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Phrasal verbs often include Be aware that many of these

another preposition if they phrasal verbs also have
take an object. other meanings.

Phrasal Verb Mix and Match

Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.
1) be up for* a) to separate
2) blow away b) to financially exploit something
3) break up c) to flabbergast, to impress greatly
4) cash in (on) * d) to remove or delete after a revision or to censor
5) cheer up e) to be willing or want to do something
6) cut/edit out f) to be too dramatic, to overact or be unrealistic
7) fade out g) to make people happier
8) gear to/towards h) to anticipate a future event happily
9) ham up i) to make more attractive or sensational
10) let down j) to gradually disappear, gradually replace an image

11) look forward to* m) to disappoint

12) vamp up n) to cater to or market for a particular audience

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the sentences below.
You will need to conjugate them appropriately.
*These phrasal verbs are inseparable.
1) The Beatles ________ _____ in 1970 and each member then pursued solo careers.
2) The first time my mother heard The Beatles, she was completely ________ _____. She even went to see
them in concert while she was pregnant with me.
3) When the singer died from a drug overdose, the record company immediately released a CD of her greatest
hits. Everybody accused the company of trying to ________ _____ on her death.
4) My son is really ________ _____ _____ the next episode of Crown of Thorns this evening.
5) The film ended with the couple kissing under the moonlight and then ________ _____ with romantic music.
6) I have had a very stressful week at work and I think that a trip to the cinema would ________ me _____.
7) Many fans didn’t like the ending to the series. I think the writers have ________ their fans ______.
8) The film was very controversial and the director was under pressure to ________ _____ some of the more
violent scenes.
9) Many critics have been scathing in their remarks regarding how the director has deliberately ________
______ his adaptation of Jane Eyre with the inclusion of sex scenes that were clearly not in the novel.
10) The film is ________ _____ children but many adults have found it quite entertaining.
11) She has finished all her work and now she _______ really ______ _____ a class of wine and a good film to
12) He was a famous actor who was notorious with directors for being totally unrealistic and ________ _____
his roles even though the audience seemed to love him.


Play the Kahoot game from the link below
Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the text below.
You will need to conjugate the verbs appropriately.

be up for blow away break up cash in cheer up cut/edit out

fade out gear to/towards ham up let down look forward to vamp up

Viewers of the streaming channel, Flickbox A lack of Modesty: This series comedy drama
have several new shows they can ________ _____ about an annoying but supremely successful
_____ this season, according to our entertainment politician who moves to a small town is one of those
correspondent. The channel is hoping to attract shows that you either love or hate. Now into its 5th
more viewers this season after their streaming season, some critics say that the episodes are too
service ________ _____ so many of its customers last long and drag on. Other critics say that the actors
year because of technical issues which left many are too much and ________ _____ the storyline so
viewers without any service for nearly 2 days just much that it just isn’t credible. However, the fan
as it was screening the finale of its swashbuckling conventions are always booked up and tickets are
series, Fen Tigers. difficult to obtain.
Macbeth: Flickbox have finally decided to Space Hike: While there may be plenty of
________ _____ on the current Shakespeare trend series ________ _____ the science fiction enthusiast
among TV and film studios at the moment on online streaming services, few of them can boast
following a renewed interest in The Bard of Avon the quality of Space Hike. The story of Marsha
on the back of several successful shows and Church and her crew as they try and search for a way
movies. Rumours are, this version of Macbeth has to get home after being stranded in a hostile galaxy
been set in 21st century Glasgow and the characters ________ _____ so many sci-fi fans in its first season
and settings have been ________ _____ with and left them hungry for more. Critics have said that
luxurious millionaire lifestyles and savagely sexy the science in the show has been dumbed down too
storylines. much and insults the intelligence of its audience. The
Fabulous: This documentary series tells the viewing figures say otherwise.
story of how and why The Beatles ________ _____ Modern Romance: Is also back for a second
despite being the most popular band on the planet. series albeit this time on Flickbox after its
Many fans of the Fab Four will ________ _____ controversial first season on terrestrial TV. The
_____ watching this with its never-seen-before shows writer and director refused to ________ _____
footage and interviews. And for those too young to a steamy sex scene from the second episode even
know anything about The Beatles, there is always though it was to be shown before the 9 o’clock
the opportunity to boogie on down to some of watershed. This caused a deluge of complaints to the
their greatest hits with the show’s wonderful BBC and many have accused the corporation of
soundtrack. Surely dancing is the best way to get showing pornography. A parents group successfully
introduced to their music. sued the BBC to the tune of 1 million pounds which
Next War Neighbour: This comedy series resulted in it selling the rights to the series to
returns for a 3rd season to ________ us all _____ Flickbox. The show’s final episode ________ _____
and put a smile on everybody’s face. The side- with a kiss between the two main protagonists on a
splitting antics of the two main protagonists have beach at sunset. The anticipation for a second
creased up audiences with fits of laughter all season has been extremely high for its fan base.
around the world. Two men learn to their horror
that they are living next door to their ex-wives who
have married each other’s ex-husbands. The wives
take it all in their stride yet the husbands, Vic and
Luke, freak out and, in a fit of jealousy, declare
open warfare with hilarious results. There are some other phrasal verbs,
highlighted in blue, in the article. What
Play the Wordwall game from the link below do you think they mean?
TV Channel Debate
Read the memo below and then read your personality card. After that, attend the meeting
and debate what the board should do next regarding the issue at hand. Each person should
spend at least 1 minute stating their opinion and a further 5 minutes debating what should
be done once everybody has had their say. A vote must be taken at the end.

