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Don Bosco Mafinga










Loving Father, Creator of the universe, you call your people to worship, go
be with you and each other at Mass. Help me, for you have called me also. Keep
me prayerful and alert. Help me to help others in prayer. Thank you for the trust
you've placed in me. Keep me true to that trust. I make my prayer in Jesus'
name, who is with us in the Holy Spirit. Amen.


O Lord, My God, I humbly come to serve at your Altar by assisting your
priest in offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Please give me the grace to

perform my duties with reverence, attention, and devotion for you are worihy
of all my love. I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Open my mouth, O Lord, to bless your Holy Name. Cleanse my heart from all
evil and distracting thoughts. Enlighten my understanding and inflame my will
that I may serve more worthily at your holy altar. O Mary, Mother of Christ th
High Priest, obtain for me the most important grace of knowing my vocation i
life. Grant me a true spirit of faith and humble obedience so that I may ever
behold the priest as a representative of God and willingly follow him in the Wa ,
the Truth, and the Life of Christ. Amen.


• SHOES — dress shoes (preferably. Black) well-polished should be wo n,
HAIR — Hair should be neatly cut and trimmed.
• JEWELRY — Do not wear anything that will make noise and/or ill be
distracting, or that will cause you to have problems serving.
• VESTMENTS — Servers should wear an appropriate sized Alb. Mal{e use
of the mirror in the sacristy or ask your fellow altar server to check
whether you are properly dressed.


• Attend Altar Sever Training Classes

• Servers should be neat, clean and simply dressed.

• Servers are to know the names of places in the church (e.g. sanctuary,
altar, sacristy), the items used in mass and what they are used for (e.g.
chalice, paten, corporal, alb e.t.c.
• Altar Servers should not leave the sanctuary after the start of Mass for
any reason except (emergencies reasons, illness, or when directed to do
so by the priest).
+ Serve at every mass that you scheduled for, or make arrangements to have
someone cover the mass

• Arrive at least 15 minutes before the Mass starts to get dressed and make
sure that the Altar is prepared
Make sure the candles are lit, bread, wine, water, towels, bowl, prayer
book, and any other sacramentals are in their proper place
Perform the duties assigned during the mass in the prescribed orderly
manner. Before mass talk with your partner and review roles and
guidelines. If you are not sure of anything ask the priest/ instructor.
• Maintain a prayerful posture in the Sacristy and in the Sanctuary. Always
sit with your feet flat on the floor and your hands folded on your Iqp or

placed on your knees. Avoid distracting people at mass through irnpfoper
posture. You are doing your best job if no one notices you are there. our
hands must always rest on your laps when seated, and join your palms
together in front of the chest.
• At five minutes to Mass time, one Server should lead the group in the Itar
Servers' Prayer.
People make mistakes, we are all human. Learn from the mistakes and
you can perform better next time.
When on the altar always move slowly and smoothly.
• After the mass, return to the Sanctuary, Sacristy, and preparation areÅs to

ensure that everything is set in the right place

Be quiet and respectful when on the Altar, you are role models
+ Be attentive and respond immediately when the priest asks for help
•9 Make sure that your alb is returned the way you found them


Arrive and be drpssed 15 minutes before the Mass begins
a. Make sure the alb is the RIGHT SIZE.
2. Check to make sure that everything is set up, on the altar, for the mass (If
you are not sure of the priest's preference, talk to him ahead of time
to see if you need to do anything differently for him)
3. Gather in the Sacristy with the priest, and anyone else who will be in the
entrance procession.
a. Make sure you talk to the other servers to determine who will
carry the candles and be the cross-bearer, thurible etc.
b. Remember, candles are only used if there are at least 3 servers

ENTRANCE PROCESSION: (preferable Number of Servers - 6)

