F2 Holiday Assignment 2024

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Subodh Public School, Rambagh

(A Senior Secondary Co-Educational CBSE Affiliated School)

Estd. 1985 Session : 2024-25

Flyers 2 (X)
“Make your vocation your vacation. That is the secret to success.”
-Mark Twain

“Explore your vacation with some Interesting and creative

Connecting the Dots
‘’There is always light. If only we're brave
enough to see it." Watch an inspirational video
‘One of the Greatest Speeches Ever’ on the
link given below and write a review in your

Link: https://youtu.be/Tuw8hxrFBH8?si=pPO5jNtyCcY01F3d
Book trailer
After finishing a book, engage in a book trailer project, which is a digital
storytelling activity. Use a key idea from the book to create a short video that
persuades people to read the book you have read. Making book trailers is a great
way to incorporate technology into the classroom while also encouraging
Create a link of your Trailer and send the same to your concerned Teacher

Think Locally and Design Globally

Unleash Your Creativity by designing

My Magazine

Design a Magazine of 4 to 6 pages covering various Social, political, fact

finders, sports, school activities and Talk of the town issues etc.. Make your
magazine a colorful one with relevant information. Also think of a good
name for your magazine.

Create a link of the same and also bring the Hard copy of your Magazine to
adorn the shelves of Our School Library.
Dialogue Writing

Prepare a dialouge between Lencho and the Post Master based on the
Story ‘A Letter to God’ add pictures to make it more lively and attractive.

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” – Joseph Addison

Suggested Reading
The Setting of Thousand Suns by Khaleed Hoseeni

The Secret by Rhonda


Turning Points: A
Journey through
challenges by Dr. A.P.J
Abdul Kalam

How I Taught My
Grandmother to Read
by Sudha Murthy

Tuesdays with
Morrie by Mitch Albom

Make Your Personal Portfolio and add all the holiday Assignments in it in a
very creative manner towards Internal Assessment.



जीवन में अनेक लोगों से सामामजक व्यवहार में कु शल अपने जीवन की कदशा तय कर पाएंगे
हमारा ममलना-जुलना होता है। बनाना। तथा अपने जीवन उद्देश्य को बेहतर
यही मवचारों और संस्कृ मतयों के मवचारों का आदान प्रदान समझ पाएंगे।
आदान-प्रदान का कारण होता करना। सामामजकता की भावना का मवकास
है। अपने जीवन में आप भी होगा।

ऐसे ककसी व्यमि से ममले होंगे लेखन िमता का मवकास होगा।

मजन्होंने आपको प्रभामवत ककया
और आपके जीवन को नई
कदशा दी। उस व्यमि का
संमिप्त और समचत्र जीवन
पररचय मलमखए।

बहुचर्चचत और मशहूर हमस्तयों मूर्चतयों तथा साववजमनक भ्रमण की प्रवृमि का मवकास होगा।
की मूर्चतयााँ स्थामपत करना एक संपमियों के प्रमत अपने नवीन जानकाररयााँ एकमत्रत करने
परं परा रही है। ग्रीष्म अवकाश दामयत्व को समझाना की भावना मवकमसत होगी।
के दौरान नाहरगढ़ ककले में तथा उनका संरिण लेखन िमता का मवकास होगा।
मस्थत 'जयपुर वैक्स म्यूम़ियम’ करना।
का भ्रमण करें । वहााँ स्थामपत
मूर्चतयों की संमिप्त जानकारी देते
हुए समचत्र आलेख (Script) तैयार

Enhancing Higher The research project  Discussion and

Education Excellence: aims to conduct a Interpretation
comprehensive  Ethical Considerations
A Research-Based Project
analysis of French  Impact and Significance
for Advancing French
universities, identify  Contribution to

key areas for Knowledge

improvement, and
 Practical Implications
propose evidence-
based strategies for
enhancing their
competitiveness and
Enhancing Student The research project  Clarity of Objectives
Experience and Academic aims to analyze the  Methodological Rigor
Success in German current state of  Insightfulness of Findings
Universities: German  Practical Implications

universities, identify  Limitations and Future

A Comprehensive
key challenges faced Directions
Analysis and Proposal
by students, and
propose strategies
to address these
 :

