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It is with great pleasure that I recommend my student Ms. Nettem Lakshmi

Prasanna in support of their application to your university in computer science and
engineering program. She has been my student from the fifth semester and during this
time I have found her to be an exemplary student. I found her performance to be more
than satisfactory. She has a positive attitude towards learning, and her academic record is
proof of the same.

As her professor, I can assure you that she will be a good fit in your esteemed
institute. I truly believe her skills are a perfect match for the aforementioned program.
She is very motivated, determined, and strong-willed. She has also taken part in various
inter-college events and competitions. She is an active member of the Student Committee
of the college.

Her commitment to learning is commendable. She believes in uplifting the weaker

sections of society. I believe this program would greatly support her and help her grow her
career. I have seen her take on various challenges head-on. Her enthusiasm to learn new
topics and gain insight to the subject emphasizes her highly ambitious nature and incessant
zeal to make innovative advances and also she has a remarkable ability in comprehending
various aspects of the subject and has a thorough understanding of the fundamentals.

I vouch for Ms. Nettem Lakshmi Prasanna in this letter recommending her to you.
Accepting her into your institute will be the right choice as the institution would benefit from
the value that she will add. I know that she will become an invaluable asset to your
institution and the community.

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