After prayer (altar servers), the altar servers will line up in the foll wing
a. ALTAR SERVER #1- Those carrying Thurible/ Censer and lnŸense

b. ALTAR SERVERS #2 - Cross-Bearer
c. ALTAR SERVERS #3 (Candle bearers)
If there is only one server, the person will carry in the crpss ii.If there are only
two servers, then no candles will be used and the server will line up behind
the cross-bearer
If there are three or more servers then two servers, they will be candle bearers,
and will line up next to each other b hind the cross bearer
2. Once the choir has begun to sing, the altar servers will be in to
process in
a. The Cross-Bearer will walk towards the altar and turn to the right
on the side of the Tabernacle, along with the candle bearer on the
right b. The candle bearer on the left will walk on the left side of the
c. WALK AT A NORMAL SPEED, do not run down the aisle
d. Try to keep a distance of about two pews between you and the
person in front of you.
3. The thurible/sensor and incense boat bearers will keep walking, bow
their head when they reach the bottom of the step and then proceed
to the left side of the Sanctuary/ Altar.
4. The Cross Bearer will keep walking, bow his head when he reach the
bottom of the steps, and go the right of the Altar, and put the cr ss in
the stand by the side of the altar.
5. The candle bearers will keep walking, move to the left/ right and will
be followed by other servers and priest. They all bow at the Same
time. All the servers wait till the priest kisses the altar and they all
bow before taking their respective positions in the sanctuary. The
processional candles will be placed down right in front of the altar.
6. The servers go to their chairs on the left or right, and stay standing.
Generally, when the congregation is standing you stand, when they
are sitting you sit.

The priest begins the mass with the Sign of the Cross
2. The Priest begins with an introduction explaining the readings, or
welcoming people to the mass. Make clear sign of penance (hand on
breast + bow) for the part -- 'through my own fault'
3, Penitential Rite - the priest asks us to recall our sins and ask God for
forgiveness, we then respond with the "Lord Have Mercy, Christ Have
Mercy, Lord Have Mercy"

4, The Gloria will then be recited or sung

After the Gloria, the priest will say, "Let us pray..." After the prgest is done
with the prayer, everyone will be seated (but wait for the priest to
come to his sit and after sitting, all servers take their sits at the same
time) listen to the first reading, the psalm, and the second readin


First Reading-The reader will come forward to read the First Reading (No action
is required by the altar servers)
2. The psalm will be recited or sung (At the end of the responsorial salm
the censor/ incense boat bearers will go to fetch them)
3. Second Reading-The reader will come forward to read the
Reading (No action is required by the altar servers)
4. Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia)-When the choir begins to sin the
Alleluia, the two servers that brought in the candles will go a d get
their candle, and stand on either side of the pulpit, facing each other
(one hand holding the base, and the other hand holding the stem f
the candleholder). The incense is to be taken to the main celebrant in
his seat. When the priest moves to the lecturn to read the Gospel, g
and stand at either side of the lecturn.
5. The priest/deacon will read the Gospel and then end with "The ospel
of the Lord," and everyone responds with "Praise to you, Lord esus
Christ." O nce everyone has responded, and begin s itting dow , the
candles/incense, thurible are to be put back.
6. The priest/deacon will then give his Homily
7. After the Homily, the priest/deacon will go back to their seat, th n the
priest will stand for the Profession of Faith. Everyone stands to recite
the Nicene Creed.
8. The priest will start the Prayers of the Faithful, and then the petitions
of the church will be read (Everyone responds "Lord, hear our
prayer"). After the lector or deacon has finished the petitions, the
priest will say a prayer. All will respond with "Amen," and the
congregation will sit down.


1. Incase there is procession of the gifts:
a. The candle bearers will go to the back of the church to lead the
procession of the gifts.
b, While the candle bearer is going to the back of the church, one of
the other servers will bring fotward the Chalice, and put it on the
altar. The server will then sit down and wait for the priest to
accept the gifts,

