)
Response time additional service preferred, except in the segment shops,
Service and help desk 5.0 (1.3) 5.3 (0.7) where it was ranked third. The customers and prospects
Digital features in this segment were very price-sensitive. This can be ex-
Training and technical support 4.7 (1.4) 5.3 (1.0)
plained by the fact that the shop market is highly compet-
itive and quality is less important for the end users in this
segment. Price was ranked second, and the package had
company still has a way to go to bypass competitors in to be delivered for the lowest presented price of $1,000.
service provision. In the office and art segments, price was ranked third. In-
Table 3 shows the results of the conjoint analysis. For terestingly, customers and prospects in these segments
the whole study sample and for the separate segments, indicated that they were willing to pay a premium price
high and significant validity scores were found (Ken- of $1,250 for the services offered. This response proba-
dall’s Tau above 0.78), which provided confidence in the bly has to do with the quality signaling effect of price. On
reliability of the utility scores. The relative importance of the other hand, in business-to-business markets prices are
the different value areas is shown within brackets (Table not the most important selection criterion. The customers
3)—a figure derived from the utility scores of the ser- and prospects might be willing to pay more for extra
vices. The underlying thought was that respondents value [28]. The lowest rank was given to marketing sup-
would make the most distinct choices for the service they port in all three segments. The attribute preferred here
perceived as the most important. The (most) positive util- was marketing information rather than promotional mate-
ity score indicates the most preferred solution for that rial.
value area. The most preferred product augmentation per Table 4 shows the results of the choice of 6 from a list
segment is that combination of services that results in the of 20 concrete additional services. In total, 214 items
highest utility score. Since customers ranked the full pro- were selected, indicating that every respondent chose 5 to
file cards according to their preferences, this best repre- 6 items of additional services. Overall, the results pre-

Table 3
Utility Scores per Segment

Digital Features Productivity Marketing Price (US $)

Office (Kendall’s tau  0.89) Education 1.25 Education 0.35 Information 0.40 1,000 0.30
Consulting 1.25 Service call 0.35 Promotion 0.40 1,250 0.43
1,500 0.73
(39%) (21%) (20%) (20%)
Shop (Kendall’s tau  0.78) Education 1.32 Education 0.30 Information 0.21 1,000 0.32
Consulting 1.32 Service call 0.30 Promotion 0.21 1,250 0.09
1,500 0.40
(37%) (24%) (12%) (27%)
Art (Kendall’s tau  0.87) Education 1.53 Education 0.11 Information 0.19 1,000 0.04
Consulting 1.53 Service call 0.11 Promotion 0.19 1,250 0.25
1,500 0.22
(35%) (31%) (14%) (20%)
Total (Kendall’s tau  0.94) Education 1.35 Education 0.27 Information 0.26 1,000 0.23
Consulting 1.35 Service call 0.27 Promotion 0.26 1,250 0.22
1,500 0.45
(37%) (25%) (15%) (23%)

The Relative Importance of the Different Value Areas is within Parentheses.

sented in Table 4 largely confirm the results of the con- vironment. By assessing the desired value map of their
joint analysis, where training in digital and productivity customers, via the conjoint analysis, a company can ac-
were the areas most often chosen. However, it is interest- quire a benchmark for its intended value. This way a
ing to notice that in the value area of digital features, get- company can guide and improve its business develop-
ting technical support was chosen by a large minority of ment activities before market introduction, using the
23% of the respondents, a fact that would have been analysis to optimize the designed value of its products
overlooked if only the results of the conjoint analysis had and services, and to focus its corporate communication
been used because of the winner-takes-all approach of on those value areas that are perceived most important by
this analysis. Items regarding information in the value its customers.
area of marketing were chosen much less often, namely The customer value model developed in this study de-
by 14% of the respondents. scribes how customers choose between products to try to
The following additional services were chosen by a achieve their higher-order goals [11] and how a company
high percentage of the respondents (data not shown in should base its value strategy on this. In the conjoint
Table 4). In the value area of digital features, 19% of the analysis, the service descriptions were kept at the ab-
respondents expressed a need for advanced training in straction level at which customers stated their desires so
raster imaging, digital delivery of documents, and digital that customers would not be restrained by a too narrow
document preparation. In the value area of productivity, definition of the possible future services. This was com-
24% of the respondents asked for special training in preven- bined with a question to select the most attractive services
tive maintenance and problem solving. A service response out of a larger list to come to a concrete service offering.
time of less than 2 hours and being placed on standby in the Although conjoint analysis is mentioned often in mar-
weekends were mentioned by 15% of the respondents. keting literature, it is not so often used in industrial mar-
This information can be used by the company to move keting practice, probably due to its perceived complexity
from the higher-order value perspective used in the con- [31]. The present study shows that this fear is largely un-
joint analysis to the lower-order value perspective of the founded. If conducted by the three-step approach pre-
actual trade off between perceived benefits and sacrifices sented below, the number of profiles to be examined, and
(the level of the designed value map and the expected thereby the cognitive load of the respondents, can be kept
value map). The several service attributes can now be down. An additional advantage is that a conjoint analysis
combined into realistic service offerings, thereby form- can be conducted on small samples, which is particular
ing possible designed value maps. With this information, useful in business-to-business settings that are character-
the company can now create and communicate the com- ized by a relatively small sample size.
bination of additional services per user segment which is It should be noted that the results presented in this pa-
most likely to win in the marketplace. per are far from conclusive, since they are based on one
case study only. They are meant as an illustration of how
to use conjoint analysis to elicit future customer prefer-
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ences in business-to-business markets. Further research
is needed to validate the customer value model and the
The present study provides insight into how companies use of conjoint analysis in other business contexts. Keep-
can monitor customer value in a business-to-business en- ing this in mind, the results presented in this paper lead to
the following management implications.

Table 4
Most Desired Attribute Levels per Value Area
Digital Productivity Marketing Total
Features (%) (%) (%) (%) One of the greatest challenges for the industrial mar-
keting manager is to incorporate the “voice of the cus-
Training 29 30 59
Technical support 23 2 25
tomer” into the design of new products and services. In
Marketing information 14 14 this paper, we suggest using conjoint analysis as a three-
Promotion 2 2 step approach to assessing the customer value up front in
Total 52 32 16 100
the business development process.

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