Unix Solved

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Subject: UNIX & SheII Programming

Subject Code: BSIT - 43

Assignment: TB (CompuIsory)

1. What are the diIIerent standard given by POSIX ? What is POSIX ? POSIX standards are Iormally designated as
IEEE 1003 and the international standard name is ISO/IEC 9945.
The standards, Iormerly known as IEEE-IX, emerged Irom a project that began circa 1985. Richard Stallman
suggested the name !$ in response to an IEEE request Ior a memorable name.

POSIX or "Portable Operating System InterIace Ior Unix"
is the name oI a Iamily oI related standards
speciIied by the IEEE to deIine the application programming interIace (API), along with shell and utilities
interIaces, Ior soItware compatible with variants oI the Unix operating system, although the standard can apply to
any operating system.

5. What happens if a directory permission changed?
if a directory permission changed then the user or Group or other may not be
Read, Write or Execute by changing the permission using commands such as -rw-
r--r--, chmod etc.

Read (r)
Write (w)
Execute (x)

TABLE 1. UNIX #%# Permissions
USER Read (r) The account owner can list the Iiles in the directory.
Write (w) The account owner can create or delete Iiles in the directory.
Execute (x) access Iiles in that directory by name (such as Web page
GROUP Read (r) Everyone in the designated group can list the Iiles in the
Write (w) Everyone in the group can create or delete Iiles in the
Execute (x) Everyone in the group can change (cd) into the directory and
access Iiles in that directory by name (such as Web page
OTHER Read (r) Anyone can list the Iiles in the directory.
Write (w) Anyone can create or delete Iiles in the directory.
Execute (x) Anyone can change (cd) into the directory and access Iiles in
that directory by name (such as Web page Iiles).

4. What is script command, with command explain how to create script Iile oI a session?
8.759 is used to take a copy oI everything which is output to the terminal and place it in a log Iile.

less hw0.scr
Script started on Wed Sep 06 09:34:14 2000

hw0.scr square.scm

cat square.scm

;; your name
;; your id
;; your section # or time

;; square takes a number as an input parameter and
;; returns the square of it.

(define (square x)
( x x))

module load soft/tcl


Welcome to the STk interpreter version 4.0.1 SunJS-5.7-sun4,
Copyright 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S - CNRS / ESSI
STk (load "square.scm")
STk square
#closure arglist=(x) 11b158,
STk (square 3)
STk (square -5)
STk (square 0.1)
STk (square 0.00000001)
STk (square 'a)

: not a number: a
STk (square 1)
STk (square (square 3))
STk (exit)

script done on Wed Sep 06 09:35:20 2000
. How do you yank and paste lines? The command 'Y' or 'yy' copies (yanks) one or more lines. To copy one line,
two lines, 10 lines, and all lines to the end oI the Iile, respectively:
To paste the text contained in the buIIer above (uppercase P) or below the current cursor position
(lowercase p), respectively:
It is also possible to yank text within a line. The Iollowing commands yank text Irom the current cursor
position to the end oI the word and the end oI the line, respectively:
The same commands paste the text within a line. Lower case p pastes aIter the cursor position and upper
case P pastes beIore.
Paste will also work with deleted text, either lines or parts oI lines. Be careIul not to execute any other
commands prior to pasting as this will empty the buIIer.
9. Write general syntax oI CASE statements. The basic syntax oI the case...esac statement is to give an expression to
evaluate and several diIIerent statements to execute based on the value oI the expression.
The interpreter checks each case against the value oI the expression until a match is Iound. II nothing matches, a
deIault condition will be used.
case word in
Statement(s) to be executed if pattern1 matches
Statement(s) to be executed if pattern2 matches
Statement(s) to be executed if pattern3 matches
10. What is a process ? Name two important attributes oI a process.
A process under unix consists oI an address space and a set oI data structures in the kernel to keep track oI
that process. The address space is a section oI memory that contains the code to execute as well as the
process stack.
Two important attributes of a process:-
PID - The PID stands Ior the process identiIication. This is a unique number that deIines the process within
the kernel.
PPID - This is the processes Parent PID, the creator oI the process.

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