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……………develop a feeling of international brotherhood in students.

Nurturing peace

……………is a way of living together so that all members of society can accomplish their human rights.


According to Mahatma Gandhi, what did he find to be a significant issue in society?

Moral degradation

According to Sri Aurobindo, what determines a person’s value?

What they become inwardly

According to the passage what do diverse team promote

creativity and dialogue

According to the passage, what is essential in understanding diversity?

Recognizing individual strength

According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, what does “Sthiram sukham aasanam” mean?

Comfortable and steady position

According to Werff, Steg, and Keizer, what impact does a stronger environmental self-identity have?

It encourages one's environmental actions

Code of ethics for student is to get engaged in ______ opportunities


During the meditation process what do individuals learn to do with unnecessary thoughts?

Let go of them

How are team members described in terms of interdependence?

They rely on each other.

How can one develop Right Conduct?

By being helpful, cooperative, and respectful

How can the younger generation contribute to preserving traditions?

By adapting traditions to modern contexts

How does composting contribute to sustainable living?

It conserves landfill space

How does conservation differ from protection?

Protection focuses on sustainable use and management.

How does environmental self-identity contribute to behavioral change?

By encouraging environmentally friendly actions

How does interpersonal communication contribute to achieving common goals within a group?

It serves as the groundwork for cooperation and collaboration.

How does right way of conduct open doors to new opportunities?

It encourages new conversations and opportunities.

How does participating in activities that involve teamwork contribute to students’ development?

It fosters positive social and problem-solving skills

How does protecting natural resources contribute to future prosperity?

It ensures a healthy environment

How is forgiveness defined ?

As letting go of resentment and anger toward wrongdoers.

Implicit in the definition of sustainable development is the recognition of the rights of:

Both present and future generations

Nurturing peace is essential …………… at national and international levels

To respect the diversities of culture

Peace strengthens and restores……………


Standards of professional ethics are based on society's__

beliefs and principles

To take a proactive role in learning is code of ethics for


What are the common elements in value?

Satisfaction and desirability

What aspects does sustainable development focus on?

Environmental, economic, and social problems

What defines a value as “universal”?

C) It has the same meaning for all people and is not dependent on societies.

What do ethical values respect?

Human Rights

What do sustainable development practices aim to restore?

Health of the envitonment

What do values provide in life?

Joy, satisfaction and peace

What does an ecosystem encompass?

Complex interactions between living and non-living components

What does approaching diversity mean?

Embracing and respecting differences

What does courage enable individuals to do?

C) It helps them overcome fear and take action despite it.

What does diverse project teams do more effectively as mentioned in the passage?


What does Right Conduct reflect?

It reflects a positive and socially enlightened behaviour.

What does self-confidence entail?

Trusting in your own judgement, capacities, and abilities

What does team building aim to enhance?

The effectiveness of a team

What does the term "4R" stand for?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Restore

What does the term "sustainable development" refer to

Responsible use of natural resources

What does traditional knowledge mainly focus on?

Practical aspects in fields such as agriculture, fisheries, health, and environmental management

What factors influence the values of a family?

Education, culture, and society

What is a key aspect of appreciating diversity mentioned in the passage

Being willing to talk, listen, and learn

What is a unique feature of Inspire Clean Energy?

It provides a personalised flat monthly price for clean energy

What is one benefit of afforestation and tree plantation?

Reduction in global warming

What is one consequence of our actions causing global warming?

Environmental degradation

What is one of the attribute of diversity mentioned in the passage?

variety of interests

What is the connection between confidence and character?

Confidence is a result of strong character.

What is the focus of environmental protection?

Enhancing the quality of the environment for future generations

What is the goal of sustainable development?

Meeting both current and future needs without compromising

What is the impact of Right Conduct on one's identity and self-esteem?

It fosters a positive sense of self and personal identity.

What is the main cause of climate change?

Greenhouse gas emissions

What is the primary aim of Value Education?

To promote good citizenship and integrity

What is the primary goal of environmental conservation?

Protection from harmful activities

What is the primary goal of team building activities?

Shaping the team for smooth functioning

What is the primary goal of wildlife conservation?

To preserve and protect species and their habitats

What is the primary purpose of Right Conduct?