To: Creative Department Heads
From: Holly Wood
Date: 07/05/20
Re: FlickBox Plans

Dear Team,

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you all on your sterling work regarding the scheduling for this
season’s shows. Your hard work and efforts have not been in vain and I’m sure you will all agree that by
welcoming the CFO into the fold, we are ensuring that Flickbox maintains its status as a byword for excellence
and quality above par.

As I’m sure you know, the new CFO has been examining some aspects of the schedule for this season
to see what can be done to ensure the continued success of our service. Please peruse at your leisure the 6
main shows for this season as we are looking at cutting half of them from the scheduling for the following year.
I ask that you ponder the value of each show and prepare an assessment of it which can then be discussed at
length in the next meeting. Each of you is expected to give a brief appraisal of each show during the meeting
before the main debate.

To axe shows and content from the channel is not an easy thing to ask of you, but the future of the
service depends on us making the right call, right now.

Warmest regards

Holly Wood

Connect each of the words on the left with its definition on the right.

1. sterling a. perfect example

2. welcome into the fold b. eliminate

3. byword c. better than expected

4. above par d. examine or read

5. peruse e. think about

6. at your leisure f. very good

7. ponder g. adopt, take in

8. axe h. when it is convenient

TV Channel Debate – Personality Cards
You are an executive at FlickBox. You love You are a senior executive for a
the series A Lack of Modesty and think it television channel. You have been asked
should be kept. You believe that the attempt to look at a list of TV programs and to
by the station to do Macbeth was a mistake choose which ones would be the most
and the viewing figures are not enough to
appropriate for the summer schedules.
justify spending so much money on a show
that nobody is particularly interested in. You
You absolutely love science fiction. You
think it would be better to come up with don’t really like documentaries or
something more original. politics. You hate anything to do with

You are a senior executive for a television

channel. You have been asked to look at a You are a senior executive for a
list of TV programs and to choose which television channel. You have been asked
ones would be the most appropriate for to look at a list of TV programs and to
the summer schedules. You love political choose which ones would be the most
satire. You are a big fan of Shakespeare, appropriate for the summer schedules.
too, and think the modern adaptation of You love comedy and drama. Apart from
Macbeth is wonderful. You dislike science that you don’t really watch much TV
fiction and absolutely hate anything when you are at home although you do
romantic. like to watch documentaries.

