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Organizational Stakeholders, Fair Trade, Environmental and Social Responsibility

Department of Computer Science, University of the People

PHIL 1404: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Mr. Ma

May 15, 2024


Organizational Stakeholders, Fair Trade, Environmental and Social Responsibility

Fair trade is a movement which strives for the right form of treatment to be given to farmers.

Here a good deal can be gotten by a farmer from the purchaser, pending the farmers negotiating

power, getting himself a fair price for their product.

After reading the chapter 8 of the fair trade, of the book Good Corporation, Bad Corporation. I

found out that my likelihood of getting a fair-trade coffee has increase. This is because farmers

are now been treated right in the area of given a fair price for their product, which encourages

farmers to keep cultivating and promotes proper or good business ethics.

Other than using the fair trade approach, one can achieve the objectives of improving the lives of

developing-country farmers and producers by using a direct contact method. Here the farmer can

deal direct with the buyer or purchaser without the use of a third person, and in-turn this can lead

saving cost and gaining more profit food the business growth. Economically the value of money

at a time may increase or decrease as the farmers can now deal with the international buyer or

purchaser by themselves as regards making more money when paid in foreign currency.

Here Is why consumer buy fair trade product they include: knowing that farmers are been

properly compensated base on the value they bring in terms of products, consumers also see the

need for discounted price in products from farmers, also the area of providing quality produces

as a result of devotion to working effectively. One can also look at the ethical path as one that

supports better working condition for farmers, giving a head way to buying fair trade product.

Finally looking at the social responsibility, a fair trade product can contribute to a worldwide

consumption and satisfaction gotten.




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