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Small Wind Turbine Systems for Application in

Razzaqul Ahshan Abdullah Al-Badi Nasser Hosseinzadeh Mohammed Shafiq
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Dept. of Electrical & Computer Dept. of Electrical & Computer Dept. of Electrical & Computer
Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering
Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos University
Muscat, Oman Muscat, Oman Muscat, Oman Muscat, Oman
razzaqul@squ.edu.om albadi@squ.edu.om hosseinz@squ.edu.om mshafiq@squ.edu.om

Abstract— Application of small-scale wind energy systems has meeting its current demand for electricity mainly through the
an increasing trend. This increasing trend is due to the use of natural gas (about 97.5%) and diesel fuel.
technological advancement in the wind turbines, which has
reduced the cost of wind energy. This paper investigates the The wind velocity, over the 2000 km long coastline of the
potential utilization of small wind turbines for the extraction of Sultanate, is strong, especially in the southern part of the
wind power in the Sultanate of Oman. This study is based on Sultanate, the mountains of Salalah [6, 7]. The past studies
analysis of the site wind data, the annual energy capture by the indicate that there is a considerable potential of wind resources
turbines, the length of the time for the effective wind speed and throughout the coastline of the Sultanate of Oman. These
the wind turbines capacity factors at various locations. The effect studies also show that the annual average wind velocity at 10 m
of pressure and temperature on the air density for a particular height varies from 3 m/s to 5.98 m/s at various locations of the
site has accounted to calculate the annual energy output and the Sultanate [6]. However, there is a significant underutilization
capacity factor of a turbine at this site. A group of five different of the potential of wind resources at the Sultanate. A recent
small wind turbines has considered for three different sites in this study reports that the wind farm of 50MW capacity at the
study. The results of this research reveal that the small wind Wilayat of Shalem and Halaniyat Island in the Governorate of
turbine has a very good potential for the applications such as Dhofar is the first wind power plant in Sultanate of Oman that
home, schools/campuses, communities, green houses, irrigation may start operation in 2019 [4]. The Rural Area Electricity
and small business in the Sultanate of Oman.
Company’s (RAEC) annual report indicates that a 1.6 MW
Keywords— Wind energy, small wind turbine, annual energy,
wind farm for the Masirah Island is underway and the
capacity factor. negotiations between RAEC and the investors is in process [8].
To benefit from the wind power potential of the Sultanate and
to support the milestone of adding 10% energy from the
I. INTRODUCTION renewable sources, much more national attention needs to be
Electricity production from wind has been growing at a fast paid by the researchers, government, and the energy providers.
rate over the last decades. The cumulative wind power
The installation of small-scale wind turbines can maximize
installation capacity has increased from 23.9 GW to 486.79
the use of the wind potential in the Sultanate. The rated power
GW during the period of 2001 to 2016 [1, 2]. Future
capacity of small turbines is available up to 100 kW. These
predictions indicate that this growth trend is likely to continue
turbines can generate sufficient power that can meet the
and the total installations may go upto 817.0 GW by 2021 [2].
demand for houses, small and medium business, farms and
Therefore, wind power will have a significant impact in the
ranches, communities, and school/campuses etc. In addition,
production of clean energy in the future.
the recent technological improvement of wind turbine systems
Many countries around the world have installed wind reduces substantially the cost of wind energy [1, 9]. This helps
generation systems in order to meet the growing demand of to overcome the barriers such as high initial cost in installing
electricity. China, USA, Germany, India, Spain, United and utilizing the small wind turbines.
Kingdom, France, Canada, Brazil and Italy are some of the
The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of
countries that have developed wind power stations to address
utilizing the small wind turbine systems for application in the
the increasing global demand for clean energy [3]. The
Sultanate of Oman. Effective availability of the wind speed,
Sultanate of Oman aims to meet 10% of its energy demand
annual energy output of the wind turbine, and turbine’s
from renewable energy sources by 2030 [4]. A recent report
capacity factor have been considered to determine the potential
shows that the annual electricity demand in the Sultanate of
of installing a turbine for a particular site. A statistical analysis
Oman is likely to increase at a rate of 6-9% in the coming years
of the site wind data determines the effective availability of
[5]. In addition, there has been a steady increase in the rates of
wind speed at this site. This study applies the manufacturer’
government subsidy for electricity production in the Sultanate.
power curve method to determine the annual energy output of a
It is worth mentioning here, that the Sultanate of Oman is
turbine. The correction of the manufacturer power curve has
been done by considering the variation of the air density and

