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Unit ref.: MELH Date: December 2015 Pg.: 1 / 21

7 PRACTICAL EXERCISES MANUAL ..................................................................................... 2
7.1 DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................. 2
7.1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 2
7.1.2 Description of the unit ................................................................................................................................ 3
7.1.3 Description of the process .......................................................................................................................... 4
7.1.4 Practical possibilities .................................................................................................................................. 5
7.1.5 Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 5
7.1.6 Dimensions and weight .............................................................................................................................. 6
7.2 THEORY ........................................................................................................................................ 7
7.2.1 Springs in series .......................................................................................................................................... 8
7.2.2 Springs in parallel ....................................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 LABORATORY PRACTICAL EXERCISES ........................................................................... 10
7.3.1 Practical exercise 1: Demonstration of Hooke’s law and determination of the spring constant ............... 10
7.3.2 Practical exercise 2: Study of two springs arranged in parallel ................................................................ 14
7.3.3 Practical exercise 3: Study of two springs arranged in series ................................................................... 18

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7.1.1 Introduction

Hooke’s law describes the elastic behavior of components whose

deformation is proportional to the load acting on it. This behavior is typical of metals
under load until reaching the elastic limit.

The MELH unit designed by Edibon studies the demonstration of Hooke’s

law and allows the visualization of tension springs deformation under load.

Hooke’s law can be applied because linear dependence between force

applied and elongation of the spring is demonstrated.

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7.1.2 Description of the unit


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1. MU - 1: spring 1, L=100mm, Фext 18mm, Фwire 1.2mm (two units)

MU - 2: spring 2, L=100mm, Фext 18mm, Фwire 1.1mm (one unit)

2. GA-1: hook 1

3. GA-2: hook 2

4. GA-3: hook 3

5. TR-1: indicator triangle

6. RE-1: measuring rules

7. SOP-1: hanger for masses

8. SET: 12 masses of 50 g.

7.1.3 Description of the process

The MELH unit includes three springs with two different elastic moduli: MU-1
(2 units) and MU-2 (1 unit). The springs will be suspended from their upper end by
hooks anchored to the frame.

Load will be applied to the lower end of the spring by hanging masses from it.

A triangle shaped indicator (TR-1) is employed to measure the deformation

generated in the springs in two rules (RE-1) and, thus, to obtain the elastic modulus
of each spring by applying Hooke’s law.

The unit allows the performance of studies in series and in parallel by

combining the springs provided.

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7.1.4 Practical possibilities

1. Demonstration of Hooke’s law.

2. Research on the proportionality of force applied and elongation of the spring.

3. Determination of the spring constant.

4. Study of the arrangement in series of two tension springs.

5. Study of the arrangement in parallel of two tension springs.

6. Research on the influence of the spring constant on the oscillation frequency of

a mass-spring system.

7.1.5 Specifications

- 2 springs with the following features:

Length: 100 mm.

External diameter: 18 mm.

Wire diameter: 1.2 mm.

- 1 spring with the following features:

Length: 100 mm.

External diameter: 18 mm.

Wire diameter: 1.1 mm.


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- Set of masses:

o 1 hook.

o 12 masses of 50 g.

- 2 rules to measure deformations. Graduations: 1mm.

7.1.6 Dimensions and weight

- Dimensions: 400x400x950 approx.

- Weight: 10 kg. approx.


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In physics, Hooke’s law, originally formulated for longitudinal elongation

cases, establishes that the unit elongation experienced by an elastic material is
directly proportional to the force applied on it:

- The law is applied to elastic materials till a threshold called elastic limit.