You are a senior executive for a

television channel. You have been asked You are a senior executive for a
to look at a list of TV programs and to television channel. You have been
choose which ones would be the most asked to look at a list of TV programs
appropriate for the summer schedules. and to choose which ones would be
You love happy or optimistic programs the most appropriate for the summer
such as romance or gentle comedies. schedules. You are a big fan of comedy
You like drama if it isn’t too negative. shows and you also like science fiction.
You really dislike violence and sex on TV. Ordinary drama bores you and you
really detest romance.

You are a senior executive for a television

channel. You have been asked to look at a You are a senior executive for a television
list of TV programs and to choose which channel. You have been asked to look at a
ones would be the most appropriate for list of TV programs and to choose which
the summer schedules. You love anything ones would be the most appropriate for
historical whether it is a documentary or the summer schedules. You like historical
dramatization. You are never happier than dramas but you are not too keen on
when watching history based programs. violence. Music doesn’t interest you and
You hate comedy and romance. neither does comedy. You find most
comedy ridiculous nowadays.


be up for blow away break up cash in cheer up cut/edit out

fade out gear to/towards ham up let down look forward to vamp up

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the story below.
You will need to conjugate the verbs appropriately.














Entertainment FCE Practice Reading and Use of English
Part 4
For these questions complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, INCLUDING the word given.
Here is an example (0).
0 His doctor advised him to stop smoking.
His doctor told him ________________________________cigarettes.
The gap can be filled with the words “to give/pack up,” so you write:

Example: 0 TO GIVE/PACK UP
Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

1 Jane couldn’t wait for the beginning of the football season.

Jane was really ______________________________________ start of the football season.

2 Exploitation of the crisis for financial gain has ruined the reputation of some celebrities.
Some celebrities have been accused of trying to ________________________________ crisis.

3 None of us could lift his spirits after John heard the bad news.
After John heard the bad news, we just could not ______________________________ no matter how
hard we tried.

4 She told her boyfriend that she would like to watch a film.
“I ______________________________ movie,” she said to her boyfriend.

5 “I am very sorry that my behaviour has disappointed my fans,” said the actor.
The actor apologised ________________________________ fans.

6 The actor was very angry that the director had eliminated his best scene from the film.
The actor’s best scene ____________________________________ movie completely.
Phrasal Verb about Entertainment: Crossword
Insert the correct phrasal verbs below into the correct place.

Play the Wordwall game from the link below
Phrasal Verb Bingo Game
Cut out and place the definition slips in a cup or envelope. Cut out the bingo cards and give to the students. Take a definition
slip from the cup one at a time and read the definition. Students tick off the corresponding phrasal verbs. Once a student has
crossed out 5 words on a card they shout “bingo” and the round starts again with fresh cards. Repeat the process 3 times.

Definition Slips
be up for = to be willing or blow away = break up = cash in =
want to do something to flabbergast, to impress to separate to financially exploit
greatly something

cheer up = cut/edit out = fade out = gear to/towards =

to make people happier to remove or delete after a to gradually disappear, to cater or market for a
revision or to censor gradually replace an image particular audience

ham up = let down = look forward to = vamp up =

to be too dramatic, to overact or to disappoint to anticipate happily to make more attractive or
be unrealistic sensational

Bingo Cards Bingo Cards

be up for ham up let down cut/edit out
break up gear to/towards
look forward to vamp up ham up vamp up

break up blow away gear to/towards cut/edit out

cheer up
fade out
cash in be up for
cheer up look forward to

ham up break up
vamp up be up for
cash in
gear to/towards
cut/edit out vamp up
let down cash in

cut out let down

cash in cheer up
vamp up
be up for
look forward to cash in
look forward to blow away