978-1-5386-1006-0/18/$31.00 C2018 IEEE

Table I. Classification of small wind turbines [10, 11]
Type Rotor diameter (m) Swept area (m2) Power (kW) Typical applications
Micro 0.5 – 1.25 0.2 – 1.2 0.04 – 0.25 Remote electrification, electric fences, battery charging
Mini 1.25 – 3.0 1.2 – 7.1 0.25 – 1.4 Battery charging, remote houses, village electrification
Household 3 – 10 7 – 79 1.4 – 16 Residential, distributed generations (DGs), remote houses
Small commercial 10 – 20 79 – 314 25 – 100 Schools, large farms, DGs, remote communities, microgrids

Table II. Operating parameters and specifications of small wind turbines [12-16]
Turbine Turbine model Rotor diameter Swept area Rated Power Operational speeds (m/s)
designation (m) (m2) (kW) Cut-in Rated Cut-out
WT1 Bergey Excel 1 2.5 5 1 2.5 11 Auto-furling
WT2 Britwind R9000 5.5 24 5 3 11.2 Auto-furling
WT3 Bergey Excel 10 7 38.5 10 3.4 12 Auto-furling
WT4 Fortis Alize’ 6.9 37.4 10 3 13 Auto-furling
WT5 Polaris P10-20 10 78.5 20 2.7 10 25

temperature for a particular site. Finally, the capacity factor of have the cut-in wind speed 2.5 and 2.7 m/s, respectively [12,
the wind turbine is determined by using the modified 16]. The turbine with low cut-in wind speed is a good option
manufacturer power curve. The outcome of this investigation for the site that has low to medium wind speed average.
reveals that there is a significant potential for installing small
wind turbines in the Sultanate of Oman. However, it needs to III. METHODOLOGY
be mentioned that the economic analysis of the small wind
turbine systems for the selected sites has not been considered Wind data analysis is important and is the foremost factor
in this paper. to evaluate wind potential for a particular site. This analysis
reveals the availability of the wind in the site for a certain
duration over a period. It requires determining the wind speed
II. SMALL WIND TURBINES distribution using a time series wind data. The Weibull
Small wind turbines are those having the rotor swept area distribution function has been utilized for this study because of
of less than 200 m2 or the rated power of upto 50 kW [10]. its simplicity and accuracy reported in the literature [17-19].
Small wind turbines are also defined as those turbines that The Weibull probability distribution function has been
generate power upto 100 kW [11]. This indicates that the small modeled as [17-19]
wind turbines are sufficient to deliver power in a variety of
places such as residential and commercial complexes, schools, k v
k −1
  v k 
farms and ranches, to name a few. Table I shows the fw ( v ) =   exp  −    (1)
cc  c 
classification of the small wind turbines that is based on the  
swept area, rated power, and typical applications. This
indicates that there are a variety of small wind turbines Where f w ( v ) is the probability of the wind speed v , k is the
available that the customer can select from, to fulfill the
dimensionless shape parameter, c is the scale parameter in m/s.
specific need and requirements.
The Weibull parameters k and c are determined using the
This study selects five different wind turbines that may be standard deviation method as follows [18].
utilized for the aforementioned applications in Table I. The
wind turbines are denoted as WT1, WT2, WT3, WT4, and σ 
WT5, throughout this study. Table II demonstrates the k =  (2)
operating parameters and the specifications of the selected  vm 
wind turbines. It is to be noted that though WT3 and WT4
have the same rated power, their operational speed and the v
rotor diameter are different. Such a selection allows observing c= (3)
the performance of these two different turbines in the same Γ(1 + 1 k )
location. However, the cut-out wind speeds for the WT1, WT2,
WT3 and WT4 are the same as their survival speeds [12-15]. The mean wind speed, vm and the standard deviation of the
This is because of the furling technique available with the wind speed, σ have calculated as
small wind turbines. In addition, the selected wind turbines
have a wide range of cut-in wind speed that includes low to 1 N
high cut-in wind speeds. WT2, WT3, and WT4 have the cut-in vm =  vi (4)
wind speed above 3 m/s including the highest cut-in wind N i =1
speed is 3.4 m/s for WT3. On the other hand, WT1 and WT5
T = Tg − 0.0065 ( hhh − hhh ,g )
 1 N 2
σ =  (vi − vm )  (5)
 N − 1 i =1  where Tg is the ground temperature, and hhh , g is the hub height
However, the mean wind speed, vm and the standard deviation at the ground which is equal to zero. A correction factor, Cc
of the wind speed, σ can also be determined using gamma has determined as the ratio of the corrected air density,
function in terms of Weibull distribution parameters k and c. ρ c ,air and the standard air density, ρ std , air .
[17, 20]. In addition, the power law method is utilized to scale
the wind speed data at the hub height as follows [21, 22]. ρ c , air
Cc = (11)
vhh  hhh 
ρ std , air
=  (6)
vrh  hrh  The corrected power curve using (9) has obtained as