To encourage positive social interactions

what is the purpose of setting aside national parks and wildlife sanctuaries?

Protection and conservation of habitat and wildlife

what is the role of UN Environment in the 2030 Agenda?

Demonstrating the health benefits of the environment

What is the significance of valuing traditions?

It preserves cultural heritage

What is the term for the process of converting waste materials into reusable materials?

What role does interpersonal communication play in the functioning of social groups, according to

the text?

It helps create a sense of unity and identity.

what role does physical activity play in enhancing cognitive abilities?

It improves concentration and memory retention

Which environmental issue is associated with the depletion of the ozone layer?

Ozone depletion

Which gas is primarily responsible for trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following best defines cultural traditions?

Long-standing customs and practices

Which of the following is a renewable energy source?

Wind power

Which of the following is an example of a cultural tradition?

Wearing traditional attire during ceremonies

Which of the following is an example of a nurture factor in human development?

Parental guidance and support

Which of the following is NOT a potential impact of climate change?

Reduced air pollution

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of an ecosystem?


Which of the following is not mentioned as an attribute of diversity in the passage?

Political diversity

Which term refers to the genetic makeup of an individual?


Who coined the term 'ecosystem,' and when was it coined?

A.G. Tansley in 1935

Who does the responsibility of developing multicultural awareness start with?

Each individual

Why are elders considered the keepers of wisdom in many cultures?

They hold valuable life experiences.

Why is self-confidence considered important

It motivates individuals to perform their best and accept challenges.

Why is transitioning to renewable and clean energy important for future generations?

It reduces environmental impact


A young botanist named Lila lived in the mysterious Eldorian Mountains, deep within the forest

where green trees whispered secrets and blue streams sung melodies. Lila was on a quest to uncover

the mysteries of Eldoria, a hidden oasis that had been untouched by the ravages of time and human

interference. Lila's eyes sparkled with wonder as she explored the vibrant landscape, filled with

exotic flowers and rare species of birds. She had heard tales of Eldoria's magical aura, where every

plant and creature played a unique role in maintaining the delicate balance of nature. One day, as Lila

wandered deeper into the heart of Eldoria, she stumbled upon a serene lake, surrounded by lush

foliage. Beside the lake, Lila encountered an ancient guardian named Eldor, who had watched over

the oasis for centuries. Eldor, a wise and majestic creature with fur as silver as moonlight, spoke to

Lila about the sacred duty of preserving Eldoria's ecological harmony. He explained how each plant

and creature had a vital role, contributing to the prosperity of the oasis.

What lesson does Eldor impart to Lila regarding the impact of human interference in Eldoria?

It disrupts the delicate balance

What does Lila decide to do to raise awareness about environmental conservation in Eldoria?

Organize an eco-friendly campaign

What does Eldor reveal as the consequences of neglecting environmental conservation in Eldoria?

Pollution and habitat loss

What is the magical quality of Eldoria?

Ecological harmony

Why does Eldor express gratitude towards Lila's commitment to environmental conservation?

It strengthens the delicate balance

Alex worked as a manager in a local company. One day, a lucrative business opportunity came his

way. The deal had the potential to bring great wealth to him and his company, but it also involved

unethical practices that could harm the environment. The decision weighed heavily on his mind, and

he knew he had to make a choice. Alex, after careful consideration, decided to decline the unethical

deal, even though it meant passing up a significant financial gain. He believed in preserving the
environment and refused to compromise his principles. His choice did not go unnoticed by his

colleagues and subordinates, who admired his moral stance. Word of Alex's decision soon spread

beyond the workplace, and he became known as a person of integrity. His actions inspired others to

consider the consequences of their choices. One day, a coworker, Sarah, found herself in a moral

dilemma. She had uncovered evidence of a coworker's theft, and she didn't know what to do. She

turned to Alex for advice. Alex, recalling his own choice, encouraged Sarah to report the theft,

emphasizing the importance of right conduct and honesty in the workplace. Sarah followed his

advice, and the thief was held accountable for their actions. Alex's choices and guidance continued

to impact those around him. His reputation for right conduct grew, and people began to trust and

respect him not only for his professional skills but also for his unwavering commitment to ethical


What was the business opportunity that came Alex's way?