- Hooke’s law describes how much a spring will be elongated under a specific

- The most common way of representing Hooke’s law mathematically is with

the spring equation, where force exerted by the spring is related to the
elongation “x” caused by the external force applied to the end of the spring:

F = k·x


F: force to which the spring is subjected (g)

k: elastic modulus of the spring (g/mm)

x: elongation of the spring (mm)


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7.2.1 Springs in series

Springs in series:

F  F1  F2
x  x1  x 2
F F1 F2
 
k k1 k 2
1 1 1
 
k k1 k 2
k1  k 2
k1  k 2

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7.2.2 Springs in parallel

Springs in parallel:

x  x1  x2
F  F1  F2
F  k1 F1  k 2 F
F  (k1  k 2 )  x
k  k1  k 2

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7.3.1 Practical exercise 1: Demonstration of Hooke’s law and determination of

the spring constant Objective

The objective of this practical exercise is to demonstrate Hooke’s law with a

linear spring and to obtain the elastic modulus of the spring numerically. Required elements

- MELH unit Experimental procedure

1. Hang the spring 1 (MU-1) from the hook 1


2. Insert the indicator triangle (TR-1) at the

lower end of the spring 1 (MU-1) through the
central orifice.

3. Place the hanger for masses (SOP-1) at the

lower side of the triangle.

4. Hang a weight of 200 g from the hanger for

masses (SOP-1).

5. Record in the working sheet the reading observed (L0), using the ends of the
triangle that point to the rules (RE-1) for that purpose.

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6. Add a weight of 100g to the hanger for masses (SOP-1) and record the reading
observed using the ends of the triangle that point to the rules (RE-1) in the
working sheet (L).

7. Calculate the elongation of the spring 1, MU-1, due to the extra load of 100 g

L-Lo = x;


L0: initial length considered with the initial mass (mm)

L: length when more load is added (mm)

x: difference in length (mm)

Record the value x in the working sheet.

8. Calculate the elastic modulus k with Hooke’s law:

F = k·x, k=F/x,


F= P-P0: difference between weights applied (g)

x: deformation of the spring due to the weight applied (mm)

k: elastic modulus (g/mm)

Record the value of k in the working sheet.

9. Repeat the process applying a load (F=P-Po) of 200 g, 300 g and 400 g.

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10. Notice that the value of k as the load increases is similar. Then, Hooke’s law
is demonstrated in springs.

11. Calculate the average of the values and the record it in the working sheet.

12. Repeat the practical exercise to obtain the elastic modulus of the spring 2
(MU-2) and record all the values in the working sheet.

Unit ref.: MELH Date: December 2015 Pg.: 13 / 21 Working sheet

Student: _______________ Year: __________

Practical exercise 1: Demonstration of Hooke’s law and determination of the spring


Spring 1

P0 = 200g P = 300g P = 400g P = 500g P = 600g

L (mm)

F=P-P0 (g) 0 100 200 300 400

x=L-Lo (mm)

K (g/mm)

Spring 2

P0 = 200g P = 300g P = 400g P = 500g P = 600g

L (mm)

F=P-P0 (g) 0 100 200 300 400

x=L-Lo (mm)

K (g/mm)

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7.3.2 Practical exercise 2: Study of two springs arranged in parallel Objective

The objective of this practical exercise is to calculate the elastic modulus that
results from two similar springs arranged in parallel. Comparison between
experimental and analytical result. Required elements

- MELH unit. Procedimiento experimental

1. Hang both spring 1 (MU-1) from the hook 1 (GA-1) and hook 3 (GA-3).

2. Locate the indicator triangle (TR-1) in such a way that the lower ends of the
springs (MU-1) pass through the orifices at the sides of the triangle.

3. Place the hanger for masses (SOP-1) at the lower side of the indicator triangle.

4. Hang a weight of 300 g from the hanger for masses (SOP-1).

5. Record in the working sheet the reading observed (L0), using the ends of the
triangle that point to the rules (RE-1) for that purpose.

6. Add a weight of 100g to the hanger for masses (SOP-1) and record the reading
observed (L) using the ends of the triangle that point to the rules (RE-1) in the
working sheet.

7. Calculate the elongation of the parallel arrangement due to the extra load of
100 g applied.

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L-Lo = x;


L0: initial length considered with the initial mass (mm)

L: length when more load is added (mm)

x: difference in length (mm)

Record the value x in the working sheet.