where vhh is the wind speed at the hub height in m/s, vrh wind Pi ,corr = Cc Pi , std (12)

velocity at the reference or the measured height in m/s, hhh is where Pi ,corr is the power due to the corrected air density at the
the hub height in m, hrh is reference height at which the i th wind speed, and Pi , std is the power due to the standard air
measurement has been taken and α is the shear-exponent that
was calculated using the following equation as given in [21, density at the i th wind speed.
22]. The annual energy output has been calculated by the following
α = 0.096log10 ( Z o ) + 0.016 ( log10 ( Z o ) ) + 0.24
Annual energy output, AEO =  Pi ,corr H i (13)
where Z o is the surface roughness, and its values are obtained i =1

from [6].
where Pi ,corr is the output power of the turbine at the i th wind
The estimated annual energy output of a selected wind
turbine for a particular site is essential to observe the suitability speed, and H i is the length of the time that the i th wind speed
of the turbine in the site. The energy output provides an occurs.
indication to the researchers, developers and customers in
The capacity factor compares the actual energy output of a
terms of the economics of selecting the turbine sizes and
turbine with the energy output at the rated power of the turbine
brands. This study determines the turbine energy output using
for the duration of a year [23, 24]. The capacity factor has been
power curve method and the distribution of wind speed at the taken into account to determine the productivity of a particular
site where the turbine will be installed [21]. The power curve wind turbine at a specific site. The capacity factor has been
method utilizes the manufacturers’ turbine power curves those
calculated using (14).
have derived at a standard air density, temperature and
pressure. However, the installation of such a turbine will be AEO
based on the air density, pressure and temperature, which will Capacity Factor, CF = (14)
Prated × 8765
vary from one site to another. Thus, this investigation accounts
for the aforementioned factors and utilizes the corrected power
curve to determine the annual energy output for a particular IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
wind turbine at a particular site. Although several sites in the Sultanate of Oman has wind
The corrected air density, ρ c ,air relates to the pressure p and potential, three locations, namely Qaran Alam (QA), Masirah
(MH), and Qayroon Hayriti (QH) have been selected in this
the temperature T as follows [21] investigation [6, 7]. The wind data for these locations was
obtained from the Directorate General of Meteorology and Air
 p Navigation department of the Sultanate of Oman. Table III
ρ c ,air = 3.4837   (8) shows the annual mean wind speed at 10 m height for the
T   selected sites. The annual average wind speeds for QA, MH
The pressure, p at the hub height, hhh has expressed as and QH are 4.64 m/s, 5.54 m/s, and 5.98 m/s, respectively.
Table III. Annual mean wind speed of the selected sites
p = 101.29 − (0.011837)hhh + (4.79 × 10 −7 )hhh2 (9)
Potential locations Annual mean wind speed Category
The relation between the temperature, T and the hub height, Qaran Alam (QA) 4.40 m/s Low
hhh is as follows Masirah (MH) 5.54 m/s Medium