c. The prie;t will then get up and go to the bottom of the steps to
receive the gifts.
i. The servers will go up and stand on either side of the priest (If there is a
deacon, then on either side oft he prie t and deacon) ii. The candle bearer will
then be instructed (the priest may gesture for them to come forward) to lead
the gifts. They will walk slowly forward, bow their head when they get in front
of the priest and then proceed to the different direction (right/ left) of the
santuary. After the priest receives the gifts, they will take back the candle to
their proper place.
iii. The servers standing on either side of the priest will take the gifts after the
priests accept them.
a. One of the other servers should bring the cruet of Water t the altar. Take the
top off and leave it on the table. (DO NOT S T IT ON THE ALTAR) Wait for the
priest or deacon to take the ater, mix it with the wine, and then it will be
handed back to the s rver. The incense/thurible bearers will come to the altar.
(IMhen incensing give two strokes x 3 to the priest and the congregation).
b. The other two servers will then bring forward the bowl of wate and the
i. One server will hold the bowl and towel (Carry the towel on your left arm) ii.
The other server will hold the pitcher
c. The servers will then go to the bottom of the steps in front pf the altar and
remain standing, because the priest will then invit the congregation to stand as
well to enter into the Eucharistic pray r
1 . The priest then begins with the preface and then will enter the
congregation into the HOLY HOLY, which will be sung or recited
2. The congregation, along with the altar servers, will kneel and the prie t
will continue with the Eucharist prayer by recalling the Last Supper
a. The priest will first pick up the host, to be consecrated, by saying take
this, all of you and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for
you." The priest will raise the Body of Christ above his head, and the
server will ring the bells for 3 times/ seconds. Incense three strokes x
b. The priest will kneel and then pick up the chalice and say, .. .take this
and drink from it, this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new
and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that
sins may be forgiven, do this in memory of me," The priest will raise
the chalice above his head, and the server will ring the bells for 3
times/ seconds). Incense three strokes x 3

The Altar Bells

The bells will be rung at three separate times during the Consecration:


When the priest holds his hands over the gifts of wine and water
and says:
Eucharistic Prayer No 1: "Bless and approve ... Let it
become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, your only Son,
our Lor Eucharistic Prayer No 2: "Let your Spirit come upon
these gift to make them holy, so that they may become the
Body and Bloo of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Eucharistic Prayer No 3: "We ask you to make them holy by the
Power of Your Spirit, that they may become the Body and BIO d
of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ."
Eucharistic Prayer No 4: "Father, may this Holy Spirit sanctify
hese offerings. Let them become the Body and Blood of Jesus
Chri t our Lord.
The server should ring the bell again (three distinct rings; one or
the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit) during the
elevation of the Body of Jesus Christ our God.
The server should ring the bell for the last time (three distinct r
ngs as before) during the elevation of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Because these are solemn times, (the bread and wine we offered just befor has
now become the real BODY and BLOOD of Our God, Jesus Christ) ring the bells
reverently, At the two elevations, the bells are to be shaken three distinct ti es
in honor for the Holy Trinity: Once for the Father, Once for the Son, and Once
for the Holy Spirit.
3.The priest will then proclaim the mystery of faith, which will be sung or
4.The priest will then finish up the prayer by remembering the saints, all
those who have departed before us, and chant or recite, "Through
Him, with Him, and in Him
5.The Great Amen will be sung or recited
6.All members will rise to recite the Our Father
a. The altar servers will rise and proceed to the side of the altar.
b. After the prayer, the servers will step off to the side, so they can
share the Sign of Peace, when the priest will get to that part of
7.After that the priest will then ask the congregation to share with each
other a Sign of Peace
a. After the altar server has shared the Sign of Peace with the priest,
they need to go down and share the sign of peace with fellow
altar servers and few persons in the front pew. (Avoid

b. When the server returns, they need to line up facing the receive


1. The Lamb of God will either be sung by the choir or recited.

2. The congregation will remain standing/ kneel, while the servers ill be
lined up to receive communion.
3. The priest will distribute the Body and Blood of Christ
a. Once the altar server has received both, they will go back t their
places and kneel
4. Once the priest has finished distributing communion, he will altar to
purify and clear the altar. The server is to help the priest.
a. The first thing that needs to be brought up to the altar is the cr et

water (take the top off before bringing it to the priest)

b. The priest will then instruct the server to pour the holy wate into
the chalice. When the priest the server takes the cruet bac and
place the top on it.
c. The priest will then begin to hand things for the servers to plaçe
on the Credence Table. When the priest g ives you something,
bow your head and place it on the table. Then return to the alt r
to receive the next itèm

d. Once everything has been taken care of, the altar servers
may go back to their seats.