A lucrative deal with unethical practices

How did Alex's colleagues and subordinates react to his decision?

They admired his decision to decline the unethical deal.

What quality did Alex prioritize when making his choices?

Environmental conservation

What did Alex choose when faced with the unethical business opportunity?

He declined the deal, as it involved unethical practices.

What dilemma did Sarah face?

She had uncovered evidence of a coworker's theft.

As college students, you find yourselves at the forefront of shaping a future that demands a

sustainable approach to development. Sustainable development, often touted as the key to future

prosperity, involves meeting the present needs without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their own needs. This goes beyond a mere environmental concern; it's a

multifaceted strategy that intertwines economic growth, social equality, and environmental

responsibility. In your academic journey, the significance of sustainable development becomes more

than just a theoretical concept. It's a practical responsibility that transcends the lecture halls. For

you, it means embracing practices that not only foster economic growth but also ensure

environmental preservation and social inclusivity. Sustainable development advocates for mindful

resource management, emphasizing the importance of balancing economic activities with

environmental conservation and social justice. As college students, you possess the agency to

influence industries, communities, and, ultimately, the trajectory of our collective future. By

integrating sustainable practices into your studies and personal lives, you contribute to a world that

is resilient, equitable, and prosperous.

Why is sustainable development considered more than a theoretical concept for college students?

It involves practical responsibility and application

What does sustainable development emphasize, according to the passage?

Balancing present needs with future aspirations

How does the passage characterize the role of college students in sustainable development?

Responsible for embracing sustainable practices

What is the passage's perspective on the role of college students in influencing the future?

Significant influence on industries, communities, and the future

What is the passage's view on sustainable development as the key to future prosperity?

It is a practical responsibility transcending academics

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects us all. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events,

and melting ice caps are just a few of the consequences we face. It is crucial for young people to take

action and be at the forefront of the fight against climate change. With their energy, passion, and

innovative ideas, they have the power to make a real difference. By advocating for sustainable

practices, supporting renewable energy sources, and raising awareness, the youth can contribute to

a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come

How can young people contribute to a greener future?

By supporting renewable energy sources

What are some of the consequences of climate change?

Rising temperatures and extreme weather events

What qualities do young people possess that make them effective in fighting climate change?

Energy, passion, and innovative ideas

Why is it important for young people to take action against climate change?

They have the power to make a real difference

What is the ultimate goal of young people's efforts against climate change?

To create a more sustainable future for generations to come

In a close-knit community, the Smith family represented strong family values. These values were
passed down through generations and were the foundation of their lives. They gathered around the

dinner table every Sunday, showing love and respect for each other. Their values were about

togetherness, empathy, and harmonious relationships. The Smiths understood that their values were

unique to their family, influenced by their education, culture, and the society they lived in. These

values evolved with time and were deeply connected to their culture, religion, and social attitudes.

The Smiths cherished and promoted their family values, ensuring they remained a source of strength

for generations to come.

How did the Smith family express their values?

By gathering around the dinner table

How did the Smith family adapt their values?

They modified their values is needed

What values were important to the Smith family?

Togetherness, empathy, and harmonious relationships

What is the main focus of the Smith family?

Strong family values

What influenced the Smith family values?

Education, culture and society

In a corporate office, a diverse team of professionals was tasked with a complex project. The success

of this project depended on the team's ability to communicate effectively and establish positive

interpersonal relations. Anna, a team member, excelled at conveying her ideas clearly and listening

actively. She encouraged her colleagues to share their thoughts and provided constructive feedback.

Effective communication helped ensure that everyone was on the same page, reducing

misunderstandings and conflicts. John, another team member, was known for his skill in asking

questions that sparked insightful discussions. These questions led the team to creative solutions and

promoted a sense of unity. It became evident that asking questions and seeking clarification were

essential components of effective communication. Interpersonal relations within the team played a

crucial role in their success. Mark, a warm and empathetic member, ensured that everyone felt

comfortable expressing their opinions. He acknowledged and valued each member's unique

contributions, fostering trust and respect. In a team with strong interpersonal relations, conflicts

were not seen as obstacles but as opportunities for growth. The team members openly discussed

their differences, finding solutions that were mutually beneficial. It was clear that when trust,
respect, and open communication prevailed, the team's success was inevitable.