Qayroon Hayriti (QH) 5.98 m/s Good

the potential to be installed in MH and QH sites to support the
The wind speed frequency distributions of QA, MH and partial load demand of the houses or green houses.
QH has been calculated using (1) - (7). Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig.
3 demonstrate the length of the time for which a particular
wind speed occurs. It indicates that the effective wind speed 3000
(above 2.5 m/s) exists longer period in the QA and the MH

AEO (kWh)
sites compared to that of the QH site. In addition, the wind 2000

speed frequency for a range 3 m/s to 14 m/s is higher at the

MH site in comparison to the same range of the wind speed at
the QA and QH sites. Although the average wind speed for QH 0
is higher than that of the QA and MH sites, there are significant Selected sites
number of hours at the QH site where the speed remains at or
below 2.5 m/s. This in fact has an influence in generating
annual energy output and hence the productivity of the

Capacity factor

1500 0.1
Number of hours

1200 0
900 Selected sites
600 Fig. 4. Performance of WT1 (1 kW) at the selected sites
0 Fig. 5 shows the performance of a 5 kW (WT2) wind
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Wind speed (m/s) turbine for the QA, MH, and QH sites. This turbine produces
11649 kWh, 18492 kWh, and 18028 kWh energy annually for
Fig. 1. Wind speed distribution for Qaran Alam (QA) site the QA, MH, and QH sites, respectively. The monthly energy
output for this turbine in these selected sites is 970.75 kWh,
1000 1541 kWh, and 1502.3 kWh, respectively. This indicates that
Number of hours

800 the energy output of this turbine can meet monthly energy need
of a typical house in MH and QH sites, as the load demand of a
typical house is approximately 1381.2 kWh [25]. It is to be
noted that WT2 shows the ability to produce more energy than
the energy need of a typical house for these two sites. This
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 means that the turbine owner can sell the extra amount of
Wind speed (m/s) energy to the grid or to the energy providers. On the contrary,
Fig. 2. Wind speed distribution of Masirah (MH) site
WT2 produced power at the QA site can only support 71.8% of
the total energy need of a typical house. Fig. 5 also shows that
1200 WT2 can operate at a capacity factor above 0.4 at the MH and
Number of hours

900 QH sites. A turbine operating in such a capacity factor

indicates that it has higher productivity rate at the MH and QH
sites. Thus, the payback period for WT2 will be faster for MH
300 and QH sites in comparison to the QA site.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Wind speed (m/s) x 10
Fig. 3. Wind speed distribution of Qayroon Hayriti (QH) site

Fig. 4 shows the performances of a 1 kW (WT1) wind
turbine at the QA, MH and QH sites. The annual energy output
of this turbine in these three sites are 2200 kWh, 3187 kWh, 0.5
and 2837 kWh, respectively. The monthly energy output of this 0
1 kW wind turbine at QA, MH and QH sites are 183.33 kWh, Selected sites
265.58 kWh, and 236.42 kWh, respectively. This amount of 0.5
energy is not sufficient to meet the energy demand for a typical
Capacity factor