fade out ham up look forward to fade out

cut out let down
cheer up let down break up gear to/towards

cash in fade out cut/edit out crease up

break up blow away
look forward to blow away cheer up break up

gear to/towards let down fade out break up

ham up look forward to
look forward to cut/edit out cut/edit out blow away

gear to/towards ham up ham up vamp up

vamp up fade out
blow away let down let down cheer up

Phrasal Verb Mix and Match

Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.
1) be up for* a) to separate
2) blow away b) to financially exploit something 1) = e)
3) break up c) to flabbergast, to impress greatly 2) = c)
3) = a)
4) cash in (on) * d) to remove or delete after a revision or to censor
4) = b)
5) cheer up e) to be willing or want to do something 5) = g)
6) cut/edit out f) to be too dramatic, to overact or be unrealistic 6) = d)
7) = j)
7) fade out g) to make people happier 8) = n)
8) gear to/towards h) to anticipate a future event happily 9) = f)
10) = m)
9) ham up i) to make more attractive or sensational
11) = h)
10) let down j) to gradually disappear, gradually replace an image 12) = i)

11) look forward to* m) to disappoint

12) vamp up n) to cater to or market for a particular audience

1) The Beatles broke up in 1970 and each member then pursued solo careers.
2) The first time my mother heard The Beatles, she was completely blown away. She even went to see them in
concert while she was pregnant with me.
3) When the singer died from a drug overdose, the record company immediately released a CD of her greatest
hits. Everybody accused the company of trying to cash in on her death.
4) My son is really looking forward to the next episode of Crown of Thorns this evening.
5) The film ended with the couple kissing under the moonlight and then faded out with romantic music.
6) I have had a very stressful week at work and I think that a trip to the cinema would cheer me up.
7) Many fans didn’t like the ending to the series. I think the writers have let their fans down.
8) The film was very controversial and the director was under pressure to cut/edit out some of the more violent
9) Many critics have been scathing in their remarks regarding how the director has deliberately vamped up his
adaptation of Jane Eyre with the inclusion of sex scenes that were clearly not in the novel.
10) The film is geared towards/to children but many adults have found it quite entertaining.
11) She has finished all her work and now she is really up for a class of wine and a good film to watch.
12) He was a famous actor who was notorious with directors for being totally unrealistic and hamming up his
roles even though the audience seemed to love him.

Play the Kahoot game from the link below

be up for blow away break up cash in cheer up cut out

fade out gear to/towards ham up let down look forward to vamp up

Viewers of the streaming channel, Flickbox

have several new shows they can look forward to
this season, according to our entertainment
A lack of Modesty: This series comedy drama
correspondent. The channel is hoping to attract
about an annoying but supremely successful
more viewers this season after their streaming
politician who moves to a small town is one of those
service let down so many of its customers last year
shows that you either love or hate. Now into its 5th
because of technical issues which left many viewers
season, some critics say that the episodes are too
without any service for nearly 2 days just as it was
long and drag on. Other critics say that the actors
screening the finale of its swashbuckling series, Fen
are too much and ham up the storyline so much that
it just isn’t credible. However, the fan conventions
Macbeth: Flickbox have finally decided to
are always booked up and tickets are difficult to
cash in on the current Shakespeare trend among
TV and film studios at the moment following a
Space Hike: While there may be plenty of
renewed interest in The Bard of Avon on the back
series geared toward the science fiction enthusiast
of several successful shows and movies. Rumours
on online streaming services, few of them can boast
are, this version of Macbeth has been set in 21st
the quality of Space Hike. The story of Marsha
century Glasgow and the characters and settings
Church and her crew as they try and search for a way
have been vamped up with luxurious millionaire
to get home after being stranded in a hostile galaxy
lifestyles and savagely sexy storylines.
blew away so many sci-fi fans in its first season and
Fabulous: This documentary series tells the
left them hungry for more. Critics have said that the
story of how and why The Beatles broke up despite
science in the show has been dumbed down too
being the most popular band on the planet. Many
much and insults the intelligence of its audience. The
fans of the Fab Four will be up for watching this
viewing figures say otherwise.
with its never-seen-before footage and interviews.
Modern Romance: Is also back for a second
And for those too young to know anything about
series albeit this time on Flickbox after its
The Beatles, there is always the opportunity to
controversial first season on terrestrial TV. The
boogie on down to some of their greatest hits with
shows writer and director refused to cut out a
the show’s wonderful soundtrack. Surely dancing is
steamy sex scene from the second episode even
the best way to get introduced to their music.
though it was to be shown before the 9 o’clock
Next War Neighbour: This comedy series
watershed. This caused a deluge of complaints to the
returns for a 3rd season to cheer us all up and put a
BBC and many have accused the corporation of
smile on everybody’s face. The side-splitting antics
showing pornography. A parents group successfully
of the two main protagonists have creased up
sued the BBC to the tune of 1 million pounds which
audiences with fits of laughter all around the world.
resulted in it selling the rights to the series to
Two men learn to their horror that they are living
Flickbox. The show’s final episode faded out with a
next door to their ex-wives who have married each
kiss between the two main protagonists on a beach
other’s ex-husbands. The wives take it all in their
at sunset. The anticipation for a second season has
stride yet the husbands, Vic and Luke, freak out
been extremely high for its fan base.
and, in a fit of jealousy, declare open warfare with
hilarious results.