How does the passage emphasize the interconnectedness of effective communication and

interpersonal relations?

Effective communication and strong interpersonal relations are mutually reinforcing.

In the passage, what is the key takeaway regarding conflicts within a team?

Conflicts are opportunities for growth when managed constructively.

How does Mark's role as a warm and empathetic team member contribute to the team's success?

By ensuring everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions.

In a team with strong interpersonal relations, what is the likely outcome when conflicts arise?

Conflicts are openly discussed and resolved constructively.

What is the main challenge of effective communication, as implied in the passage?

Avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts

In a quaint town named Harmonyville, people from diverse backgrounds coexisted peacefully. One

day, the town faced a challenge – a misunderstanding arose between two groups due to their

cultural differences. Concerned about their town's unity, a wise elder named Grandma Rose decided

to intervene.

How did Grandma Rose address the challenge in the town?

She organized a multicultural fair to showcase traditions and foster understanding

what happened at the multicultural fair in harmonyville?

Various cultural traditions were showcased, including food and music

How did the town continue fostering understanding after the fair?

By organizing weekly cultural exchange events

What was the outcome of the town's efforts to embrace cultural diversity?

collaboration, celebration of differences, and mutual learning

What challenge did the town of Harmonyville face?

a misunderstanding due to cultural difference

In a quaint town nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a young girl named Emily. She believed in the

transformative power of character in shaping one's personality. Emily's journey began with the

realization that character was the cornerstone of personality development. She understood that

character, classified as right or wrong, could shape one's personality into positive or negative. Driven

by this insight, Emily embarked on a quest to cultivate her character. She knew that to have the
personality she desired, she had to teach herself consistently. Her aspiration was to be a leader, and

she took daily actions to demonstrate her leadership potential. However, she recognized that

character, in its raw form, was bound by opinions and required societal support. She persevered, and

as her character seamlessly merged with her personality, she discovered the boundless potential it

unleashed. Emily's journey serves as a reminder that character, when nurtured, can mold a dynamic

and limitless personality. It's a story of personal transformation, illustrating the profound impact of

character on one's destiny and the world around them. Regenerate

What did Emily learn about character's limitations in the story?

It could be restricting without the support of society.

What does the passage illustrate about the relationship between character and personality?

Character shapes personality when nurtured.

What did Emily aspire to become in the story?

A leader.

What was the driving force behind Emily's journey in the story?

To cultivate her character for personal growth.

According to the passage, why did Emily believe character was essential?

It directly shaped one's personality.

In a remote village nestled in the heart of a dense forest, there lived a young boy named Raj. Raj was

known for his inquisitive nature and a thirst for knowledge that set him apart from the other children

in the village. One day, as he was exploring the woods, he stumbled upon an ancient, overgrown

temple. Inside, he discovered an elderly yogi named Swami Ashwin, who had been living in solitude

for many years. Raj became fascinated by Swami Ashwin's way of life. He observed the yogi's daily

routine, which involved yoga and meditation. Swami Ashwin explained that yoga was not just about

physical postures but also about the union of mind, body, and soul. He practiced asanas to keep his

body agile and healthy, and meditation to attain mental peace and clarity. Over the years, Raj

became Swami Ashwin's disciple, learning the art of yoga and meditation. As he progressed, he

realized the profound benefits of these practices. Yoga made him strong and flexible, while

meditation helped him to concentrate and find inner calm even in the most challenging situations.

He felt a deep sense of connection with the world around him.

What is the primary benefit of practicing yoga as mentioned in the story?

Flexibility, strength, and mental peace

What is the role of character in effective leadership?

Good character builds trust and credibility, essential for leadership.

How did meditation impact Raj's life in the story?

It helped him find inner calm and concentrate in challenging situations.

Why did Raj become fascinated by Swami Ashwin's way of life?

Raj was inquisitive and curious about Swami Ashwin's lifestyle.

According to Swami Ashwin, what is the essence of yoga?

Union of mind, body, and soul

What did Raj feel after practicing yoga and meditation?