house at the Sultanate of Oman. The monthly load demand for
a typical house at the Sultanate is about 1381.2 kWh [25]. 0.3
However, this turbine can meet 19.2% energy need of a typical 0.2
house for the MH site. Although the turbine is able to meet 0.1
only 19.2 % of the total energy demand of the house, its
capacity factor reveals that the turbine can operate at its higher 0
capacity level for the MH and QH sites. Hence, this turbine has Selected sites
Fig. 5. Performance of WT2 (5 kW) at the selected sites
The performance of a 10 kW (WT3) wind turbine at QA, capacity factor for the MH site. This indicates that WT3 would
MH and QH sites is shown in Fig. 6. WT3 produces energy on provide faster payback if it would install in the QH site, while
an annual basis at these three sites at the rate of 21178 kWh, WT4 will provide payback at a faster rate if it would install in
28456 kWh, and 31484 kWh, respectively. The monthly the MH site.
energy output of WT3 are 1764.8 kWh, 2371.33 kWh, and
2623.66 kWh at QA, MH, and QH sites, respectively. The 4
x 10
result reveals that a 10 kW wind turbine can generate sufficient 4
power for a typical house at the selected sites. The owner of

AEO (kWh)
this wind turbine system can sell the surplus energy back to the
utility grid or to local energy providers. It is important to note 2
that WT3 produces more energy for the QH site in comparison 1
to the MH site. This is because of the frequency of the wind
speed around the rated wind speed of this turbine (12 m/s) is 0
higher for the QH sites. In addition, the duration of the Selected sites
effective wind speed (cut-in to cut-out wind speed) for the QH 0.4
site is higher than that of the MH site. Fig. 6 also shows the

Capacity factor
capacity factors of this turbine for the selected sites. WT3
shows good productivity rate in producing energy for the MH 0.2
and the QH sites. In other words, this turbine system can
operate at its optimal capacity and can reduce the payback
period. 0
Selected sites
x 10 Fig. 7. Performance of WT4 (10 kW) at the selected sites

The performances of a 20 kW (WT5) wind turbine at QA,

AEO (kWh)

MH, and QH sites have studied and presented in Fig. 8. The
1 annual energy output of WT5 for these three sites is 44034
kWh, 71747 kWh, and 69736 kWh, respectively. The monthly
0 average output energy of this turbine are 3669.5 kWh, 5978.9
Selected sites kWh, and 5811.3 kWh at QA, MH and QH sites, respectively.
0.4 It indicates that WT5 has the ability to produce energy that
could supply for more than two typical Omani houses at the
Capacity factor

0.3 QA site. However, this turbine shows its ability to supply more
0.2 than four typical Omani houses at the MH and QH sites. It also
reveals that WT5 has potential to utilize for small business,
0.1 communities, farms and ranches, if multiple numbers of WT5
connected and operated together. Fig. 8 also shows the capacity
QA MH QH factors of WT5 for QA, MH and QH sites are 0.31, 0.41 and
Selected sites
0.38, respectively. It illustrates that this turbine can produce
Fig. 6. Performance of WT3 (10 kW) at the selected sites power at a good productivity rate at the MH and QH sites.
Thus, the system cost recovery will be faster, if this wind
Fig. 7 illustrates the performances of a 10 kW (WT4) wind turbine is installed at the MH site.
turbine at QA, MH and QH sites. WT4 has the lower cut-in (3
m/s) and the higher rated (13 m/s) wind speeds in comparison 4
to the wind turbine WT3. An important note is that both WT3 x 10
and WT4 have the same rated power capacity. WT4 produces
AEO (kWh)

the annual energy at QA, MH, and QH sites are 23313 kWh,
30818 kWh, and 28806 kWh, respectively. The monthly 4
energy output of WT4 is 1942.75 kWh, 2568.16 kWh, and 2
2400.5 kWh at these three sites. It is essential to note that WT4
produces higher energy in comparison to WT3. It is seen from 0
the manufacturer power curves that WT3 does not produce Selected sites
power for the wind speeds after 21 m/s due to the auto furling
action. However, WT4 can produce power until 25 m/s
Capacity factor

because the furling action allows the turbine to generate power
at a reduced capacity for the wind speeds between 16 m/s to 25
m/s. Therefore, the performance of the WT3 and WT4 are 0.2
different for the same site even though both turbines have the 0.1
same rated power capacity. However, the capacity factors for 0
WT3 are higher for QH site, while WT4 has the higher QA MH QH
Selected sites
Fig. 8. Performance of WT5 (20 kW) at the selected sites
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