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A "Quick Reference and Things to Try Out" unit is included at the

end of every section. It has all the commands used in this section
and some additional things for you to try out on your own.
Quick Reference
The table below collects all used commands or important concepts
with links to the documentation.

Datetime and Duration Description
Functions and Concepts
datetime Create a datetime array
year, month, day, hour, Extract components of datetime values as
minute, second numeric values
duration Create a duration array
years, days, hours, Create a duration array or return a numerical
minutes, seconds value from a duration array
myDateTime.Format = 'yyyy- Change the format of a datetime array

myDuration.Format = 's' Change the format of a duration array

Categorical Functions Description
categories Return the categories of a categorical array
addcats, removecats, Add, remove, merge, or rename categories in a
mergecats, renamecats categorical array
Text Functions and Concepts Description
extractBefore extractAfter Extract substrings before/after specified
insertBefore insertAfter Insert strings before/after specified substrings
erase replace Delete/replace substrings
contains Determine if a string contains a pattern
"Hello" + "World" Concatenate string elements into a single
['Hello' 'World'] Concatenate char elements into a single element
Relational and Logical Description
>, <, >=, <=, ==, ~= Relational operators; compare two values
&, |, ~ Logical operators; combine multiple conditions
(&, |) or negate a condition (~)
Mathematical Operators Description
+, -, .*, ./, .^ Elementwise operators; operate on each element
of an array, individually
*, /, \, ^ Matrix operators; perform matrix math
' Transpose (complex conjugate); switch the rows
and columns of a matrix Hide Notes
Matrix Creation Functions Description
zeros ones Create a matrix of zeros/ones
rand Create a matrix of uniformly distributed random
values between 0 and 1
randi Create a matrix of uniformly distributed random
randn Create a matrix of normally distributed random
Matrix Visualization Description
surf Create a surf plot
mesh Create a mesh plot
pcolor Plot matrix data as a grid of colored cells
image Display image from an array
Statistical Functions Description
mean Compute mean (average)
median Compute median
mode Compute mode (most frequent value)
std Compute standard deviation
sum Compute the sum of array elements
Other Functions and Description
array2table table2array Convert a matrix to a table/Convert a table to a
... Continue long statements on multiple lines
char Convert an array to a character array
string Convert an array to a string array
double Convert an array to a double array

Things to Try Out

You have applied many new commands and concepts in Section 2.
The table below lists some other useful functions, components, or
concepts to explore if you are interested. You don't need them to
complete the course, but they might come in handy.
Useful Live Editor Tasks Description
Join Tables Live Task Interactively combine two tables in the live
Create Plot Live Task Create and explore visualizations in the live
Functions for Tables Description
height width Determine the number of table rows/table Hide Notes
Datetime Functions and Description
timeofday Elapsed time since midnight
isweekend Determine whether datetime values are on a
isbetween Determine whether datetime values are
within a specified interval
now Current date and time
datetime("yesterday"), Create a datetime variable with yesterday's,
datetime("today"), today's, or tomorrow's date

Logical Functions Description

xor Find logical exclusive-OR
logical Convert numeric value to logical
any Determine if at least one element in an array
is nonzero or true

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