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Zain Amin (066)

BSCS 4th A

List of Command Prompts

NO Commands Descripition

01 dir Display a list of files and folders in a directory. Example: dir

02 cd Change the current directory. Example: cd Documents

03 mkdir Create a new directory. Example: mkdir Test

04 rmdir Delete an empty directory. Example: rmdir Test

05 echo Display a message on the screen. Example: echo Hello World!

06 copy Copy files or directories. Example: copy file1.txt file2.txt

07 move Move files or directories. Example: move file1.txt Documents

08 del Delete files. Example: del file1.txt

09 type Display the contents of a file. Example: type file1.txt

10 cls Clear the Command Prompt screen. Example: cls

11 start Open a file or run a program. Example: start notepad.exe

12 ipconfig Display network configuration information. Example: ipconfig

13 ping Test the connection to a network address. Example: ping

14 netstat Display network status information. Example: netstat

15 nslookup Display the IP address of a website. Example: nslookup

16 tracert Display the route taken by packets to a network address.

Example: tracert
17 systeminfo Display system information. Example: systeminfo

18 tasklist Display a list of running processes. Example: tasklist

19 taskkill End a running process. Example: taskkill /pid 1234
20 driverquery Display information about installed drivers. Example: driverquery
21 sfc Scan and repair system files. Example: sfc /scannow

22 chkdsk Check and repair file system errors. Example: chkdsk C:

23 diskpart Manage disk partitions. Example: diskpart

24 regedit Edit the Windows registry. Example: regedit

25 shutdown Shut down or restart the computer. Example: shutdown /r

Screenshots of CMD prompts

1. dir

Figure 1 DIR

2. cd

Figure 2 CD

3. mkdir

Figure 3 MKDIR
4. rmdir

5. echo

6. copy

7. move

8. del

9. type

10. cls
11. start
12. ipconfig

13. ping

14. netstat
15. nslookup

16. tracert

17. systeminfo
18. tasklist

19. taskkill

20. driverquery

21. sfc

22. chkdsk
23. diskpart

24. egedit

25. shutdown

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