8. Calculate the experimental elastic modulus k with Hooke’s law:

F = k·x, k=F/x,


F = P-P0: difference between weights applied (g)

x: deformation of the spring due to the weight applied (mm)

k: elastic modulus (g/mm)

Record the experimental value of k in the working sheet.

9. Calculate the theoretical elastic modulus kt with Hooke’s law using the
expressions for 2 springs in parallel. Use the constant k obtained in the
practical exercise 1.

x  x1  x2
F  F1  F2
F  k1 F1  k 2 F
F  (k1  k 2 )  x
k  k1  k 2

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F= P-P0: difference between weights applied (g)

x: deformation of the spring due to the weight applied (mm)

k1 = k2: elastic modulus of the 2 springs obtained in the practical

exercise 1 (g/mm)

Record in the working sheet the value of k for the parallel arrangement.

10. Repeat the process applying a force (F=P-Po) of 200 g and 300 g.

11. Compare the experimental elastic modulus and the theoretical elastic modulus.

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Student: _________________ Year: __________

Practical exercise 2: Study of two springs arranged in parallel

P0 = 300g P = 400g P = 500g P = 600g

L (mm)

F = P-P0 (g) 0 100 200 300

x = L-Lo (mm)

Kexp (g/mm)

Kt (g/mm)

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7.3.3 Practical exercise 3: Study of two springs arranged in series Objective

The objective of this practical exercise is to calculate the elastic modulus that
results from two springs with different elastic modulus (k) arranged in series.
Comparison between the experimental and the analytical result. Required elements

- MELH unit. Procedimiento experimental

1. Hang spring 1 (MU-1) and spring 2 (MU-2) in series from the hook 1 (GA-1).

2. Locate the indicator triangle (TR-1) in such a way that the lower end of the
spring (MU-2) passes through the central orifice of the triangle.

3. Place the hanger for masses (SOP-1) at the lower side of the indicator triangle.

4. Hang a weight of 200 g from the hanger for masses (SOP-1).

5. Record in the working sheet the reading observed (L0), using the ends of the
triangle that point to the rules (RE-1) for that purpose.

6. Add a weight of 100g to the hanger for masses (SOP-1) and record the reading
observed (L) using the ends of the triangle that point to the rules (RE-1) in the
working sheet.

7. Calculate the elongation of the arrangement in series due to the extra load of
100 g applied.

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L-Lo = x;


L0: initial length considered with the initial mass (mm)

L: length when more load is added (mm)

x: difference in length (mm)

Record the value x in the working sheet.

8. Calculate the experimental elastic modulus k with Hooke’s law:

F = k·x, k=F/x,


F = P-P0: difference between weights applied (g)

x: deformation of the spring due to the weight applied (mm)

k: elastic modulus (g/mm)

Record the experimental value of k in the working sheet.

9. Calculate the theoretical elastic modulus kt with Hooke’s law using the
expressions for 2 springs in series. Use the elastic modulus k of the two springs
obtained in the practical exercise 1.

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F  F1  F2
x  x1  x 2
F F1 F2
 
k k1 k 2
1 1 1
 
k k1 k 2
k1  k 2
k1  k 2


F= P-P0: difference between weights applied (g)

x: deformation of the spring due to the weight (mm)

k1: elastic modulus of the spring 1 (MU-1) obtained in the practical

exercise 1 (g/mm)

k2: elastic modulus of the spring 2 (MU-2) obtained in the practical

exercise 1 (g/mm)

Record in the working sheet the value of k for the arrangement in series.

10. Repeat the process applying a force (F=P-Po) of 200 g, 300 g and 400 g.

11. Compare the experimental elastic modulus and the theoretical elastic modulus.

Unit ref.: MELH Date: December 2015 Pg.: 21 / 21 Working sheet

Student: ________________ Year: __________

Practical exercise 3: Study of two springs arranged in series

P0 = 200g P = 300g P = 400g P = 500g P = 600g

L (mm)

F = P-P0 (g) 0 100 200 300 400

x = L-Lo (mm)

Kexp (g/mm)

Kt (g/mm)

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