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The Mediterranean diet

Chabela Martínez-acitores
The benefits of the sustainability of the Mediterranean diet
In our country, they are studies that demonstrate the benefit of the
Mediterranean diet. This diet includes plant-based food and fish and meat and
dairy products and of course they use of the eat only file to provide all this food.
This diet has demonstrated The lower risk of developing cardiovascular this uses
and cancer, diabetes , premature mortality etc … now I’m going to explain the
food pyramid our country has including vegetables and fruits potatoes and other
tubers sources of vegetable and animal proteins olive oil and water as a drink se
of choice
1. Vegetables and fruit
Fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals and they are 80%
water, they have vitamins C and A and fruits and vegetables are a healthy food
that helps you have energy. It has also been proven that if you eat fruit every day
you will have less risk of diabetes.
2 . Potatoes and cereals
Potatoes mostly contain carbohydrates with some sugars, but these sugars are
good sugars, they also contain some vitamin C per 100 g, but its fiber content is
quite low this food makes you have more chances of having diabetes, obesity and
any disease. Cereals can vary quite a lot because of all the types that there are if
they are natural cereals can be full of carbohydrates, but if you put them together
with some vegetables or some fruit this makes you have a good diet and have a
source of energy the most important cereals that we need to include in our diet,
are such as wheat, corn, oats and many more good in conclusion, cereals have
many good effects.
3.protein sources
It is quite important to eat food that is rich in protein to maintain muscles and to be able to move
well but this depends a lot on our age, weight, sex, etc. Protein helps to prevent the mother
nutrition and the development of some diseases. Dried fruits, etc. and those that are not vegan
can be all kinds of meats, fish, milk, eggs, etc. those that come from animals are considered high
quality as they have plenty of amino acids. Nuts have a lot of fat, but unsaturated also has a lot
of protein and fiber and enough vitamins. Then fish has a lot of protein and vitamin D and a study
has shown that fish makes you less likely to have prematurity and cardiovascular disease. The
products derived from cows are also quite good as for example milk, ice cream, cream and
fermented products such as cheese, these contain a lot of minerals and calcium and it is
recommended to consume a maximum of three dairy products a day. Meat

It gives you a lot of proteins, an example of meats that you can eat that have a lot of vitamins are
pork, sheep, horse, goat, cow, etc. This is red meat and rabbit is considered white meat.
4. Olive oil
Olive oil is a fundamental food in the Mediterranean diet as in other countries such
as France uses butter something not very healthy age olive oil vitamin e and quite
a few things that have a good effect on your health in some studies have shown
the importance of olive oil in the diet.
5. Water
Water is the most important element in any vignette, because it is what makes the
human body is blind functioning. It is necessary to take it with enough abundant
depending on your age and your weight in adults older than 18 years it is
necessary to take two with 5 l of water a day for two men and 2 l for women, but if
in the day you do sport you need to take something more since you provoke in
your body that you need to take more water, it prevents you from a problem of
dehydration and also of being thirsty.
Importance of sport
The Mediterranean diet is not only about eating well. It is also about doing sports.
Doing sports is important from a very early age in order to improve your physical
condition and also your mental health. It is also important to reduce screen time,
because if you spend a lot of time on the screen you don't do much sport. It is also
important to include sport in school and to make sport fun so that it is also
important for them to exercise their muscles so that they don't freeze up.

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