A deep connection with the world around him

In a serene village nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, a young farmer named Raj embraced the

concept of environmental self-identity. Living close to nature, Raj was acutely aware of the delicate

balance between human activities and the environment. His journey towards becoming an

environmental steward began when he attended a community gathering focused on sustainable

living. Raj learned about the importance of individual actions in fostering environmental well-being.

Inspired, he decided to implement the 4Rs in his agricultural practices. Raj reduced the use of

chemical fertilizers, opting for organic alternatives. He reused water from a traditional well for

irrigation, transforming a centuries-old practice into a sustainable resource. The village, like many

rural areas in India, faced challenges in waste management. Raj took the initiative to introduce

recycling bins and educate his neighbors on segregating waste. The concept of recycling found

resonance as the community repurposed materials to craft useful items, fostering a sense of pride

and environmental responsibility. To further instill environmental self-identity, Raj initiated

treeplanting drives and soil conservation projects. These endeavors not only contributed to local

ecological balance but also became symbols of community unity. Raj envisioned a village where

every individual saw themselves as guardians of the environment.

How did Raj envision the villagers seeing themselves in the context of the environment?

As guardians of the environment with a strong sense of responsibility.

What was the impact of Raj's waste management initiatives in the village?

The community repurposed materials, fostering a sense of pride and environmental responsibility.

In what way did Raj contribute to local ecological balance?

By introducing tree-planting drives and soil conservation projects.

What was the overarching goal of Raj's efforts in the village?

To foster a sense of pride and environmental responsibility in the community.

How did Raj implement the 4Rs in his agricultural practices?

By reusing traditional well water for irrigation.

In a small town nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a diverse community of people from various

backgrounds, cultures, and benefits. Despite their differences, the townsfolk shared a common goal:

to foster understanding and acceptance among themselves. One day, the community members

gathered to discuss ways to promote inclusivity and embrace the richness of human diversity. They

recognised the importance of examining their own attitudes and biases towards those who were

different from them

What is the one of the steps the community takes to combat discrimination

Speaking out against insensitive remarks and discriminatory behaviours

How does the community view human diversity in the story?

As a precious gift to be respected, supported, and celebrated

What is the main goal of the community in the story?

To foster understanding and acceptance among its members

What role do individuals play in promoting acceptance and understanding in the story?

They act as role models

How does the community plan to achieve inclusivity?

By engaging in open conservations and learning from one another

In a special place called the Enchanted Grove, there was a family named the Willowroots. They were

unique because they lived in a magical forest where trees could talk, and animals had special powers.

In this family, there was a girl named Eldara. Eldara had a special gift—she could understand what

the trees and spirits in the forest were saying. Her mom and dad were like magical experts, and they

helped Eldara learn how to use her special ability. They taught her ancient dances and rituals to

connect with the magical energy around them. Eldara loved being a part of the magical world,

making sure everything was peaceful and happy. People in the magical forest started talking about

Eldara. Some thought her abilities came from her family's magic history, while others believed it was

the enchanted environment that made her special. One day, a playful creature named Pippin wanted

to find out the truth. Pippin, a mischievous sprite, set up some fun challenges to see if Eldara's

magical powers were because of her family or the magical place she lived.
What is Eldara's special ability?

Talking to animals

How did Eldara's parents contribute to her understanding of nature?

They taught her to appreciate the beauty of the Enchanted Grove.

What is Eldara's role in the magical forest?

Guardian of harmony

What was the main message of the story about Eldara and the Enchanted Grove?

Both family and the magical place make magical abilities.

In the story, what represents "nature" in the context of Eldara's abilities?

The ancient trees and spirits

In a world often marred by conflict and discord, the importance of nurturing peace cannot be

overstated. Peace is not merely the absence of war; rather, it is a dynamic and intricate tapestry

woven with threads of understanding, compassion, and cooperation. Nurturing peace requires a

collective effort from individuals, communities, and nations alike. Here are five multiple-choice

questions based on the theme of nurturing peace:

What are the essential elements woven into the tapestry of peace?

Understanding, compassion, and cooperation

What is the fundamental concept of peace according to the passage?

The absence of war

How does the passage describe peace?