, 

Study of food preservation  Understanding  Clarity of Objectives

methods -Investigate Preservation  Critical Analysis
various methods of food techniques  Practical Implications
preservation such as  Assessing Research Skills
canning ,drying, preservation
refrigeration ,assessing effectiveness
their effectiveness in  Comparative

preserving food quality analysis on factors

and safety. like cost ,energy
,ease of
 Nutritional
Art Integrated learning
Prepare a poster /Collage on the below mentioned topics(Any One)
*Artificial Intelligence in health care
*Ocean Acidification/Pollution
*Green Chemistry
*Nanotechnology Applications
*Renewable sources for sustainable living
*Think Global ,Promote Local
*Harmful impact of social media /Mobile on our lives
Investigating Cryptography Objective: Study the Outcomes: Develop problem-
and Encryption Techniques mathematical principles solving skills by exploring
behind cryptography mathematical challenges related
Methodology: Research
and encryption to encryption and decryption
historical and modern
methods. processes
encryption techniques.
Explore mathematical [EVALUATION POINT]
concepts such as modular
arithmetic, prime numbers, Methodology-3
and discrete logarithms.
Presentation -2
Analyze the security of
different encryption methods
and their applications in cyber
Presentation: Present a report
on cryptography, including
explanations of mathematical
concepts, examples of
encryption algorithms, and
discussions on cyber security

(2) Optimizing Sports Strategies Objective: Students will be able to apply

using Probability and Statistics mathematical models to analyze
Apply mathematical
Methodology: Select a specific concepts to analyze and various aspects of sports
sport (e.g., basketball, soccer) optimize strategies in strategies, including player
and identify key performance sports performance, team dynamics, and
metrics (e.g., shooting game outcomes.
accuracy, possession time).
Collect data from past games
or simulations and use Methodology-3
probability and statistics to
analyze player performance, Presentation -2
team strategies, and game
Presentation: Present findings
in a report or presentation,
including statistical analysis,
visualizations (e.g., scatter
plots, histograms), and
recommendations for
improving team performance
Social Science
Activity -1
Case Study: Article from Down to Earth (By Jim Kasom)
Published: Solving water crisis.
In Alwar, Community-based water management, Recharge key to solving

Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. Almost
all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater. The World Water Day reminds us that
with increasing impact of climate change, we cannot neglect the importance of preserving and
recharging groundwater.

Challenge -1 The water crisis has limited the farming season to

just a few months along with change in cropping pattern.
Case –1
Gopal, 29, and his family had farmed their land for generations, but the water crisis poses new
challenges. He said: We don't grow any crops during the hot season. We have stopped growing
wheat and corn. They require more water. We don't have water for irrigation. We have just
enough water for drinking.

Case -2
Kanu’s village is at the foothills of the Aravalli Range in Rajgarh block, Alwar. The village is on
the periphery of a valley, which was once a water reservoir. Now, the concrete walls look like
one of the many ruins dotting the landscape in Rajasthan. What was once a reservoir, is today
a parched farmland. Kanu is three years old and is yet to understand the impact of the water
crisis threatening his home. His father Narayan Singh, 25, lives and works as a daily labourer in
Jaipur, around 200 kilometers from the village, to provide for the family. The water crisis has
limited the farming season to just a few months, at the mercy of nature. Farming is not a
viable livelihood any longer, and the younger generation is moving away from that profession.
Water dictates life around here. “Water crisis is the biggest problem here,” said Kanu ‘s
mother Pinky Devi. Alwar is a semi-arid region, and except for the monsoon season from June
to August, the area remains dry. “During the dry season, I collect water 3-4 times a day, often
spending a lot of time at the bore well as there are always more than 10 people waiting in the
queue,” she added. “It used to rain more when I was younger, and the wells were always full,”
said Kanu ‘s grandmother Laxmi Devi, 43. They would collect water from the open wells, she
added. “Today, the wells are dry and we have borewells to get water.”
Solution: Let us appreciate the efforts of some villagers in Rajasthan who have
understood the importance of protecting the invisible groundwater and are making visible
changes to conserve it.
World Vision India has been working in Alwar district since 2009. The first watershed project
was initiated in 2013 to tackle the region’s water crisis. World Vision India dug ponds to
channel the rainwater from streams and creeks to restore the balance of the depleting
groundwater and raise awareness among locals. In 2020, World Vision India in partnership
with We Are Water Foundation, the corporate social responsibility wing of ROCA India, an
international bathroom furnishing company, renovated, deepened and did bunding work of
five ponds in the villages of Ramsinghpura, Deoti, Sitawat and Khariyawas in the Alwar district,
Rajasthan. Alwar has no perennially flowing river basin, and therefore, groundwater recharge
is of utmost importance to maintain the water balance in the area. “The water crisis has
worsened over the years, but we were not doing anything to change it. Now, with support
from World Vision India, we are working towards solving that,” said Ramesh, president of the
Water User’s Management committee formed under the initiative. “We educate the villagers
on water management and are planning to plant more trees.” The ponds recharge the
groundwater and are also sources of water for our cattle and wild animals, he added.

