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There are arguments in favour to collaboration and teamwork.

In this essay, we will discuss why is it

better to work as a part of a team to achieve great results

To begin with teamwork provides a shared perspective on set goals. When working with a team,
everyone knows the purpose of the project or assignment and the overall goal. This shared perspective
ensures that everyone knows the endgame, and everyone is aligned or working towards achieving it.
Without a shared perspective, there is a high likelihood of confusion, delay in decision-making, and the
attainment of suboptimal results.

Furthermore,teamwork promotes efficient problem-solving. Teams are created to tackle problems that
one person may not be able to solve on their own. Different challenges may require different solutions,
and a group of individuals coming together means a more diverse set of solutions. Working together
helps to divide the workload and maximize the strengths of each individual, thus enabling the team to
solve problems quickly and efficiently.

All things considered team is a unit that is better suited to achieve great results compared to an
individual. Whether in any field, teamwork is the way to go

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