A dynamic and intricate tapestry

Who plays a role in nurturing peace according to the passage?

Individuals, communities, and nations

According to the passage, what does nurturing peace require?

Collective effort from individuals, communities, and nations

In the corporate world, Sarah was a standout leader. She knew that trust and leadership were

intertwined, and that character formed the foundation for trust. To develop her character, she turned

to John Maxwell, an expert in leadership. Maxwell’s teachings included four key ideas: First,
selfdiscipline and moral courage were vital. Sarah understood this meant doing the right thing, even

when it was challenging, it required balancing personal desires with the greater good and having the

courage to stand up for what’s right. Second, core values were like a compass guiding daily actions.
Sarah valued having a clear sense of values that kept her on the right path. Third, “a sense of

identity” meant knowing oneself and one’s beliefs, just as Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If” suggested.

Integrity, the fourth idea, was about aligning actions with values. It meant being honest and true to

one’s beliefs. Character was the linchpin of leadership for Sarah. It built trust, loyalty, and even

financial success, as shown in Fred Kiel’s research in “Return on Character.”

Why did Sarah believe character was vital for leadership?

It built trust

What does “a sense of identity” mean in character development?

Knowing oneself and beliefs

What does “self-discipline and moral courage” mean?

Doing what’s right, even when it’s tough

What is the role of core values for a leader?

To guide daily actions like a compass

What is integrity in character development?

Aligning actions with values

Once upon a time in a small, close-knit town, there lived a dedicated and diligent young man named

Alex. Alex had always been known for his impeccable work ethic and unwavering commitment to his

profession. He was a software engineer, working for a reputable tech company. His exceptional skills

were rivalled only by his unshakable commitment to professional values and ethics. One sunny

morning, as he sipped his coffee, Alex received an urgent call from his manager, Sarah. The company

was facing a critical software issue, and it needed immediate resolution. Alex knew that solving this

problem was crucial for the company's reputation and its clients' trust. He quickly got to work,

pulling an all-nighter to resolve the issue. After hours of dedication and hard work, he finally

managed to fix the problem. The software was back up and running without any data loss, and the

crisis was averted. As he wrapped up his work and prepared to submit the final report, he noticed a

disturbing discovery. It appeared that some confidential client data had been exposed during the

software malfunction. Panic started to set in as he realized the potential damage it could cause to the

clients. Alex faced a tough decision. He could report the data breach to his manager, jeopardizing his

company's reputation, or he could cover it up and hope no one would ever find out. Remembering

the professional values and ethics he had always upheld, he knew he had to take the right path.

What was the ethical dilemma Alex faced?

Whether to report a data breach or cover it up

What did Alex discover after fixing the software issue?

A data breach

What decision did Alex make in the end?

He chose to report the data breach

What profession did lex work in?

Software Engineering

Once upon a time, in a town, lived a student named Sarah…………………………………..

Why did Sarah organize a lantern-making event with her friends?

To strengthen their bond

What sparked Sarah’s interest in the college’s tradition?

A story from Emily

What is the traditional event held by the college?

Lantern festival

What did Sarah come to understand about the college’s traditions?

They were about unity and passing on values

What do the lanterns symbolize in the story?

Dreams and hopes

The youth play a pivotal role in addressing and combating climate change. As the custodians of the

future, young people are increasingly taking center stage in advocating for environmental

sustainability and pressing for urgent action to mitigate the impacts of climate change. This

generation has been instrumental in organizing global movements, such as Fridays for Future, where

students around the world strike from school to demand climate action. Youth-led initiatives,

campaigns, and innovations are emerging as powerful tools to raise awareness and drive change.

From renewable energy projects to plastic waste reduction campaigns, the youth are demonstrating

a commitment to building a more sustainable and resilient future. Harnessing the passion, creativity,

and determination of the youth is essential in the global effort to address the challenges posed by

climate change.

What is a common theme of youth-led projects mentioned in the paragraph?

Renewable energy

Which global movement involves students striking from school to demand climate action?
Fridays for Future

Which quality of the youth is described as essential in the global effort to address climate change?


What do youth-led initiatives and campaigns contribute to in the context of climate change?

Awareness and change

What is the role of youth in addressing climate change?


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