Exercise: Narrate real life story of the people (Role Models) through Video,
Reels, Vlogs or Blogs who are working hard to help the people of these region to
get solutions for their challenges and paste link in the file.

Challenge -2 Another challenge springing from it is

malnutrition among children.
Kanu was diagnosed with Severe Acute Malnutrition a few months ago. The water crisis is
affecting what they eat.
Threat: A 2016 report by the Indian parliamentary committee on restructuring the Central
Water Commission and the CGWB stated: The growing dependence on groundwater has taken
the form of unsustainable over-extraction, which is lowering the water table and adversely
impacting drinking water security.
India extracts more groundwater than any other country in the world, according to the World
Economic Forum. India accounts for 25 per cent of the world’s extracted groundwater. Its
share is more than that of China and United States combined. These two countries are the
biggest users of groundwater after India.
Frame health awareness campaign for rural people especially with nutritious food, hygiene
and sanitation (Posters, Articles, Street Plays, Poems, Vlogging / Blogging etc. can be some
interesting ways to spread awareness).

Activity -2 Inter Disciplinary Project- PPT

Today, the whole world is closely connected by modern telecommunications and are
interdependent economically, socially, and politically. In reference to this statement involve
and combine different disciplines of Social Science to design below given project.
Topic: The Making of a Global World, Globalisation and Life lines of Economy
Prepare PPT Presentation on the below given topics with maximum 10 slides.
Cover Page: Title / Team Members / Class & Section
1. Objective of the Inter Disciplinary Project
2. Introduction and brief over view of the below given topics:
 Economy in Pre-Modern World including silk routes, food travel, conquest
disease and trade
 Historical context of the World War II and its aftermath
 The impact of World War II on the global economy
3. The Great Depression:
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62DxELjuRec and
Students to watch a video from the given links and analyse and evaluate
 The causes and consequences of the Great Depression.
 The role of mass production and consumption in the Great Depression.
 Consequences of the Great Depression on the global economy.
 Indian economic conditions during the Great depression.
4. Rebuilding the World Economy and Interlinking Production across countries:
 Information about process taken to rebuild economy and how the production
across countries got interlinked.
 The post-war recovery efforts and their impact on the global economy.
 Study the role of the Bretton Woods Institutions in rebuilding the world
5. Contribution of Financial Institutions:
 To rebuilt the world economy after the II World War.
 Suggestions on the kind of financial Institutions we need for future.
6. Role of Technology in shaping the economy of the world in 19th and 20th century.
7. Impact of Globalization in India and role of waterways and airways
 The students will read the material given in the above link, and design a report
on what would have happened to India if this stand wasn’t taken and present
it as a radio talk show. They will link the role of waterways and airways in the
achievement of India in globalisation.
 Study the impact of globalization on the Indian economy
 Discuss the challenges faced by India in the process of globalization
8. Create Collage to showcase how the Sustainable Developmental Goal of Peace, Justice
and Strong Institutions can be helpful in rebuilding the world economy in progressive

manner and ensuring economic equality.

Presentation Template by the students
Name of the Student: Members of Team:
Class : Section: Date of Submission:
Topics of IDP:
Title of the Project:
Multiple Assessment:
Ex. Surveys / Interviews / Research work/ Observation/ Story based
Presentation/ Art integration/ Quiz/ Debate/ role play/ viva,/group
discussion, /visual expression/ interactive bulletin boards/ gallery
walks/ exit cards/ concept maps/ peer assessment/art integration
/Self- assessment/integration of technology etc.
Photos, Excerpts from Interviews, observations, Videos, Research
References, etc.
Overall presentation:
Link of PPT, shared documents, can be digital/handwritten, as per the
convenience of the school.
References: (websites, books, newspaper etc.)

Activity -3
Handout Title: The Role of Waterways and Airways in Post-World War
II- World and India
Introduction: After the end of World War II, the world faced significant economic, social, and
political changes. The role of waterways and airways in shaping the post-war world and India is crucial
to understand. In this handout, we will discuss the impact of waterways and airways on the global
economy and how it helped India in its development.

Waterways: In the post-World War II era, waterways played a crucial role in the movement of goods
and people. The improvement of ports and waterways allowed for more efficient transportation of
goods and helped to spur economic growth. The increased demand for goods and services, combined
with the development of shipping technologies, allowed for the expansion of international trade. This
helped to boost the world economy and allowed for the growth of industries in many countries,
including India. In India, the development of waterways and ports helped to improve the country's
economy. The country's long coastline and several rivers made it an ideal location for the
transportation of goods. The growth of ports and waterways in India allowed for the movement of
goods from one part of the country to another, helping to spur economic growth and development.