To: Creative Department Heads
From: Holly Wood
Date: 07/05/20
Re: FlickBox Plans

Dear Team,

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you all on your sterling work regarding the scheduling for this
season’s shows. Your hard work and efforts have not been in vain and I’m sure you will all agree that by
welcoming the CFO into the fold, we are ensuring that Flickbox maintains its status as a byword for excellence
and quality above par.

As I’m sure you know, the new CFO has been examining some aspects of the schedule for this season
to see what can be done to ensure the continued success of our service. Please peruse at your leisure the 6
main shows for this season as we are looking at cutting half of them from the scheduling for the following year.
I ask that you ponder the value of each show and prepare an assessment of it which can then be discussed at
length in the next meeting. Each of you is expected to give a brief appraisal of each show during the meeting
before the main debate.

To axe shows and content from the channel is not an easy thing to ask of you, but the future of the
service depends on us making the right call, right now.

Warmest regards

Holly Wood

1. sterling a. perfect example

2. welcome into the fold b. eliminate Debate Mix&Match Answers

1) = f)
3. byword c. better than expected 2) = g)
3) = a)
4. above par d. examine or read 4) = c)
5) = d)
5. peruse e. think about 6) = h)
7) = e)
6. at your leisure f. very good
8) = b)
7. ponder g. adopt, take in

8. axe h. when it is convenient

1 Jane couldn’t wait for the beginning of the football season.
Jane was really LOOKING FORWARD TO THE start of the football season.

2 Exploitation of the crisis for financial gain has ruined the reputation of some celebrities.
Some celebrities have been accused of trying to CASH IN ON THE crisis.

3 None of us could lift his spirits after John heard the bad news.
After John heard the bad news, we just could not CHEER HIM UP no matter how hard we tried.

4 She told her boyfriend that she would like to watch a film.
“I AM UP FOR A movie,” she said to her boyfriend.

5 “I am very sorry that my behaviour has disappointed my fans,” said the actor.
The actor apologised FOR LETTING DOWN HIS fans.
The actor apologised FOR LETTING DOWN THE fans.

6 The actor was very angry that the director had eliminated his best scene from the film.
The actor’s best scene WAS CUT OUT OF THE movie completely.
The actor’s best scene WAS EDITED OUT OF THE movie completely.
More bingo cards

Bingo Cards
let down cash in
gear to/towards
ham up cheer up

gear to/towards cut out

fade out
vamp up look forward to

cheer up be up for
blow away
let down cash in

let down cheer up

be up for
look forward to fade out

look forward to fade out

break up
blow away gear to/towards

be in for ham up
blow away
cheer up break up

fade out blow away

look forward to
cut out cash in

ham up vamp up
be up for
let down cheer up

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