The priest will then stand, and then present the announcernents (if
2. Then the priest will ask everyone to stand and pray (the closing
a. The priest will say, "Let us
3. The priest will then conclude the mass with the Sign of the Cro$S
4. The choir will then start the final song
a. When the final song begins the cross bearer will go get the cross
and leave the altar
b. The other servers will get the candles and stand next to each
other in front of the cross bearer

5. The priest will then go to the altar and come to the bottom of the
6. The priest will then bow and turn (the servers will bow at the same
time as the priest and turn around facing each other and proceed
7. The servers will walk out of the church and gather at the sacristy, On
reaching to the sacristy they all bow to the cross. The priest
may say a blessing, and the servers will respond "And also with
8. The servers can then put back the cross and candles (blow them
out), and then hang back up their albs.

When you are standing or sitting, and not doing anything, keep your hands
folded. Do not play with your cincture or do anything else
PAY ATTENTION, especially to the priest, you never know when they
may call you over.
If you know you are to server, please stick to the Dress Code

1 . Alb - The full white garment worn by the priest, deacon, an in some
cases the altar servers. The alb is symbolic of Baptism. Th rope tied
around the waist is called a cincture.
2. Altar - The place where the Eucharistic Sacrifice takes place. he
altar is sacred and often contains relics of the saints.
3. Ambo - The platform, lectern or pulpit from which the reading nd homily
are given.
4. Aspergillium - The holy water sprinkler.
5. Cassock - A long tunic like garment which reaches from the neck to the
heels which is worn by some servers and clergy.
6. Chalice - A cup of precious metal that holds the wine which becomes the
Blood of J esus after the consecration. All chalices s hould be p laced in
their places after Mass.
7. Ciborium - A large cup or container of precious metal with a cooer of the
same material which will hold the Body of Jesus after the conseÇration
for distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful.
8. Corporal - A white linen cloth, usually with a cross in the center, used to
protect any particles of the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus from falling
to the altar cloth. It is always folded and unfolded as to protect any
particles from being lost.
9. Credence Table - The table in the sanctuary where the cruets, chalices
and ciborium are kept before and after the Consecration.

10.Cruets - The vessels containing the water and wine used at Mass.
1 1 . 11-IS - the first three letters of Jesus' Name in Greek and often used to
decorate the altar and other church facades.
12. Lectionary - The book of reading used for the Liturgy of the Word. It
usually contains all the biblical reading used for the three-year Sunday
cycle of reading and the two-year daily Mass readings.
13. Lunette - A thin, circular receptacle, having a glass face that holds the
Consecrated Host used for Adoration and Benediction. It slides into the
monstrance on a little track.
14. Monstrance - This is a large, ornate vessel used to hold the Blessed
Sacrament for Adoration, Benediction and solemn Eucharistic
15. Pall - A square piece of cardboard or plastic, which is covered by linen
and used to cover the chalice.
16. Paten - A small saucer shaped plate of precious metal that holds the
Host. Servers should be very careful when they have to handle i
their official duties.
17. Purificator - A linen cloth used by the priest or deacon to dry the c alice
after washing and purifying it. Used Purificators must always be pla ed in
the proper container for sacred cloths.
18. Pyx - A case, about the size of a pocket watch, in which Commu ion is
carried to those who are sick or unable to come to church.
19. Sacramentary - The book containing the prayers said by the priest uring
the Mass.
20. Sepulcrum - The cavity on the altar in which the relic(s) of the atron
saints of that church or chapel are incased.
21. Stock - The metal containers used to hold the oil of the catechumen, the
oil of chrism and the oil for anointing the sick.
22. Surplice - A wide sleeved, linen worn over a cassock by clergy an
altar servers in some parishes.
23. Thurible - The special vessel which holds burning charcoal and into
which incense is placed. The device holding the incense is called the


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