Airways: After World War II, the development of air transportation revolutionized the world's
economy. The expansion of air travel allowed for faster and more efficient transportation of goods and
people, which helped to boost the world economy. In India, the growth of airways helped to connect
different parts of the country and made it easier for people and goods to move from one place to
another. This helped to spur economic growth and development in India. The growth of air
transportation in India also allowed for the expansion of international trade. Indian businesses could
now easily access foreign markets, which helped to boost the country's economy.

Conclusion: The role of waterways and airways in the post-World War II world and India was crucial
in shaping the economic and social landscape of these countries. The development of these
transportation modes helped to spur economic growth and allowed for the expansion of international
trade. Understanding the impact of waterways and airways on the world and India is crucial in
understanding the economic and social changes that took place after World War II.

From above given handout answer the following questions:

1. Mention the role of major ports in imports and exports.
2. Emergence of Deccan airways changed the entire functionalities of domestic airways>
Substantiate the statement.
3. The waterways and Airways contribute to the economic growth of India. Substantiate your

Activity -4 (Disaster Management)

The impact of War on the Environment & Human Health

“Warfare is inherently destructive of sustainable development. States shall therefore respect

international law providing protection for the environment in times of armed conflict and
cooperate in its further development, as necessary.” – 1992 Rio Declaration
The application of weapons, the destruction of structures and oil fields, fires, military
transport movements and chemical spraying are all examples of the destroying impact war
may have on the environment. Air, water and soil are polluted, man and animal are killed,
and numerous health affects occur among those still living.
During the 1991 Gulf War, the Kuwaiti oil fires were a result of the scorched earth policy of
Iraqi forces retreating from Kuwait. The Gulf War oil spill, regarded as the worst oil spill in
history, was caused when Iraqi forces opened tankers into the Persian Gulf. Oil was also
dumped in the middle of the desert. Just before the 2003 Iraq War, Iraq also set fire to
various oil fields. Some American military personnel complained of Gulf War syndrome,
typified by symptoms including immune system disorders and birth defects in their children.
Today’s youth play a major role in designing world of tomorrow particularly in context to
environmental balance which seems to be declining now a days because of political and
economic greed.

Video link: - https://youtu.be/YI83U71HrPA

See the above given video and access, analyse and evaluate the role of youth and answer the
following questions:
1. List any three laws made by United Nations to protect the environment.
2. What can be the contribution of youth towards environment protection?
3. Design cover page of school magazine on the theme - “The youth are the true engine of
growth and development; they should be rightly empowered.”

Artificial Intelligence
 Introduction to AI: Start by understanding the basics of artificial intelligence. Watch
videos or read articles aimed at beginners to grasp concepts like machine learning,
neural networks, and algorithms.
 Explore AI Applications: Research real-world applications of AI, such as self-driving
cars, virtual assistants, or recommendation systems. Write short summaries or create
presentations about how these applications work.
 AI History and Pioneers: Study the history of AI and learn about key figures in the
field, such as Alan Turing, John McCarthy, and Marvin Minsky. Create timelines or
posters highlighting important milestones in AI history.
 Hands-on Projects: Work on hands-on projects using AI platforms designed for
students, such as Scratch or Code.org's AI for Oceans. These platforms offer interactive
activities that teach AI concepts in a fun and engaging way.
 Explore AI Tools: Experiment with beginner-friendly AI tools and platforms like
Google's Teachable Machine or Microsoft's AI for Earth. Create projects using these
tools to gain practical experience with AI technology.
Foundation Skills for Sciences
Project name : Collecting and analyzing data for consumer buying decisions based on
case studies And the Development of marketing
strategies based on consumer behavior analysis.
Learning Objectives: To make students aware about the different concepts of Sales &
Learning Outcomes: Market Research and consumer Behavior

Data Science
Activity 1 -

Make a movie on the topic “How Data Science influence our life?”. (Flyers 2)
Points to remember

● Tools - Filmora, Moviemaker, Powerpoint or any other app

● Font style and color combination to be appropriate
● Transition and Animation effects to be utilized
● Instrumental music or voiceover is must
School logo and School Name must be included in the starting of movie

● Upload movie on the google form link

Activity 2 - Hands On Practical Activity collect the data of last 7 days from health
band and analyze the following points.

 Number of steps run .

 Calories burned.
 Compare the day-to-day status.
Activity 3 - Make a report on the following topic (any two) :- (150 words each)
 Data Scientist Roles and Responsibilities.
 Future in Data Science

Make a PDF of the report and upload on Google Link.

Report Should be done in a PRACTICAL file.

NOTE - Submission Link of Google form to upload the activities.


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